#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH Hcarachoribeiro_20211011_144522 DATATRACK_ID:2881 STUDY_ID:ST001946 ANALYSIS_ID:AN003168 PROJECT_ID:PR001233
VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	October 12, 2021, 9:53 am
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Bipolar Disorder metabolomics analysis
PR:PROJECT_TYPE                  	MS untargeted analysis
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	MS untargeted analysis using FiehnLib and GOLM metabolite database for data
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	curation
PR:INSTITUTE                     	University of Campinas
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	Chemistry Institute, Department of Analytical Chemistry
PR:LABORATORY                    	Laboratory of Bioanalytics and Integrated Omics (LaBIOmics)
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Ribeiro
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Henrique
PR:ADDRESS                       	Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda,s/n
PR:EMAIL                         	hcarachoribeiro@gmail.com
PR:PHONE                         	+55 19 3521 3018
PR:CONTRIBUTORS                  	Henrique Caracho Ribeiro, Alessandra Sussulini, Matej Oresic, Alex Dickens,
PR:CONTRIBUTORS                  	Partho Sen
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Bipolar disorder metabolomics analysis using FiehnLib and GMD for curation
ST:STUDY_TYPE                    	Untargeted GC analysis
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	In this study we analyzed the blood serum from 14 controls and 14 BD patients
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	using GC-MS under the conditions required for the use of FiehnLib library with
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	GMD as secondary library for curation on a untargeted metabolomics approach
ST:INSTITUTE                     	new
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	Chemistry Institute, Department of Analytical Chemistry
ST:LABORATORY                    	Laboratory of Bioanalytics and Integrated Omics (LaBIOmics)
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Ribeiro
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Henrique
ST:ADDRESS                       	Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda,s/n
ST:EMAIL                         	hcarachoribeiro@gmail.com
ST:PHONE                         	+55 19 3521 3018
ST:NUM_GROUPS                    	2
ST:TOTAL_SUBJECTS                	28
ST:NUM_MALES                     	11
ST:NUM_FEMALES                   	17
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Human
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Homo sapiens
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9606
SU:AGE_OR_AGE_RANGE              	19-79
SU:GENDER                        	Male and female
SU:HUMAN_ETHNICITY               	Brazilian
SU:HUMAN_MEDICATIONS             	BD patients used a wide range of different medications, mostly mood stabilizers
SU:HUMAN_MEDICATIONS             	and antipsychotics
SU:HUMAN_INCLUSION_CRITERIA      	Controls: Any adult over 18 years respecting the excusion criteria / BD: Any
SU:HUMAN_INCLUSION_CRITERIA      	adult over 18 years old with BD diagnosed by a psychiatrist, respecting
SU:HUMAN_INCLUSION_CRITERIA      	exclusion criteria psychiat
SU:HUMAN_EXCLUSION_CRITERIA      	Controls : negative history of any psychiatric disorder or use of any kind of
SU:HUMAN_EXCLUSION_CRITERIA      	psychiatric medication / BD : concomitant diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis,
SU:HUMAN_EXCLUSION_CRITERIA      	endocrinal or metabolic diseases, substance use (except nicotine dependence),
SU:HUMAN_EXCLUSION_CRITERIA      	and pregnancy or postpartum period
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Raw file names and additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B01	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B01.cdf; Sex=F; Age=19; Height=1.63; Weight=69; BMI=25.97012; Medication=valproic acid
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B02	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B02.cdf; Sex=F; Age=60; Height=1.5; Weight=77; BMI=34.22222; Medication=valproic acid, quetiapine, clonazepam
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B03	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B03.cdf; Sex=M; Age=45; Height=1.5; Weight=55; BMI=24.44444; Medication=quetiapine
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B05	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B05.cdf; Sex=F; Age=59; Height=1.59; Weight=93; BMI=36.78652; Medication=quetiapine, clonazepam,
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B06	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B06.cdf; Sex=F; Age=19; Height=1.59; Weight=49; BMI=19.38214; Medication=lavontringine, valproic acid
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B07	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B07.cdf; Sex=F; Age=40; Height=1.5; Weight=73; BMI=32.44444; Medication=lavontringine, Haldol, Clonazepam
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B08	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B08.cdf; Sex=M; Age=52; Height=1.58; Weight=74.5; BMI=29.84297; Medication=lavontringine,Aripiprazole, Sertaline, Bupropione
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B09	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B09.cdf; Sex=M; Age=24; Height=1.83; Weight=82; BMI=24.48565; Medication=lithium
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B10	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B10.cdf; Sex=M; Age=66; Height=1.66; Weight=66; BMI=23.95123; Medication=lithium, quetiapine, carbamazepine, clozapine
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B11	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B11.cdf; Sex=M; Age=19; Height=1.8; Weight=84; BMI=25.92593; Medication=lithium, olanzapine, clonazepam,
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B12	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B12.cdf; Sex=F; Age=40; Height=1.7; Weight=80; BMI=27.68166; Medication=lithium, carbamazepine, biperidene
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B14	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B14.cdf; Sex=F; Age=19; Height=1.68; Weight=51; BMI=18.06973; Medication=risperidone, lithium, quetiapine
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B15	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B15.cdf; Sex=M; Age=71; Height=1.68; Weight=64; BMI=22.67574; Medication=olanzapine, carbolithium, clonazepam
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	B16	Condition:Bipolar	RAW_FILE_NAME=B16.cdf; Sex=M; Age=34; Height=1.89; Weight=85; BMI=23.79553; Medication=clonazepam
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D01	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D01.cdf; Sex=M; Age=33; Height=1.78; Weight=82; BMI=25.88057; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D02	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D02.cdf; Sex=F; Age=34; Height=1.7; Weight=72; BMI=24.91349; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D03	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D03.cdf; Sex=F; Age=25; Height=1.6; Weight=61; BMI=23.82813; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D04	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D04.cdf; Sex=F; Age=33; Height=1.66; Weight=59; BMI=21.41094; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D05	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D05.cdf; Sex=F; Age=49; Height=1.65; Weight=62; BMI=22.77319; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D06	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D06.cdf; Sex=M; Age=34; Height=1.71; Weight=70; BMI=23.93899; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D07	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D07.cdf; Sex=M; Age=28; Height=1.85; Weight=85; BMI=24.83565; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D08	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D08.cdf; Sex=F; Age=43; Height=1.63; Weight=72; BMI=27.09925; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D09	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D09.cdf; Sex=F; Age=31; Height=1.58; Weight=58; BMI=23.23346; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D10	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D10.cdf; Sex=F; Age=51; Height=1.64; Weight=68; BMI=25.28257; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D11	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D11.cdf; Sex=F; Age=79; Height=1.49; Weight=56; BMI=25.22409; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D12	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D12.cdf; Sex=F; Age=60; Height=1.55; Weight=67; BMI=27.88762; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D13	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D13.cdf; Sex=F; Age=52; Height=1.67; Weight=78; BMI=27.96802; Medication=NA
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	D14	Condition:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=D14.cdf; Sex=M; Age=47; Height=1.67; Weight=72; BMI=25.81663; Medication=NA
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	The blood was collected in a Vacutainer tube, left at ambient temperature for 30
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	minutes, and then stored on ice for the blood to coagulate. Afterward, the
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	samples were centrifuged at 3500 g for 15 minutes at 4 °C. The blood serum was
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	collected and transferred to microtubes, stored at -80 °C for further analysis.
