VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	September 7, 2016, 3:00 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Utlilizing Metabolomics to Understand Novel Anti-Desmoid Tumor Drugs
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Desmoid tumors (DT) are locally invasive soft tissue growths with no directed
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	therapies currently. While two genes (β-catenin and adenomatous polyposis coli)
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	have been found in patients who develop desmoids, it is unclear how these
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	mutations and other downstream mechanisms lead to desmoid tumorigenesis.
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Extensive research has been explored in the molecular biology of desmoids;
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	however, the use of metabolomics to understand the how the low molecular weight
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	complements of cells, tissues, and biological fluids are perturbed by this
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	highly localized disease. Additionally, the Desmoid Collaboration for a Cure has
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	identified 45 active drugs against primary cell lines. It is unclear how these
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	therapies perturb the metabolome, outside the Wnt and notch pathways. This pilot
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	study will use broad spectrum metabolomics to study the tumorigenesis process of
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	fibroblasts to desmoids by investigating paired desmoid and fibroblast cell
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	lines, in addition to unaffected fibroblast cells. Additionally, this pilot
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	study will explore the effects of three of the active drugs identified on the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	desmoid and fibroblast cells.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	RTI International
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Mercier
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Kelly
PR:ADDRESS                       	3040 E. Cornwallis Road
PR:EMAIL                         	kmercier@rti.org
PR:PHONE                         	919-541-6396
PR:FUNDING_SOURCE                	Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Utilizing Metabolomics to Understand Novel Anti-Desmoid Tumor Drugs
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	This pilot study will use broad spectrum metabolomics to study the tumorigenesis
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	process of fibroblasts to desmoids by investigating paired desmoid and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	fibroblast cell lines, in addition to unaffected fibroblast cells. Additionally,
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	this pilot study will explore the effects of two of the active drugs identified
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	on the desmoid and fibroblast cells.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	RTI International
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Mercier
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Kelly
ST:ADDRESS                       	3040 E. Cornwallis Road
ST:EMAIL                         	kmercier@rti.org
ST:PHONE                         	919-541-6396
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Human Cell Media
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Homo sapiens
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9606
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	MP_1	Treatment:Total Pool | Growth_type:Total Pool	Patient=Total Pool
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	MP_2	Treatment:Total Pool | Growth_type:Total Pool	Patient=Total Pool
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	MP_3	Treatment:Total Pool | Growth_type:Total Pool	Patient=Total Pool
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_1	Treatment:Blank | Growth_type:Blank	Patient=Blank
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_10	Treatment:Das. | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_11	Treatment:DMSO | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_12	Treatment:DMSO | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_13	Treatment:FAK Inh. 14 | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_14	Treatment:FAK Inh. 14 | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_15	Treatment:H2O | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_16	Treatment:H2O | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_17	Treatment:Das. | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_18	Treatment:Das. | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_19	Treatment:DMSO | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_2	Treatment:Blank | Growth_type:Blank	Patient=Blank
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_20	Treatment:DMSO | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_21	Treatment:FAK Inh. 14 | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_22	Treatment:FAK Inh. 14 | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_23	Treatment:H2O | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_24	Treatment:H2O | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_25	Treatment:Das. | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_26	Treatment:Das. | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_27	Treatment:DMSO | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_28	Treatment:DMSO | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_29	Treatment:FAK Inh. 14 | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_3	Treatment:Blank | Growth_type:Blank	Patient=Blank
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_30	Treatment:FAK Inh. 14 | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_31	Treatment:H2O | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_32	Treatment:H2O | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=141
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_33	Treatment:Das. | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_34	Treatment:Das. | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_35	Treatment:DMSO | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_36	Treatment:DMSO | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_37	Treatment:FAK Inh. 14 | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_38	Treatment:FAK Inh. 14 | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_39	Treatment:H2O | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_4	Treatment:Blank | Growth_type:Blank	Patient=Blank
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_40	Treatment:H2O | Growth_type:Tumor	Patient=219
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_41	Treatment:Das. | Growth_type:Unaffected	Patient=CRL7518
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_42	Treatment:Das. | Growth_type:Unaffected	Patient=CRL7518
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_43	Treatment:DMSO | Growth_type:Unaffected	Patient=CRL7518
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_44	Treatment:DMSO | Growth_type:Unaffected	Patient=CRL7518
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_45	Treatment:FAK Inh. 14 | Growth_type:Unaffected	Patient=CRL7518
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_46	Treatment:FAK Inh. 14 | Growth_type:Unaffected	Patient=CRL7518
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_47	Treatment:H2O | Growth_type:Unaffected	Patient=CRL7518
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_48	Treatment:H2O | Growth_type:Unaffected	Patient=CRL7518
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_5	Treatment:Blank | Growth_type:Blank	Patient=Blank
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_6	Treatment:Blank | Growth_type:Blank	Patient=Blank
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_7	Treatment:Blank | Growth_type:Blank	Patient=Blank
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_8	Treatment:Blank | Growth_type:Blank	Patient=Blank
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	M_9	Treatment:Das. | Growth_type:Normal	Patient=141
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	An aliquot of the media following treatment was collected, and the remainder of
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	the media was aspirated.
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Primary cell cultures of desmoid tumor samples were established as previously
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	described [1,2]. Monolayer cell cultures were grown in DMEM supplemented with 5%
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	fetal bovine serum and maintained at 37°C in 5% CO2. Cells were divided when
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	confluent and experiments were performed between the third and sixth passages.
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Approximately 10 x 106 cells were treated with 1.0uM Dasatinib (Selleck,
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Houston, USA) dissolved in DMSO, or 0.5uM FAK Inhibitor 14 (Cayman Chemicals
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Company, Michigan, USA) dissolved in water. Cells were incubated in fresh media
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	containing the inhibitors, or vehicle, for 24 hours.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Cell media was extracted with 50% acetonitrile:water, vortexed, and centrifuged.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	An analytical quality control (QC) total pool was generated from equal aliquots
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	from all of the media samples, divided into three total pool aliquots, and
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	processed identically to the media study samples. All study and pool samples
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	were lyophilized to dryness and reconstituted in a 0.2M phosphate buffer, pH
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	7.4, in D2O with 10% Chenomx ISTD and 6mM Imidazole.
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	-
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	-
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	NMR
NM:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Bruker Avance III
NMR_BINNED_DATA:UNITS           	Peak area
Bin range(ppm)	MP_1	MP_2	MP_3	M_1	M_10	M_11	M_12	M_13	M_14	M_15	M_16	M_17	M_18	M_19	M_2	M_20	M_21	M_22	M_23	M_24	M_25	M_26	M_27	M_28	M_29	M_3	M_30	M_31	M_32	M_33	M_34	M_35	M_36	M_37	M_38	M_39	M_4	M_40	M_41	M_42	M_43	M_44	M_45	M_46	M_47	M_48	M_5	M_6	M_7	M_8	M_9
0.50...0.52	0	0.012248	0	0	0	0.096507	0	0	0.014129	0	0	0.025881	0	0	0	0.40086	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.40954	0.06158	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.061545	0	0.0031711	0	0	0	0	0.13175	0	0.036536	0
0.52...0.57	0	0.10134	0	0	0	0.26141	0	0	0.13027	0	0	0.1964	0	0	0	0.97288	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.98903	0.20854	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.07305	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.052334	0	0.18433	0	0.19993	0	0	0.090957	0	0.35395	0	0.19662	0
0.57...0.59	0	0.049914	0	0	0	0.11619	0	0.021709	0.083883	0	0	0.086982	0	0	0	0.45271	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4413	0.1219	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.055251	0	0	0.024082	0	0	0	0.035684	0	0.11367	0.022467	0.12674	0	0	0.064399	0	0.16107	0	0.12713	0
0.59...0.62	0	0.14058	0	0.0073373	0	0.2248	0	0.058987	0.16368	0	0	0.22772	0	0	0	0.84164	0	0	0	0	0.031303	0	0.85589	0.30533	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.22092	0	0	0.040985	0.036783	0	0	0.13804	0	0.19716	0.059077	0.25807	0.08135	0	0.13771	0	0.31541	0	0.23508	0
0.62...0.65	0	0.12107	0	0.047022	0	0.2013	0	0.10058	0.14324	0	0	0.1533	0	0	0	0.53949	0	0	0	0	0.051464	0	0.5534	0.17993	0	0.023146	0	0	0	0	0	0.1562	0	0	0.053265	0.067283	0.034638	0	0.12223	0	0.15954	0.063441	0.23305	0.090112	0	0.18227	0	0.23042	0	0.22042	0
0.65...0.67	0	0.1561	0.053898	0.079081	0	0.20949	0	0.15341	0.1625	0	0	0.19185	0.0013282	0	0	0.60609	0	0	0	0	0.080105	0	0.55183	0.1862	0	0.072106	0.011371	0	0	0	0	0.21596	0	0	0.071781	0.092277	0.046947	0	0.1492	0	0.20748	0.11039	0.26823	0.14454	0	0.20169	0	0.24845	0	0.24289	0
0.67...0.69	0	0.26976	0.13822	0.16168	0.015595	0.28841	0	0.25586	0.30184	0	0	0.31173	0.10416	0.017769	0	0.78812	0.010853	0.005063	0	0.011093	0.15561	0	0.7561	0.32535	0	0.16025	0.060216	0	0	0	0	0.33381	0.046823	0	0.17082	0.17553	0.094704	0	0.21691	0	0.27845	0.22108	0.41647	0.25025	0	0.33684	0	0.36671	0	0.34271	0.037372
0.69...0.71	0.078794	0.33782	0.22143	0.23471	0.047279	0.39568	0.084438	0.33134	0.37804	0	0	0.37979	0.1996	0.083991	0	0.81716	0.12875	0.053373	0	0.098395	0.22428	0	0.7767	0.36168	0	0.22484	0.18046	0	0.038399	0.036472	0.036055	0.39143	0.11739	0.0044671	0.26243	0.27226	0.2298	0	0.31846	0	0.35496	0.28722	0.49291	0.34891	0.056492	0.41448	0	0.42292	0	0.4227	0.10327
0.71...0.74	0.14944	0.41586	0.25273	0.31241	0.14596	0.42471	0.14481	0.41434	0.41796	0.086874	0.0085759	0.43325	0.27685	0.19738	0.0073598	0.84833	0.19364	0.12393	0	0.1191	0.28276	0	0.81134	0.41768	0.0026744	0.31444	0.26394	0.035076	0.13108	0.097051	0.11115	0.43846	0.18294	0.043104	0.35198	0.3473	0.29055	0.014351	0.3862	0	0.39477	0.34603	0.55655	0.40456	0.14019	0.47046	0	0.4562	0	0.48391	0.16917
0.74...0.76	0.248	0.51364	0.3521	0.42678	0.24197	0.5367	0.22776	0.58876	0.53664	0.1585	0.060976	0.55025	0.38207	0.29214	0.092202	0.97394	0.26456	0.2159	0.038484	0.22169	0.36011	0	0.92724	0.50198	0.066275	0.41659	0.36921	0.079106	0.21741	0.22787	0.22171	0.57025	0.28304	0.13898	0.40961	0.46373	0.37691	0.07725	0.48841	0.048192	0.50439	0.46446	0.68227	0.51706	0.24837	0.60092	0.038879	0.54021	0.046567	0.57512	0.27326
0.76...0.78	0.38539	0.60335	0.43678	0.5391	0.3241	0.63955	0.32739	0.67467	0.59536	0.28067	0.15629	0.63107	0.48323	0.41806	0.17453	1.0335	0.349	0.31157	0.12752	0.31507	0.47661	0.04654	0.98399	0.59534	0.19988	0.50167	0.45792	0.20867	0.30793	0.32043	0.36554	0.67232	0.41065	0.231	0.505	0.54656	0.49284	0.19237	0.58193	0.13517	0.58679	0.57529	0.80877	0.6281	0.36302	0.71213	0.12179	0.61986	0.16828	0.6797	0.37993
0.78...0.80	0.46233	0.71875	0.52613	0.63276	0.40775	0.69334	0.39928	0.7819	0.72371	0.39644	0.28493	0.74608	0.59052	0.49961	0.25345	1.1559	0.42207	0.39452	0.20094	0.40235	0.584	0.13675	1.1204	0.65459	0.31862	0.61131	0.5574	0.30188	0.38969	0.38308	0.44006	0.75753	0.5212	0.3344	0.60341	0.64597	0.56172	0.26246	0.68307	0.203	0.67918	0.70329	0.92272	0.76017	0.47162	0.82977	0.24225	0.71417	0.24489	0.74588	0.43844
0.80...0.82	0.61618	0.91048	0.68736	0.80906	0.53154	0.84309	0.58648	0.98037	0.85773	0.54682	0.4047	0.91828	0.77398	0.68209	0.38702	1.3736	0.56535	0.53887	0.32968	0.50396	0.72998	0.26888	1.2633	0.84899	0.46796	0.79808	0.73956	0.40163	0.5389	0.55392	0.60899	0.94754	0.69006	0.49449	0.71183	0.81973	0.74037	0.41011	0.87814	0.34404	0.83614	0.89066	1.1798	0.96892	0.65639	1.0511	0.36404	0.88042	0.39074	0.96765	0.60277
0.82...0.84	0.84262	1.1688	0.89653	1.0592	0.74952	1.0536	0.77267	1.3185	1.0847	0.79487	0.68598	1.2119	1.0506	0.9764	0.63824	1.6297	0.75073	0.75353	0.55285	0.72498	0.96228	0.46968	1.5146	1.0703	0.68796	1.0243	1.0037	0.67464	0.75842	0.86318	0.91202	1.2996	0.94881	0.72071	0.96994	1.0514	1.0096	0.58758	1.1211	0.52926	1.0572	1.1155	1.4895	1.2008	0.88237	1.3819	0.62066	1.0797	0.62102	1.2038	0.85959
0.84...0.86	1.4057	1.751	1.42	1.6038	1.2019	1.5539	1.2801	1.8832	1.6393	1.2611	1.2017	1.7876	1.6249	1.5413	1.0729	2.1735	1.2119	1.2272	1.0811	1.1539	1.5357	0.89569	2.0392	1.5902	1.2176	1.5687	1.5507	1.1057	1.2111	1.4086	1.4558	1.8396	1.4982	1.1561	1.4816	1.5625	1.472	1.0555	1.6525	1.0147	1.5819	1.7094	2.1089	1.7588	1.4454	1.9955	1.1058	1.597	1.1312	1.7662	1.3661
0.86...0.88	1.3044	1.6691	1.3411	1.395	1.1154	1.4862	1.1192	1.7548	1.6284	1.1369	1.0081	1.6849	1.5701	1.5112	0.91973	2.1609	1.2176	1.2256	1.0561	1.1729	1.4429	0.90263	1.9852	1.5315	1.1146	1.3997	1.4269	1.0971	1.1443	1.3257	1.3859	1.7751	1.4301	1.1544	1.2828	1.5908	1.5878	1.0645	1.5427	0.90498	1.5413	1.5915	1.9716	1.7064	1.3151	1.866	0.87408	1.3905	0.97447	1.5522	1.2582
0.88...0.91	2.7792	3.4048	2.7483	2.7191	2.3128	3.0633	2.4537	3.5781	3.5747	2.4394	2.1604	3.5249	3.3806	3.326	1.9559	4.3778	2.7475	2.7407	2.4506	2.5953	3.0272	2.1951	4.1925	3.2113	2.4388	2.7573	2.9845	2.2788	2.3216	2.7631	3.0627	3.7207	3.1901	2.6292	2.5677	3.506	3.4724	2.3791	3.2353	2.1005	3.192	3.2712	3.9626	3.5616	2.7695	3.7691	1.8199	2.6293	1.9676	3.0839	2.6854
0.91...0.97	29.804	30.269	29.384	31.727	29.654	29.707	29.21	31.732	29.679	29.987	29.383	30.017	30.235	29.352	30.771	29.591	28.804	28.685	28.681	28.333	29.446	29.027	29.58	28.78	29.841	31.754	30.365	29.569	29.041	29.898	30.327	30.069	29.701	28.851	31.126	29.77	29.952	28.784	30.341	29.075	29.428	30.766	31.908	31.132	30.617	31.8	30.775	30.717	30.999	32.039	30.454
0.97...1.02	19.096	18.826	19.15	20.545	19.5	18.789	19.21	19.218	18.047	19.241	19.494	18.834	18.78	18.12	20.223	18.07	18.249	18.361	18.386	18.326	18.732	18.835	17.733	18.289	19.61	20.364	19.226	19.165	19.18	19.209	18.96	18.514	18.638	18.205	20.028	17.877	17.843	18.761	18.812	19.293	18.542	19.294	19.063	18.918	19.408	18.908	20.351	20.035	20.863	19.82	19.37
1.02...1.07	10.777	10.415	11.206	11.525	11.374	10.656	11.212	10.615	9.9997	10.816	11.24	10.826	10.349	10.062	10.765	10.557	10.573	10.533	10.481	10.702	10.96	10.746	10.021	10.837	11.179	10.977	10.93	10.693	11.143	11.061	10.294	10.386	10.408	10.576	10.618	9.9229	10.28	10.911	10.871	11.37	10.711	10.602	10.536	10.24	10.886	10.68	10.909	11.217	11.678	10.428	10.654
1.07...1.10	0.95396	0.9455	1.1475	0.83442	1.0002	1.0104	1.0932	0.74064	1.0813	0.65989	0.89328	1.3149	1.094	1.0593	0.36018	1.6247	1.1447	1.1306	1.0697	1.1802	1.2788	0.89259	1.3627	1.4456	0.84398	0.59216	0.88782	0.73176	1.0159	1.1106	0.81366	1.1647	0.98675	0.95755	0.54408	0.96133	1.1376	1.0479	1.0358	1.0488	1.2305	0.7878	0.99018	0.78938	0.74388	0.99462	0.35489	0.8219	0.62613	0.45449	0.77137
1.10...1.15	1.4086	1.6074	1.7703	1.4325	1.4976	1.5648	1.5379	1.4114	1.6204	1.0106	1.2419	2.1379	1.6998	1.5814	0.63995	2.8446	1.5889	1.5744	1.3051	1.6558	1.9281	1.0795	2.3561	2.1283	1.1373	1.1343	1.3575	0.91276	1.3742	1.6521	1.2813	1.9085	1.5132	1.3827	1.1314	1.5337	1.5234	1.3997	1.7942	1.4692	1.9497	1.3717	1.7948	1.3616	1.2002	1.6793	0.60966	1.5913	0.9703	1.1593	1.2113
1.15...1.17	0.39304	0.50698	0.51014	0.58956	0.4349	0.51207	0.44049	0.54116	0.44072	0.27501	0.34033	0.60435	0.39492	0.3299	0.22827	0.88999	0.30965	0.2795	0.15875	0.30893	0.50077	0.13766	0.73775	0.56534	0.28586	0.44883	0.42018	0.1947	0.38823	0.39111	0.29422	0.50783	0.33005	0.23538	0.43432	0.38046	0.42305	0.22699	0.51768	0.2636	0.51578	0.44028	0.64866	0.47835	0.29554	0.64092	0.22886	0.64453	0.35664	0.52768	0.31282
1.17...1.20	0.8231	1.009	0.96731	1.0154	0.90044	1.0224	0.9139	1.1272	0.92862	0.77261	0.83621	1.1083	0.82293	0.69866	0.66431	1.468	0.7445	0.7095	0.474	0.73456	1.0685	0.51458	1.3515	1.0901	0.66544	0.97255	0.94117	0.68356	0.86966	0.79295	0.70202	1.0084	0.71267	0.65619	0.88288	0.92027	0.85224	0.54234	1.0911	0.62262	1.0263	1.0338	1.3286	1.0072	0.83546	1.2	0.63228	1.1753	0.79155	1.07	0.82649
1.20...1.23	1.2311	1.4873	1.2732	1.3758	1.1797	1.2913	1.2071	1.5773	1.4127	1.0699	1.1211	1.6825	1.4425	1.361	0.90669	2.2783	1.0522	1.0796	0.77712	0.98419	1.5075	0.73309	1.8825	1.5194	0.9862	1.3012	1.2665	0.92603	1.1103	1.2499	1.2118	1.6704	1.311	0.96137	1.1769	1.3957	1.3925	0.81395	1.4959	0.85906	1.4486	1.3414	1.9552	1.4422	1.1872	1.7444	1.0059	1.5117	0.93706	1.4651	1.1366
1.23...1.28	5.1726	5.8921	5.152	6.1299	5.4298	5.6322	5.3127	6.0355	5.7513	5.342	5.4155	5.6226	5.296	4.7164	5.5607	6.6408	4.3863	4.5548	4.089	4.1519	5.4652	4.1991	6.5842	5.2522	4.8417	6.1327	5.3623	4.6568	5.0471	5.008	5.161	5.788	4.9148	4.4659	6.0809	5.5482	4.9268	3.7597	5.4949	4.0917	5.1749	5.9993	6.4989	5.8453	5.173	6.1954	5.5875	6.4656	5.6836	6.4782	5.5037
