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MB Sample ID: SA064042

Local Sample ID:pC18-20jul17-013
Subject ID:SU001059
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Rattus norvegicus
Taxonomy ID:10116

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Collection ID:CO001053
Collection Summary:Rats will either be controls, injected with saline, or injected with ferrous chloride to influence PTE. Study Groupings: C=control, S=Saline treated, F=ferrous chloride treated Time: pre=day0, 2W=2 weeks, M1(4W)=1 month Experimental Flow Day0: baseline pre TBI. Blood and CSF collected Day1: Surgery for TBI. Injections of Ferrous Cloride or Saline Day2: CSF collected Weeks1-3: montoring to determine PTE starting point. Blood and CSF collected 1 Month: montoring of PTE. Blood and CSF collected 2 Month: Animal is euthanized and blood, CSF, and tissue harvested
Sample Type:Blood (plasma)