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Blood (serum)
CO:STORAGE_CONDITIONS            	-80℃
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Samples were aliquoted into 100uL microtubes, and treated with sodium azide
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	0.01% (m/v), then stored in biofreezer at -80 °C until further analysis.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	The metabolites from serum samples were extracted by a simple protein
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	precipitation method, using 50 µL of serum and 150 µL of MeOH and 150 µL of
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	pentadecanoic acid as the internal standard. The mixture was vortexed,
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	centrifuged at 15000 RPM, subsequently separating and discarding the protein
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	phase. The aqueous phase was then dried in a SpeedVac at room temp and the dried
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	samples were then submitted to a two-step derivatization, where 10 µL of
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	methoxamine hydrochloride pyridine solution (40 mg mL-1) was added to the
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	sample, kept at 30 ºC for 90 minutes. After the first derivatization step, 90
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	µL of MSTFA with 1 % (v/v) of TMCS (trimethylchlorosilane) was added, with the
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	sample being kept at 37 ºC for 30 minutes.
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	The following GC/MS conditions were used. An HP 5890 Series II oven was ramped
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	by 10°C/min from 60°C (1 min initial time) to 325°C (10 min final time),
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	resulting in a 37.5 min run time with cooling down to 60°C. 10 µL was injected
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	into the Agilent split/splitless injector at 250°C in splitless mode. A 30 m
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	long HP5-MS column with 10 m Duragard precolumn was used with 0.25 mm diameter
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	and 0.25 µm film thickness. A constant flow rate of 1 mL/min helium was used as
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	carrier gas. The quadrupole mass spectrometer was switched on after a 5.90 min
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	solvent delay time, scanning from 50-600 u. The source temperature was set to
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	230°C and the quadrupole temperature was 150°C.
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	HP/Agilent 5890 Series II
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	HP5-MS (30m x 0.25mm x 0.25 um) + Duragard precolumn (10m)
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	HP 5970 Series Quadrupole Mass Selective Detector
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Single quadrupole
MS:MS_TYPE                       	EI
MS:ION_MODE                      	UNSPECIFIED
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	The GC-MS conditions were the same as required to use the FiehnLib library (Kind
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	et al., 2009). The data obtained were exported as ‘.AIA’ format in GC
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Chemstation then transformed in ‘.d’ using Agilent GC-MS translator and
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	finally converted in ‘.abf’ format using MS-DIAL ABF file converter. The
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	‘.abf’ files were then analyzed in MS-DIAL (version 4.16) for peak picking,
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	deconvolution and peak identification. The peak table containing the
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	identifications from FiehnLib and the respective intensities in total ion
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	chromatogram (TIC) from each metabolite were exported and analyzed using R
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	statistical programming language (version 3.60) to evaluate the relative
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	standard deviations (RSD) from each metabolite on the QC samples. Metabolites
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	with RSD > 30 % were discarded due to excessive deviation through the batch. We
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	opted to perform a second curation of the identifications using Golm Metabolite
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Database (GMD) since was observed a deviation of ± 0.2 minutes on the
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	identifications comparing to the value shown in the library, caused possibly by
