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MB Sample ID: SA216303

Local Sample ID:Plasma39-01_45_1_2910
Subject ID:SU002336
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Age Or Age Range:39.48 +-10.0
Weight Or Weight Range:29.09 +-4.76
Gender:Male and female
Human Inclusion Criteria:Overweight (BMI>=25), otherwise healthy, between 18 and 60 years, no chronic disease, willingness to observe Ramadan Fasting
Human Exclusion Criteria:Medication use within 1 week, bariatric surgery within 6 months, or any weight reduction regimen within 1 month of the commencement of Ramadan

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Treatment ID:TR002348
Treatment Summary:Our prospective study was executed during Ramadan (from June 2016 to July 2016, corresponding to Ramadan month in the 1438 Hijri of the lunar calendar), where the daily fasting period covered nearly 15 hours. Data were collected 1 week before Ramadan (pre-fasting or baseline) and after completing 28–30 days of Ramadan (at the end of Ramadan). During Ramadan, fasting people abstain from food and drink (including water) and do not smoke from dawn to sunset. We compared the studied variables for each participant before and during Ramadan, meaning each participant served as their control. Participants did not receive any nutritional recommendations or physical activity advice at any stage during this study. The Islamic laws of Ramadan excuse females from fasting during Ramadan while their menstrual period; therefore, the fasting days for female participants were about 23–25 days.
Human Fasting:Ramadan Intermittent Fasting