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MB Sample ID: SA216303

Local Sample ID:Plasma39-01_45_1_2910
Subject ID:SU002336
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Age Or Age Range:39.48 +-10.0
Weight Or Weight Range:29.09 +-4.76
Gender:Male and female
Human Inclusion Criteria:Overweight (BMI>=25), otherwise healthy, between 18 and 60 years, no chronic disease, willingness to observe Ramadan Fasting
Human Exclusion Criteria:Medication use within 1 week, bariatric surgery within 6 months, or any weight reduction regimen within 1 month of the commencement of Ramadan

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Collection ID:CO002329
Collection Summary:A total of 4 mL of blood was then collected from each subject into a sterile container. The samples were stored immediately at –80 ºC for long-term storage until further metabolomics analysis.
Sample Type:Blood (plasma)
Storage Conditions:-80℃