Data for Plasma metabolomics profiling for fish maturation in blunt snout bream (Study ST000522)

(Analysis AN000797)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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17a,21-Dihydroxypreg-nenolone 1.4827 0.9506 0.6150
3a,21-Dihydroxy-5b-pregnane-11,20-dione 1.4827 0.9506 0.6150
4a-Carboxy-4b-methyl-5a-cholesta-8,24-dien-3b-ol 1.2920 0.6576 1.0796
4a-Methylzymosterol-4-carboxylic acid 1.2920 0.6576 1.0796
5b-Dihydrotestosterone 0.4790 0.9588 1.2496
Androsterone 0.4790 0.9588 1.2496
Arachidonic acid 0.3594 0.9733 1.6033
Dihydrotestosterone 0.4790 0.9588 1.2496
Etiocholanolone 0.4790 0.9588 1.2496
Testosterone glucuronide 1.3148 0.8595 0.8572
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F1Phenotype:1 year old immature
F2Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature after successfully spawning
F3Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature without hormone treatment