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MB Sample ID: SA333268

Local Sample ID:01_031
Subject ID:SU003208
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Rattus norvegicus
Taxonomy ID:10116
Weight Or Weight Range:400g
Gender:Male and female
Animal Animal Supplier:Charles River
Animal Housing:Double Housed
Animal Light Cycle:Reverse Light Cycle
Species Group:Sprague Dawley

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Collection ID:CO003201
Collection Summary:Brain samples were harvested and collected following transcardial perfusion with phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.4) 24 hr post-TBI. The perfused whole brains were rapidly removed, and flash frozen in an isopentane-methanol ice slurry. Pieces of parietal cortices (5 mm x 2 mm) were dissected from partially thawed brains by removing the subcortical structures including the majority of white matter and stored at -80° C in microcentrifuge tubes. The cortices were then transferred to liquid nitrogen and manually pulverized with a pestle and mortar submerged in liquid nitrogen and aliquoted in ~10-30 mg tissue samples.
Sample Type:Brain