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MB Sample ID: SA058488

Local Sample ID:nhilic-24mar17-002
Subject ID:SU001010
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Rattus norvegicus
Taxonomy ID:10116

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Treatment ID:TR001024
Treatment Summary:We administered normal, high glucose, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium diets to rats for 3 weeks, followed by a plasma collection through cardiac puncture and metabolic analysis (Group 1-4 samples). We also treated the gut microbiota with in rats with the same diets plus bacitracin/streptomycin to observe how alterations of the microbiome influence the plasma metabolic profile in these animals (Groups 5-8). The samples here contain the fructose diet group (Group 9). We also treated the gut microbiota with in rats with the same diets plus bacitracin/streptomycin to observe how alterations of the microbiome influence the plasma metabolic profile in these animals (Groups 5-8). The samples here contain the fructose diet group with antibiotic (Group 10). For the gut microbiota experiment, during the last 10 days of the diet subsets of all groups will have bacitracin and streptomycin (B/S) provided in their drinking water (0.5g/250 mL). The resulting data will give us insights into the influence of high sugar and artificial sweetener diets on homeostatic metabolic processes and dive into the symbiotic relationship of the gut microbiome with this process. Group1 = normal diet Group2 = high glucose diet Group3 = aspartame diet Group4 = acesulfame potassium diet Group5 = rat gut microbiota normal diet + antibotics Group6 = rat gut microbiota high glucose diet + antibotics Group7 = rat gut microbiota aspartame diet + antibotics Group8 = rat gut acesulfame potassium diet + antibotics Group9 = fructose diet Group10 = rat gut fructose diet + antibotics