
"PROJECT":{"PROJECT_TITLE":"Serum metabolomics study in intestinal AMPK KO mice","PROJECT_TYPE":"Serum untargeted metabolomics","PROJECT_SUMMARY":"Serum untargeted metabolomics studies on serum samples from intestinal AMPK KO mice and control mice","INSTITUTE":"City of Hope National Medical Center","DEPARTMENT":"Diabetes Complications & Metabolism","LAST_NAME":"Zhang","FIRST_NAME":"Eryun","ADDRESS":"1500 Duarte Rd, Duarte, CA, 91010, USA","EMAIL":"erzhang@coh.org","PHONE":"6268735517","DOI":"http://dx.doi.org/10.21228/M8NM5W"},

"STUDY":{"STUDY_TITLE":"Investigation of serum metabolites in the AMPK intestinal KO mice","STUDY_SUMMARY":"Conducted serum untargeted metabolomics analysis in AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) intestinal KO mice and control mice under high-fat diet (HFD) conditions","INSTITUTE":"City of Hope National Medical Center","DEPARTMENT":"Diabetes Complications & Metabolism","LAST_NAME":"Zhang","FIRST_NAME":"Eryun","ADDRESS":"1500 Duarte Rd, Duarte, CA91010","EMAIL":"zhangey0220@126.com","PHONE":"16268735517","SUBMIT_DATE":"2021-10-27"},

"SUBJECT":{"SUBJECT_TYPE":"Mammal","SUBJECT_SPECIES":"Mus musculus","TAXONOMY_ID":"10090"},
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"A328pos",
"Factors":{"Genotype":"AMPKfl/fl(control) mice","Treatment":"HFD"},
"Additional sample data":{"RAW_FILE_NAME":"A328pos.mzXML"}
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"A329pos",
"Factors":{"Genotype":"AMPKfl/fl(control) mice","Treatment":"HFD"},
"Additional sample data":{"RAW_FILE_NAME":"A329pos.mzXML"}
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"A330pos",
"Factors":{"Genotype":"AMPKfl/fl(control) mice","Treatment":"HFD"},
"Additional sample data":{"RAW_FILE_NAME":"A330pos.mzXML"}
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"A331pos",
"Factors":{"Genotype":"AMPKfl/fl(control) mice","Treatment":"HFD"},
"Additional sample data":{"RAW_FILE_NAME":"A331pos.mzXML"}
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"B332pos",
"Factors":{"Genotype":"AMPK intestinal KO mice","Treatment":"HFD"},
"Additional sample data":{"RAW_FILE_NAME":"B332pos.mzXML"}
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"B333pos",
"Factors":{"Genotype":"AMPK intestinal KO mice","Treatment":"HFD"},
"Additional sample data":{"RAW_FILE_NAME":"B333pos.mzXML"}
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"B334pos",
"Factors":{"Genotype":"AMPK intestinal KO mice","Treatment":"HFD"},
"Additional sample data":{"RAW_FILE_NAME":"B334pos.mzXML"}
"Subject ID":"-",
"Sample ID":"B335pos",
"Factors":{"Genotype":"AMPK intestinal KO mice","Treatment":"HFD"},
"Additional sample data":{"RAW_FILE_NAME":"B335pos.mzXML"}
"COLLECTION":{"COLLECTION_SUMMARY":"Collect whole blood in a covered test tube,leave the tube in a standing position and wait 30 min.Centrifuge 1500 g 10 min at 4ºC.Take out the serum.","SAMPLE_TYPE":"Blood (serum)"},

"TREATMENT":{"TREATMENT_SUMMARY":"C57BL/6-AMPKa1flox/flox mice (#014141), and B6.Cg-Tg (Vil-cre) 1000Gum/J (#021504) were purchased from Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME). AMPK intestinal KO (AMPK-IKO) mice were generated by cross-breeding C57BL/6-AMPKa1flox/flox mice with B6.Cg-Tg (Vil-cre) 1000Gum/J. All animal procedures were approved by the City of Hope Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and conducted in accordance with the National Institutes of Health Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. 6-week-old male mice were housed in a temperature (22-23°C) and light-controlled vivarium with free access to water and high-fat diet (HFD, 60% kcal fat; D12492, Research Diets, New Brunswick, NJ) for 12 weeks."},

"SAMPLEPREP":{"SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY":"50 µL of serum was used for metabolites extraction. 200 μL extract solution (acetonitrile: methanol = 1: 1) containing isotopically labeled internal standard mixture was added to each sample. After vortexing for 1 min, the samples were sonicated for 10 min in cold water bath. Then, the samples were incubated at -40 °C for 1 h, and centrifuged at 12000 rpm for 15 min at 4°C. 200 µL of supernatant were transferred to a fresh tube, and dried in a vacuum concentrator at 37 °C. Then, the dried samples were reconstituted in 200 µL of 50% acetonitrile by sonication on ice for 10 min. The constitution was then centrifuged at 13000 rpm for 15 min at 4°C, and 75 µL of supernatant were transferred to a fresh glass vial for LC/MS analysis."},

"CHROMATOGRAPHY":{"INSTRUMENT_NAME":"Agilent 1290 Infinity","COLUMN_NAME":"Waters Acquity BEH Amide (150 x 2.1mm, 1.7um)","CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE":"HILIC"},


"MS":{"INSTRUMENT_NAME":"ABI Sciex 5600 TripleTOF","INSTRUMENT_TYPE":"QTOF","MS_TYPE":"ESI","MS_COMMENTS":"UHPLC-MS raw data files were converted into mzXML format using the “msconvert” program from Pro-teoWizard and then analyzed by the XCMS 67 and CAMERA toolbox 68 with R statistical software. The CentWave algorithm in XCMS was used for peak detection. The parameter “peak-width” was set as (5, 20) in units of seconds, referring to the minimum and maximum peak widths for peak detection. The pa-rameter ‘‘snthresh’’ is set as 3 for sensitive peak detection. For multiple UHPLC–MS data files, an or-dered bijective interpolated warping (OBI-Warp) algorithm in XCMS was used for peak alignment.","ION_MODE":"POSITIVE","MS_RESULTS_FILE":"ST001959_AN003194_Results.txt UNITS:Peak area Has m/z:Yes Has RT:Yes RT units:Seconds"}
