VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	May 14, 2024, 1:44 am
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Annual changes on metabolomics profile in latex
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	To clarify seasonal changes in metabolites contained in latex, we determine the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	metabolomics profile in latex of Hevea brasiliensis throughout the year. As a
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	result, a total of more than 400 metabolites had difference not only in amount,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	but also in existence.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	Sumitomo Riko Co., Ltd.
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	Fundamental Material Development Laboratory
PR:LAST_NAME                     	HIRAOKA
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Nobuyuki
PR:ADDRESS                       	1, Higashi 3-chome, Komaki-shi, Aichi, 485-8550, Japan
PR:EMAIL                         	nobuyuki.hiraoka@jp.sumitomoriko.com
PR:PHONE                         	0568-77-2132
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Annual changes on metabolomics profile in latex
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Natural rubber (NR) is an important material with excellent physical properties.
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Unlike synthetic rubber from petroleum, NR contains non-rubber components such
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	as proteins, lipids, and metal ions. The non-rubber components are known to
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	affect the properties of NR. In this study, latex samples of Hevea brasiliensis
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	were collected for nine months and their metabolites were comprehensively
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	analyzed by mass spectrometry. NR was made from the same latex samples used for
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	the mass spectrometry, and their vulcanization, tensile and thermal-aging
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	properties were assessed. These results suggest that the metabolite composition
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	in the latex and the NR properties changed seasonally. Correlation analysis
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	between the metabolites and the properties of NR indicated that different
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	metabolites affected different properties. A regression model of NR properties
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	using metabolites as the explanatory variables suggests that about five
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	metabolites need to be considered when examining the relationship between
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	properties and metabolites. This method, which combines comprehensive analysis
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	and characterization of NR, contributes to studies aimed at elucidating how the
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	superior properties of NR are brought about.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	Sumitomo Riko Co., Ltd.
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	Fundamental Material Development Laboratory
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Nobuyuki
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Hiraoka
ST:ADDRESS                       	1, Higashi 3-chome, Komaki-shi, Aichi 485-8550, Japan
ST:EMAIL                         	nobuyuki.hiraoka@jp.sumitomoriko.com
ST:PHONE                         	+81-568-77-2132
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Plant
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Hevea brasiliensis
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Raw file names and additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	STRCH-HMT-003	TFL269	Sample source:latex | collected month:May-22	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	STRCH-HMT-003	TFL272	Sample source:latex | collected month:Jun-22	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	STRCH-HMT-003	TFL275	Sample source:latex | collected month:Jul-22	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	STRCH-HMT-004	TFL278	Sample source:latex | collected month:Aug-22	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	STRCH-HMT-004	TFL281	Sample source:latex | collected month:Sep-22	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	STRCH-HMT-004	TFL284	Sample source:latex | collected month:Oct-22	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	STRCH-HMT-004	TFL287	Sample source:latex | collected month:Nov-22	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	STRCH-HMT-004	TFL290	Sample source:latex | collected month:Dec-22	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	STRCH-HMT-004	TFL293	Sample source:latex | collected month:Jan-23	
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	The latex collected on same day from some trees (Hevea brasiliensis) was mixed.
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Latex
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Ammonia was added to the latex to prevent coagulation.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	For CE-TOFMS, the latex was plunged into methanol containing internal standards.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	The latex sample was homogenized thrice, and then centrifuged. The upper aqueous
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	layer was centrifugally filtered to remove the proteins. The filtrate was then
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	centrifugally concentrated and re-suspended in Milli-Q water for CE-MS analysis.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	For LC-TOFMS, the latex was plunged into 1% formic acid/acetonitrile containing
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	the internal standard solution. The latex sample was homogenized thrice, and the
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	mixture was yet again homogenized after adding Milli-Q water and then
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	centrifuged. The supernatant was collected and 1% formic acid/acetonitrile and
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Milli-Q water were added to the precipitate. Homogenization and centrifugation
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	were performed as described previously, and the supernatant was mixed with
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	previously collected one. The mixed supernatant was filtrated to remove the
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	proteins and phospholipids. The filtrate was then desiccated and dissolved in 1%
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	isopropanol/Milli-Q water for LC-MS analysis.
