#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH Asaelr_20201007_075605_mwtab.txt DATATRACK_ID:2207 STUDY_ID:ST001508 ANALYSIS_ID:AN002499 PROJECT_ID:000000
VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	October 12, 2020, 12:13 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Hepatic [U-13C]Lactate tracing and metabolomics in young and old WT and SIRT6
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	overexpressing mice
PR:PROJECT_TYPE                  	MS analysis
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Our previous data had suggested that gluconeogenesis capacity from the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	precursors lactate and glycerol declines in old C57BL/6 mice. This decline was
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	rescued by whole body SIRT6 overexpression, but not in liver-specific SIRT6
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	overexpression. Here we preformed liver metabolomics in old liver-specific SIRT6
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	overexpression and control mice.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	Bar Ilan University
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	The Mina & Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences
PR:LABORATORY                    	Laboratory of Prof. Haim Cohen
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Cohen
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Chaim
PR:ADDRESS                       	Ramat Gan, Ramat Gan, Israel, 5290002, Israel
PR:EMAIL                         	Haim.Cohen@biu.ac.il
PR:PHONE                         	+97235318383
PR:FUNDING_SOURCE                	Israel Science Foundation (621/13 and 777/16), I-Core foundation (1775/12) and
PR:FUNDING_SOURCE                	(41/11) and Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Foundation
PR:CONTRIBUTORS                  	Asael Roichman, Ifat Abramovich, Eyal Gottlieb, Haim Yosef Cohen
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Liver metabolomics in old liver-specific SIRT6 overexpressing mice
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Our previous data had suggested that gluconeogenesis capacity from the
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	precursors lactate and glycerol declines in old C57BL/6 mice. This decline was
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	rescued by whole body SIRT6 overexpression, but not in liver-specific SIRT6
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	overexpression. Here we preformed liver metabolomics in old liver-specific SIRT6
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	overexpression and control mice.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	Bar Ilan University
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	The Mina & Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences
ST:LABORATORY                    	Laboratory of Prof. Haim Cohen
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Cohen
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Chaim
ST:ADDRESS                       	Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 5290002
ST:EMAIL                         	Haim.Cohen@biu.ac.il
ST:PHONE                         	+97235318383
ST:NUM_GROUPS                    	4
ST:TOTAL_SUBJECTS                	20
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Mammal
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Mus musculus
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	10090
SU:GENOTYPE_STRAIN               	C57BL/6JOlaHsd
SU:AGE_OR_AGE_RANGE              	23-25 months
SU:GENDER                        	Male
SU:ANIMAL_HOUSING                	Animal rooms were maintained at 21°C-24°C and 35%-75% relative humidity
SU:ANIMAL_LIGHT_CYCLE            	12/12-h (7am to 7pm) dark-light cycle
SU:ANIMAL_FEED                   	Altromin 1324 (chow)
SU:ANIMAL_WATER                  	Ad lib
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Raw file names and additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	1	01_Liver_OE	Genotype:Liver specific SIRT6 overexpression	RAW_FILE_NAME=01_Liver_OE
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	2	02_Liver_KISS	Genotype:Flox control	RAW_FILE_NAME=02_Liver_KISS
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	3	03_Liver_OE	Genotype:Liver specific SIRT6 overexpression	RAW_FILE_NAME=03_Liver_OE
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	4	04_Liver_CRE	Genotype:Albumin Cre control	RAW_FILE_NAME=04_Liver_CRE
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	5	05_Liver_WT	Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=05_Liver_WT
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	6	06_Liver_KISS	Genotype:Flox control	RAW_FILE_NAME=06_Liver_KISS
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	7	07_Liver_CRE	Genotype:Albumin Cre control	RAW_FILE_NAME=07_Liver_CRE
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	8	08_Liver_CRE	Genotype:Albumin Cre control	RAW_FILE_NAME=08_Liver_CRE
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	9	09_Liver_WT	Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=09_Liver_WT
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	10	10_Liver_OE	Genotype:Liver specific SIRT6 overexpression	RAW_FILE_NAME=10_Liver_OE
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	11	11_Liver_KISS	Genotype:Flox control	RAW_FILE_NAME=11_Liver_KISS
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	12	12_Liver_KISS	Genotype:Flox control	RAW_FILE_NAME=12_Liver_KISS
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	13	13_Liver_WT	Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=13_Liver_WT
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	14	14_Liver_KISS	Genotype:Flox control	RAW_FILE_NAME=14_Liver_KISS
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	15	15_Liver_WT	Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=15_Liver_WT
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	16	16_Liver_CRE	Genotype:Albumin Cre control	RAW_FILE_NAME=16_Liver_CRE
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	17	17_Liver_OE	Genotype:Liver specific SIRT6 overexpression	RAW_FILE_NAME=17_Liver_OE
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	18	18_Liver_OE	Genotype:Liver specific SIRT6 overexpression	RAW_FILE_NAME=18_Liver_OE
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	19	19_Liver_CRE	Genotype:Albumin Cre control	RAW_FILE_NAME=19_Liver_CRE
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	20	20_Liver_WT	Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=20_Liver_WT
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Mice were euthanized by cervical dislocation, left liver lobe was collected as
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	fast as possible (<30 sec) and immediately flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen.
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Tissues were stored at -80C until metabolite extraction.
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Liver
CO:STORAGE_CONDITIONS            	-80℃
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	All mice were fasted for 6h (8AM-2PM). Tail blood was collected from all mice
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	for less than 2 minutes, followed by mouse sacrifice.
TR:ANIMAL_FASTING                	6h morning fast
TR:ANIMAL_ENDP_EUTHANASIA        	Cervical dislocation
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Frozen liver pieces weighting ~30mg were transferred into soft tissue
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	homogenizing CK 14 tubes containing 1.4 mm ceramic beads (Bertin corp.)
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	prefilled with 1 ml of cold (-20°C) metabolites extraction solvent (Methanol:
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Acetonitrile:H2O, 50:30:20) and kept on ice. Samples were homogenized using
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	precellys 24 tissue homogenizer (3X20sec at 6000 rpm, with a 30sec gap between
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	each of the three cycles, Bertin Technologies) cooled to 2°C. Homogenized
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	extracts were centrifuged in the Precellys tubes at 18,000g for 15 minutes at
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	4°C, supernatants were collected in microcentrifuge tubes and centrifuged again
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	at 18,000g for 10 minutes at 4°C. The supernatants were transferred to glass
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	HPLC vials and kept at -75 °C prior to LC-MS analysis.
SP:EXTRACT_STORAGE               	-80℃
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Dionex Ultimate 3000
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	SeQuant ZIC-HILIC (150 x 2.1mm, 5um)
CH:FLOW_RATE                     	0.2 ml/min
CH:SOLVENT_A                     	20 mM ammonium carbonate adjusted to pH 9.2 with 0.1% of 25% ammonium hydroxide
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	acetonitrile
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
AN:LABORATORY_NAME               	Prof. Eyal Gottlieb
AN:OPERATOR_NAME                 	Ifat Abramovich
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Orbitrap
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	UNSPECIFIED
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	polarity switching mode to enable both positive and negative ions was used
Samples	01_Liver_OE	02_Liver_KISS	03_Liver_OE	04_Liver_CRE	05_Liver_WT	06_Liver_KISS	07_Liver_CRE	08_Liver_CRE	09_Liver_WT	10_Liver_OE	11_Liver_KISS	12_Liver_KISS	13_Liver_WT	14_Liver_KISS	15_Liver_WT	16_Liver_CRE	17_Liver_OE	18_Liver_OE	19_Liver_CRE	20_Liver_WT
Factors	Genotype:Liver specific SIRT6 overexpression	Genotype:Flox control	Genotype:Liver specific SIRT6 overexpression	Genotype:Albumin Cre control	Genotype:Wild-type	Genotype:Flox control	Genotype:Albumin Cre control	Genotype:Albumin Cre control	Genotype:Wild-type	Genotype:Liver specific SIRT6 overexpression	Genotype:Flox control	Genotype:Flox control	Genotype:Wild-type	Genotype:Flox control	Genotype:Wild-type	Genotype:Albumin Cre control	Genotype:Liver specific SIRT6 overexpression	Genotype:Liver specific SIRT6 overexpression	Genotype:Albumin Cre control	Genotype:Wild-type
Acetoacetate	127084.9983	999443.0165	790517.8538	966428.1878	1033130.001	1095551.536	1544269.469	778113.5969	598420.7528	222553.0582	744297.8193	736593.3499	1020195.437	448078.7548	926218.0015	372857.2959	908632.7231	1780549.332	638207.2021	629998.0201
Acetyl CoA	3136063.986	5144632.104	8259400.965	4804478.916	5832341.046	5354130.482	6596955.092	4281381.318	5090962.285	4971963.593	6254648.927	5121737.919	5478406.382	9706382.253	8370840.465	5318609.185	7368794.456	6840295.482	7097032.155	6088965.848
aKG	5953099.565	10504805.42	12186579.92	19589224.94	14427985.21	16224614.48	16571371.37	10673567.41	12723022.45	12944186.63	16332652.53	9893577.402	16358531.22	11845380.28	11428423.23	14205399.64	11706920.51	11038294	8227429.528	13507015.75
Arginine	1615353.1	1257820.643	697882.9898	894402.748	1099746.198	696609.2792	680926.9012	1634123.698	704249.3457	786678.8479	689345.2992	1400634.394	646634.5882	624637.8868	509998.773	725835.1903	517275.7161	579202.1715	751040.8395	932120.3408
Asparagine	18569933.46	21966005.94	21216861.6	19985660.62	20521877.4	20287818.71	19215814.08	20694044.5	18857844.29	29132413.52	18903980.07	25430558.89	19312608.65	19067200.78	19378729.41	20864970.6	21420332.35	28064804.56	20687889.38	19628554.46
Aspartate	96252060.6	115712671.2	55945394.35	97369995.69	48821572.12	54784480.31	56013456.81	56157530.07	151487238.5	117727876.8	99692488.1	117383469.4	66739496.31	101346626.2	88980603.84	107295010.5	69293984.87	87702680.14	73099426.22	112396204.2
cis-aconitate	1927495.465	2932669.196	2498581.543	2847543.031	3268500.679	2221548.463	2749976.8	3469843.538	2047188.716	2368110.233	2769199.929	1770021.474	2224624.96	1887794.638	2048842.867	2821394.845	2360362.181	3068232.578	1261037.993	1838566.312
Citrate	68791194.15	97323618.78	90516770.97	108626234.5	110119094.1	83971012.84	105570532.8	87334274.83	85447609.45	89131701.19	95434245.06	64956210.93	86440975.48	81540239.6	82900010.17	99815017.15	94665657.51	106436105.6	60940751.27	80637463.59
Cysteine	27547.42073	5876.812933	0	5958.375454	8228.444015	13644.93549	12949.24819	7221.566738	6006.218893	12038.93103	5963.895244	12974.67255	0	0	5117.979916	0	6270.911411	6114.079005	0	0
Cystine	677484.358	282114.7135	121602.7692	24041.31086	233713.2709	178985.1157	149225.2787	290393.0943	36264.84814	321462.3923	126072.0436	370520.7397	178791.8653	66076.59719	251415.6784	143099.4733	70089.30595	150823.9924	92094.41073	12731.21529
dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP)	132615.7487	32909.21939	73524.43529	19912.46628	44795.55564	71062.93668	22095.82155	67810.63929	16498.63063	103888.9685	27617.73869	114081.8454	74351.99353	126916.4368	125644.1753	71473.41741	19019.80611	56952.19314	134283.6509	54954.29245
Fructose	5728692.572	2916018.982	5347626.427	4471998.965	3188338.919	3907577.317	4985180.059	3990758.495	5050266.702	4520171.129	2596291.219	4651819.856	4678075.334	6581435.449	4237612.998	4769600.306	3377499.335	6501138.074	3868540.153	3534358.603
fructose 1,6-diphosphate	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	7234.600286	0	0	6094.020189	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
Fructose-6-phosphate	24903192.19	23689573.66	25591791.21	22080420.58	21834208.54	18885734.57	20225655.38	21986055.58	31525855.74	28534338.12	20794863.51	26341556.18	30354986.66	41413178.59	30389387.65	30330734.65	23748573.18	31133535.45	26511729.22	26917804.38
