#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH indranil_paul_20210622_074124 DATATRACK_ID:2711 STUDY_ID:ST001861 ANALYSIS_ID:AN003017
VERSION                          	1
CREATED_ON                       	01-20-2022
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	A multi-tiered map of EMT defines major transition points and identifies
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	vulnerabilities
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a complex cellular program
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	proceeding through a hybrid E/M state linked to cancer-associated stemness,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	migration and chemoresistance. Deeper molecular understanding of this dynamic
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	physiological landscape is needed to define events which regulate the transition
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	and entry into and exit from the E/M state. Here, we quantified >60,000
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	molecules across ten time points and twelve omic layers in human mammary
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	epithelial cells undergoing TGFβ-induced EMT. Deep proteomic profiles of whole
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	cells, nuclei, extracellular vesicles, secretome, membrane and phosphoproteome
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	defined state-specific signatures and major transition points. Parallel
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	metabolomics showed metabolic reprogramming preceded changes in other layers,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	while single-cell RNA sequencing identified transcription factors controlling
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	entry into E/M. Covariance analysis exposed unexpected discordance between the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	molecular layers. Integrative causal modeling revealed co-dependencies governing
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	entry into E/M that were verified experimentally using combinatorial inhibition.
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Overall, this dataset provides an unprecedented resource on TGFβ signaling, EMT
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	and cancer.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	Boston University
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Paul
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Indranil
PR:ADDRESS                       	71 East Concord Street, Room # K320
PR:EMAIL                         	indranil@bu.edu
PR:PHONE                         	6177929631
PR:DOI                           	http://dx.doi.org/10.21228/M8Z98Q
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Parallelized multidimensional analytic framework, PAMAF, applied to mammalian
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	cells uncovers novel regulatory principles in EMT
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Painting a holistic picture of disease etiology will require longitudinal
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	systems-scale reconstruction of the multitiered architecture of eukaryotic
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	signaling. As opposed to ‘one omic at a time’, which provides an incomplete
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	view on disease mechanisms, here we developed an experimental and analytics
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	framework, PAMAF, to simultaneously acquire and analyze twelve omic modalities
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	from the same set of samples, i.e., protein abundance from whole-cells, nucleus,
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	exosomes, secretome and membrane; peptidome; N-glycosylation, phosphorylation;
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	metabolites; mRNA, miRNA; and, in parallel, single-cell transcriptomes. We
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	applied PAMAF in a well-studied in vitro model of TGFβ-induced EMT to generate
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	the EMT-ExMap dataset, cataloguing >61,000 expression profiles (>10,000
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	differential) over 12 days. PAMAF revealed that EMT is more complex than
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	currently understood and identified numerous stage-specific mechanisms and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	vulnerabilities not captured in literature. Broad application of PAMAF will
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	provide unprecedented insights into multifaceted biological processes relevant
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	to human health and disease.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	Boston University
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Paul
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Indranil
ST:ADDRESS                       	71 East Concord St
ST:EMAIL                         	indranil@bu.edu
ST:PHONE                         	6177929632
ST:SUBMIT_DATE                   	2021-06-22
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Cultured cells
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Homo sapiens
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9606
SU:GENDER                        	Female
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta1_1	Replicate:1 | Treatment:Control | Treatment:0_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta10_1	Replicate:1 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:12_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta10_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta3_1	Replicate:1 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:1_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta3_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta4_1	Replicate:1 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:2_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta4_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta5_1	Replicate:1 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:3_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta5_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta6_1	Replicate:1 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:4_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta6_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta2_1	Replicate:1 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:4_hours	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta7_1	Replicate:1 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:5_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta7_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta8_1	Replicate:1 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:6_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta8_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta9_1	Replicate:1 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:8_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta9_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta1_2	Replicate:2 | Treatment:Control | Treatment:0_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta1_2
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta10_2	Replicate:2 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:12_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta10_2
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta3_2	Replicate:2 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:1_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta3_2
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta4_2	Replicate:2 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:2_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta4_2
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta5_2	Replicate:2 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:3_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta5_2
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta6_2	Replicate:2 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:4_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta6_2
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta2_2	Replicate:2 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:4_hours	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta2_2
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta7_2	Replicate:2 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:5_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta7_2
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta8_2	Replicate:2 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:6_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta8_2
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta9_2	Replicate:2 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:8_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta9_2
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta1_3	Replicate:3 | Treatment:Control | Treatment:0_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta1_3
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta10_3	Replicate:3 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:12_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta10_3
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta3_3	Replicate:3 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:1_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta3_3
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta4_3	Replicate:3 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:2_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta4_3
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta5_3	Replicate:3 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:3_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta5_3
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta6_3	Replicate:3 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:4_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta6_3
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta2_3	Replicate:3 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:4_hours	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta2_3
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta7_3	Replicate:3 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:5_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta7_3
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta8_3	Replicate:3 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:6_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta8_3
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta9_3	Replicate:3 | Treatment:TGFbeta | Treatment:8_day	RAW_FILE_NAME=20190525_Indranil_pos_spme_meta9_3
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Human breast epithelial MCF10A cells were kindly provided by Prof. Senthil
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Muthuswamy (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School). Cells
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	were cultured in DMEM/F-12 supplemented with 5% Horse serum, EGF 20 ng/mL
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	(Sigma), Insulin 10 μg/mL (Sigma), Hydrocortisone 0.5 mg/mL (Sigma), Cholera
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	toxin 100 ng/mL (Sigma), 100 units/mL Penicillin and 100 μg/mL Streptomycin
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	(HyClone) and grown at 37C in a humidified incubator with 5% CO2. To induce
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	EMT, cells were stimulated with 10 ng/mL TGF-β1 (Invivogen) and treatments were
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	staggered such that all cells (plates) were harvested at the same time. To
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	minimize cross-contamination (EV & Sec) and promiscuous background signaling
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	(particularly for Phos), cells were cultured in serum-free conditions for 16
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	hours prior to harvesting. At the time of harvest, conditioned media were first
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	transferred to fresh 50 mL tubes and kept on ice. Cells were washed once with
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	ice-cold PBS and scraped off the plates in ice-cold PBS. Each sample was then
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	distributed into multiple aliquots for multi-omics extractions, centrifuged at
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	800×g for 5 minutes at 4°C and stored as dry pellets at –80°C. Live cells
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	were imaged in their culture vessels before harvesting using ZOE fluorescent
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	cell imager (Bio-Rad).
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Breast cancer cells
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Human breast epithelial MCF10A cells were kindly provided by Prof. Senthil
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Muthuswamy (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School). Cells
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	were cultured in DMEM/F-12 supplemented with 5% Horse serum, EGF 20 ng/mL
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	(Sigma), Insulin 10 μg/mL (Sigma), Hydrocortisone 0.5 mg/mL (Sigma), Cholera
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	toxin 100 ng/mL (Sigma), 100 units/mL Penicillin and 100 μg/mL Streptomycin
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	(HyClone) and grown at 37°C in a humidified incubator with 5% CO2. To induce
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	EMT, cells were stimulated with 10 ng/mL TGF-β1 (Invivogen) and treatments were
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	staggered such that all cells (plates) were harvested at the same time. To
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	minimize cross-contamination (EV & Sec) and promiscuous background signaling
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	(particularly for Phos), cells were cultured in serum-free conditions for 16
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	hours prior to harvesting. At the time of harvest, conditioned media were first
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	transferred to fresh 50 mL tubes and kept on ice. Cells were washed once with
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	ice-cold PBS and scraped off the plates in ice-cold PBS. Each sample was then
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	distributed into multiple aliquots for multi-omics extractions, centrifuged at
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	800×g for 5 minutes at 4°C and stored as dry pellets at –80°C. Live cells
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	were imaged in their culture vessels before harvesting using ZOE fluorescent
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	cell imager (Bio-Rad).
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Each cell pellet was thawed on ice and resuspended in 500 μL ice-cold water by
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	vortexing for 3 seconds and 500 μL of chilled (–80°C) 90% methanol + 10%
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	chloroform solution was immediately added and vortexed for another 10 seconds
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	and then kept on ice. Samples were incubated for 30 minutes at 4°C while
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	rotating and then centrifuged at 800×g for 10 mins at 4°C. The supernatants
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	were transferred to fresh tubes and centrifuged at 16000×g for 45 minutes at
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	4°C. The cleared supernatant containing metabolites were cleaned using a SPME
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	(solid phase microextraction) protocol adopted from Mousavi et. al. (Mousavi et
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	al., 2019), vacufuged to dryness and stored at –80°C. The cell pellets were
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	used for protein extraction using GuHCl lysis method as described below.
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Scientific EASY-nLC 1200 System
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	Thermo Easy Spray
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE           	Reversed phase
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Q Exactive HF hybrid Orbitrap
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Orbitrap
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	For metabolite identifications we used the R package MAIT (Fernández-Albert et
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	al., 2014), which integrates peak detection, peak annotation and statistical
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	analysis. Briefly, XCMS (Tautenhahn et al., 2012) is used to detect and align
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	peaks followed by annotation with CAMERA (Kuhl et al., 2012). A special function
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	‘Biotransformations’ is applied to refine annotations and measured ions are
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	then putatively identified by matching mass-to-charge ratios to a reference list
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	of calculated masses of metabolites listed in the Human Metabolome Database
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	(HMDB, http://www.hmdb.ca, 2019).
MS:ION_MODE                      	POSITIVE
MS:MS_RESULTS_FILE               	ST001861_AN003017_Results.txt	UNITS:Neutral Mass	Has RT:Yes	RT units:Minutes