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MB Sample ID: SA094293

Local Sample ID:11801 600uE CLDC BR1 IS IDA-2
Subject ID:SU001376
Subject Type:Bacteria
Subject Species:Synechococcus elongatus PCC 11801
Taxonomy ID:2219813
Genotype Strain:Synechococcus elongatus PCC 11801

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Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP001384
Sampleprep Summary:One aliquot of the metabolite extract of each sample were reconstituted in 100µL 50:50 methanol-water and filtered using nylon syringe filters to remove any particulate matter. The metabolite extract of each test sample was mixed with equal volume of an extract of the PCC 11801 WT biomass that is fully labeled with 13C isotopic carbon by growing for ~5 generations in the presence of NaH13CO3 in modified BG-11 medium. 13C-labeled biomass of PCC 11801 that acted as an internal standard. The injection volume was 6 µL. The peak areas corresponding to the 12C and 13C monoisotopic peak for the metabolites of interest were quantified using MultiQuant 3.0.1 (SCIEX, Framingham, MA). The relative quantification of metabolites was done using isotopic ratio method by normalizing area under the peak for monoisotopic m/z of a particular metabolite by its respective highest possible isotopologue present in the internal standard giving area ratio.
Processing Storage Conditions:On ice
Extract Storage:-80℃