1.28...1.30	0.38154	0.93032	0.28037	0.41313	0.27283	0.71446	0.35921	0.80545	1.2359	0.29594	0.19165	0.83789	0.74565	0.48402	0.20542	1.709	0.16689	0.12918	0	0.013979	0.60415	0	1.7961	0.70914	0.026018	0.4921	0.45401	0.15256	0.20167	0.20864	0.50304	1.0128	0.5131	0.0060283	0.50102	1.1181	1.1791	0	0.83918	0	0.80943	0.71967	1.423	1.1787	0.38881	1.1572	0.18171	0.642	0.11659	0.74387	0.44928
1.30...1.35	54.563	53.568	54.116	28.257	31.792	33.62	34.217	40.685	69.412	35.604	35.433	53.436	53.969	91.373	28.557	85.614	83.809	82.606	78.82	77.764	51.771	52.885	63.055	68.281	57.15	27.412	56.649	54.937	54.222	47.63	47.277	69.554	70.718	72.623	27.24	66.702	70.472	74.138	56.354	57.053	72.529	39.476	60.887	59.712	57.004	56.544	27.923	27.308	27.823	27.677	31.636
1.35...1.37	1.4006	1.0881	1.7101	1.5415	1.3031	1.0641	1.2925	1.0848	0.72834	1.066	1.3158	1.4646	1.1842	1.3726	1.1154	1.2165	1.4964	1.6005	1.6507	1.8497	1.3802	1.3189	0.63133	1.5298	1.6533	1.2091	1.397	1.2951	1.632	1.5372	1.041	1.152	1.3016	1.3388	1.1211	0.57783	1.1019	1.8679	1.1914	1.7934	1.4812	1.0827	0.94254	0.9264	1.3464	1.1741	1.1042	1.3558	1.4716	1.0138	0.98465
1.37...1.42	3.5314	3.2236	4.0492	3.6649	3.2123	3.1279	3.2773	3.4173	2.8399	2.8766	3.2193	3.7951	3.3151	3.6439	2.791	3.9018	3.7732	3.8337	3.7831	4.0993	3.5696	3.0917	2.9847	3.9237	3.8001	3.2125	3.7172	3.2071	3.6657	3.597	2.992	3.484	3.4781	3.3343	2.9558	2.7896	3.4372	4.1105	3.5395	3.9469	3.913	3.2651	3.5367	3.2534	3.5284	3.8122	2.7032	3.4225	3.2857	2.9314	2.8624
1.42...1.48	9.5175	9.284	9.8384	9.1901	8.6047	8.3423	8.4104	8.7644	9.4616	8.1777	8.4165	10.997	10.603	10.53	8.067	10.812	10.104	10.037	10.084	10.294	10.527	10.18	9.6745	10.585	9.4884	8.4917	9.4978	9.1063	9.4493	10.502	10.042	10.242	10.17	9.7994	8.2917	9.5179	10.256	10.604	10.261	10.532	10.459	8.5256	9.6066	9.2384	9.3825	9.6683	7.9108	8.5505	8.4137	8.4223	8.2862
1.48...1.54	5.0123	4.7722	5.4499	5.3962	4.9415	4.7583	4.8998	4.5866	4.2807	4.5422	4.8319	5.2351	4.7659	4.6964	4.9923	5.0878	4.9746	4.9892	4.8558	5.1931	5.1891	4.642	4.5132	5.2626	5.0508	5.2157	5.0298	4.5454	5.0778	5.1305	4.5175	4.7176	4.5989	4.7072	4.9796	4.2525	4.4483	5.2164	4.9709	5.3078	5.0883	4.7049	4.5768	4.4854	4.7873	4.6724	5.3513	5.8799	5.3845	4.9773	4.4754
1.54...1.59	1.9886	1.9796	2.3962	2.7664	2.0861	1.9597	1.9271	2.0328	1.6088	1.5828	1.8634	2.6775	2.2325	2.2548	1.3145	2.9278	2.0003	1.9287	1.816	2.2588	2.2727	1.5897	2.0101	2.2895	1.9271	1.8262	2.0532	1.6344	2.1156	2.4827	1.995	2.433	2.1823	1.7293	1.9083	1.5238	1.7992	2.1607	2.1443	2.068	2.2598	1.8803	2.1864	1.8678	1.8805	2.2355	1.1206	1.9999	1.7397	1.9725	1.6578
1.59...1.61	0.4826	0.51994	0.66699	0.72949	0.504	0.52376	0.50121	0.58422	0.41583	0.39351	0.43703	0.67413	0.52994	0.47766	0.35837	0.80893	0.49759	0.50381	0.42839	0.55214	0.58969	0.31152	0.61471	0.61678	0.52283	0.53348	0.55841	0.42204	0.54892	0.51038	0.38356	0.54874	0.50274	0.3828	0.49674	0.39353	0.48882	0.5206	0.59	0.53086	0.65392	0.51861	0.64026	0.53731	0.46105	0.66324	0.31983	0.6774	0.47104	0.56418	0.42408
1.61...1.64	1.0091	1.0779	1.1697	1.1186	0.93038	1.0301	0.94668	1.0708	0.94122	0.8308	0.91554	1.2672	1.0938	1.0417	0.79435	1.4485	1.0252	1.0581	0.94421	1.0924	1.0731	0.79795	1.1774	1.2326	1.015	0.96248	1.1092	0.97302	1.1208	1.0153	0.91839	1.1487	1.0345	0.83624	0.94048	0.9144	1.0957	1.1745	1.1862	1.064	1.2976	0.9986	1.2955	1.128	0.98712	1.2706	0.67725	1.075	0.89199	0.98967	0.80702
1.64...1.66	1.0469	1.1323	1.1819	1.2518	1.0233	1.0872	1.0042	1.2234	1.0378	0.96553	0.9786	1.2601	1.1169	1.0487	0.94482	1.377	1.0534	1.0276	0.96552	1.0874	1.1247	0.87929	1.2142	1.1738	1.06	1.1307	1.154	0.94633	1.0746	1.084	1.0001	1.1559	1.0514	0.9299	1.1149	1.0173	1.1298	1.0657	1.1626	1.0303	1.149	1.1061	1.3163	1.1271	1.0539	1.3081	0.8749	1.2185	1.009	1.1655	0.97935
1.66...1.69	2.7449	2.8407	2.8927	3.1588	2.7541	2.7991	2.6945	3.0817	2.7385	2.6707	2.6818	3.011	2.846	2.7143	2.7137	3.1409	2.7633	2.6833	2.6046	2.7433	2.8371	2.5379	2.9549	2.828	2.7829	3.0009	2.8805	2.6598	2.7809	2.7488	2.7025	2.8764	2.7273	2.616	2.9297	2.7179	2.8531	2.732	2.9672	2.7463	2.9227	2.918	3.1678	2.961	2.8457	3.2499	2.6279	3.0349	2.7978	3.0722	2.724
1.69...1.74	14.054	13.872	14.177	14.809	14.158	13.852	13.936	14.244	13.565	14.005	14.077	14.172	14.007	13.601	14.453	13.769	13.776	13.836	13.945	13.839	14.107	13.852	13.565	13.837	14.308	14.624	14.229	13.916	14.088	14.132	13.909	13.814	13.741	13.706	14.461	13.586	13.698	13.986	14.237	14.289	13.986	14.161	14.273	14.079	14.237	14.386	14.365	14.512	14.76	14.601	14.058
1.74...1.79	2.6821	2.5965	3.083	2.9598	2.7038	2.5516	2.7011	2.3832	2.2565	2.4302	2.6765	2.9619	2.628	2.5377	2.4071	3.0498	2.623	2.562	2.5517	2.822	2.8725	2.3656	2.4264	2.8663	2.7919	2.7413	2.722	2.4316	2.8422	2.7591	2.442	2.6544	2.4944	2.3842	2.5367	2.1003	2.1711	2.9062	2.7793	2.9735	2.919	2.5518	2.4874	2.549	2.6381	2.5568	2.3629	2.9268	2.8782	2.5129	2.3195
1.79...1.84	1.3579	1.3719	1.7515	1.8386	1.334	1.3937	1.2616	1.4438	1.1733	1.0605	1.1292	1.7619	1.3696	1.1983	0.91707	2.0979	1.3372	1.3174	1.083	1.5319	1.5106	0.89216	1.5954	1.6007	1.3476	1.4093	1.4584	1.0507	1.4027	1.3359	1.0625	1.5557	1.2442	1.046	1.3023	1.1665	1.2469	1.4491	1.6296	1.4329	1.6697	1.4266	1.6777	1.4952	1.2736	1.6568	0.8685	1.6823	1.3162	1.3977	1.0352
1.84...1.86	0.41168	0.46469	0.54834	0.59164	0.38269	0.48125	0.36995	0.51245	0.44857	0.33266	0.3242	0.59844	0.41484	0.40262	0.31164	0.77647	0.42531	0.41946	0.32381	0.47331	0.50855	0.26354	0.66043	0.53895	0.36733	0.4538	0.47807	0.29941	0.42291	0.39623	0.33383	0.51561	0.39095	0.33622	0.44637	0.43709	0.46448	0.43698	0.5727	0.38604	0.56957	0.47632	0.61009	0.4906	0.36023	0.6458	0.22857	0.55446	0.35637	0.52365	0.32664
1.86...1.88	1.0805	1.1732	1.2257	1.326	1.0903	1.207	1.0564	1.3105	1.2179	1.0123	1.0144	1.3063	1.1502	1.1381	1.0167	1.4791	1.1833	1.1152	1.0386	1.1748	1.1531	0.97907	1.3396	1.2347	1.0829	1.1886	1.1801	1.0241	1.0991	1.1142	1.0858	1.2725	1.1332	1.06	1.1519	1.1653	1.293	1.1177	1.2943	1.0598	1.2512	1.1822	1.4158	1.2495	1.1359	1.4312	0.95486	1.2399	1.066	1.2799	1.0768
1.88...1.94	9.3123	9.322	9.5208	9.5362	9.5015	9.4174	9.343	9.4374	9.1964	9.1206	9.108	9.6575	9.4783	9.2681	8.9489	9.6872	9.2978	9.2282	9.1816	9.3306	9.521	9.0036	9.3491	9.4816	9.3912	9.4366	9.4823	9.0746	9.2425	9.3995	9.2576	9.4124	9.2346	9.1387	9.2113	9.2227	9.0949	9.3789	9.6773	9.358	9.4301	9.4001	9.6473	9.5591	9.4354	9.483	9.0206	9.4816	9.2461	9.4534	9.2707
1.94...1.99	4.6111	4.6898	4.8025	4.9961	4.4553	4.5724	4.4064	4.7437	4.4958	4.2993	4.3781	4.8211	4.5805	4.4703	4.3359	5.0709	4.4827	4.4347	4.3353	4.5252	4.6653	4.1987	4.7645	4.6874	4.5901	4.8159	4.6776	4.2938	4.533	4.4778	4.4323	4.6382	4.4379	4.2609	4.6591	4.4413	4.4423	4.6237	4.8258	4.5696	4.8144	4.7281	4.9915	4.7834	4.5753	4.9968	4.3349	4.8986	4.6976	4.7864	4.3386