G6P	32702612.26	30112977.6	29061629.39	25605036.39	24481742.45	20871562.15	22286359.65	26871745.3	35862707.34	32045274.9	24426003.8	31384247.59	35054541.05	51605809.99	34568332.55	36662764.06	26879165.44	36474407.78	29498226.91	29616819.43
Glucose	304052367.1	470818579.6	429953162.8	537523436.9	445640012.4	477508597.2	467005127.6	483592541.1	390316388.2	467919187.6	376533477.2	530823236.2	460430567.8	377754145.7	518516728.5	528199005.7	440592438.7	520576060.6	536656105.4	523468367.5
Glutamate	479377037.4	990328375.1	737310601.5	860294796.6	733727610.5	683709115.1	553791931.8	706625822.2	1251392178	1176105863	1163460729	693304460.3	716533813.2	842836624.8	787592464.5	938498921.9	848645940.9	921025736.3	514700719.5	950035204.2
Glutamine	3658927651	2986232837	2961462566	2858919386	2602879934	2817759972	2565387172	2410257294	2851035890	2446061422	2674151842	3126225773	2353867380	2359377719	3227827074	2289038298	2938397208	3145624981	3128736259	3396241855
Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate	2370697.203	2278023.065	2064118.206	1908502.475	2051002.459	1814347.454	2504593.93	2529006.799	2408665.047	2137114.998	2353164.945	2120484.709	1951189.971	1964441.563	2002882.206	2623303.235	2329221.148	2591662.699	2426777.924	2504960.615
Glycerol	3303836.45	5137205.174	4209027.606	4544160.063	4686353.12	4846295.889	6854151.892	4553437.27	3678617.713	3620945.719	3669056.574	5026152.118	4175673.925	3854411.28	4505891.325	4871139.285	3974263.032	7169584.972	5824681.862	5521546.369
Glycine	41358501.93	48195136.81	49852620.91	61479096.32	48781642.78	57667705.16	58344792.38	59324657.65	45911272.66	59012364.49	50131367.65	52627201.61	44993386.78	50070101.21	45549282.68	49576733.82	53308137.9	50830429.76	52937087.84	48806115.97
Histidine	7175102.257	13153186.88	4857611.714	9327461.777	5737061.731	6296123.084	9161084.474	6159171.971	10652244.89	9994269.072	9610978.773	4786468.601	532053.452	6714714.343	13411274.97	10124904.91	10939479.31	4747685.686	8785541.007	3800390.202
IsoLeucine	202159919.1	383119721.1	308592618.4	357378064.5	225631312	302441436.2	335624318.9	285296009.5	207074954.7	353976909.5	191762867.8	374887704.6	261201223.3	184566641.5	309496745.9	327936830.1	245824906	391613210.2	300504260.5	328555571.3
Lactate	297034465.5	296251559.8	313755799.8	382573669.7	328510901.8	361234761.1	443120665.8	389509447.3	220375696.7	474217266.1	328432729.7	452950370.2	384634051.5	279368052.5	402176527.8	406234104.3	270917686.9	366172501.1	460282348.9	410322887.8
Leucine	227271612.3	342257771.5	312785076.5	328912771	266426173.5	321410989.8	325365608	303158874.1	197454482.6	344560472.8	176263646.2	390658939.6	263940280.8	200865369.1	288596346.5	307281045.4	258258698.4	351016262	276561349	357300092.2
Lysine	101133899.2	65682927.19	43154387.41	50395119.38	41766704.79	37800710.99	43238054.81	65482546.86	72146048.31	74745770.97	36708142.45	116413818.8	64604645.52	52387861.51	57687464.13	87700385.59	44839474.29	53010109.04	57124912.59	63399307.84
Malate	295226882	373085000.9	242224798.7	498185654.8	311973967.9	260234911.7	349563578.3	310526707.3	439427779.8	368022758.2	382989672.1	361397555	316614637.2	362296495.2	219175176.1	418682831.6	282152788	364861963	287128013.6	478434803.9
Methionine	55506239.01	92879735.74	79442796.53	105719453	76310199.14	83812181.19	92138754.01	98304881.12	79404891.7	102107941.3	57494905.66	94502603.8	70316834.51	53517937.36	83123523.57	95420976.45	78318908.11	97559945.6	94015562.31	96065928.74
