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MB Sample ID: SA099551

Local Sample ID:KAS5499.fullMS.neg
Subject ID:SU001444
Subject Type:Fungi
Subject Species:Alternaria sp.
Taxonomy ID:1715220

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Collection ID:CO001439
Collection Summary:The majority of fungal isolates were obtained through the Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (CCFC) at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Ottawa, Ontario Canada. Strains from tomato in London, Ontario were isolated by putting tomato stems and fruit in moist chambers, and aseptically transferring Alternaria hypahe and spores after genus level verification under a dissecting microscope. Nova Scotia and Vineland grape and blueberry material were collected similarly.
Sample Type:Plant
Collection Location:London, Ontario; Ottawa, Ontario; Mt. Thom, Nova Scotia; Vineland, Ontario; P.E.I.; Quebec; Dunmore, Alberta; Edmonton, Alberta; Killam, Alberta; Beechy, Saskatchewan; Corrine, Saskatchewan;
Storage Conditions:-20℃