1.99...2.05	12.579	12.516	12.661	13.524	11.373	11.559	11.536	13.461	11.599	12.042	12.234	14.114	14.13	14.189	11.07	14.401	11.425	11.665	11.667	11.653	11.743	11.333	11.604	11.865	13.285	12.04	13.299	12.244	12.466	13.949	13.918	14.156	14.125	11.245	10.331	11.495	12.128	12.781	12.681	12.464	12.706	13.184	13.961	13.383	13.146	13.979	9.9648	10.345	12.124	10.339	11.535
2.05...2.09	2.8684	3.4459	4.2958	3.7048	3.0353	2.8278	2.3274	3.258	3.5811	2.8121	2.1645	3.4512	3.9862	5.4752	2.8561	3.6139	3.0451	3.03	3.3352	6.5337	2.9779	5.222	3.3969	2.9011	3.3844	3.0009	4.7356	3.9174	3.5515	5.5307	3.4908	4.2304	4.1935	3.0447	3.0569	4.1863	3.8752	4.292	3.6335	2.872	3.4636	3.4799	3.3468	6.5673	3.8051	3.1553	2.1599	2.4914	3.7873	2.5393	2.4563
2.09...2.11	1.7924	1.8539	1.8644	1.931	1.6201	1.7655	1.6035	1.8624	1.7823	1.539	1.5193	1.9167	1.8142	1.7886	1.5791	2.1104	1.8492	1.8144	1.7467	1.8651	1.8067	1.6266	1.8934	1.8659	1.7562	1.8697	1.8295	1.5862	1.7534	1.7228	1.7495	1.8772	1.7971	1.6078	1.8339	1.7717	2.1456	1.8178	1.9139	1.7313	1.8924	1.7706	2.1494	1.9168	1.8184	2.2466	1.6579	1.9162	1.733	2.0153	1.6662
2.11...2.16	21.647	21.199	21.772	22.826	23.651	22.563	22.838	21.974	21.563	22.312	22.107	18.915	18.846	18.208	24.293	17.591	21.871	21.728	21.752	21.662	22.322	22.545	20.79	21.338	21.337	24.245	21.433	21.473	21.17	19.737	19.37	18.436	18.58	22.479	25.705	21.783	21.375	19.899	20.894	20.976	19.595	21.303	20.758	20.485	21.193	20.659	26.343	25.632	24.543	26.266	23.301
2.16...2.20	2.0033	1.823	2.3165	2.2548	2.2624	1.9671	2.2263	1.6601	1.7211	1.8219	2.0474	2.0036	1.7255	1.6295	2.0332	1.9542	2.022	1.9838	1.9229	2.2425	2.2162	1.92	1.7689	2.1587	2.0654	2.0785	2.0019	1.6926	2.1371	1.8975	1.5884	1.6997	1.6003	1.8791	2.0768	1.5594	1.6102	2.0005	1.9275	2.2006	2.0104	1.8474	1.5899	1.6832	1.8238	1.7445	2.1313	2.5527	2.3986	1.9524	1.8247
2.20...2.23	0.32014	0.28243	0.48879	0.52983	0.39807	0.34718	0.37543	0.30619	0.25133	0.24418	0.38324	0.38845	0.25482	0.23942	0.24651	0.54465	0.3678	0.34642	0.30986	0.4351	0.41269	0.20042	0.37157	0.43357	0.35304	0.33033	0.40581	0.20414	0.4127	0.27698	0.16412	0.28936	0.20696	0.23586	0.35195	0.22345	0.2599	0.33117	0.39685	0.34783	0.41909	0.30255	0.37057	0.31011	0.29979	0.42458	0.1942	0.50961	0.36699	0.3284	0.21077
2.23...2.29	3.3171	3.2652	3.6057	3.8745	3.4005	3.3745	3.2948	3.4955	3.0882	3.0874	3.3094	3.519	3.1878	3.0777	3.1569	3.7621	3.3213	3.2204	3.1382	3.4076	3.4509	2.963	3.389	3.4254	3.3963	3.5544	3.4439	3.0807	3.4359	3.2272	3.04	3.3324	3.1018	3.0389	3.4075	3.0575	3.1955	3.2884	3.5217	3.3483	3.4101	3.3348	3.5734	3.3562	3.2959	3.6482	3.1604	3.7231	3.5176	3.5496	3.1646
2.29...2.32	0.6795	0.69382	0.83683	0.89369	0.66263	0.6894	0.60015	0.64944	0.59213	0.48296	0.55695	0.82072	0.66361	0.61837	0.49582	1.0037	0.69165	0.68602	0.54905	0.7584	0.72409	0.43251	0.77962	0.77143	0.71354	0.72769	0.75963	0.52928	0.68434	0.61052	0.55296	0.68207	0.58073	0.5478	0.65552	0.55196	0.56358	0.70272	0.80942	0.70302	0.82271	0.73317	0.83606	0.72767	0.68813	0.82026	0.47164	0.83549	0.71567	0.73056	0.48875
2.32...2.37	1.8806	1.9626	2.1442	2.9897	1.0393	1.1307	0.79022	2.1877	1.2612	1.003	0.96805	2.4616	2.1873	2.7585	1.59	3.5295	2.2872	2.1718	1.9951	2.3184	1.5139	1.0018	1.6739	2.0369	2.1542	2.0509	2.5529	2.3009	2.1358	1.9607	1.8406	2.5417	2.3162	1.1374	1.7922	1.2876	2.0323	2.6349	2.7426	2.1741	2.8498	1.3823	3.5158	2.9606	2.8746	3.3718	1.4317	2.1535	1.7282	2.3436	0.90316
2.37...2.42	11.767	11.825	11.565	11.948	11.432	11.743	11.73	12.525	11.315	12.591	12.966	13.283	13.392	12.933	11.313	13.177	10.978	11.121	11.112	10.909	11.322	11.389	11.347	11.312	12.5	10.767	12.011	12.556	12.831	13.169	13.536	13.352	13.43	10.835	9.5701	11.099	11.389	11.923	11.676	11.839	11.905	12.789	12.314	12.079	11.892	12.275	9.3355	9.4168	10.738	9.2233	11.904
2.42...2.47	16.772	16.437	16.937	18.45	18.888	18.018	18.265	17.569	17.181	17.763	17.615	14.036	13.963	13.166	19.561	12.897	17.08	16.908	16.795	16.889	17.513	17.763	16.467	16.594	16.413	19.323	16.537	16.679	16.45	14.684	14.508	13.553	13.707	17.927	20.723	17.268	16.964	15.008	16.087	16.017	14.778	16.775	16.034	15.707	16.161	16.009	21.262	20.716	19.615	21.293	18.66
2.47...2.52	6.4497	6.2896	6.6276	6.5604	6.663	6.4908	6.7381	6.3722	6.038	6.8197	7.1932	6.9824	6.8761	6.5738	5.9931	6.9195	6.1887	6.1831	6.1583	6.3401	6.4287	6.2637	6.0584	6.3234	6.9388	5.8927	6.6254	6.5489	7.0334	6.9502	6.9662	6.9021	6.8684	6.192	5.275	5.9636	5.6744	6.5359	6.3026	6.7293	6.4444	6.7549	6.1386	6.4107	6.5269	6.1953	5.3242	5.4979	6.3233	4.8924	6.3898
2.52...2.57	0.317	0.25049	0.58565	0.44695	0.47435	0.40373	0.4899	0.19911	0.43385	0.18902	0.35207	0.29829	0.1165	0.10517	0.016672	0.6479	0.54647	0.46901	0.37418	0.62745	0.4725	0.15563	0.70596	0.54631	0.2846	0.095726	0.28125	0.1168	0.42685	0.094901	0	0.21315	0.069317	0.53443	0.05571	0.44508	0.089847	0.59401	0.58392	0.55594	0.634	0.21134	0.26903	0.28738	0.33293	0.29558	0	0.34978	0.21275	0.066934	0.15893
2.57...2.59	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.025591	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
2.59...2.61	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.12864	0.00036455	0	0	0.010315	0	0	0.049786	0.012901	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
2.61...2.66	1.3118	1.3128	1.5244	1.2977	1.4712	1.585	1.4365	1.1853	1.5521	1.1216	1.2531	1.5593	1.3384	1.2533	0.88457	2.2744	1.647	1.5409	1.3804	1.6126	1.5345	1.192	1.9287	1.6072	1.1032	1.0626	1.182	1.0163	1.3247	1.0708	1.326	1.4549	1.4176	1.609	1.1034	1.6415	1.3197	1.5425	1.7359	1.4348	1.7222	1.1818	1.383	1.2548	1.2299	1.3308	0.88686	1.3801	1.0579	1.2071	1.3146
2.66...2.69	0.16048	0.21606	0.2848	0.31626	0.11641	0.2638	0.15783	0.17166	0.42841	0.13341	0.15897	0	0	0	0	0.57911	0.32128	0.36455	0.21072	0.42514	0.146	0	0.63304	0.2628	0.084824	0.13733	0.17921	0.043312	0.20795	0	0	0	0	0.33846	0.089292	0.39946	0.027661	0.21625	0.40421	0.13821	0.35156	0.19983	0.33511	0.28296	0.21481	0.33397	0	0.27527	0.096243	0.16431	0.078226
2.69...2.70	0	0	0	0.016316	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.12196	0	0	0	0.011821	0	0	0.024157	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.022094	0	0.0013535	0
2.75...2.79	0.023593	0	0.23227	0	0.093892	0.026681	0.079745	0	0	0	0	0.52666	0.32247	0.47441	0	0.20203	0	0	0	0	0.12412	0	0.14893	0.12416	0	0	0	0	0	0.80167	0.13542	0.35192	0.30846	0	0	0	0	0.10836	0.12485	0.10993	0.1684	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.087752	0	0.058565	0
2.79...2.81	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.075876	0	0	0	0.022271	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.060025	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.078864	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