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	the equipment. Metabolites that presented inconsistencies between both platforms
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	were considered unknown, where some of these were just identified by their
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	functional groups using one of GMD functionalities.
MS_METABOLITE_DATA:UNITS	Intensities after normalization by Internal standard and log2 transformed
Samples	B01	B02	B03	B05	B06	B07	B08	B09	B10	B11	B12	B14	B15	B16	D01	D02	D03	D04	D05	D06	D07	D08	D09	D10	D11	D12	D13	D14
Factors	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Bipolar	Condition:Control	Condition:Control	Condition:Control	Condition:Control	Condition:Control	Condition:Control	Condition:Control	Condition:Control	Condition:Control	Condition:Control	Condition:Control	Condition:Control	Condition:Control	Condition:Control
2-hydroxybutyric acid	-4.291787269	-5.960556484	-7.37580976	-5.050733293	-5.999947127	-5.609993306	-6.664762451	-5.311903669	-5.760213824	-4.998479368	-7.094877372	-5.843149015	-5.449306618	-5.036755076	-4.165527683	-7.193933663	-5.794194329	-6.476506231	-7.649934735	-7.721924827	-5.6489022	-6.089193224	-4.860101255	-6.566052037	-6.042578044	-5.843007114	-6.103902871	-5.882757412
2-ketocaproic acid	-9.555766098	-9.442951992	-9.505383113	-10.10498044	-9.348091176	-9.721112261	-9.857213547	-9.763498617	-9.641556981	-8.671339869	-9.631635901	-9.82248855	-9.946175523	-9.453865865	-11.24230362	-9.926344092	-9.603739993	-9.54908833	-9.466449983	-9.684305608	-9.334464604	-9.512994312	-9.435550971	-9.26995078	-9.428656278	-9.320325229	-9.522510925	-9.436709763
2-ketoisocaproic acid	-7.660550554	-7.996327111	-8.143495619	-8.007404623	-7.999711983	-7.73275498	-7.843729396	-8.078942299	-7.709137321	-11.41301303	-7.62404971	-7.60285828	-7.702567368	-7.138557983	-6.949429493	-7.916101031	-7.763223024	-7.43277112	-7.98327073	-7.928377169	-7.697230655	-7.20130282	-7.474618949	-7.703797781	-7.746675815	-7.395868042	-7.933236267	-7.431348329
2-ketoisocaproic acid 2	-8.399399574	-8.86843943	-9.432432014	-9.111640469	-8.837697351	-9.339080637	-9.364415438	-8.374541008	-9.000527482	-8.235205028	-9.155884579	-8.85423848	-8.526092973	-8.591349983	-8.121258881	-9.855880595	-9.124193332	-8.565615115	-9.217364925	-8.887799617	-8.21736484	-8.721606296	-8.900838741	-9.277651032	-9.799104338	-8.852534315	-9.712516518	-8.725362474
3-hydroxypyridine	-8.752754247	-7.504229533	-9.042469844	-10.00464923	-7.427206222	-9.061180233	-8.183464792	-9.534165115	-8.320435553	-23.68645607	-8.162041874	-7.617265612	-7.622657147	-7.538378586	-21.40554194	-8.311446036	-7.503032041	-7.65980369	-7.850049093	-7.542041417	-7.685351	-7.599272076	-7.657306643	-7.256935867	-7.517485148	-7.476177475	-7.607917617	-7.488969179
3-indoleacetic acid	-10.80256566	-10.31679194	-12.73090854	-14.02294118	-8.088130966	-12.91363499	-8.151201814	-13.40210543	-8.884184307	-11.42953034	-12.02869488	-9.422959068	-7.898037945	-8.070041458	-21.40554194	-10.50573969	-9.887793837	-10.96156173	-10.00887851	-9.417029562	-9.351554858	-8.661595589	-9.925290949	-9.468871597	-8.988235345	-9.885795382	-9.849889186	-8.851727506
alpha tocophereol	-11.2011205	-9.890970613	-11.10781841	-12.49378005	-10.1919192	-10.32494964	-10.80971312	-10.39118543	-10.20459552	-11.04109575	-11.91821021	-9.981315715	-10.02405922	-9.788921623	-21.40554194	-10.7053026	-9.381874751	-10.63502411	-9.516286865	-10.74191448	-9.429950826	-9.61202884	-10.25981378	-9.806369629	-9.712410423	-10.13617912	-10.41961905	-10.52608553
arachidic acid	-7.170294023	-6.747216923	-7.842756952	-8.8421406	-6.492505786	-8.081084909	-7.09710936	-8.361335969	-7.086403143	-7.557409766	-8.288726151	-6.547018242	-6.612825499	-6.781524805	-9.348408851	-7.33040369	-6.537600558	-7.067983341	-6.626065	-7.338816841	-6.350726427	-6.613665239	-6.742339267	-6.524158778	-6.60617075	-6.350312843	-6.424084775	-6.506330804
aspartic acid	-10.62801592	-10.06301178	-14.33160798	-22.7815132	-11.18152901	-14.38733897	-10.0506801	-14.61233014	-12.00304996	-13.78837548	-14.60192734	-8.331205561	-8.592201367	-7.948657085	-21.40554194	-9.762569829	-9.645847674	-13.03368663	-10.45198453	-13.28815127	-8.799752939	-8.784169933	-8.070165447	-10.53674709	-10.78081912	-8.935966917	-9.060821473	-10.93944889
aspartic acid 2	-11.46446818	-8.240364247	-23.50445824	-22.7815132	-9.609518136	-23.56383678	-10.04198023	-23.59832516	-10.77585889	-23.68645607	-23.45513053	-8.65973918	-8.311055468	-8.138202453	-21.40554194	-11.37471841	-11.55673424	-11.13873453	-11.94619987	-14.95549254	-8.051123412	-7.463810663	-8.214179172	-8.442856927	-8.939718109	-9.708401743	-7.883545408	-9.358913308
benzoic acid	-6.659515812	-6.388530034	-6.5020893	-7.113740243	-6.255553125	-6.553703192	-6.770907574	-6.742247411	-6.64699263	-6.456589553	-6.408774911	-6.493544047	-6.418968379	-6.3934532	-5.870480457	-6.898879331	-6.489509206	-6.739125672	-6.674285447	-6.649024272	-6.466570498	-6.521087104	-6.440566176	-6.456269087	-6.590709097	-6.421273278	-6.64106605	-6.426818895
cholesterol	-2.387832625	-2.076334967	-2.444406208	-4.708588229	-1.195573036	-2.732261244	-1.930947954	-2.086042827	-2.000735849	-2.327426679	-2.957894597	-1.901566381	-1.606659289	-2.28387482	-7.409433056	-2.214107304	-1.588642692	-2.270731311	-1.494092613	-2.271579643	-1.357546627	-1.570031673	-1.637040416	-1.557993746	-1.400627792	-1.650326249	-1.675610645	-1.675338452
citric acid	-8.619916303	-8.594889488	-23.50445824	-22.7815132	-7.457238831	-23.56383678	-6.63205805	-23.59832516	-10.77942209	-23.68645607	-23.45513053	-6.617843844	-5.813855377	-5.576662685	-21.40554194	-8.600811116	-6.9473556	-9.809217319	-7.790994656	-23.51653107	-5.567907386	-5.493254568	-6.482930136	-7.139033939	-7.700950495	-6.538468043	-6.256343818	-8.786158437
D-glucose	0.339088646	0.374395515	0.20321432	0.770641778	0.30954437	0.438121112	0.445644231	0.368867318	0.470746932	0.595609745	0.69366876	0.458290697	0.378511623	0.654225163	1.803383889	0.68350125	0.477701534	0.863062253	0.572989859	0.459431619	0.431049817	0.702456064	0.540568381	0.503238103	0	0.665015752	0.316473665	0.693939819
D-glucose 2	0.329307625	0.374395515	0.20321432	0.722945036	0.30954437	0.349584438	0.445644231	0.268703156	0.403632736	0.500613231	0.746966986	0.449130698	0.378511623	0.654225163	1.778739285	0.693993624	0.477701534	0.853663555	0.532347875	0.485426827	0.411813598	0.653268514	0.540568381	0.439912168	1.027221469	0.623436649	0.327361981	0.64842516
D-threitol	-9.545032652	-8.566515951	-8.745749903	-9.516671423	-8.820575055	-9.690234069	-8.902413367	-9.146685813	-8.719348905	-8.796765319	-7.987833211	-9.071393837	-8.941281491	-8.250689573	-8.310934067	-9.42975922	-8.771113946	-9.05033595	-8.930931802	-8.482615582	-8.802550101	-8.677372564	-9.358023796	-8.824433387	-8.899024904	-8.956974406	-8.884689098	-8.995490959
DL-isoleucine	-5.10170441	-5.088112735	-8.93793559	-16.12653641	-7.202894	-10.85276654	-5.886652159	-10.66738976	-6.369124245	-10.24375356	-9.952659192	-4.905412027	-4.950356865	-3.85213792	-9.454416442	-6.415102542	-5.530314581	-5.198833614	-5.459767412	-10.42351336	-5.204851958	-4.546471253	-4.461486036	-5.790601992	-5.677020753	-4.692519088	-7.197854308	-5.569639853
fructose	-9.056452627	-7.780699778	-7.007950668	-8.50199475	-5.495943937	-8.809198728	-6.417497191	-8.661874012	-8.601424947	-8.743834358	-7.363381939	-7.374887384	-8.152446544	-7.71978572	-7.62992446	-7.994458755	-6.493322022	-6.050637042	-8.282332808	-6.583052483	-5.706434445	-8.069970183	-8.745696394	-7.877155951	-7.318523288	-8.020858997	-8.549928186	-7.449396533
fumaric acid	-10.31204253	-9.787665763	-11.16198238	-22.7815132	-10.0190144	-10.55290942	-10.33386624	-10.45010139	-10.33490615	-10.52240694	-10.31554384	-9.778134394	-10.05698814	-9.366961446	-21.40554194	-10.39871245	-9.753775325	-9.789854273	-10.08613814	-10.27696372	-9.538643634	-9.66013207	-9.99150462	-9.833062686	-10.32191772	-9.967191273	-9.856934795	-10.1412819
galactitol (6TMS)	-0.8625319	-0.861533544	-1.019991786	-0.50302716	-0.901156657	-0.908761858	-0.957846532	-0.940129807	-0.724808766	-0.673943886	-0.448907874	-0.797897571	-0.975233924	-0.482820979	0.31796111	-0.624209447	-0.872517295	-0.55204045	-0.81294258	-0.759579826	-0.930866216	-0.611658147	-0.729933882	-0.813952815	-0.0138058	-0.660846176	-1.041868773	-0.538102772
glucose 1,6-anhydro-beta (3TMS)	-7.206942673	-7.207003597	-7.484147558	-7.583397408	-6.841454736	-7.585498129	-6.280186617	-7.366027162	-7.04548108	-7.166666884	-6.524114903	-7.047205737	-7.04850027	-7.009714527	-6.783783085	-7.631712332	-7.350581427	-7.652877711	-7.300100044	-7.608019293	-7.233108837	-7.478139614	-7.26704371	-6.905132032	-7.119745122	-7.084085982	-7.277497919	-7.069339134
glyceric acid	-9.43894672	-9.435240899	-9.598855935	-10.64036688	-9.154766506	-9.216632757	-10.11798781	-9.609208334	-9.811889094	-9.797061436	-9.446797327	-8.724402484	-9.417655288	-8.728828512	-10.69347413	-9.142470367	-8.353082568	-8.785462324	-8.710903436	-8.982209947	-9.02991307	-9.158568018	-9.031230041	-9.619647534	-9.91303851	-9.483022498	-9.858470353	-10.1127747
glycerol	-4.383261991	-4.527610664	-5.742302676	-4.19837239	-4.683215856	-3.702209	-4.727256744	-4.023533388	-5.292078304	-4.513836167	-4.348989608	-4.594483924	-3.885184758	-4.462702792	-3.034160902	-4.855342519	-4.285923288	-4.997596375	-4.940593644	-5.397203367	-4.889158769	-4.142599572	-3.676047048	-4.783441581	-5.007020694	-4.350746629	-4.239675655	-5.603411689
glycine	-4.352131495	-4.285454457	-4.192925206	-4.545606958	-3.985601733	-4.517948104	-4.587482616	-4.599215618	-4.386433778	-4.212281563	-4.156963219	-4.190100209	-4.225411563	-4.385812088	-3.467941109	-4.454486629	-4.347086749	-4.561110247	-4.441488985	-4.382242887	-4.254014818	-4.395529747	-4.256056034	-4.279224565	-4.391449182	-4.037270764	-4.168407105	-4.10637115
glycolic acid	-4.602629984	-4.759053161	-4.393408428	-4.167414481	-4.527050427	-4.737290159	-4.332674276	-4.886215008	-4.618467946	-4.547609082	-4.532186434	-4.674131403	-4.697953658	-4.363343274	-3.202163347	-4.154484395	-4.652133589	-3.89118917	-4.72793301	-4.537258564	-4.76010936	-4.765730127	-4.578002861	-4.611936021	-4.1269391	-4.295617134	-4.268032754	-4.186104451
heptadecanoic acid	-5.2536471	-5.114767764	-6.285840137	-8.158606866	-4.844085541	-8.844246891	-5.41334185	-9.281774917	-5.335144004	-7.651653026	-11.61804469	-4.894759997	-4.945569812	-4.973020311	-13.14535064	-5.519125055	-4.991906976	-5.392805556	-5.050495306	-6.258836621	-4.848375684	-4.965227807	-5.012791286	-4.930092678	-5.058231118	-4.768491249	-4.777911611	-4.938975112
homoserine (4TMS)	-6.598419193	-6.135883998	-6.215135447	-6.919881267	-6.002495924	-6.358471154	-6.351175844	-6.997495385	-6.509115743	-6.245989961	-6.571178288	-6.049398201	-5.937672476	-6.065649945	-6.25254298	-6.406830118	-5.868415291	-6.018531833	-5.841465721	-5.98792282	-5.733155046	-5.836156561	-6.21357189	-5.876744565	-6.185035254	-5.807575372	-5.950607216	-6.006262206
Isoleucine (1TMS)	-4.737130342	-4.667768573	-13.04975488	-14.43389803	-7.16347846	-12.28628668	-5.232098825	-8.477945517	-5.580941468	-11.40998732	-13.86499076	-4.325763733	-4.154614781	-3.434607386	-14.49559967	-5.660016984	-5.244844602	-5.053339632	-5.19607155	-15.46026241	-4.440513501	-3.989813581	-3.958336774	-5.550507663	-5.57863973	-4.006457324	-5.850975699	-5.184050638
L-(-)-fucose	-8.930074363	-8.594125787	-8.644923937	-9.384595407	-8.315084522	-8.826966646	-8.673771569	-8.617621025	-8.62149615	-8.486216452	-8.580115089	-8.529760143	-8.400414874	-8.251628507	-7.838114618	-9.211711187	-8.645776386	-8.959019908	-8.417103919	-8.39266348	-8.545853954	-8.386260052	-8.597108876	-8.615617186	-8.340654987	-8.276052753	-8.936620137	-8.375377887
L-(+) lactic acid	-0.810321228	-0.493039299	-0.936601474	-7.475740707	-0.589706586	-0.872313686	-6.396144218	-0.716958169	-0.595102884	-0.295455884	-1.107857635	-0.012600037	0.038819249	-0.230297619	-6.189849317	-6.975629303	-0.534789188	-10.94221249	-0.881596778	-0.429198375	-0.311161681	-0.891587587	-0.617310415	-0.875392445	-0.095883363	-0.796418544	-0.818576719	-0.315263401
L-methionine	-9.311817294	-8.322206829	-12.91700511	-22.7815132	-9.710037216	-12.38686333	-9.140934306	-23.59832516	-9.247194747	-13.65159797	-11.79983953	-8.218954847	-8.288222741	-6.937097173	-21.40554194	-13.43807989	-10.98259582	-23.01336476	-9.906015991	-10.57944052	-7.974663193	-7.895326259	-8.288980213	-9.528679779	-10.23663649	-8.632534374	-9.312606561	-9.50984356
L-pyroglutamic acid	-4.530343456	-1.789131379	-10.7942547	-22.7815132	-2.779352127	-10.22182742	-2.825349632	-11.88688704	-3.922366578	-9.537746738	-10.60248964	-2.397586913	-1.788050374	-1.288702401	-21.40554194	-4.011043587	-4.109107326	-3.53569443	-4.681813854	-6.963182417	-0.845974456	-0.950403447	-1.759824909	-1.807737099	-2.424144075	-2.827378251	-1.437898658	-2.645688331
L-serine	-5.770687765	-4.289620589	-10.36788151	-12.75565109	-4.129875538	-10.25535127	-6.059897892	-10.52473385	-5.059491338	-10.32087999	-10.3110985	-5.165122932	-4.103770741	-3.985510021	-11.66965985	-5.701713218	-5.729818212	-5.814833392	-6.245153959	-10.18810437	-3.74383386	-3.356440312	-3.999775272	-3.877787634	-3.975382153	-4.71099211	-4.343933387	-3.93106947
L-threonine	-7.44981484	-6.509634033	-15.19283388	-22.7815132	-7.967713174	-11.6838397	-6.401214764	-11.9900782	-8.100579647	-11.25944893	-14.43373797	-6.387870546	-6.424135414	-5.423483603	-21.40554194	-6.121049693	-6.759405431	-5.69213247	-7.544953151	-16.15569013	-5.866028467	-5.858839864	-6.08943076	-6.753554666	-7.976312719	-6.19364278	-6.744009905	-7.441936428
L-threonine 2	-8.350312049	-8.266869861	-8.425297247	-9.339076344	-8.223053894	-8.309044724	-8.487658538	-8.350237489	-8.383164941	-8.277913034	-8.085269786	-8.250857808	-8.141838207	-7.975981482	-8.444902634	-8.727415664	-8.006194031	-8.252771628	-8.216257818	-8.231504963	-8.237033061	-8.174080444	-8.156358241	-8.320138758	-8.59104021	-7.930371834	-8.271455757	-8.541835788
lactose	-23.48000519	-10.53443689	-12.4734677	-22.7815132	-11.65061701	-23.56383678	-10.53586883	-23.59832516	-10.18967963	-15.03865266	-23.45513053	-8.575335271	-8.652538961	-12.89473379	-21.40554194	-14.38697914	-13.51868735	-14.10867144	-10.45337358	-11.73281251	-12.42080581	-12.12024351	-13.45691867	-13.06089722	-11.26622791	-12.6197364	-10.45847494	-12.52205679
lauric acid	-7.688464787	-7.998424027	-7.84748124	-8.575119972	-7.863596204	-7.642977577	-8.323696884	-8.060117128	-8.057365621	-7.382458479	-8.105201777	-7.764403258	-7.485844734	-8.003982752	-8.186308973	-8.37894183	-7.488464534	-8.159708709	-7.920186218	-7.607581455	-7.999172543	-7.750562047	-7.777244674	-7.358461691	-7.811447665	-7.870958437	-7.623706731	-7.964476767
linoleic acid	-7.276202597	-8.056281749	-23.50445824	-22.7815132	-8.81017342	-9.28680807	-9.350140866	-10.80126313	-7.513928651	-9.960488106	-23.45513053	-8.510429444	-6.184942604	-8.188869149	-21.40554194	-8.623477955	-8.243685211	-10.2619592	-8.802830711	-23.51653107	-8.369498246	-7.602688155	-5.905392545	-6.442555087	-8.982597212	-7.673497046	-6.085390769	-9.533915365
