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MB Sample ID: SA241654

Local Sample ID:2005
Subject ID:SU002500
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606

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Treatment ID:TR002512
Treatment Summary:The capsule sampling device (CapScan®, Envivo® Bio Inc, San Carlos, CA) consists of a one-way valve capping a hollow elastic collection bladder5 . The device is prepared for packaging by evacuating the collection bladder, folding it in half, and packaging the folded device inside a dissolvable capsule measuring 6.5 mm in diameter and 23 mm in length, onto which an enteric coating is applied. The capsule and the enteric coating prevent contamination of the collection bladder from oral-pharyngeal and gastric microbes during ingestion. When the device reaches the target pH, the enteric coating and capsule disintegrate. The target pH is pH 5.5 for type 1, pH 6 for type 2, and pH 7.5 for type 3 and type 4, with type 4 also having a time-delay coating to bias collection toward the ascending colon. After the enteric coating disintegrates, the collection bladder unfolds and expands into a tube 6 mm in diameter and 33 mm in length, thereby drawing in up to 400 µL of gut luminal contents through the one-way valve. The one-way valve maintains the integrity of the sample collected inside the collection bladder as the device moves through the colon and is exposed to stool. In this study, subjects concurrently ingested sets of 4 capsules, each with distinct coatings to target the proximal to medial regions of the small intestine (coating types 1 and 2) and more distal regions (coating types 3 and 4). After sampling, the devices were passed in the stool into specimen-collection containers and immediately frozen. After completion of sampling, the stool was thawed, and the devices were retrieved by study staff. The elastic collection bladders were rinsed in 70% isopropyl alcohol and punctured with a sterile hypodermic needle attached to a 1-mL syringe for sample removal. Samples were transferred into microcentrifuge tubes and the pH was measured with an InLab Ultra Micro ISM pH probe (Mettler Toledo). A 40-µL aliquot was spun down for 3 min at 10,000 rcf, and its supernatant was used for metabolomics analysis. The rest of the sample was frozen until being thawed for DNA extraction.