2.81...2.86	1.5048	1.5469	1.7005	1.3074	1.4774	1.5544	1.496	1.0664	1.3617	1.1326	1.1417	2.2408	2.0569	2.0575	1.094	2.2707	1.3306	1.4207	1.2003	1.3733	1.6191	1.3794	1.6508	1.8026	1.1228	1.3189	1.2003	1.2143	1.393	2.1757	1.868	2.0744	2.0231	1.1473	1.3228	1.3506	1.445	1.6368	1.717	1.4896	1.7408	1.2943	1.4469	1.303	1.1739	1.2767	1.1485	1.5122	1.1039	1.5023	1.2542
2.86...2.89	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.022541	0	0	0	0.080065	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.071924	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
2.89...2.92	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.052059	0	0	0	0.19073	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1324	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.023132	0	0	0	0.006928	0	0	0	0	0.0088993	0	0.018752	0
2.92...2.94	0.02416	0.050231	0.093319	0	0	0.067506	0	0	0.12893	0	0	0.19579	0.10123	0.1466	0	0.33553	0.10241	0.15123	0	0.1136	0.12888	0	0.31558	0.18506	0	0	0	0	0	0.075786	0	0.10968	0.10278	0.021193	0	0.15724	0.037066	0.12598	0.15964	0.000020265	0.17993	0	0.061908	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.031831	0
2.94...2.97	0.023901	0.057118	0.09812	0	0	0.066335	0	0	0.082885	0	0	0.18391	0.047461	0.038849	0	0.38736	0.039577	0.073742	0	0.0061799	0.068972	0	0.31739	0.089579	0	0.048685	0	0	0	0.0031692	0.020099	0.048199	0.062875	0	0	0.10528	0	0.0016851	0.16854	0	0.1248	0.048086	0.14091	0	0	0	0	0.077352	0	0.12289	0
2.97...2.99	0.052848	0.17315	0.16099	0.085606	0	0.1549	0.037703	0	0.14727	0	0	0.27909	0.16035	0.15373	0	0.5047	0.010391	0.13308	0	0.015234	0.079262	0	0.36225	0.12501	0	0.14532	0.0015069	0	0	0.085629	0.16249	0.18298	0.17139	0	0.083185	0.1386	0.0032785	0.053823	0.24213	0	0.168	0.2252	0.2145	0.081497	0	0.021266	0	0.15799	0	0.2468	0.011781
2.99...3.05	7.0545	6.987	7.1084	6.7853	6.9202	7.0213	6.8856	6.599	7.1627	6.838	6.7353	7.2122	7.0742	7.0129	6.7536	7.3121	6.9822	7.1588	6.794	6.8949	7.0646	7.0297	7.3911	6.9655	6.8076	7.1035	6.8443	6.7565	6.7889	7.0654	7.1821	6.8531	7.0445	7.0045	6.9748	7.2112	6.7085	6.9506	7.3624	6.9394	7.0262	7.0724	7.1041	6.9249	6.8374	6.7408	6.8376	6.9072	6.8855	7.3775	6.9707
3.05...3.10	0.11427	0.13645	0.21409	0	0.037441	0.32343	0.11433	0	0.29007	0	0	0.19979	0	0	0	0.58955	0.14459	0.24292	0	0.087342	0.12514	0	0.66467	0.20429	0	0.16346	0	0	0.012002	0	0.056831	0	0.02339	0.029864	0.16889	0.22356	0	0.04629	0.33297	0	0.19615	0.19126	0.05992	0	0	0	0	0.36886	0	0.56377	0.091937
3.10...3.16	1.1702	1.381	1.1979	0.90311	1.0992	1.5357	1.17	0.49244	1.6791	0.98774	0.88309	1.316	1.0375	0.84292	1.0883	1.8569	1.2396	1.4951	0.92711	1.0932	1.1408	1.0998	2.0575	1.3122	0.84866	1.494	0.77372	1.0634	1.0368	0.88988	1.2173	0.92913	1.1159	1.1818	1.4779	1.5249	0.84062	1.1329	1.5201	0.81851	1.2525	1.3911	1.3281	0.99797	0.82638	0.71787	1.2208	1.5434	0.97158	1.9782	1.334
3.16...3.21	2.6512	2.7657	2.5104	2.2648	2.6661	3.0929	2.6924	1.7689	3.241	2.5126	2.4941	2.5658	2.3031	1.9944	2.9248	3.1161	2.5562	2.982	2.4433	2.401	2.5083	2.6501	3.5875	2.6125	2.2975	2.857	2.1015	2.5095	2.3761	2.2324	2.7755	2.2233	2.5893	2.635	3.234	3.1543	1.8815	2.2131	2.6281	1.9456	2.3115	3.0324	2.4155	2.1102	1.9628	1.5793	2.9341	3.0745	2.3098	3.7225	3.1913
3.21...3.27	54.929	54.199	53.964	56.179	57.116	56.052	56.665	54.918	53.403	57.937	56.968	53.311	53.985	51.217	58.19	48.965	52.78	52.859	53.435	52.348	55.292	56.694	52.253	52.427	54.496	56.862	53.994	55.134	54.351	55.009	55.837	52.004	53.168	54.688	57.452	54.722	53.425	53.04	54.797	54.478	51.818	55.429	53.386	52.853	54.024	52.659	59.02	55.968	57.37	58.528	57.701
3.27...3.33	0.94481	0.96303	1.0011	0.7915	1.0012	1.1584	0.98522	0.19626	1.2013	0.68874	0.7885	1.0972	0.78448	0.70277	0.84943	1.4681	0.89036	1.1077	0.83012	0.9022	0.92134	0.93348	1.4428	1.0853	0.69808	0.98972	0.48108	0.7537	0.88044	0.73918	0.94371	0.68682	0.9366	0.82299	1.026	0.9618	0.44772	1.0103	1.0646	0.76716	0.99085	0.96193	0.91623	0.63938	0.5492	0.31285	0.90078	1.1772	0.81518	1.2106	1.0255
3.33...3.35	0.11888	1.2453	0.094961	0	0.08015	0.23799	0.090668	0	0.38904	0	0.014261	0.22893	0.079935	0.028455	0.1942	0.56286	0.14683	0.38086	0.24108	0.11629	0.052765	0.15774	0.57241	0.23788	0	0.13161	0	0.21363	0.043166	0.072196	0.21725	0.001565	0.16812	0.16058	0.22778	0.35904	0	0.22758	0.25623	0.040062	0.28343	0.15805	0.15574	0	0	0	0.084495	0.15984	0	0.31228	0.3433
3.35...3.37	0.17906	0.28601	0.055181	0	0.062636	0.34579	0.13065	0	0.49077	0	0	0.083605	0	0	0.27967	0.54078	0.069171	0.37997	0.087381	0	0.0376	0.1568	0.71286	0.08919	0	0.36477	0	0.0083198	0	0	0.23328	0	0.1077	0.10811	0.49033	0.41927	0	0.024356	0.2757	0	0.079392	0.32931	0.0033798	0	0	0	0.31372	0.3916	0.053871	0.7413	0.46324
3.37...3.43	86.408	85.195	84.521	88.629	90.054	88.846	89.972	85.999	84.607	90.786	90.833	83.644	85.274	79.421	93.441	76.176	82.292	83.259	85.247	82.304	86.331	89.728	82.25	82.387	86.278	90.061	84.172	87.679	85.818	86.26	87.759	81.421	83.674	85.541	91.481	85.822	83.638	84.017	85.29	86.261	81.633	87.865	83.295	83.154	85.139	82.326	93.353	88.461	91.056	91.317	92.566
3.43...3.48	76.204	74.726	74.945	79.293	79.986	78.202	79.259	80.605	74.114	80.718	79.894	73.928	75.142	70.752	81.555	67.127	73.003	73.274	74.641	72.853	75.991	79.221	72.124	72.692	76.044	79.061	74.961	77.693	75.977	76.742	77.513	72.006	73.886	75.604	79.784	75.881	78.348	73.875	75.329	76.331	72.064	77.145	76.987	73.761	75.811	77.386	82.365	77.846	80.29	80.384	80.748
3.48...3.51	41.696	41.134	41.362	40.61	43.535	42.406	43.354	38.689	40.011	44.244	43.464	40.182	40.955	38.812	43.419	36.019	39.831	39.607	40.095	39.715	42.599	42.965	38.563	39.787	41.676	42.661	41.375	41.243	41.58	41.664	42.05	39.68	39.973	41.169	42.824	40.592	37.033	39.91	40.83	41.728	39.079	41.951	37.003	40.054	40.901	36.796	44.574	42.436	43.795	43.186	42.917
3.51...3.57	43.139	42.484	42.753	44.323	44.884	43.908	44.876	43.799	42.212	45.042	45.332	42.382	43.407	41.032	45.522	38.253	41.704	41.576	42.996	42.04	43.561	44.718	40.69	41.819	43.579	43.753	42.728	43.741	43.325	43.658	43.544	41.632	42.04	43.069	44.237	42.464	42.828	42.792	42.468	44.122	41.601	43.236	41.398	42.253	43.095	42.302	45.267	43.48	44.903	43.289	45.118
3.57...3.63	11.375	11.102	11.405	11.828	11.403	11.128	11.389	11.448	10.762	11.564	11.551	11.205	11.298	11.264	11.6	10.628	10.936	10.886	11.095	11.05	11.153	11.229	10.467	10.996	11.546	11.449	11.436	11.509	11.453	11.525	11.396	11.138	11.238	11.134	11.374	10.844	11.176	11.284	11.195	11.46	11.006	11.314	11.165	11.25	11.457	11.413	11.547	11.289	11.771	11.026	11.16
3.63...3.68	9.071	8.8605	8.996	9.2515	8.8377	8.723	8.8785	8.1601	8.641	8.8468	8.973	8.9365	8.8156	8.7883	9.2997	8.9629	8.5027	8.9051	8.7627	8.526	8.5003	8.9225	8.4784	8.5685	8.8888	9.0894	8.5403	9.0974	8.8784	9.0064	9.256	8.5326	9.0364	8.6628	8.9977	8.6318	8.2811	9.3166	9.0978	9.1601	8.9109	8.9355	8.765	8.4368	8.8318	8.2649	9.073	8.8144	9.2143	9.0253	8.9901
