Quantitation range (units=uM) for CAR DC3:0 in human Blood samples

CAR DC3:0:
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
0.00010 0.03275 0.07944 0.11645 0.11977 9.29840 

List of all studies and indvidual concentration ranges

ST000138 AN000220 Targeted LC MS of acylcarnitines: TLCMS Blood Human University of Florida uM
ST000825 AN001312 CHEAR Christiani Biocrates Blood Human RTI International uM
ST001669 AN002724 Serum metabolome of Guangzhou Nutrition and Health Study (GNHS) Blood Human Westlake University uM
ST000250 AN000396 The Role of Obesity and Adipocytes in Immune Activation on Antiretroviral Therapy Blood Human University of Florida uM