NAD+	100503968.7	177088083.2	157948026.7	167820601.1	150200014.3	149524326.3	243999947.9	192970607.3	125656261	113186448.5	143127759.1	159327314.6	235034390.5	180294969.9	268166230.2	168175397	155437012.6	153548100.9	149011022.1	177955213.5
NADH	6303912.969	9613117.379	13786152.66	12861678.6	9216329.685	9178910.812	20076094.64	10018197.65	10770378.43	9451923.487	9872728.778	8351147.604	15948795.12	14753460.24	14975796.71	14173142.33	15694465.29	15183284.62	12454595.8	14536066.21
NADP+	4701694.48	7954181.282	5996917.216	7449101.519	6916509.037	7873.501629	16012.78781	9198617.586	5857263.977	7707053.957	7937546.286	6533166.44	6839994.255	8120574.592	9505062.036	6524964.633	7151211.414	8102101.21	8065679.602	6617154.916
NADPH	3221636.925	4961216.344	8208775.54	7462638.037	5058321.773	4325487.155	7819411.265	3138189.803	3456602.788	5504045.626	3141497.821	6351260.334	8850366.512	9224493.504	8185721.81	11005724.35	9984784.101	10851849.08	6529851.92	9085121.907
PEP	1849892.544	874078.7565	907302.0353	1552951.585	928589.3696	1245798.233	1669865.433	1034536.936	1605342.786	1836818.713	2094205.651	1176858.993	1910534.844	2946896.281	1612069.838	1304537.797	1246059.544	1155552.442	1695539.679	1176063.937
Phenylalanine	158951707.2	181279616.5	141276517.3	160663982.5	142657252.4	147712032.5	167160930.9	170860263.3	121701045	192164328.4	110226766.6	193935828.6	152741609.4	121665230.8	168370382.4	166814064.6	143151905.2	186027965.3	157790959.8	173501935.3
Proline	465642751.8	353221393.5	318159262.9	373202261.9	276616336.7	354177135.1	335512732.8	360097363.9	324654673.5	578945898.6	295006178	576709023.3	344390886.2	396814171.7	339946335.7	341045857.9	256109248.9	464087412	519745101.9	420393336.5
Pyruvate	8367417.473	9180307.913	10744026.46	11897734.33	11246888.38	13973946.06	14268935.93	10462238.64	7388991.923	18111507.43	12290076.38	16681296.6	13521025.61	10471733.37	15313666.08	13794594.59	8303847.946	9910843.304	11998726.35	10010915.01
Serine	22921254.74	22316623.23	18017261.54	28110780.89	23626586.08	25828600.54	19962448.38	27164061.8	13560582	30239352.46	12823027	29713231.48	24961580.8	12021142.79	15048101.65	24084850.85	23359343.51	22993969.49	21386126.25	22220118.04
Succinic Acid	46807519.72	107161266.9	87622953.66	131173370.7	85023510.37	90712591.17	109134972.7	111032456.7	75701304.33	138482766.1	91652225.56	83320547.13	103906579.6	94069830.22	94365236.62	115082431.9	80865797.79	100327345	106723093.7	112033959
Threonine	83246796.22	91388273.79	63384983.57	95321666.2	84698459.11	95930587.63	75165751.06	96537839.57	52040811.67	110734208.9	61692518.53	128138767.2	76347844.43	42344397.66	75706162.37	74352353.28	60912128.88	98005868.73	69115972.94	85393920.77
Tryptophan	65582249.27	72246064.53	72813535.2	71920627.51	64261313.38	69851404.48	72084033.31	66869148.43	77566678.45	91782617.68	69699608.84	65483486.38	64376283.42	65101978.7	92535090.51	69785826	68035244	80981291.56	77761450.66	73266505.3
Tyrosine	184949408.7	205184876.6	194624503	247467759.7	199888404.7	212648937	231119208.5	247395114.5	215349571.2	305748119.6	164047204.8	267309668.2	203345992.2	164897280.4	181458719.6	246304280	211460754.4	278153321.5	205580526.4	239603965.8
Valine	97551003.43	196705293.2	177140583.3	198196539.7	121089407.9	182943137.7	225047090.2	188326819.6	106313966.6	186866308.5	124644170.4	217754636.8	195659433.2	118772857.1	162156768.3	208400827.3	130101208.4	203312391	132146578.8	203968564.6
Acetyl CoA
dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP)
fructose 1,6-diphosphate
Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
Succinic Acid