3.68...3.74	93.202	91.485	91.491	94.324	96.863	94.826	96.303	93.103	90.306	97.602	97.444	90.694	92.276	87.001	99.333	82.709	88.671	89.406	91.211	88.813	92.527	96.482	87.435	88.685	93.059	96.375	91.173	94.614	92.852	93.807	94.909	88.465	90.781	91.43	96.97	91.601	90.763	91.054	91.363	93.585	88.392	94.168	89.814	90.097	92.392	90.196	99.842	94.363	98.077	96.568	98.009
3.74...3.80	49.903	49.325	49.401	50.594	51.919	50.475	51.462	50.091	48.768	51.965	51.415	47.775	48.837	46.78	52.746	43.497	48.566	48.361	49.464	48.48	50.647	51.627	46.856	48.254	50.04	51.472	49.638	50.371	49.693	49.55	49.666	47.331	47.761	49.923	52.508	49.193	48.997	48.624	49.202	50.285	47.455	49.671	47.929	48.774	49.705	48.343	54.089	51.641	52.591	52.343	51.856
3.80...3.85	72.436	71.179	71.41	73.836	75.506	73.82	75.068	73.254	70.059	76.261	75.893	70.257	71.703	67.731	76.922	63.425	69.16	69.202	70.767	69.227	72.441	74.752	67.783	69.229	72.661	74.504	71.554	73.78	72.54	72.943	73.429	69.161	70.25	71.203	74.994	71.234	71.079	70.748	71.115	73.106	68.939	73.056	69.749	70.837	72.27	70.809	77.299	73.429	76.025	74.542	75.758
3.85...3.91	61.85	61.034	61.251	62.776	64.196	62.772	63.826	63.065	59.639	64.903	64.467	60.384	61.85	58.66	64.797	54.366	59.032	58.546	59.888	59.158	62.064	63.22	57.587	59.107	62.221	63.418	61.797	62.457	61.823	62.55	62.722	59.947	60.112	60.37	63.313	60.409	60.699	60	60.174	62.303	58.906	62.526	59.274	61.377	62.082	61.185	65.285	62.538	64.827	62.707	63.707
3.91...3.97	6.6652	6.9501	7.0271	8.3368	6.8212	6.6146	6.638	8.9242	6.2	7.0277	6.7008	6.9617	7.3263	7.3475	6.3373	5.9195	6.4556	5.7082	6.1034	6.5522	7.0204	6.0665	6.1427	6.7061	7.3097	6.6026	8.0674	6.7054	7.0313	7.1882	6.7695	7.6538	6.673	6.4958	6.4925	6.2247	7.8315	6.419	6.7309	6.9542	6.8265	6.9339	7.4828	8.118	7.5696	8.7261	6.2244	6.8807	6.8534	6.106	5.9267
3.97...4.02	8.7634	8.7904	8.9254	9.5323	8.8652	8.6973	8.7099	9.8142	8.4283	8.9639	8.8771	8.8008	9.0943	9.0253	8.7335	8.0119	8.6959	8.1115	8.3574	8.6671	8.9408	8.5292	8.2611	8.6992	8.9522	8.5779	9.3934	8.9065	9.1192	8.9754	8.8466	9.2421	8.6831	8.6149	8.6001	8.441	9.4044	8.977	8.8721	9.1926	9.0364	8.7316	8.9612	9.6313	9.2878	9.7986	8.5498	8.7904	8.7968	8.2263	8.3204
4.02...4.08	3.3853	3.5481	3.611	4.3191	3.5267	3.5584	3.4797	4.6035	3.0882	3.4703	3.3552	3.6287	3.8541	3.8246	3.1499	3.2615	3.2294	2.923	2.9488	3.2801	3.416	2.8485	3.3263	3.3697	3.5166	3.2949	3.9835	3.2872	3.5772	3.6561	3.5126	3.9785	3.4388	3.2636	3.209	3.1526	3.8191	3.2635	3.4632	3.4605	3.4805	3.5638	3.6956	4.1039	3.7318	4.3599	2.9266	3.5466	3.287	2.8877	2.9953
4.08...4.14	12.64	12.718	12.534	8.516	8.3755	8.6919	8.6811	11.283	15.583	9.0673	8.8122	12.414	12.827	20.055	7.4594	18.617	17.984	17.714	17.209	17.081	11.993	11.714	14.467	15.388	13.17	7.3631	13.695	12.853	12.584	11.605	11.27	16.086	15.781	16.193	7.5429	14.93	16.044	16.282	12.783	13.071	16.161	9.8857	14.43	14.467	13.584	14.271	7.2866	7.474	7.3646	7.0354	7.9199
4.14...4.20	4.4386	4.6237	4.5696	5.416	4.2921	4.5165	4.4107	5.954	4.0392	4.7369	4.6554	5.3081	5.4548	5.6816	3.8678	5.044	4.1183	3.7459	3.8397	4.1774	4.215	3.684	4.2721	4.3227	4.9005	4.1487	5.3374	4.5651	4.791	5.2486	5.2874	5.7729	5.2898	4.0721	3.2938	4.1142	4.7994	4.2622	4.4542	4.4889	4.6069	5.0188	5.0721	5.4016	5.0204	5.7475	3.1648	3.6632	4.1315	2.9874	3.8883
4.20...4.22	0.3821	0.46828	0.48576	0.63138	0.3889	0.46135	0.41379	0.77273	0.37825	0.40027	0.36787	0.42056	0.47185	0.58384	0.3279	0.45354	0.44303	0.32163	0.30673	0.43594	0.4109	0.20337	0.51302	0.4433	0.39012	0.38783	0.60109	0.37629	0.44679	0.3887	0.39567	0.60029	0.3803	0.40447	0.33519	0.40516	0.61034	0.34628	0.42974	0.38541	0.48809	0.4834	0.53897	0.65417	0.5512	0.7673	0.24351	0.45277	0.35576	0.26644	0.24906
4.22...4.28	3.7425	3.9044	3.8789	4.4707	3.7442	3.8743	3.7444	4.5696	3.554	3.714	3.6461	4.0359	4.2636	4.1939	3.4553	3.8109	3.684	3.3573	3.4286	3.6818	3.7855	3.2726	3.7606	3.8115	3.8098	3.7893	4.1828	3.6269	3.8681	3.9864	3.9631	4.2782	3.8118	3.6145	3.6742	3.6237	4.0914	3.5149	3.7344	3.765	3.8647	3.8986	4.0118	4.3506	4.0573	4.4796	3.3687	3.7315	3.5404	3.4424	3.4355
4.28...4.30	0.384	0.45722	0.43658	0.61683	0.38897	0.46615	0.40818	0.71691	0.36618	0.42518	0.36051	0.46093	0.49482	0.52808	0.25687	0.44657	0.38066	0.25659	0.25038	0.39641	0.35619	0.17858	0.47804	0.42942	0.34872	0.39558	0.52926	0.31733	0.41533	0.43459	0.41485	0.57906	0.38437	0.34506	0.32285	0.3397	0.5585	0.27779	0.39583	0.34624	0.45465	0.44836	0.51313	0.60548	0.50713	0.70165	0.24123	0.44811	0.29541	0.30549	0.24809
4.60...4.62	0	0	0	0.071899	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
4.62...4.68	22.955	23.049	21.642	17.669	23.55	24.289	24.71	21.073	23.095	21.94	25.325	22.845	23.825	19.876	26.032	20.296	20.493	21.845	23.443	22.061	21.524	23.466	22.495	22.316	23.767	24.822	20.964	23.846	23.461	22.521	23.39	22.231	22.626	19.985	25.272	21.475	18.881	22.973	19.134	23.483	22.283	24.11	19.102	23.111	22.837	21.076	24.825	24.224	24.886	20.545	25.651
4.68...4.70	0	0	0	0.023962	0	0	0	0.17953	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.066822	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.035535	0	0	0	0	0.00067117	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.10511	0	0.10817	0	0	0	0	0
5.20...5.26	24.448	24.332	23.883	26.312	25.482	25.443	25.664	25.306	23.857	25.917	25.804	23.713	24.284	22.477	26.295	21.609	23.158	23.253	23.897	23.284	24.338	25.014	23.497	23.507	24.406	25.572	24.041	24.634	24.446	24.21	24.812	23.165	23.52	24.215	25.964	24.075	24.3	23.618	24.254	24.316	23.167	25.075	23.999	23.637	23.935	23.808	26.247	25.302	25.65	25.631	26.134
5.26...5.27	0	0.11364	0	0.044926	0	0.10507	0	0.21585	0.09526	0	0	0.035566	0.048118	0.048349	0	0.10236	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.23874	0.049658	0	0	0.059637	0	0	0	0	0.14634	0	0	0	0.052516	0.10036	0	0	0	0.036565	0.043485	0.085501	0.15402	0.025162	0.1967	0	0.079126	0	0.046436	0
6.85...6.87	0.14742	0.21901	0.1953	0.12429	0.10835	0.32126	0.23764	0.019321	0.10365	0.10842	0.083879	0.237	0.12906	0.097916	0.028806	0.37389	0.12445	0.14585	0.019819	0.15545	0.044159	0.032706	0.36153	0.22273	0.023835	0.18526	0.084347	0.12993	0.17938	0.16188	0.19482	0.11647	0.19525	0.094515	0.1636	0.094789	0.032899	0.10167	0.10801	0.1014	0.1775	0.18878	0.01423	0.054927	0.12162	0	0.07461	0.25436	0.091735	0.093469	0.14598
6.87...6.93	2.9607	3.1798	2.9287	2.8695	3.0302	3.4	3.183	2.7838	2.9574	2.953	2.8511	3.091	2.9451	2.8797	2.7438	3.4884	2.8767	2.8912	2.7267	2.9084	2.7326	2.6796	3.5241	3.1241	2.5797	2.9923	2.8667	2.9832	2.9755	2.971	3.1282	2.9615	3.0109	2.9624	3.0712	2.8734	2.8404	2.6401	2.8238	2.634	2.966	3.2166	2.5811	2.6365	2.8436	2.5751	2.8596	3.2089	2.5424	2.968	3.0515