maltose	-11.17276368	-10.45659274	-11.6730825	-22.7815132	-10.54055343	-23.56383678	-9.346143633	-23.59832516	-9.446687807	-11.59099608	-23.45513053	-9.252143547	-10.5937233	-9.096463648	-21.40554194	-9.849046737	-9.601366851	-10.70431139	-9.894242851	-9.995306074	-9.693358981	-10.12583818	-10.17527625	-9.783700031	-9.26834765	-9.582819484	-11.0012767	-10.07325895
methyl oleate	-7.252013096	-7.209448086	-8.626386723	-10.7979349	-6.778403616	-5.178017346	-7.527544189	-6.206719903	-7.36886022	-6.075517755	-8.70123741	-6.860637084	-7.121298562	-7.086692572	-6.421071857	-7.556588681	-7.170414662	-7.446012609	-7.218350188	-9.626240189	-6.978850557	-7.145245842	-6.977932781	-7.037842827	-7.077953611	-6.77953787	-6.796795221	-6.885068643
methyl stearate	-3.96626719	-4.044488799	-3.96018936	-4.57909328	-3.90230107	-4.221392468	-4.395564112	-4.361597593	-4.190298792	-4.041135036	-3.97648077	-3.957828121	-4.152490253	-3.979842897	-3.435752979	-4.475084576	-3.980851935	-4.115896239	-4.067463183	-3.869764602	-4.053339926	-4.101385607	-3.835871116	-4.198124651	-3.894167675	-3.762737841	-3.883899438	-3.728515551
myo-innositol	-6.159792552	-6.417644541	-5.935100273	-6.773109967	-5.946921894	-6.424186514	-6.300635485	-6.096292106	-5.092130334	-5.987613744	-4.927840619	-5.169453781	-5.314353145	-4.834542965	-5.506813738	-5.918331327	-5.795098436	-5.772862221	-5.654242139	-5.719780381	-5.520898367	-4.885600699	-6.118553558	-5.947860053	-6.101661829	-5.666259086	-6.21097643	-5.976095891
myristic acid	-2.213650417	-3.147153586	-2.630237797	-2.640814466	-2.70194732	-2.045137051	-2.940594089	-2.159666793	-2.794278455	-1.656106844	-1.740616674	-2.055189259	-2.431470082	-1.68484546	-1.437319535	-2.579659866	-2.360904449	-1.59091702	-1.770301647	-1.410257922	-2.323537855	-2.751106632	-2.53034207	-2.464484306	-2.882601315	-1.864501809	-2.81155751	-2.164163093
octadecane	-6.213541634	-6.094448048	-6.069925296	-6.171289996	-5.792933704	-6.161237704	-6.371722217	-6.400112274	-6.268141788	-5.939823009	-5.824949447	-5.875359397	-5.946853976	-5.990798429	-5.432156006	-6.323713978	-5.916822944	-5.961023848	-5.974129206	-5.935086989	-5.897726959	-6.069394411	-6.013352441	-5.974196781	-6.002805236	-5.727938794	-5.789207094	-5.823107642
oleic acid	-4.564360356	-5.2065076	-14.97467203	-14.08925375	-5.603720282	-9.246579642	-5.914444926	-11.84333831	-5.304672109	-9.658538847	-9.256379327	-5.411943533	-3.669370596	-5.601902596	-9.757506193	-6.070626184	-5.432335047	-7.228784612	-6.598178704	-14.1646413	-5.330369321	-4.774296286	-3.195898367	-4.033831195	-5.780169157	-5.077739217	-3.469553646	-6.19268317
p-cresol	-9.020064547	-7.05568717	-6.18567714	-22.7815132	-8.519629872	-7.951870542	-6.469264234	-5.635149665	-6.755790662	-7.140601093	-5.351097483	-5.194095254	-7.457066615	-6.848476207	-21.40554194	-7.635130906	-8.064386553	-8.739783311	-8.098723333	-6.049277385	-7.596780277	-5.659672538	-8.936225387	-8.398625317	-6.450665395	-7.358692554	-7.191225946	-6.366171863
palmitic acid	-9.877960561	-10.2108485	-9.034915622	-10.60435345	-9.957688492	-9.321394303	-9.61482353	-9.60266664	-6.973349837	-10.34913941	-9.718530935	-10.27364187	-10.33870097	-10.31187219	-12.89273986	-10.09643445	-10.20783905	-9.229064253	-10.41394814	-9.671609584	-9.889755438	-10.19478291	-10.03907129	-10.22432094	-10.04439743	-9.874601384	-10.0038493	-9.975519019
palmitic acid 2	-1.086277482	-1.057189844	-1.047558673	-1.445721611	-0.900425921	-1.061528673	-1.231818485	-1.385452708	-1.246172058	-0.912409629	-1.201135352	-0.850551734	-0.903573263	-1.027775013	-15.31455707	-1.262433426	-0.932926193	-0.986201859	-1.104267442	-0.992450926	-0.949558255	-0.997042361	-0.877338846	-0.898929246	-0.971956834	-0.782579676	-0.724717173	-0.858053096
palmitoleic acid	-9.813923248	-9.503928838	-23.50445824	-22.7815132	-11.33577747	-8.695271257	-11.64208217	-10.36151164	-11.63495761	-8.977228449	-23.45513053	-10.59274326	-7.901488047	-10.96329011	-21.40554194	-11.75763012	-10.48894456	-11.83008483	-12.26760299	-13.87531219	-9.899829219	-9.291461697	-8.399163938	-9.09459615	-10.93109848	-10.52138043	-8.570022508	-11.47552346
phenylalanine (2TMS)	-9.987440944	-6.899449482	-23.50445824	-22.7815132	-8.007710363	-13.63620977	-11.19060166	-12.20927414	-8.291114389	-13.11438213	-11.46079654	-7.539284283	-7.660124376	-6.453881829	-21.40554194	-13.09991209	-12.47036072	-12.08844465	-10.91515992	-14.01060561	-6.524565236	-6.515475195	-7.254855554	-7.524509829	-6.881024278	-9.765391913	-7.251811933	-7.499984602
phosphoric acid	-1.975837464	-2.076767132	-3.455797093	-3.27015393	-2.268611162	-1.936360343	-1.281700572	-2.3772886	-2.829389736	-2.946585659	-0.838920257	-1.458758414	-1.148841957	-1.326264168	0.832168103	-2.634153536	-1.682777742	-2.033498617	-1.849880364	-2.699774729	-1.08559293	-0.834629321	-1.258430173	-2.08900418	-2.435253467	-0.996961325	-1.755673083	-2.55258023
stearic acid	-0.837045243	-0.70522951	-0.82218563	-2.137125257	-0.433993469	-0.833395879	-0.822270963	-1.335900792	-0.90259603	-0.659705206	-1.380019312	-0.452818696	-0.513037427	-0.575700981	-5.003871081	-0.748510828	-0.464936078	-0.460034758	-0.580865169	-0.673920805	-0.461645422	-0.528953327	-0.582109443	-0.499923888	-0.590705745	-0.375189143	-0.341082613	-0.414467681
