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MB Sample ID: SA256817

Local Sample ID:sample_0062
Subject ID:SU002655
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Gender:Not applicable

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Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN004206
Analysis type MS
Chromatography type Reversed phase
Chromatography system Agilent 1290 Infinity II
Column Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 (100 x 2.1mm,1.7um)
MS instrument type QTOF
MS instrument name Agilent 6545 QTOF
Units ng/ml


Chromatography ID:CH003117
Instrument Name:Agilent 1290 Infinity II
Column Name:Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 (100 x 2.1mm,1.7um)
Column Temperature:50
Flow Gradient:from min 0-1.5, the percentage of phase B was increased from 5% to 30%, from min 1.5-4.5, the percentage of B was increased to 70%, from min 4.5-7.5 the percentage of B was increased to 100% and held for 5.5 mins. A post-time of 5 min was used to regain the initial conditions for the next analysis.
Flow Rate:0.4 mL/min
Solvent A:70% water/30% methanol; 2mM ammonium acetate
Solvent B:100% methanol; 2mM ammonium acetate
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase