VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	November 16, 2021, 8:40 am
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Metabolic snapshot of plasma samples to study SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	MS based metabolomics was used in this study to analyze COVID-19 disease and the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2. In total, 63 plasma samples were analyzed and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	different comparisons were performed.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	Universidad CEU San Pablo
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	Pharmacy
PR:LABORATORY                    	Centro de Metabolomica y Bioanálisis (CEMBIO)
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Barbas
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Coral
PR:ADDRESS                       	CEU Universities, Urbanización Montepríncipe
PR:EMAIL                         	cbarbas@ceu.es
PR:PHONE                         	+34 913724700
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	CE-MS based metabolomics to study plasma samples that reveal new pathways
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	implicated in SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	CE-MS based metabolomics was used in this study to analize COVID-19 disease and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	the susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2. In total, 63 plasma samples were analyzed and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	different comparisons were performed. To our knowledge, CE-MS has never been
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	used to study COVID-19 and it is considered in this study an appropriate
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	approach to extend the polar metabolome beyond what has been obtained by LC-MS
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	and GC-MS
ST:INSTITUTE                     	Universidad CEU San Pablo
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	Pharmacy
ST:LABORATORY                    	Centro de Metabolomica y Bioanálisis (CEMBIO)
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Barbas
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Coral
ST:ADDRESS                       	CEU Universities, Urbanización Montepríncipe
ST:EMAIL                         	cbarbas@ceu.es
ST:PHONE                         	+34 913724700
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Human
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Homo sapiens
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9606
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Raw file names and additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	2	Label:Healthy	Gender=Male; Age=84; HTA=Yes; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=Yes
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	7	Label:Mild_d0	Gender=Female; Age=55; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	8	Label:Mild_d0	Gender=Male; Age=59; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	9	Label:Mild_d0	Gender=Male; Age=49; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	12	Label:Moderate_d0	Gender=Male; Age=85; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	14	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=30; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	15	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=53; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	18	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=51; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	21	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=58; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	22	Label:Healthy	Gender=Female; Age=38; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	23	Label:Healthy	Gender=Female; Age=38; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	24	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=34; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	25	Label:Resistant	Gender=Male; Age=60; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	29	Label:Healthy	Gender=Male; Age=56; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	31	Label:Healthy	Gender=Male; Age=24; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	37	Label:Severe_d0	Gender=Female; Age=92; HTA=Yes; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=Yes
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	43	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=48; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	44	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=48; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	45	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=51; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	46	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=42; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	47	Label:Resistant	Gender=Male; Age=35; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	50	Label:Resistant	Gender=Male; Age=29; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	51	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=38; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	52	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=28; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	53	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=40; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	54	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=44; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	55	Label:Resistant	Gender=Male; Age=55; HTA=Yes; Obesity=Yes; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	56	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=28; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	57	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=46; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	58	Label:Resistant	Gender=Male; Age=39; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	59	Label:Healthy	Gender=Male; Age=36; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	60	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=37; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	62	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=36; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	63	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=49; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	64	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=48; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	65	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=44; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	66	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=57; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	70	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=34; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	71	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=38; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	72	Label:Resistant	Gender=Female; Age=58; HTA=No; Obesity=Yes; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	1_0	Label:Severe_d0	Gender=Female; Age=59; HTA=No; Obesity=Yes; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	1_8	Label:Severe_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	10_0	Label:Moderate_d0	Gender=Male; Age=85; HTA=Yes; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	10_8	Label:Moderate_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11_0	Label:Mild_d0	Gender=Female; Age=75; HTA=Yes; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11_8	Label:Mild_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	12_8	Label:Moderate_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	17_0	Label:Mild_d0	Gender=Male; Age=57; HTA=Yes; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	17_8	Label:Mild_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	19_0	Label:Mild_d0	Gender=Female; Age=42; HTA=No; Obesity=Yes; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	19_8	Label:Mild_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20_0	Label:Severe_d0	Gender=Male; Age=92; HTA=Yes; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=Yes
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	20_8	Label:Severe_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	26_0	Label:Moderate_d0	Gender=Female; Age=91; HTA=Yes; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	26_8	Label:Moderate_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	3_0	Label:Moderate_d0	Gender=Male; Age=69; HTA=Yes; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	3_8	Label:Moderate_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	30_0	Label:Mild_d0	Gender=Male; Age=55; HTA=Yes; Obesity=Yes; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	30_8	Label:Mild_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	32_0	Label:Moderate_d0	Gender=Female; Age=92; HTA=Yes; Obesity=Yes; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	32_8	Label:Moderate_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	33_0	Label:Moderate_d0	Gender=Female; Age=41; HTA=Yes; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=Yes
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	33_8	Label:Moderate_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	34_0	Label:Mild_d0	Gender=Male; Age=60; HTA=Yes; Obesity=Yes; CardiacDisease=Yes
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	34_8	Label:Mild_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	35_0	Label:Severe_d0	Gender=Female; Age=60; HTA=Yes; Obesity=Yes; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	35_8	Label:Severe_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	4_0	Label:Moderate_d0	Gender=Male; Age=76; HTA=Yes; Obesity=Yes; CardiacDisease=Yes
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	4_8	Label:Moderate_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	40_0	Label:Moderate_d0	Gender=Female; Age=85; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	40_8	Label:Moderate_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	41_0	Label:Severe_d0	Gender=Male; Age=51; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	41_8	Label:Severe_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	42_0	Label:Mild_d0	Gender=Female; Age=66; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	42_8	Label:Mild_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	48_0	Label:Mild_d0	Gender=Male; Age=50; HTA=Yes; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	48_8	Label:Mild_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	5_0	Label:Moderate_d0	Gender=Female; Age=89; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	5_8	Label:Moderate_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	67_0	Label:Mild_d0	Gender=Female; Age=84; HTA=Yes; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=Yes
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	68_0	Label:Moderate_d0	Gender=Female; Age=75; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	69B	Label:Resistant	Gender=Male; Age=41; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	7_8	Label:Mild_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	74_0	Label:Moderate_d0	Gender=Male; Age=78; HTA=No; Obesity=No; CardiacDisease=No
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	74_8	Label:Moderate_d8	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_1	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_10	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_11	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_12	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_13	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_14	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_15	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_2	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_3	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_4	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_5	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_6	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_7	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_8	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	QC_9	Label:QC	Gender=-; Age=-; HTA=-; Obesity=-; CardiacDisease=-
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Blood samples were collected in EDTA tubes and then plasma was obtained.
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Blood (plasma)
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Cryopreserved plasma was processed for virus inactivation by adding 1500 µL of
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	cold methanol:ethanol (MeOH:EtOH) in a 1:1 (v/v) proportion to 500 µL of
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	plasma. Then, samples were vortex-mixed for 1 min, incubated on ice for 5 min
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	and centrifuged at 16,000 x g for 20 min at 4 °C to precipitate and remove
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	proteins. The clean upper layer or supernatant, which contained the metabolites
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	of interest, was transferred to Eppendorf tubes and stored at -80 °C until
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	analysis.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Two hundred microliters of frozen supernatant were thawed on ice and evaporated
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	to dryness using a SpeedVac Concentrator System (Thermo Fisher Scientific,
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Waltham, MA). Then, it was resuspended in 100 µL of 0.2 mM methionine sulfone
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	(MetS) in 0.1 M formic acid. Samples were vortex-mixed for 1 min, transferred to
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	a Millipore filter (30 kDa protein cutoff) and centrifuged for 40 min at 2000 xg
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	at 4 °C. Finally, the ultrafiltrate was transferred to a CE-MS vial for
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	analysis. Quality control samples (QC) were prepared by pooling equal volumes of
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	plasma supernatant from each sample and were treated as previously described.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Finally, blank solutions were also prepared with MeOH:EtOH (1:1, v/v).
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	Metabolite separation was carried out using a previously developed method in a
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	fused-silica capillary from Agilent Technologies (total length, 100 cm; inner
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	diameter, 50 µm) 1. Before each analysis, the capillary was flushed with
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	background electrolyte (BGE) (1 M formic acid in 10% MeOH) for 5 min at 950
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	mbar. Samples were injected over 50 s at 50 mbar, and to improve the analysis
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	reproducibility, BGE was injected for 10 s at 100 mbar after each sample
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	injection. The separation was performed with an internal pressure of 25 mbar and
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	30 kV voltage, and the current observed under these conditions was 30 µA. The
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	total analytical run time was 35 min.
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	7100 capillary electrophoresis (CE)
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	fused-silica capillary from Agilent Technologies (total length, 100 cm; inner
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	diameter, 50 µm)
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Agilent 6230 TOF
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Other
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	POSITIVE
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	The mass spectra data were acquired in positive polarity with a full scan range
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	from 70 - 1000 m/z at a rate of 1.36 scan/s. The other MS parameters were as
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	follows: fragmentor set to 125 V, skimmer to 65 V, OCT RF Vpp to 750 V, drying
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	gas temperature to 200 °C, flow rate to 10 L/min, nebulizer to 10 psig, and
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	capillary voltage to 3500 V. The sheath liquid contained two reference masses (5
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	µL of purine with m/z 121.0509 and 5 µL of HP-0921 with m/z 922.0098) in
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	MeOH:H2O (1/1, v/v) with 1 mM formic acid, and the flow rate was 0.6 mL/min
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	(1:100 split). The MS data were acquired using the Agilent MassHunter
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Workstation (version B.09.00, Agilent Technologies), and the raw data were
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	inspected with the MassHunter Qualitative software (version B.08.00, Agilent
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Technologies) before data processing. CE-MS raw data were checked using
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	MassHunter Qualitative software (version 10.0) to determine the data quality,
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	the system mass accuracy and the reproducibility of QC injection and MetS area.
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Then, raw data were processed with MassHunter Profinder software (version 10.0
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	SP1) applying molecular feature extraction (MFE) to clean the data background
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	and unrelated ions. MFE was also applied to find coeluting adducts (+H+ and +Na+
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	in positive ionization and neutral loss of water). Afterwards, the batch
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	recursive feature extraction (RFE) algorithm, also included in the software, was
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	used to align all the features across the samples by using the mass and
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	retention time (RT). RFE re-extracts the batch files and improves the final
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	compound group list, as it uses the previous results (mass and RT) obtained by
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	the MFE algorithm to perform a more targeted extraction.
MS:MS_RESULTS_FILE               	ST001993_AN003250_Results.txt	UNITS:Peak Area	Has m/z:Yes	Has RT:Yes	RT units:Minutes