6.93...6.96	0.19963	0.37309	0.20065	0.17235	0.17998	0.46356	0.32986	0.14367	0.25332	0.13993	0.11588	0.31306	0.2421	0.21676	0	0.60637	0.1748	0.17382	0.048673	0.22563	0.091989	0	0.63654	0.30876	0.0062594	0.28598	0.16992	0.16121	0.25548	0.19613	0.28527	0.28911	0.28607	0.16653	0.26563	0.18357	0.15253	0.12951	0.19991	0.082737	0.34399	0.39176	0.089151	0.15844	0.19182	0.096857	0.079172	0.40615	0.040156	0.20261	0.24076
6.96...6.98	0.14413	0.25779	0.14951	0.13383	0.12463	0.32065	0.21972	0.083657	0.15267	0.13586	0.12625	0.22079	0.14254	0.14159	0.024662	0.38514	0.11186	0.11459	0.043695	0.17451	0.072384	0.0056619	0.41685	0.24147	0.019862	0.22482	0.11768	0.19499	0.18981	0.14521	0.18321	0.19683	0.19337	0.080475	0.1763	0.1264	0.11279	0.095984	0.13648	0.067548	0.2479	0.23843	0.02967	0.11055	0.13934	0.101	0.068302	0.27887	0.043468	0.11328	0.13789
6.98...7.03	0.41741	0.61532	0.47332	0.39778	0.41297	0.74339	0.56171	0.26716	0.40624	0.36851	0.34279	0.58806	0.4328	0.42737	0.27402	1.0082	0.36881	0.32199	0.19136	0.38456	0.19726	0.12066	0.91784	0.65388	0.20827	0.51217	0.29702	0.38816	0.51805	0.44382	0.55107	0.49593	0.48883	0.34249	0.48992	0.35166	0.30015	0.30547	0.39257	0.27597	0.58549	0.62157	0.16607	0.28235	0.36557	0.20736	0.24339	0.65532	0.23798	0.38816	0.37528
7.03...7.05	0.21845	0.32244	0.26132	0.21404	0.22343	0.40414	0.29758	0.16593	0.24687	0.19901	0.18057	0.3218	0.25005	0.18079	0.14277	0.50192	0.17074	0.18671	0.11691	0.24435	0.12222	0.083241	0.47723	0.30139	0.051907	0.2995	0.17683	0.23337	0.25056	0.25449	0.27837	0.22311	0.24414	0.21475	0.27299	0.17098	0.14302	0.1497	0.20102	0.14955	0.27294	0.33171	0.1111	0.14573	0.19531	0.12056	0.10181	0.35815	0.13171	0.18395	0.2093
7.05...7.11	1.0188	1.2391	1.0644	0.99194	1.0266	1.471	1.2348	0.72107	0.9865	0.98318	0.89913	1.2034	1.0168	0.96764	0.84544	1.6203	0.89466	0.93994	0.71427	0.9772	0.7407	0.64278	1.6507	1.1952	0.66574	1.1776	0.9157	1.0026	1.0525	1.1218	1.1556	1.0411	1.1458	0.97188	1.1189	0.87053	0.8326	0.8845	0.98311	0.82669	1.1587	1.287	0.69361	0.77907	0.96496	0.70171	0.84018	1.2899	0.79893	0.92364	1.0392
7.11...7.14	0.29767	0.39376	0.29068	0.25979	0.27558	0.51457	0.39705	0.070089	0.24297	0.2384	0.17906	0.40406	0.26335	0.23375	0.13804	0.6735	0.23178	0.22564	0.12748	0.241	0.091875	0.049309	0.65032	0.35556	0.021052	0.40407	0.18771	0.27339	0.29691	0.26512	0.36082	0.29147	0.32076	0.25738	0.33503	0.16926	0.12072	0.18554	0.21685	0.14354	0.41314	0.42052	0.098214	0.14807	0.22742	0.059859	0.10458	0.47032	0.11645	0.20928	0.29343
7.14...7.17	0.16878	0.25868	0.20225	0.14723	0.21112	0.30273	0.29306	0.009525	0.13361	0.14045	0.14531	0.25473	0.11584	0.10884	0.12204	0.40035	0.1036	0.18786	0.10393	0.20184	0.0622	0.086287	0.38252	0.26525	0.07604	0.27087	0.094276	0.23919	0.23578	0.18039	0.24387	0.14342	0.20459	0.17678	0.21947	0.093888	0.06473	0.18368	0.15643	0.19723	0.25139	0.24079	0	0.031631	0.13279	0	0.1023	0.28331	0.10405	0.10566	0.21244
7.17...7.22	3.6785	3.8065	3.645	3.5136	3.7344	4.103	3.8724	3.4958	3.738	3.7261	3.6159	3.7816	3.6305	3.536	3.562	4.0346	3.6323	3.5945	3.5106	3.6305	3.4511	3.4812	4.1983	3.8303	3.4155	3.672	3.5992	3.7798	3.7513	3.6925	3.7837	3.6185	3.6824	3.6865	3.7675	3.6391	3.5898	3.3323	3.4926	3.412	3.6528	3.8694	3.267	3.3905	3.5645	3.3151	3.5143	3.8926	3.3257	3.6587	3.7585
7.22...7.25	0.25405	0.38865	0.22076	0.24818	0.24687	0.49667	0.34391	0.18621	0.28813	0.24245	0.21804	0.37985	0.2906	0.25173	0.17075	0.62102	0.21726	0.26017	0.11729	0.25016	0.13893	0	0.64911	0.37473	0.095141	0.3809	0.223	0.24394	0.279	0.27792	0.34326	0.31328	0.34422	0.24271	0.34142	0.22802	0.2133	0.13307	0.24911	0.13222	0.36484	0.39966	0.1512	0.17711	0.21649	0.16651	0.11416	0.45458	0.12546	0.23399	0.27618
7.25...7.30	0.66496	0.82818	0.70807	0.54789	0.70677	1.0268	0.84386	0.40718	0.67165	0.60335	0.66802	0.80067	0.64975	0.53962	0.60909	1.1493	0.62835	0.63715	0.43645	0.66297	0.45667	0.40455	1.1975	0.85616	0.3756	0.80902	0.55501	0.65855	0.73883	0.66864	0.7088	0.66948	0.66843	0.61355	0.77971	0.53387	0.49182	0.54212	0.60767	0.54919	0.83728	0.88164	0.37185	0.49796	0.60011	0.3781	0.53281	0.92653	0.54521	0.57703	0.71541
7.30...7.34	3.6513	3.6873	3.5839	3.6547	3.6564	3.8886	3.7881	3.3865	3.5188	3.584	3.6342	3.7468	3.5969	3.5258	3.604	3.8484	3.4876	3.5574	3.4024	3.5493	3.433	3.4511	3.8963	3.6904	3.432	3.7505	3.4437	3.6271	3.6487	3.7308	3.7698	3.5024	3.6673	3.561	3.7136	3.432	3.4704	3.4421	3.5098	3.5039	3.6323	3.7602	3.3647	3.3156	3.5739	3.3784	3.5806	3.7888	3.5551	3.5568	3.7676
7.34...7.39	2.6466	2.9023	2.5914	2.4122	2.5885	3.049	2.8083	2.5001	2.6896	2.6208	2.5716	2.848	2.6855	2.6486	2.6484	3.1595	2.5621	2.5668	2.3491	2.5982	2.4334	2.3503	3.2463	2.8856	2.318	2.814	2.5279	2.6437	2.628	2.6901	2.7895	2.7546	2.6802	2.631	2.7423	2.6067	2.5839	2.3901	2.556	2.402	2.7775	2.8468	2.4498	2.6257	2.6464	2.4975	2.6146	3.1076	2.4008	2.6283	2.6572
7.39...7.45	4.063	4.4117	3.9143	3.6977	4.0654	4.715	4.3464	4.3271	4.4012	4.102	3.9704	4.1719	4.1917	4.0523	3.866	4.5436	4.1259	4.0166	3.8051	4.0811	3.9002	3.6362	4.9634	4.4314	3.6754	4.0621	4.0992	4.1494	4.0158	4.0353	4.2028	4.3797	4.1895	4.1877	4.0113	4.3723	4.3076	3.7367	4.1266	3.8216	4.2715	4.3621	4.0567	4.2023	4.1186	4.1179	3.6935	4.2706	3.4696	3.9533	4.1549
7.45...7.45	0.0047886	0.010126	0.0034946	0.005861	0	0.020896	0.0067818	0.012483	0.014571	0.00072889	0.00013486	0.012051	0.011461	0.0061676	0.004141	0.018966	0.0043516	0.0042658	0	0.002714	0.0030837	0	0.018784	0.010562	0.0017213	0.0056878	0.0025785	0.011624	0.0072246	0	0.0068589	0.013951	0.009507	0.0075188	0.0070508	0.013656	0.012948	0.0021484	0.0078947	0	0.0078678	0.0080063	0.0066814	0.0057753	0.0086882	0.011098	0	0.0069801	0	0.0079614	0.0066068
7.80...7.85	0.098644	0.48943	0.092446	0.055522	0.090157	0.62558	0.33052	0.072505	0.25538	0.054999	0.042072	0.33767	0.21815	0.10731	0	0.78314	0.077233	0.05297	0	0.053876	0	0	0.9058	0.40879	0	0.29982	0.095792	0.049201	0.11588	0.14874	0.20684	0.27539	0.18158	0.095595	0.25899	0.074139	0.094439	0	0.11987	0	0.32447	0.44401	0	0.071587	0.11658	0.091915	0	0.49858	0	0.10976	0.14818
7.85...7.90	0.4781	0.62823	0.50484	0.46158	0.52284	0.92955	0.66324	0.41415	0.63386	0.57178	0.40097	0.67939	0.60109	0.42471	0.33789	1.0268	0.40785	0.41629	0.25853	0.46555	0.36133	0.15817	1.1427	0.70277	0.16862	0.60365	0.53002	0.568	0.48341	0.54593	0.60064	0.67467	0.48677	0.51465	0.71625	0.45948	0.47195	0.27515	0.51686	0.26354	0.69822	0.70278	0.3579	0.45142	0.47866	0.42987	0.35273	0.78255	0.11847	0.4654	0.60898
7.90...7.92	0.02051	0.13592	0.0078513	0.03722	0.019973	0.23949	0.10148	0.083426	0.08595	0.031981	0.0027318	0.1131	0.066862	0.0075625	0	0.25	0.022129	0.025281	0	0.018999	0	0	0.28245	0.10097	0	0.093848	0.020935	0.034013	0.047128	0.026647	0.061489	0.099186	0.053267	0	0.097082	0.010357	0.031046	0	0.018662	0	0.12083	0.15943	0.019791	0	0.0092825	0.035015	0	0.14586	0	0.018533	0.033965