succinic acid	-9.18022336	-8.819254566	-8.954137711	-8.687437166	-8.758875558	-8.432407424	-9.383651434	-9.253283129	-9.20529274	-9.035348867	-8.20113646	-8.130686953	-8.178945403	-9.035326751	-8.540017049	-9.62215321	-8.986134989	-9.236077593	-8.205189591	-8.279742131	-8.899372139	-9.006810714	-8.972197526	-8.833443202	-8.298363135	-8.863313181	-8.061848885	-8.87184157
tryptophan (2TMS)	-9.073755005	-5.722126486	-23.50445824	-22.7815132	-7.477905947	-14.04231172	-6.032078712	-23.59832516	-7.299839566	-23.68645607	-23.45513053	-5.355193596	-5.176556313	-4.182025372	-21.40554194	-9.748328924	-6.489191825	-23.01336476	-9.141150057	-23.51653107	-4.015364197	-3.833166691	-4.591952292	-5.342216124	-5.107751647	-5.363701863	-5.069315927	-5.392712867
Unknown	-7.494777849	-6.377884839	-9.045354542	-10.29552746	-7.36253335	-8.837263105	-7.425427976	-10.95440067	-7.543705794	-8.942032149	-9.620240791	-7.567077259	-7.597181506	-7.773468766	-12.6368134	-7.755878598	-7.46428347	-7.446664344	-7.714208151	-8.070025076	-6.755600009	-7.698352542	-7.211860455	-6.438808629	-6.340477052	-7.493104494	-6.753166789	-6.458621902
Unknown 1,2-diol	-7.868959642	-7.237254418	-8.948353986	-22.7815132	-6.744113391	-9.693980797	-7.153414274	-10.57134602	-7.327993147	-8.835104255	-11.4547875	-6.76835919	-6.706744675	-6.981386035	-21.40554194	-7.480131186	-6.368081588	-7.731899413	-6.416391072	-8.143915593	-5.424869712	-6.439042782	-6.555564076	-5.930482455	-6.309247599	-6.469012181	-6.440717693	-6.895616561
Unknown alpha aminoacid	-8.501196884	-6.169942314	-10.73179293	-8.627433239	-9.3610625	-7.527801008	-7.082195698	-8.969315253	-8.326730097	-9.049829752	-10.04560567	-6.691045532	-6.057696312	-6.413140129	-6.948633145	-7.695636618	-6.812253182	-7.400046356	-7.5928094	-10.35678254	-5.660977318	-6.381020715	-6.076787825	-6.278431425	-6.842319409	-6.551284241	-6.644127061	-7.341023457
Unknown carboxilic acid	-8.436380615	-8.320211134	-8.231641859	-8.678578733	-7.833922436	-8.43633247	-8.192951076	-8.620566297	-8.173089913	-8.092954358	-7.94377998	-7.944857454	-7.964847165	-8.167907548	-8.662807045	-8.365296547	-7.959955856	-8.065674409	-7.983603859	-7.888166131	-7.832914009	-8.008158693	-8.058940556	-7.93329027	-7.923170629	-7.829077358	-8.014076507	-7.995292316
Unknown carboxilic acid 2	-4.892812221	-4.530494317	-3.729533835	-14.06403075	-4.50187097	-5.82589433	-14.30676964	-3.698288889	-4.965723227	-3.92368946	-4.777149086	-4.38194763	-4.01644928	-4.853323755	-10.66268686	-13.38033225	-4.839759773	-12.09983803	-4.81612382	-4.723761742	-4.725368749	-4.81586021	-4.73868071	-4.373155915	-4.063190841	-4.748484042	-3.880756745	-4.068620688
Unknown carboxilic acid derivative	-13.36494203	-9.758722083	-23.50445824	-22.7815132	-9.349337307	-23.56383678	-23.08285948	-23.59832516	-12.99125382	-23.68645607	-23.45513053	-12.19205679	-11.12852064	-8.660006043	-21.40554194	-23.02417131	-23.35110746	-23.01336476	-23.52850371	-23.51653107	-8.851209034	-10.8342051	-9.531171341	-9.305804147	-10.69096961	-23.40405634	-9.792089614	-10.60879449
Unknown carboxilic acid derivative 2	-4.791963927	-4.68415403	-12.15604875	-12.03287503	-6.336773465	-8.080342804	-5.234584372	-8.232927811	-6.421222961	-10.64828571	-11.44024003	-4.327812727	-4.209300258	-3.449023784	-12.919505	-5.67598347	-5.586677711	-5.084295373	-5.177654287	-12.48356931	-4.62340066	-3.990485315	-3.997360448	-5.565400208	-5.584897869	-4.015048552	-6.36362146	-5.194050013
Unknown lactone	-9.558917406	-9.137631906	-10.36871978	-22.7815132	-8.88711957	-9.424950658	-9.512040816	-9.950068706	-9.495737558	-9.986436912	-11.20851698	-9.072708463	-8.389339104	-9.046170361	-21.40554194	-10.01840906	-8.341168652	-9.843187906	-9.102740999	-10.04220404	-8.85583158	-9.16359182	-8.663916267	-9.053626981	-8.949419054	-8.292445856	-8.61711732	-9.097695342
Unknown metabolite	-1.687544921	-1.431189945	-1.500465515	-1.83997121	-1.290843312	-1.544397064	-1.666977966	-1.73116333	-1.668778864	-1.376506005	-1.317151282	-1.384838887	-1.427242947	-1.429857544	-0.802123865	-1.756905689	-1.297066607	-1.538062767	-1.346096324	-1.447015089	-1.288469852	-1.402581078	-1.470851628	-1.384799247	-1.494757122	-1.192441592	-1.343502075	-1.322142795
Unknown metabolite 2	-6.492193835	-6.014262109	-6.103037026	-6.436919768	-5.753566155	-6.188710786	-6.058899427	-7.104269786	-6.158245995	-5.379880332	-5.705472528	-5.486550911	-5.721976053	-6.00107206	-5.27672695	-6.232607754	-5.533070216	-5.811196926	-5.772314234	-6.111492679	-5.274488422	-6.019193771	-6.181963835	-5.582395534	-5.878898637	-5.771271249	-6.717457113	-5.897256818
Unknown primary alcohol	-23.48000519	-13.49668061	-23.50445824	-22.7815132	-12.33751581	-23.56383678	-13.99268644	-23.59832516	-11.69897201	-13.99207537	-12.19920734	-13.05313429	-8.762590533	-11.71264412	-21.40554194	-23.02417131	-12.11582437	-23.01336476	-12.77935078	-23.51653107	-13.77012208	-11.71865927	-14.55608486	-12.66235324	-12.09742683	-13.57459474	-14.2532011	-23.24661753