SP:EXTRACT_STORAGE               	-80℃
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE           	Reversed phase
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Agilent 1200 series RRLC system SL
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	Osaka Soda capcell pak c18 if (50 x 2mm,3um)
CH:SOLVENT_A                     	100% Water; 0.1% Formic acid
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	65% Isopropanol, 30% Acetonitrile 5% Water; 0.1% Formic acid, 2 mM Ammonium
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	formate
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	0-0.5 min: B 1%, 0.5-13.5 min: B 1-100%, 13.5-20 min: B 100%
CH:FLOW_RATE                     	0.3 mL / min
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Agilent 6210 TOF
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Other
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	POSITIVE
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	The spectrometer was scanned from m/z 50 to 1,000. Peaks were extracted using
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	automatic integration software MasterHands (Keio University, Tsuruoka, Japan).
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Signal peaks corresponding to isotopomers, adduct ions, and other product ions
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	of known metabolites were excluded, and the remaining peaks were annotated
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	according to HMT’s metabolite database based on their m/z values and RTs.
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Areas of the annotated peaks were then normalized to internal standards and
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	sample amount in order to obtain relative levels of each metabolite.
Samples	TFL269	TFL272	TFL275	TFL278	TFL281	TFL284	TFL287	TFL290	TFL293
Factors	Sample source:latex | collected month:May-22	Sample source:latex | collected month:Jun-22	Sample source:latex | collected month:Jul-22	Sample source:latex | collected month:Aug-22	Sample source:latex | collected month:Sep-22	Sample source:latex | collected month:Oct-22	Sample source:latex | collected month:Nov-22	Sample source:latex | collected month:Dec-22	Sample source:latex | collected month:Jan-23
1,2-Distearoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine	9.82E-05	4.09E-05	6.94E-05	2.85E-05	2.30E-05	6.73E-05	4.28E-05	2.34E-05	2.45E-05
15-Deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2				3.97E-05	2.32E-05	3.60E-05	2.85E-05	2.91E-05	5.44E-05
17α-Estradiol			3.59E-05						
17α-Hydroxyprogesterone	1.01E-05	2.68E-05	6.93E-06		3.56E-05	2.93E-05	9.38E-06	3.79E-05	9.62E-06
1-Deoxysphinganine					2.62E-05		2.24E-05		
1-Oleoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine	1.34E-05	7.82E-06	1.08E-05						
1-Palmitoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine	2.30E-05	2.07E-05	2.42E-05						
1-Stearoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine	1.07E-05	1.32E-05	8.16E-06		1.30E-05		1.67E-05	1.72E-05	
22-Hydroxycholesterol	9.15E-06				3.37E-05	2.59E-05	2.33E-05	2.69E-05	5.27E-05
3β-Hydroxy-5-cholestenoic acid					8.58E-05		0.000154679	0.00010338	0.000231171
