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Samples for study ST000713

Species: Homo sapiens (Factor headings shown in green)
mb_sample_id Subject name Sample name level of dysplasia malignant transformation Sample_Data:diagnosis subtypes
SA040111SU0014779S00022448HGD NoIPMNPB type
SA040110SU0014778S00022447HGD & PDA yesPsueocyst and PDA arising in IAPNintestinal and gastric-PB
SA040109SU0014780S00022449HGD & PDA YesPDA arising in IPMN, MCNintestinal and PB type
SA040112SU0014769S00022438LGD NoMCNN/A
SA040115SU0014770S00022439LGD NoMCNN/A
SA040114SU0014772S00022441LGD NoBenign retention cyst - low grade PanINN/A
SA040117SU0014773S00022442LGD NoIPMNgastric type
SA040116SU0014774S00022443LGD NoMCNN/A
SA040113SU0014775S00022444LGD NoMCNN/A
SA040119SU0014771S00022440N/A NoSPTN/A
SA040118SU0014776S00022445N/A Nomacrocystic SCAN/A
SA040120SU0014777S00022446N/A Nomacrocystic SCAN/A