Unknown sugar	-5.129000424	-7.202662136	-5.178359283	-5.007161095	-6.553607265	-4.606630427	-5.216764446	-4.791865849	-5.863295436	-4.41311735	-4.105283047	-5.527838087	-6.1851325	-5.463989639	-3.952598543	-4.819541421	-4.447093263	-3.897933436	-3.942982353	-3.912222357	-6.392155489	-6.645751299	-6.542733026	-6.375722828	-6.32923092	-4.726152301	-6.813764995	-5.982145611
Unknown sugar 2	-9.079978341	-7.928514335	-6.679483343	-8.645657249	-5.038204641	-9.167967987	-5.956131821	-9.205068789	-8.361500354	-8.841033158	-7.269534364	-6.998208097	-8.267792565	-7.623771715	-7.544849698	-7.749344748	-6.357795315	-5.995390674	-8.370406884	-6.561152465	-5.707984976	-8.022551362	-9.033810415	-7.787906139	-7.045084651	-7.862960331	-8.432512918	-6.994072023
urea	-6.461194312	-0.756681842	-6.963205349	-7.452392409	0.2793824	-7.459033304	-7.174936779	-7.235584241	-0.655629009	-7.026111919	-7.261528936	-1.915137326	-1.118050963	-0.4933909	-6.515361754	-7.714480384	-7.063756341	-7.773291603	-7.180784774	-7.467782825	0.567684509	0.702456064	-0.747402023	0.572362464	0.533681996	-6.379598395	-0.189754497	0.620410784
uric acid	-23.48000519	-7.988393428	-23.50445824	-22.7815132	-8.863218601	-11.50714658	-13.26905505	-12.55593116	-14.51797742	-14.66967285	-23.45513053	-14.76849939	-8.713001481	-6.046847556	-21.40554194	-12.25311273	-11.12988619	-13.14776726	-14.93423846	-23.51653107	-6.832124916	-7.647691507	-7.454604252	-7.814723736	-8.534692174	-11.13139652	-6.969309069	-7.974526163
metabolite_name	HMDB	PubChem	ChEBI	KEGG	METLIN
2-hydroxybutyric acid	HMDB0000008	11266	1148	C05984	3783
2-ketocaproic acid	HMDB0001864	159664	17308	C00902	4144
2-ketoisocaproic acid	HMDB0000695	70	48430	C00233	5663
2-ketoisocaproic acid 2	HMDB0000695	70	48430	C00233	5663
3-hydroxypyridine	NA	7971	NA	NA	NA
3-indoleacetic acid	HMDB0000197	802	16411	C00954	5211
alpha tocophereol	NA	1742129	NA	NA	NA
arachidic acid	HMDB0002212	10467	28822	C06425	401
aspartic acid	HMDB0000191	5960	17053	C00049	5206
aspartic acid 2	HMDB0000191	5960	17053	C00049	5206
benzoic acid	HMDB0001870	243	30746	C00539	1297
cholesterol	HMDB0000067	5997	1307929	C00187	163
citric acid	HMDB0000094	311	30769	C00158	124
D-glucose	HMDB0000122	5793	4167	C00221	133
D-glucose 2	HMDB0000122	5793	4167	C00221	133
D-threitol	HMDB0004136	169019	48300	C16884	140
DL-isoleucine	HMDB0000172	6306	17191	C00407	5193
fructose	HMDB0000660	439709	28645	C02336	135
fumaric acid	HMDB0000134	444972	18012	C00122	3242
galactitol (6TMS)	HMDB0000107	11850	16813	C01697	5148
glucose 1,6-anhydro-beta (3TMS)	NA	91753463	NA	NA	NA
glyceric acid	HMDB0000139	439194	32398	C00258	280
glycerol	HMDB0000131	753	17754	C00116	105
glycine	HMDB0000123	750	15428	C00037	20
glycolic acid	HMDB0000115	757	17497	C03547	3219
heptadecanoic acid	HMDB0002259	10465	32365	NA	6578
homoserine (4TMS)	HMDB0000719	12647	15699	C00263	5687
Isoleucine (1TMS)	HMDB0000172	6306	17191	C00407	5193
L-(-)-fucose	HMDB0000174	25310	62346	C01019	5812
L-(+) lactic acid	HMDB0000190	107689	422	C00186	5205
L-methionine	HMDB0000696	6137	16643	C00073	5664
L-pyroglutamic acid	HMDB0000267	7405	18183	C01879	3251
L-serine	HMDB0000187	5951	17115	C00065	5203
L-threonine	HMDB0000167	6288	16857	C00188	32
L-threonine 2	HMDB0000167	6288	16857	C00188	32
lactose	HMDB0041627	6134	36218	C01970	NA
lauric acid	HMDB0000638	3893	30805	C02679	5611
linoleic acid	HMDB0000673	5280450	17351	C01595	191
maltose	HMDB0037138	439341	18167	C00897	NA
methyl oleate	NA	5364509	27542	NA	NA
methyl stearate	HMDB0034154	8201	NA	NA	NA
myo-innositol	NA	892	NA	NA	NA
myristic acid	HMDB0000806	11005	28875	C06424	196
octadecane	HMDB0033721	11635	32926	NA	NA
oleic acid	HMDB0000207	445639	16196	C00712	190
p-cresol	HMDB0001858	2879	17847	C01468	4236
palmitic acid	HMDB0000220	985	15756	C00249	187
palmitic acid 2	HMDB0000220	985	15756	C00249	187
palmitoleic acid	HMDB0003229	5312427	28716	C08362	188
phenylalanine (2TMS)	HMDB0000159	6140	17295	C00079	28
phosphoric acid	HMDB0002142	57424078	26078	C00009	NA
stearic acid	HMDB0000827	5281	28842	C01530	189
succinic acid	HMDB0000254	1110	15741	C00042	114
tryptophan (2TMS)	HMDB0000929	6305	16828	C00078	5879
urea	HMDB0000294	1176	16199	C00086	6
uric acid	HMDB0000289	1175	17775	C00366	88
Unknown	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA
Unknown 1,2-diol	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA
Unknown alpha aminoacid	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA
Unknown carboxilic acid	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA
Unknown carboxilic acid 2	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA
Unknown carboxilic acid derivative	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA
Unknown carboxilic acid derivative 2	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA
Unknown lactone	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA
Unknown metabolite	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA
Unknown metabolite 2	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA
Unknown primary alcohol	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA
Unknown sugar	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA
Unknown sugar 2	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA