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Project ID
Project Title
Number Of Studies
PR002295 Impact of High Fat diet-induced MASLD on Heart, Kidney and Skeletal Muscle Metabolomes in Wild-type Mice Center for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology (CIBB UC) Center for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology (CIBB UC) 1
PR002283 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate University of Luxembourg University of Luxembourg 4
PR002280 Polar Metabolite Profiles Distinguish Between Early and Severe Sub-maintenance Nutritional States of Wild Bighorn Sheep Montana State University Montana State University 1
PR002279 Metabolomic and lipoproteomic differences and similarities between COVID-19 and other types of pneumonia University of Florence University of Florence 1
PR002278 Identification of plasma metabolites responding to oxycodone exposure in rats. University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus 1
PR002277 Advanced Lipidomics Using UHPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS Reveals Novel Lipids in Hibernating Syrian Hamsters Universidad CEU San Pablo Universidad CEU San Pablo 1
PR002274 TGFB1-mediated intercellular signaling fuels cooperative cellular invasion Emory University Emory University 1
PR002273 Tumour interstitial fluid-enriched phosphoethanolamine suppresses T cell function University of Chicago University of Chicago 1
PR002272 Liver and Plasma Metabolome of the Post-hatch Chicken liver University of Delaware University of Delaware 1
PR002271 Metabolome trajectory of exercise physiology- a comprehensive study of healthy male and female athletes University of Vienna Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University 1
PR002270 Kingdom-specific lipid unsaturation calibrates sequence evolution in membrane arm subunits of eukaryotic respiratory complexes CSIR-Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology CSIR-Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology 1
PR002269 Protein-metabolite interactions (PMI) in E. coli University of Toronto University of Toronto 1
PR002268 Role of lipid-metabolizing enzyme PNPLA6 in retinal pigment epithelial cells and its mechanism of homeostasis University of Tokyo University of Tokyo 1
PR002264 Identifying the lipidomic signature from human blood reveals human sex. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Tirupati Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Tirupati 1
PR002263 Marine community metabolomes in the eastern tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone University of Washington University of Washington, School of Oceanography 1
PR002261 Biguanides antithetically regulate tumor properties by the dose-dependent mitochondrial reprogramming-driven c-Src pathway Baylor College of Medicine Baylor College of Medicine 1
PR002260 3-Hydroxybutyrate promotes myoblast proliferation and differentiation Xiamen University Xiamen University 1
PR002259 Human adenovirus serotype 5 infection dysregulates cysteine, purine, and unsaturated fatty acid metabolism in fibroblasts University of California, Merced University of California, Merced 1
PR002258 Function of retinal pigment epithelium in the absence of PNPLA6 University of Tokyo University of Tokyo 1
PR002257 Integration of metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses reveals novel regulatory functions of the ChREBP transcription factor in energy metabolism. Duke University Duke University 1
PR002255 Targeting the c-MYC/ELOVL6 Pathway Alters Cell Membrane Mechanics and Enhances Chemotherapeutic Efficacy in Pancreatic Cancer Universidad Francisco de Vitoria - Hospital 12 de Octubre Universidad Francisco de Vitoria - Hospital 12 de Octubre 1
PR002254 Acetyl-CoA synthesis in the skin is a key determinant of systemic lipid homeostasis University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania 1
PR002253 Metabolite analysis for WT and BnaMYB52 mutants by LC-MS/MS Huazhong Agricultural University Huazhong Agricultural University 1
PR002252 Hexosamine Biosynthesis Disruption Impairs GPI Production and Arrests Plasmodium falciparum Growth at Schizont Stages Pennsylvania State University Pennsylvania State University 1
PR002251 The Spatial Transcriptional Activity of Hepatic TCF7L2 Regulates Zonated Metabolic Pathways that Contribute to Liver Fibrosis UT Health San Antonio UT Health San Antonio 1
PR002250 Multilevel Plasticity and Altered Glycosylation Drive Aggressiveness in Hypoxic and Glucose-Deprived Bladder Cancer Cells Portuguese Oncology Institute of Porto (IPO-Porto) Portuguese Oncology Institute of Porto (IPO-Porto) 1
PR002248 Intracellular and supernatant metabolomes of ferroptotic Pfa1 cells using HPLC-MS/MS Cecad CECAD Research Center 1
PR002247 Untargeted NMR-metabolomic study in NIH3T3 (mouse embryonic fibroblasts) University of Cincinnati College of Medicine University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 1
PR002246 1H-NMR-based Metabolomic Analysis of Hypersalinity-Induced Oviparity in Brine Shrimp National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology 1
PR002243 Individual glycemic responses to carbohydrates vary and reflect underlying metabolic physiology Stanford University Stanford University 2
PR002238 A multi-omic census reveals obesity-associated microRNA miR-let-7 as novel instigator of adipose mitochondrial dysfunction and of intergenerational metabolic decline. University of Southern Denmark University of Southern Denmark 1
PR002235 An insight into the chemical exposome during pregnancy NYU Grossman School of Medicine NYU Grossman School of Medicine 1
PR002234 Kupffer cells control neonatal hepatic glucose metabolism via Igf1 signaling University of Bonn University of Bonn 3
PR002233 SLC7A5 is required for cancer cell growth in arginine-limited conditions University of Utah University of Utah 1
PR002232 Candida auris planktonic and dispersed cells Chromatographic analysis using GC-MS National research centre National research centre 1
PR002231 Macrophages recycle phagocytosed bacteria to fuel immunometabolic responses University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus 9
PR002228 Metabolomic Insights of Cultured Meat Sangmyung University Sangmyung University 1
PR002224 An Organism-Level Quantitative Flux Model of Energy Metabolism in Mice Harvard School of Public Health Harvard School of Public Health 1
PR002223 Trifluoroacetate reduces plasma lipid levels and the development of atherosclerosis in mice Scripps Research Scripps Research 1
PR002219 Biotin rescues manganese-induced parkinson's disease phenotypes and neurotoxicity Columbia University Columbia University 2
PR002218 Mitochondria complex III is essential for IL-10 secretion in macrophages independent of respiration Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine 1
PR002217 Metabolomic-Based Clinical Assessment of Preterm Birth University of Calgary University of Calgary 1
PR002216 Metabolomics of the liver after administration of adenovirus associated with metabolic liver zonation Teikyo University Teikyo University 1
PR002215 Glutaminase 1 (GLS1)-based therapy targets glutamine reliance in glioblastoma (GBM) ITQB NOVA ITQB NOVA 1
PR002214 Glucagon is a major controller of metabolism and malignancy in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour (pNET) cells ITQB NOVA ITQB NOVA 1
PR002210 Metabolomic profiling of normal and fibrotic mouse lungs University of Alabama, Birmingham University of Alabama, Birmingham 1
PR002208 NRF2 supports non-small cell lung cancer growth independently of CBP/p300-enhanced glutathione synthesis Genentech Inc. Genentech Inc. 3
PR002207 Multi-omics indicate depth-discrete partitioning of nitrogen metabolism in a toxic Planktothrix rubescens bloom in the winter water column University of Tennessee University of Tennessee 1
PR002206 Comparison of the capillary and venous blood lipidomes- validation of the Tasso SST capillary blood collection device for circulating lipid biomarker analysis University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 1
PR002203 Dietary fructose enhances tumor growth indirectly via interorgan lipid transfer Washington University in St. Louis Washington University in St. Louis 2
PR002202 High mobility group A1 (HMGA1) promotes the tumorigenesis of colorectal cancer by increasing lipid synthesis Henan University Henan University 2
PR002201 Analysis of maize Anther Wax, Cutin, and total fatty acids (TFA) of WT and enr1 mutant University of Science and Technology Beijing University of Science and Technology Beijing 1
PR002200 Unraveling cysteine deficiency-associated rapid weight loss NYU Grossman School of Medicine NYU Grossman School of Medicine 1
PR002199 Optimization and characterization of N-acetamide indoles as antimalarials that target the Plasmodium falciparum protein, PfATP4 Monash University Monash University 1
PR002198 Metabolomics of Papanicolaou Tests for the Discovery of Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology 1
PR002197 Metabolic changes in germinating seeds of malting barley produced under drought or elevated temperature (as a part of ECOSEED Project) INRAE INRAE 1
PR002196 Multiple, redundant carboxylic acid transporters support mitochondrial metabolism in Plasmodium falciparum Pennsylvania State University Pennsylvania State University 1
PR002194 Poplar leaf bud resin metabolomics: Seasonal profiling of leaf bud chemistry in Populus trichocarpa provides insight into resin biosynthesis University of Victoria University of Victoria 1
PR002193 Knockdown of SLC7A1, SLC7A2, or SLC7A6 affects cationic amino acid levels but not N-methyl-arginine uptake in HEK293 cells. University of British Columbia University of British Columbia 1
PR002192 N-methyl-arginine uptake by HEK293 cells is inhibited by cationic amino acids. University of British Columbia University of British Columbia 1
PR002191 N-methyl-arginine is taken up into the liver, brain, and kidney of mice. University of British Columbia University of British Columbia 1
PR002190 N-methyl-arginine significantly inhibits net arginine uptake flux in HEK293 cells in a dose-dependent manner. University of British Columbia University of British Columbia 1
PR002188 Comprehension of the age-dependent gut and brain interaction of honeybee workers by integration of multi omics approaches Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research 3
PR002187 N-methyl-arginine significantly reduces intracellular levels of cationic amino acids and related catabolites in a dose-dependent manner. University of British Columbia University of British Columbia 1
PR002186 Stable-isotope lysine tracing to differentiate utilization of the saccharopine and/or pipecolate pathways in HEK293 cells and primary mouse astrocytes. University of British Columbia University of British Columbia 1
PR002185 Metabolomics analysis of tissues isolated from Aldh7a1+/+ and Aldh7a1-/- (KO) mice. University of British Columbia University of British Columbia 1
PR002184 Restricting lysine normalizes toxic catabolites associated with ALDH7A1-deficiency in cells and mice University of British Columbia University of British Columbia 1
PR002183 Influence of tumor acidosis on the fate of fatty acids in cancer cells. UCLouvain UCLouvain 1
PR002182 Linking Beef Nutrient Density to Feed Type and Soil Health in Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed Systems Utah State University Utah State University 1
PR002178 Dysregulated Follicular Fluid Metabolism in Women with Unexplained Infertility ICMR - National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health ICMR - National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health 1
PR002177 Metabolomic analysis of fluorescent hairy roots overexpressing the Gretchen Hagen 3 genes enhancing soybean resistance to cyst nematodes Shenyang Agricultural University Shenyang Agricultural University 5
PR002176 Metabolomics data of feces from Control and BLE mice Shandong University Shandong University 1
PR002175 Arsenic-induced enhancement of diazotrophic recruitment and nitrogen fixation in Pteris vittata rhizosphere Institute of Soil and Water Resources and Environmental Science, College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University Institute of Soil and Water Resources and Environmental Science, College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University 1
PR002173 Micropeptide hSPAR, a glutamine regulator, suppresses tumor growth via TRIM21-P27KIP1-mTOR pathway University of Science and Technology of China University of Science and Technology of China 1
PR002173 Micropeptide hSPAR, a glutamine regulator, suppresses tumor growth via TRIM21-P27KIP1-mTOR pathway University of Science and Technology of China University Of Science And Technology Of China 1
PR002172 Microbiome and metabolome association network analysis identifies Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1 and Paraprevotella as putative keystone genera in the gut of common marmosets University of Nebraska-Lincoln University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1
PR002171 Lipidomic Profiling of Livers from mice bearing hepatocyte-specific deletion of the SART1 (encoding the protein Hypoxia-associated Factor, HAF) compared to wild-type littermates to characterize progression to hepatic steatosis and hepatocellular carcinoma University of Utah University of Utah 1
PR002170 Combining antibiotics alters the longitudinal maturation of gut microbiota and its short chain fatty acid metabolites in extremely and very preterm infants Seoul National University Seoul National University 1
PR002166 Metabolic Profiling Unveils Enhanced Antibacterial Synergy of Polymyxin B and Teixobactin against Multi-Drug Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Monash University Monash University 1
PR002165 Identification of Plasma Metabolomic Biomarkers of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis University of Kansas University of Kansas 1
PR002164 Insulin mitigates acute ischemia induced atrial fibrillation and sinoatrial node dysfunction ex vivo Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic 1
PR002162 Cancer-associated fibroblasts maintain critical pancreatic cancer cell lipid homeostasis in the tumor microenvironment University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania 1
PR002161 Macrophages are activated towards phagocytic Lymphoma Cell Clearance by Pentose Phosphate Pathway Inhibition Universidad CEU San Pablo Universidad CEU San Pablo 1
PR002160 Untargeted Metabolomics of 3xTg-AD Neurotoxic Astrocytes Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable (IIBCE) - Ministerio de Educación y Cultura - Montevideo - Uruguay Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable (IIBCE) - Ministerio de Educación y Cultura - Montevideo - Uruguay 1
PR002159 Highly reliable LC-MS lipidomics database for efficient human plasma profiling based on NIST SRM 1950 Universidad CEU San Pablo Universidad CEU San Pablo 1
PR002156 Lipidomic analysis of Malassezia globosa at different growth stages and the dynamics of uptake and secreted lipids with growth media Universidad de los Andes Universidad de los Andes, Colombia 1
PR002155 NMR spectra of water-soluble extracts of mouse colon cancer tissue and colon cancer CT26 cells Xiamen University Xiamen University 2
PR002154 Associations Between Maternal Microbiome, Metabolome and Incidence of Low-Birth Weight in Guatemalan Participants from the Women First Trial Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center 1
PR002153 A NRF2/β3-adrenoreceptor axis drives a sustained antioxidant and metabolic rewiring through the pentose-phosphate pathway to alleviate cardiac stress UCLouvain UCLouvain 1
PR002152 Metabolomics of breast cancer-related lymphedema International Tomography Center SB RAS International Tomography Center SB RAS 1
PR002151 Uncovering the de novo synthesis of polyamines in gut microbiome using stable isotope resolved metabolomics Soochow University Soochow University 1
PR002150 Methionine-SAM metabolism-dependent ubiquinone synthesis is crucial for ROS accumulation in ferroptosis induction Northeast Normal University Northeast Normal University 1
PR002148 Quantifying acyl-chain diversity in isobaric compound lipids containing monomethyl branched-chain fatty acids Salk Institute Salk Institute for Biological Studies 1
PR002147 TREM2 expression level is critical for microglial state, metabolic capacity and efficacy of TREM2 agonism Denali Therapeutics Denali Therapeutics 1
PR002146 A UHPLC-MS/MS Method for Profiling of Urinary Mercapturic Acids using Positive Ion Mode University of Minnesota University of Minnesota 1
PR002144 Hepatocyte Period 1 dictates oxidative substrate selection independent of the core circadian clock Washington University in St. Louis Washington University in St. Louis 1
PR002141 Secretome of normal primary human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells Peking University Peking University 1
PR002140 Blocking tryptophan catabolism reduces triple-negative breast cancer invasive capacity University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus 8
PR002139 Tissue niche influences immune and metabolic profiles to Staphylococcus aureus biofilm infection University of Nebraska Medical Center University of Nebraska Medical Center 2
PR002138 Synbiotic galactooligosachaccharides and Lactobacillus reuteri on gut inflammation China Agricultrual University China Agricultural University 1