ST001271: Archive> use zip_file:contained_file to view a file in the archive
Archive: Studies/
Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name
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0 Stored 0 0% 01-15-2020 09:13 00000000 ST001271/
1287164 Defl:N 257351 80% 01-15-2020 09:12 cb115bec ST001271/plyush1993_20191029_070718_1_MS_New_Text_Document.txt
1280695 Defl:N 257745 80% 01-15-2020 09:12 085419f4 ST001271/plyush1993_20191029_070718_1_MS_plyush1993_20191029_070718_1_MS_New_Text_Document.txt
1287164 Defl:N 257351 80% 01-15-2020 09:12 cb115bec ST001271/plyush1993_20191029_070718_1_MS_raw_data.txt
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3855023 772447 80% 4 files