"METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH":{"STUDY_ID":"ST001168","ANALYSIS_ID":"AN001931","VERSION":"1","CREATED_ON":"April 10, 2019, 11:57 pm"},

"PROJECT":{"PROJECT_TITLE":"Alterations in fecal metabolic patterns are associated with atrial fibrillation","PROJECT_SUMMARY":"Little evidence has been reported in characterizing the fecal alterations in metabolic patterns in atrial fibrillation (AF). We include the result of the global alterations that occur in the intestinal microbiota in a cohort of AF patients and matched controls based on a strategy of metabolomic analyses. Our findings characterize the disordered microbial metabolite profiles in AF.","INSTITUTE":"Beijing Chaoyang Hospital","LAST_NAME":"Zuo","FIRST_NAME":"Kun","ADDRESS":"8th Gongtinanlu Rd,, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Beijing, 10020, China","EMAIL":"zuokun699@163.com","PHONE":"10-86-15210511744"},

"STUDY":{"STUDY_TITLE":"Alterations in fecal metabolic patterns are associated with atrial fibrillation","STUDY_SUMMARY":"Little evidence has been reported in characterizing the fecal alterations in metabolic patterns in atrial fibrillation (AF). We include the result of the global alterations that occur in the intestinal microbiota in a cohort of AF patients and matched controls based on a strategy of metabolomic analyses. Our findings characterize the disordered microbial metabolite profiles in AF.","INSTITUTE":"Beijing Chaoyang Hospital","LAST_NAME":"Kun","FIRST_NAME":"Zuo","ADDRESS":"8th Gongtinanlu Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100020","EMAIL":"zuokun699@163.com","PHONE":"86-10-15210511744"},

"SUBJECT":{"SUBJECT_TYPE":"Human","SUBJECT_SPECIES":"Homo sapiens","TAXONOMY_ID":"9606"},
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af9",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af10",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af11",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af12",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af13",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af14",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af15",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af16",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af17",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af18",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af19",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af20",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af21",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af22",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af23",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af24",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af25",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af26",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af27",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af28",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af29",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af30",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af31",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af32",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af33",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af34",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af35",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af36",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af37",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af38",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af39",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af40",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af41",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af42",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af43",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af44",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af45",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af46",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af47",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af48",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af49",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"af50",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FA6",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FA7",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FA9",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FA13",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FA4",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FA2",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FA12",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FA3",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FC10",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FC12",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FC2",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FC17",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FC29",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FC14",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FC16",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FC13",
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"FC9",
"COLLECTION":{"COLLECTION_SUMMARY":"Fecal samples were collected from each participant, immediately frozen at −20 °C, transported on ice to the laboratory and then stored at −80 °C.","SAMPLE_TYPE":"Feces"},

"TREATMENT":{"TREATMENT_SUMMARY":"To explore how the host metabolic pattern alterations were impacted by the gut microbiota dysbiosis in AF patients, serum samples were collected and analyzed by high-throughput liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS)."},

"SAMPLEPREP":{"SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY":"50 mg fecal samples were pipetted into centrifuge tubes (1.5 mL) in preparation for extraction. The protein was precipitated with 800 μL of methanol and 10 μL of internal standard (2.9 mg/mL, DL-o-Chlorophenylalanine) was added. The samples were ground at 65 KHz for 90 s and centrifuged at 12000 rpm for 15 min at 4 °C. 200 μL of the supernatant was transferred into a vial for further analysis."},

"CHROMATOGRAPHY":{"CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE":"Reversed phase","INSTRUMENT_NAME":"Thermo Orbitrap Elite Hybrid Ion Trap-Orbitrap","COLUMN_NAME":"Thermo Hypergod C18 (100 × 4.6 mm 3 µm)"},


"MS":{"INSTRUMENT_NAME":"Thermo Orbitrap Elite Hybrid Ion Trap-Orbitrap","INSTRUMENT_TYPE":"Orbitrap","MS_TYPE":"ESI","ION_MODE":"POSITIVE","MS_COMMENTS":"All metabolomic data were prepared for feature extraction and preprocessed with Compound Discoverer 2.0 software (Thermo). Using SIMCA-P software (Umetrics AB, Umea, Sweden), a multivariate Analysis (MVA) was performed. The exact molecular mass, ppm and ms/ms value of these compounds was used to identify the metabolites related to the featured peak in the Metlin database (http://metlin.scripps.edu). The score value indicated the matching rate was calculated by Compound Discoverer 2.0 software (Thermo) with max of 100.","MS_RESULTS_FILE":"ST001168_AN001931_Results.txt UNITS:feature area Has m/z:Neutral masses Has RT:Yes RT units:Minutes"}
