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MB Sample ID: SA209533

Local Sample ID:115
Subject ID:SU002266
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Gender:Male and female

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Treatment ID:TR002278
Treatment Summary:Participants went through 3 cycles of fiber supplementation, each cycle was three weeks long with weekly increasing doses of 10 g/day during the first week, 20g/day during the second week and 30 g/day during the third week. Randomized for the first two cycles, fibers tested were chicory inulin (99%>5 dp; range 2-60dp; average >23 dp) and arabinoxylan (psyllium husks powder Now Foods) and a mix of 5 fibers during the third cycle. The fiber mix included equal amounts of inulin, arabinoxylan, glucomannan (Now Foods), resistant starch (Hi Maize from Honeyville), and acacia fiber (Now Foods). Washout period between the cycles was from 6-10 weeks. Fiber was provided in 10 g sachets and participants were instructed to resuspend content of the sachet in at least 8 oz of water and drink one with breakfast for the first week, one with breakfast and one with dinner during the second week, and one with each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) during the third week.