Data for LCMS analysis of Bile Acids (Study ST000135)

(Analysis AN000217)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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Alpha Muricholic Acid 1.2195 0.7805
Beta Muricholic Acid 0.9887 1.0113
Chenodeoxycholic Acid 0.8513 1.1487
Cholic Acid 0.9826 1.0174
Deoxycholic Acid 1.1509 0.8491
Glycochenodeoxycholic Acid 1.0687 0.9313
Glycocholic Acid 0.9352 1.0648
Lithocholic Acid 1.1792 0.8208
Omega Muricholic Acid 0.9815 1.0185
Tauro-alpha/beta-Muricholic Acid 0.8718 1.1282
Tauro-alpha-Muricholic Acid 0.8853 1.1147
Tauro-beta-Muricholic Acid 1.1244 0.8756
Taurochenodeoxycholic Acid 1.2687 0.7313
Taurocholic Acid 0.9862 1.0138
Taurodeoxycholic Acid 1.0505 0.9495
Taurolithocholic Acid 1.1909 0.8091
Ursodeoxycholic Acid 0.9725 1.0275
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F1Gender:Male | Genotype:Tcdf Treated
F2Gender:Male | Genotype:Wild Type