5α-Cholestan-3-one				2.56E-05			1.62E-05		1.65E-05
6-Gingerol				2.48E-05	2.11E-05		1.50E-05	2.45E-05	
7-Dehydrocholesterol	1.05E-05	5.70E-06	6.58E-06						
Abietic acid	3.98E-05		4.39E-05						
Acylcarnitine(18:1)			1.67E-05	1.16E-05	2.46E-05	1.34E-05	9.64E-06		
Acylcarnitine(20:1)				0.000115741	0.00014374	0.000109597	5.51E-05	9.19E-05	0.000124212
AEA(18:3)	0.00554794	0.003895564	0.008478444	0.005908653	0.005012747	0.001997262	0.003013898	0.003404332	0.007695646
AEA(20:3)	5.53E-05	0.000102681	0.000296851	0.000178908	0.000130392	5.36E-05	6.93E-05	4.14E-05	0.000113562
AEA(22:6)		2.38E-05	2.57E-05						
Anandamide	2.56E-05	4.93E-05	0.000110448	8.90E-05	6.41E-05	2.88E-05		2.93E-05	4.38E-05
Bisacurone					1.56E-05		4.08E-05	9.84E-06	4.82E-05
Campesterol	0.000256747	0.000241346	0.000214196	0.000409017	0.000359658	0.000324091	0.000362397	0.000344369	0.000369769
Coenzyme Q10	7.62E-05	7.07E-05	4.55E-05	0.000288819	7.50E-05	9.37E-05	6.38E-05	0.000154356	4.70E-05
Dehydrozingerone				0.000150868	0.000223941	0.000177186	0.000215799	0.000165216	0.000148019
Deoxycorticosterone		8.63E-06							
Desmosterol	3.55E-05	2.44E-05	2.19E-05						
Eleutheroside B	7.75E-05	5.64E-05	6.02E-05	0.000164925	0.000177009	0.000142011	0.000303532	0.000257328	0.000514691
Etiocholan-3α-ol-17-one	9.65E-06								
Flavanone	3.45E-05			3.00E-05	5.10E-05		3.51E-05	4.51E-05	4.35E-05
Glabridin	1.22E-05	1.01E-05	1.76E-05		2.64E-05	9.66E-06		2.00E-05	
Glucosylceramide(d18:1/24:1)				7.27E-05	6.16E-05	4.70E-05	3.52E-05	3.61E-05	3.30E-05
Hecogenin	2.20E-05		8.27E-06	4.42E-05	5.34E-05	2.40E-05	3.05E-05	4.92E-05	4.78E-05
Hydroxyprogesterone caproate	3.55E-05	1.75E-05	1.46E-05	1.73E-05	2.04E-05	2.66E-05	2.22E-05	2.33E-05	3.08E-05
Indole-3-carboxaldehyde	0.000346562	0.000283281	0.000165937	0.000377543	0.000546885	0.000202087	0.000183866	0.000547158	0.000724694
Isofraxidin	0.001159914	0.002485421	0.001521402	0.00326369	0.001968408	0.002298823	0.000822198	0.002766726	0.001138423
Kynurenic acid	7.48E-05				3.53E-05	4.24E-05	4.49E-05	4.05E-05	7.25E-05
Linoleyl ethanolamide	0.018240409	0.009945005	0.018964921	0.011601269	0.011891713	0.005989625	0.010018628	0.01040202	0.02066717
Lutein	2.19E-05	1.35E-05	7.09E-06						
N-Oleoylglycine				9.31E-05	0.000136477	6.56E-05	9.01E-05	9.55E-05	0.000120771
PAF(17:0)	1.86E-05	1.65E-05	2.24E-05			3.58E-05	1.54E-05	1.92E-05	1.83E-05
Palmitoylcarnitine	1.15E-05		1.52E-05					2.84E-05	
Palmitoylcholine				0.000418003	0.000749384	0.000341226	0.000235459	0.0006011	0.000765901
Palmitoylethanolamide	0.001760459	0.000891204	0.001412902	0.000857778	0.001169279	0.000744548	0.000959646	0.001346999	0.0017256
Phytosphingosine	8.48E-05	4.61E-05	4.30E-05	2.31E-05	2.75E-05	2.33E-05	3.02E-05	2.17E-05	4.65E-05
Prostaglandin B2	1.31E-05								
Retinol		1.32E-05	1.47E-05						
Riboflavin		1.95E-05	2.00E-05	8.96E-06				8.27E-06	7.50E-06
Sphinganine	1.60E-05		9.08E-06						
Sphinganine(d20:0)	0.000117329	8.42E-05	7.27E-05	0.000262708	0.000285269	0.000224812	0.000189923	0.000396507	0.000241231
Sphinganine(d22:0)				2.96E-05	2.41E-05	2.45E-05	2.11E-05	4.82E-05	
Sphingomyelin(d18:1/16:0)				3.15E-05	3.17E-05			1.54E-05	
Sphingomyelin(d18:1/18:0)				0.000115288	0.000173421	0.000385268		9.28E-05	0.000155228
Sphingosine	2.98E-05								
Sphingosine(d20:1)	3.60E-05	2.49E-05	1.58E-05	4.66E-05	5.77E-05	5.89E-05		0.000126215	9.27E-05
Stearoyl ethanolamide	0.005310369	0.002594555	0.002599747	0.001942012	0.003457617	0.00200302	0.002516684	0.003758557	0.003958518
Trilaurin	4.66E-05	3.92E-05	3.53E-05	0.000104212	0.000126689		8.37E-05	0.000134628	6.66E-05
Triptolide	0.000162245	0.000229486	0.000264197	0.00040478	0.000365284	0.000335858	0.000371981	0.000423768	0.000410649
Tropic acid						5.41E-05		6.51E-05	6.44E-05
Zeaxanthin	2.76E-05	3.19E-05	2.60E-05		4.17E-05				3.53E-05
α-Tocopherol	0.001518792	0.001461756	0.000898083	0.001502106	0.001338925	0.000609369	0.001269452	0.001369599	0.001470884
α-Tocopherol acetate	3.04E-05	3.03E-05	0.000787363	0.00014289	7.85E-05	6.04E-05	6.50E-05	0.000111117	6.14E-05
β-Cryptoxanthin	0.00013686	0.000124234	6.55E-05	0.000186565	0.000140338	0.000124152	6.05E-05	0.000124269	0.000101782
β-Estradiol	3.81E-05	2.57E-05	3.42E-05	7.05E-05	8.22E-05	4.97E-05	6.39E-05	8.59E-05	
2-Aminoadipic acid;O-Acetylhomoserine;Glutamic acid γ-methyl ester	0.000114513	0.000164289	0.000206355	0.000241696	0.000175382	0.000117666	0.000105761	0.00036789	0.000455573
6-Keto-prostaglandin E1				1.21E-05	1.45E-05	1.73E-05		9.51E-06	5.54E-05
9(S)-HODE				0.00067247	0.002182934	0.002667319	0.002218298	0.001283106	0.002265786
AEA(18:1);Oleoyl ethanolamide	0.004898459	0.001805175	0.002751781	0.001526435	0.002529919	0.001856031	0.00220737	0.002709095	0.003031556
AEA(22:4)	0.00016532	0.000165453	0.00042831						
Ethyl arachidonate	0.000445263	0.000334646	0.000267043	0.000459618	0.000401409	0.000285361	0.000222998	0.000375507	0.000205267
Lanosterol;Cycloartenol	0.000753741	0.000708531	0.000724793	0.000980416	0.000842459	0.000666195	0.000993559	0.000894102	0.000939251
Lathosterol;Cholesterol	1.70E-05	1.42E-05	1.98E-05	1.94E-05	2.77E-05	2.79E-05			
LPE(16:0);1-Palmitoyl-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine	8.22E-06								
N-Hexanoylsphingosine	1.83E-05	1.32E-05	3.89E-05						
Oleamide				0.050601911	0.065527148	0.062965145	0.065565919	0.066602967	0.07870469
Sitosterol	0.012438472	0.009360131	0.009537235	0.016306016	0.014177281	0.010063017	0.012617407	0.013021139	0.011778704
Stigmasterol	0.001256205	0.001046652	0.000985259	0.001619542	0.001457835	0.001108639	0.001365757	0.001551718	0.001588329
Testosterone acetate	2.54E-05	5.98E-06							
γ-Tocopherol	0.000683796	0.000510056	0.000556173	0.000844467	0.000829542	0.00053372	0.000648828	0.000866872	0.000814924
metabolite_name	PubChem CID	m/z	MT/RT
1,2-Distearoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine	94190	790.6131167	17.15315967
15-Deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2	5311211	317.2111617	11.82126458
17α-Estradiol	68570	273.175	9.842343
17α-Hydroxyprogesterone	6238	331.22582	10.05158067
1-Deoxysphinganine	9925886	286.30935	11.47844525
1-Oleoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine	16081932	522.3554633	13.22100467
1-Palmitoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine	460602	496.33903	13.07660067
1-Stearoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine	497299	524.3709533	13.81711367
22-Hydroxycholesterol	167685	385.3404	13.272583
3β-Hydroxy-5-cholestenoic acid	165511	399.335695	13.4448075
5α-Cholestan-3-one	92128	387.36074	16.31990467
6-Gingerol	442793	277.178565	9.96433025
7-Dehydrocholesterol	439423	367.3364867	15.72026733
Abietic acid	10569	303.232065	13.706228
Acylcarnitine(18:1)	6426855	426.3492075	11.68139025
Acylcarnitine(20:1)	71464507	454.3780383	12.42848267
AEA(18:3)	5283449	322.27429	12.839632
AEA(20:3)	5283447	350.3046367	13.60236667
AEA(22:6)	5283451	372.29706	13.217424
Anandamide	5281969	348.29153	13.18397883
Bisacurone	14287397	217.1576075	8.3768085
Campesterol	173183	383.3679167	16.120143
Coenzyme Q10	5281915	863.6891433	18.726759
Dehydrozingerone	5354238	193.0865567	7.180045517
Deoxycorticosterone	6166	331.23376	9.928236
Desmosterol	439577	367.3298333	15.54254183
Eleutheroside B	5316860	390.1757333	5.515921
Etiocholan-3α-ol-17-one	5880	308.25497	11.039667
Flavanone	10251	225.09076	10.617534
Glabridin	124052	325.14336	11.30676667
Glucosylceramide(d18:1/24:1)	20057357	810.6655833	17.31222317
Hecogenin	91453	431.313645	12.3512295
Hydroxyprogesterone caproate	169870	429.2978233	12.17671283
Indole-3-carboxaldehyde	10256	146.0601233	6.8895791
Isofraxidin	5318565	223.0600633	6.4267569
Kynurenic acid	3845	190.04944	5.929567
Linoleyl ethanolamide	5283446	324.2897933	13.29135033
Lutein	5281243	551.4159633	14.78718833
N-Oleoylglycine	6436908	340.2854633	14.1039185
PAF(17:0)	24779315	538.39005	13.83562867
Palmitoylcarnitine	11953816	400.343735	11.518237
Palmitoylcholine	151731	342.3372617	11.408423
Palmitoylethanolamide	4671	300.29009	13.61718267
Phytosphingosine	122121	318.29982	10.88836833
Prostaglandin B2	5280881	335.21686	10.617534
Retinol	445354	269.22699	13.817209
Riboflavin	493570	377.149075	5.9700087
Sphinganine	91486	302.30696	11.179474
Sphinganine(d20:0)	137700203	330.3370333	11.725157
Sphinganine(d22:0)		358.367914	12.5438068
Sphingomyelin(d18:1/16:0)	9939941	703.5691133	16.20145867
Sphingomyelin(d18:1/18:0)	6453725	731.619828	16.4983954
Sphingosine	5280335	300.29004	10.995234
Sphingosine(d20:1)		328.3193367	11.54372933
Stearoyl ethanolamide	27902	328.32126	14.32807133
Trilaurin	10851	656.59565	17.34939967
Triptolide	107985	361.16459	7.407941333
Tropic acid	10726	167.0711167	5.646850567
Zeaxanthin	5280899	569.4335333	14.79829967
α-Tocopherol	14985	431.3855467	16.12384767
α-Tocopherol acetate	86472	490.427	16.37192133
β-Cryptoxanthin	5281235	553.4356267	16.397831
β-Estradiol	5757	273.18702	9.822026333
2-Aminoadipic acid;O-Acetylhomoserine;Glutamic acid γ-methyl ester	439389	385.3404	13.272583
6-Keto-prostaglandin E1	5280889	277.178565	9.96433025
9(S)-HODE	5312830	279.23223	12.47291617
AEA(18:1);Oleoyl ethanolamide	5283454	326.3055733	13.78009267
AEA(22:4)	5282273	376.318	13.75
Ethyl arachidonate	5367369	333.2780433	14.802005
Lanosterol;Cycloartenol	92110	409.3827433	16.097927
Lathosterol;Cholesterol	5997	369.35374	16.14961033
LPE(16:0);1-Palmitoyl-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine	58177710	454.29016	13.005967
N-Hexanoylsphingosine	5702613	380.3504	14.295207
Oleamide	5283387	282.2795783	14.20019283
Sitosterol	222284	397.3757933	16.13865533
Stigmasterol	5280794	395.3673267	16.134957
Testosterone acetate	92145	331.21857	11.317416
γ-Tocopherol	92729	417.3695167	15.93871033