Summary of all studies

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(#: Contains untargeted data)     Results per page:
Study ID
Study Title
(* : Contains raw data)
ST003663 Metabolic and Morphometric Analysis of Allometric and Total Liver Growth in Post-Hatch Chickens Gallus gallus University of Delaware GC-MS 2025-02-05 1 206 Uploaded data (2.2G)*
(Data format:cdf)
ST003672 Advanced Lipidomics Using UHPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS Reveals Novel Lipids in Hibernating Syrian Hamsters Mesocricetus auratus Universidad CEU San Pablo LC-MS 2025-02-05 1 19 Uploaded data (766.4M)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003673 Identification of plasma metabolites responding to oxycodone exposure in rats Rattus norvegicus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2025-02-05 1 31 Not available
ST003192 Aspartate tracing in Wildtype and UQCRC2 Knockout 143B Cells Homo sapiens UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS 2025-02-04 1 9 Uploaded data (781.5M)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003197 UQ/RQ panel on wildtype mouse tissue Mus musculus UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS# 2025-02-04 1 104 Uploaded data (5G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003198 UQ/RQ panel on human tissue Homo sapiens UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS# 2025-02-04 1 48 Uploaded data (2.2G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003204 Glutamine Tracing Assay on Caki1 WT and 769P WT versus Caki1 RquA and 769P RquA Homo sapiens UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS 2025-02-04 1 24 Uploaded data (1.8G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003214 Glutamine Tracing Assay in RquA AAV Injected Mice with a Standard Curve Mus musculus UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS 2025-02-04 1 21 Uploaded data (2G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003217 Measuring UQ/UQH2 in WT and RquA 143B cell in Hypoxia Homo sapiens UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS# 2025-02-04 1 12 Uploaded data (906.2M)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003218 Glutamine Tracing Assay in WT and SDHB KO 143B cells Treated with HKJS003 Homo sapiens UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS 2025-02-04 1 18 Uploaded data (1.8G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003397 Glutamine Tracing in Mice injected with HKJS001 and Malonic Acid Mus musculus UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS 2025-02-04 1 23 Uploaded data (2.4G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003404 Aspartate Tracing in SDHB KO RquA 143B Cells Homo sapiens UMass Chan Medical School LC-MS 2025-02-04 1 18 Uploaded data (2G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003065 Investigative needle core biopsies for multi-omics in Glioblastoma Homo sapiens Brigham and Women's Hospital MS(Dir. Inf.) 2025-02-03 1 1 Uploaded data (12.4M)*
(Data format:imzML)
ST003500 A UHPLC-MS/MS Method for Profiling of Urinary Mercapturic Acids using Positive Ion Mode Homo sapiens University of Minnesota LC-MS# 2025-02-03 1 50 Uploaded data (27.2G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003566 Unraveling cysteine deficiency-associated rapid weight loss Mus musculus NYU Grossman School of Medicine LC-MS 2025-02-03 1 102 Uploaded data (41.7G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003698 Impact of High Fat diet-induced metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) on Heart, Kidney and Skeletal Muscle Metabolomes in Wild-type Mice Mus musculus Center for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology (CIBB UC) NMR# 2025-02-03 1 131 Uploaded data (59.5M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003057 Spatiotemporal mapping of lipid disturbance in heart injury - Part 1 Mus musculus National University of Singapore LC-MS 2025-01-30 1 90 Uploaded data (187.1M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003058 Spatiotemporal mapping of lipid disturbance in heart injury - Part 2 Mus musculus National University of Singapore LC-MS 2025-01-30 1 29 Uploaded data (41.9M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003059 Spatiotemporal mapping of lipid disturbance in heart injury - Part 3 Sus scrofa National University of Singapore LC-MS 2025-01-30 1 30 Uploaded data (63.5M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003651 Biguanides antithetically regulate tumor properties by the dose-dependent mitochondrial reprogramming-driven c-Src pathway Homo sapiens Baylor College of Medicine LC-MS 2025-01-30 1 16 Uploaded data (24.3M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003681 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate - untargeted LCMS data from human fecal samples Homo sapiens University of Luxembourg LC-MS 2025-01-28 1 5 Uploaded data (547.9M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003679 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate - untargeted LCMS data from SPF experiment Mus musculus University of Luxembourg LC-MS 2025-01-27 1 17 Uploaded data (5.1G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003680 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate - untargeted LCMS data from CMT experiment Mus musculus University of Luxembourg LC-MS 2025-01-27 1 16 Uploaded data (11.5G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003683 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate - untargeted LCMS data from mouse plasma samples Mus musculus University of Luxembourg LC-MS 2025-01-27 1 16 Uploaded data (1.4G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003643 Metabolite analysis for WT and BnaMYB52 mutants by LC-MS/MS Brassica napus Huazhong Agricultural University LC-MS 2025-01-26 1 19 Uploaded data (446.6K)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003645 Targeting the c-MYC/ELOVL6 Pathway Alters Cell Membrane Mechanics and Enhances Chemotherapeutic Efficacy in Pancreatic Cancer Homo sapiens Universidad Francisco de Vitoria - Hospital 12 de Octubre LC-MS 2025-01-26 1 17 Uploaded data (18M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003648 Analysis of the role of PNPLA6 in the mouse retina Mus musculus University of Tokyo LC-MS 2025-01-26 1 8 Uploaded data (52.5K)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003649 Untargeted metabolomics of Human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) infected by Human adenovirus serotype 5 during early and late infection. Homo sapiens University of California, Merced GC-MS 2025-01-26 1 74 Not available
ST003650 Investigation of the effects of 3-hydroxybutyrate on myoblast proliferation and differentiation using NMR-based metabolomics Mus musculus Xiamen University NMR# 2025-01-26 1 40 Uploaded data (27.3M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003658 Functional analysis of retinal pigment epithelial cells with PNPLA6 knockdown Homo sapiens University of Tokyo LC-MS 2025-01-26 1 16 Uploaded data (746.9K)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003659 The native small molecule interaction landscape of transcription factors and essential enzymes in E. coli Escherichia coli University of Toronto LC-MS# 2025-01-26 1 1440 Uploaded data (27.3G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST002948 Multi-omics Approach Reveals a Specific Profile in Severe Asthmatic Patients Treated with Mepolizumab or Omalizumab Homo sapiens CEMBIO LC-MS 2025-01-20 1 162 Uploaded data (153.3M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003639 Multilevel Plasticity and Altered Glycosylation Drive Aggressiveness in Hypoxic and Glucose-Deprived Bladder Cancer Cells Homo sapiens Portuguese Oncology Institute of Porto (IPO-Porto) LC-MS 2025-01-20 1 12 Uploaded data (2.4G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003661 Lipidomics facilitates the discovery of diagnostic biomarkers in patients with chronic total occlusion during the perioperative period Homo sapiens Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University LC-MS 2025-01-20 1 63 Uploaded data (64.3M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003664 Tumour interstitial fluid-enriched phosphoethanolamine suppresses T cell function. Mus musculus University of Chicago LC-MS 2025-01-20 1 100 Uploaded data (4.9G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003666 TGFB1-mediated intercellular signaling fuels cooperative cellular invasion Homo sapiens Emory University LC-MS 2025-01-20 1 8 Uploaded data (1.3G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003660 Kingdom-specific lipid unsaturation calibrates sequence evolution in membrane arm subunits of eukaryotic respiratory complexes Homo sapiens CSIR-Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology LC-MS 2025-01-16 1 62 Uploaded data (14.1M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003634 NMR metabolomics confirms PRPS homooligomerization in PRPS2/PRPSAP1/PRPSAP2 triple knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts decreases flux through the nucleotide biosynthesis pathways Mus musculus University of Cincinnati College of Medicine NMR 2025-01-14 1 36 Uploaded data (19.6M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003636 Individual glycemic responses to carbohydrates vary and reflect underlying metabolic physiology (metabolomics) Homo sapiens Stanford University LC-MS 2025-01-14 1 113 Uploaded data (92G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST002991 Metabolomics studies on human colorectal cancer cell lines Homo sapiens The University of Newcastle LC-MS 2025-01-13 1 24 Uploaded data (427.6M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003633 1H-NMR-based Metabolomic Analysis of Hypersalinity-Induced Oviparity in Brine Shrimp Artemia salina National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology NMR 2025-01-13 1 12 Uploaded data (2.6M)*
(Data format:jdf)
ST003644 Mouse epidermal lipidomics Mus musculus University of Pennsylvania LC-MS# 2025-01-13 1 40 Uploaded data (619.2M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST002938 Role of PI3K in Atrial Myopathy: Insights from Transgenic Mouse Models and Identification of a Dysregulated PI3K Lipid Profile in Individuals with Atrial Fibrillation - part 1 of 2, human plasma Homo sapiens Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute LC-MS 2025-01-12 1 78 Uploaded data (226M)*
(Data format:d)
ST002939 Role of PI3K in Atrial Myopathy: Insights from Transgenic Mouse Models and Identification of a Dysregulated PI3K Lipid Profile in Individuals with Atrial Fibrillation - Part 2 of 2, Mus musculus Mus musculus Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute LC-MS 2025-01-12 1 209 Uploaded data (620.6M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003473 1H NMR metabolomics applied to assess the direct and transgenerational effects of simvastatin on the metabolism of the amphipod Gammarus locusta Gammarus locusta University of Aveiro NMR# 2025-01-12 1 39 Uploaded data (33M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003630 Individual glycemic responses to carbohydrates vary and reflect underlying metabolic physiology (Lipidomics) Homo sapiens Stanford University MS(Dir. Inf.) 2025-01-12 1 113 Uploaded data (13.8M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003647 Targeted mass spec-based metabolomic and clinical analyte analyses of liver and plasma samples from rats with and without hepatic knockdown of ChREBP expression. Rattus norvegicus Duke University LC-MS 2025-01-12 1 15 Uploaded data (6.5M)*
(Data format:cdf)
ST003653 Marine community metabolomes in the eastern tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone Marine microbes University of Washington, School of Oceanography LC-MS 2025-01-12 1 81 Uploaded data (4.2G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003654 Rapid and Reagent-free Analysis of Dried Blood Spot by Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry Reveals Sex: Implications in Forensic Investigations. Homo sapiens Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Tirupati PSI-MS# 2025-01-12 1 200 Uploaded data (5.8G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003318 Kinetic changes in the phospholipid composition of fibroblasts induced by cytotoxic stress Mus musculus University of Innsbruck LC-MS 2025-01-06 1 684 Uploaded data (24.5M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003319 Changes in the phosphatidylcholine fatty acid composition in subcellular fractions of fibroblasts induced by valinomycin Mus musculus University of Innsbruck LC-MS 2025-01-06 1 12 Uploaded data (658.6K)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003320 Time-dependent changes in the phosphatidylcholine fatty acid composition of fibroblasts treated with acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibitors Mus musculus University of Innsbruck LC-MS 2025-01-06 1 61 Uploaded data (4.4M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003321 Effect of ACC inhibition on the proportion of PUFAs in phosphatidylcholines in stressed fibroblasts Mus musculus University of Innsbruck LC-MS 2025-01-06 1 30 Uploaded data (1.2M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003336 Differentiation between cytotoxic stress-induced PUFA biosynthesis and PUFA incorporation into phospholipids by metabolic flux studies in fibroblasts Mus musculus University of Innsbruck LC-MS 2025-01-06 1 30 Uploaded data (1.6M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003337 Analysis of oxidized arachidonoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine in valinomycin-treated fibroblasts Mus musculus University of Innsbruck LC-MS 2025-01-06 1 7 Uploaded data (828.7K)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003531 Micropeptide hSPAR, a glutamine regulator, suppresses tumor growth via TRIM21-P27KIP1-mTOR pathway - human MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell Homo sapiens University of Science and Technology of China LC-MS 2025-01-06 1 12 Uploaded data (3.3M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003532 Micropeptide hSPAR, a glutamine regulator, suppresses tumor growth via TRIM21-P27KIP1-mTOR pathway - HEK293T human embryonic kidney cells Homo sapiens University Of Science And Technology Of China LC-MS 2025-01-06 1 9 Uploaded data (2.6M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003641 The Spatial Transcriptional Activity of Hepatic TCF7L2 Regulates Zonated Metabolic Pathways that Contribute to Liver Fibrosis Mus musculus UT Health San Antonio LC-MS 2025-01-06 1 48 Uploaded data (30.2M)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003642 Hexosamine Biosynthesis Disruption Impairs GPI Production and Arrests Plasmodium falciparum Growth at Schizont Stages Plasmodium falciparum Pennsylvania State University LC-MS 2025-01-06 1 20 Uploaded data (769.1M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003136 Circulating N-lactoyl-amino acids and N-formyl-methionine reflect mitochondrial dysfunction and predict mortality in septic shock Homo sapiens Massachusetts General Hospital LC-MS 2025-01-05 1 98 Uploaded data (1.3G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST002866 The role of PFAS exposures in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in the Multiethnic Cohort Homo sapiens University of Southern California LC-MS# 2025-01-02 1 3501 Uploaded data (244.8G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003032 Effects of Preanalytical Sample Collection and Handling on Comprehensive Metabolite Measurements in Human Urine Biospecimens Homo sapiens National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences LC-MS 2025-01-02 1 416 Uploaded data (16.7M)
ST003145 Muscle-type specific stress responses explain the onset of external ophthalmoplegia in mitochondrial disease Mus musculus University of Helsinki LC-MS 2025-01-02 1 25 Uploaded data (229.2M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003206 Dynamics of Gut Metabolome and Microbiome Maturation during Early Life - untargeted GC, LECO tof MS Homo sapiens University of Turku GC-MS 2025-01-02 1 828 Uploaded data (35.1G)*
(Data format:abf)
ST003207 Dynamics of Gut Metabolome and Microbiome Maturation during Early Life - Short chain fatty acid (SCFA) data (targeted GC) Homo sapiens University of Turku GC-MS 2025-01-02 1 828 Uploaded data (63.4M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003208 Dynamics of Gut Metabolome and Microbiome Maturation during Early Life - Bile acid data (targeted LCMS) Homo sapiens University of Turku LC-MS 2025-01-02 1 828 Uploaded data (64.7M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003437 White adipose tissue remodeling in Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus) with white-nose syndrome Myotis lucifugus Georgetown University LC-MS 2025-01-02 1 25 Not available
ST003622 A multi-omic census reveals obesity-associated microRNA miR-let-7 as novel instigator of adipose mitochondrial dysfunction and of intergenerational metabolic decline. Mus musculus University of Southern Denmark LC-MS 2025-01-02 1 34 Uploaded data (3.6G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003623 NRF2 supports non-small cell lung cancer growth independently of CBP/p300-enhanced glutathione synthesis: Global metabolomics analysis on A549 cells at different NRF2 status (Part 1 of 3) Homo sapiens Genentech Inc. LC-MS 2025-01-02 1 32 Uploaded data (333M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003624 NRF2 supports non-small cell lung cancer growth independently of CBP/p300-enhanced glutathione synthesis: Absolute Quantification of NADP+ and NADPH in A549 cells (Part 2 of 3) Homo sapiens Genentech Inc. LC-MS 2025-01-02 1 16 Uploaded data (181.1M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003625 NRF2 supports non-small cell lung cancer growth independently of CBP/p300-enhanced glutathione synthesis: Using 1,2-13C-glucose to measure PPP Flux in A549 cells (Part 3 of 3) Homo sapiens Genentech Inc. LC-MS 2025-01-02 1 60 Uploaded data (767.2M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST000411 Smoking and urinary metabolomics Homo sapiens University of North Carolina NMR 2024-12-31 1 25 Uploaded data (8.6M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST000420 NIST SRM Smoker non-Smoker Urine Comparison Homo sapiens RTI International GC-MS 2024-12-31 1 20 Not available
ST000436 Metabolomic analysis of EE urine samples Homo sapiens University of Minnesota LC-MS# 2024-12-31 1 60 Uploaded data (6.8G)*
(Data format:raw(Waters))
ST000437 Metabolomic analysis of human plasma samples spiked with unknown chemicals Homo sapiens University of Minnesota LC-MS 2024-12-31 1 55 Not available
ST000448 Emory University high-resolution metabolomic profiling of ring trial samples Homo sapiens Emory University LC-MS 2024-12-31 1 61 Uploaded data (50G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST000479 NMR based quantitative metabolomics studies of heart and lung from mouse exposed to whole body high dose gamma and proton radiation (part I) Mus musculus Pacific Northwest National Laboratory NMR 2024-12-31 1 27 Uploaded data (5.4M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST000480 NMR based quantitative metabolomics studies of heart and lung from mouse exposed to whole body high dose gamma and proton radiation (part II) Mus musculus Pacific Northwest National Laboratory NMR 2024-12-31 1 27 Uploaded data (5.4M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST000482 Free amino acids in CHEAR reference plasma Homo sapiens University of Minnesota LC-MS 2024-12-31 1 1 Uploaded data (3.2G)*
(Data format:raw(Waters))
ST000500 Metabolomics Analysis of Kidney from C57BL/6 Mouse Exposed to Ionizing Radiation Mus musculus Pacific Northwest National Laboratory NMR 2024-12-31 1 27 Uploaded data (6.4M)
(Data format:fid)
ST000501 NMR based Metabolomics Analysis of Mouse Exposed to Gamma Radiation Mus musculus Pacific Northwest National Laboratory NMR 2024-12-31 1 13 Uploaded data (3.1M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST000523 Prenatal exposures and Metabolite and Lipid Profiles Homo sapiens University of Michigan LC-MS# 2024-12-31 1 174 Uploaded data (36.6G)*
(Data format:d, wiff)
ST000531 CHEAR Pooled Plasma Reference Material Proficiency Test Homo sapiens RTI International MS 2024-12-31 1 6 Uploaded data (164.2K)
ST000532 CHEAR Plasma Reference Material Plasma GC-MS Homo sapiens RTI International GC-MS 2024-12-31 1 7 Uploaded data (54.1M)*
(Data format:cdf)
ST000533 CHEAR Plasma Dilution Reference Material Proficiency Test NMR (Part I) Homo sapiens RTI International NMR 2024-12-31 1 6 Uploaded data (2.5M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST000534 CHEAR Plasma Extraction Reference Material Proficiency Test NMR (Part I) Homo sapiens RTI International NMR 2024-12-31 1 6 Uploaded data (2.3M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST000535 CHEAR Urine Reference Material Proficiency Test NMR (Part I) Homo sapiens RTI International NMR 2024-12-31 1 6 Uploaded data (2.4M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST000536 CHEAR Plasma Dilution Reference Material Proficiency Test NMR (Part II) Homo sapiens RTI International NMR 2024-12-31 1 6 Uploaded data (2.5M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST000537 CHEAR Plasma Extraction Reference Material Proficiency Test NMR (Part II) Homo sapiens RTI International NMR 2024-12-31 1 6 Uploaded data (2.3M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST000538 CHEAR Urine Reference Material Proficiency Test NMR (Part II) Homo sapiens RTI International NMR 2024-12-31 1 6 Uploaded data (2.4M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST000544 CHEAR Urine Reference Material Proficiency Test Biocrates Homo sapiens RTI International LC-MS 2024-12-31 1 19 Uploaded data (1.7M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST000545 CHEAR Plasma Reference Material Proficiency Test Biocrates Homo sapiens RTI International LC-MS 2024-12-31 1 19 Uploaded data (1M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST000553 CHEAR UT Urine and Plasma Pool Characterization Homo sapiens Mount Sinai LC-MS 2024-12-31 1 12 Not available
ST000557 Metabolites in CHEAR reference urine and plasma Homo sapiens University of Minnesota LC-MS 2024-12-31 1 2 Uploaded data (1.6G)*
(Data format:raw(Waters))
ST000595 Emory University high-resolution metabolomic profiling CHEAR pooled reference materials: Urine Homo sapiens Emory University LC-MS# 2024-12-31 1 36 Uploaded data (46.7G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST000596 Emory University high-resolution metabolomic profiling CHEAR pooled reference materials Homo sapiens Emory University LC-MS# 2024-12-31 1 46 Uploaded data (46.9G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST000609 CHEAR Plasma Reference Material Homo sapiens RTI International LC-MS# 2024-12-31 1 6 Uploaded data (17.3G)*
(Data format:raw(Waters))
ST000610 CHEAR Urine Reference Material Homo sapiens RTI International LC-MS# 2024-12-31 1 6 Uploaded data (20.6G)*
(Data format:raw(Waters))
ST000855 Urine metabolic profiles of pregnant women in relation to environmental exposures Homo sapiens University of Michigan LC-MS# 2024-12-31 1 390 Uploaded data (46.8G)*
(Data format:d)
ST001040 Maternal gut microbiome, pregnancy exposure to environmental contaminants, and child health outcomes: A pilot study exploring potential effect modifications by diet Homo sapiens Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai LC-MS# 2024-12-31 1 34 Uploaded data (11.5G)*
(Data format:d)