VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	June 27, 2016, 12:17 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	SRM Proficiency
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Pooled urine samples from smokers (NIST SRM 3672) and non-smokers (NIST SRM
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	3673) were provided by NIH.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	National Institutes of Health
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	CHEAR
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Sumner
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Su
PR:ADDRESS                       	3040 E. Cornwallis Road
PR:EMAIL                         	ssumner@rti.org
PR:PHONE                         	919-541-7479
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Smoking and urinary metabolomics
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	This metabolomics projects was to evaluate the differences between pooled urine
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	from smokers and non-smokers from NIST.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	RTI International
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Sumner
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Susan
ST:ADDRESS                       	3040 E. Cornwallis Road
ST:EMAIL                         	ssumner@rti.org
ST:PHONE                         	919-541-7479
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Human
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Homo sapiens
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9606
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3672-1d	Group:Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3672-1d1	Group:Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3672-1e	Group:Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3672-1e1	Group:Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3672-1f	Group:Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3672-1f1	Group:Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3672-1g	Group:Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3672-1g1	Group:Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3672-1h	Group:Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3672-1h1	Group:Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3673-1d	Group:Non-Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3673-1d1	Group:Non-Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3673-1e	Group:Non-Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3673-1e1	Group:Non-Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3673-1f	Group:Non-Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3673-1f1	Group:Non-Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3673-1g	Group:Non-Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3673-1g1	Group:Non-Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3673-1h	Group:Non-Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	N3673-1h1	Group:Non-Smoker	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	TotalPool_1	Group:Total Pool	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	TotalPool_2	Group:Total Pool	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	TotalPool_3	Group:Total Pool	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	TotalPool_4	Group:Total Pool	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	TotalPool_5	Group:Total Pool	
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Pooled urine samples from smokers (NIST SRM 3672) and non-smokers (NIST SRM
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	3673) were provided by NIH.
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Pooled urine samples from smokers (NIST SRM 3672) and non-smokers (NIST SRM
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	3673) were provided by NIH.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Vials of pooled urine (smoker and non-smoker) were shipped the NIH RTI-RCMRC on
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	dry ice and immediately stored at -80 °C after being logged in for metabolomics
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	analysis. Five 1 mL aliquots of each pool were taken for NMR analysis. A total
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	of 10 study samples were thawed on ice for sample preparation. Two aliquots (400
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	μl) of thawed urine from each sample was mixed with 230 μl of 0.5 mM phosphate
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	buffer (pH 7.5) and 70 uL of Chenomx ISTD solution. A total study pool was
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	created by mixing 150 μl of urine from each sample. Additionally, two random QC
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	pools were created. The tubes were vortexed for 2 min on a multi-tube vortexer.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	A 600 µl aliquot of the supernatant was transferred into pre-labeled 5 mm
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	(7”) NMR tubes for data acquisition on a 700 MHz spectrometer. 1H NMR spectra
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	of urine samples were acquired on a Bruker 700 MHz NMR spectrometer (located at
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA) using a 5 mm cryogenically
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	cooled ATMA inverse probe and ambient temperature of 25 ℃. A 1D NOESY
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	presaturation pulse sequence (noesypr1d, [recycle delay
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	(RD)-90°-t1-90°-tm-90°-acquire free induction decay (FID) was used for data
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	acquisition. For each sample 16 transients were collected into 65k data points
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	using a spectral width of 12.02 ppm, 2 s relaxation delay, 100 ms mixing time,
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	and an acquisition time of 3.89 s per FID. The water resonance was suppressed
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	using resonance irradiation during the relaxation delay and mixing time. NMR
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	spectra were processed using TopSpin 3.2 software (Bruker-Biospin, Germany).
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Spectra were zero filled, and Fourier transformed after exponential
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	multiplication with line broadening factor of 0.5. Phase and baseline of the
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	spectra were manually corrected for each spectrum. Spectra were referenced
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	internally to the DSS-d6 signal. The quality of each NMR spectrum was assessed
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	for the level of noise and alignment of identified markers. Spectra were
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	assessed for missing data and underwent quality checks. NMR bins (0.7-9.50 ppm)
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	were created excluding water and urea (4.25- 6.5 ppm) using intelligent bucket
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	integration of 0.04 ppm bucket width with 50% looseness using ACD NMR Processor
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	(ACD Labs Inc, Toronto, Canada). Integrals of each of the bins were normalized
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	to total integral of each of the spectrum.
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	-
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	-
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	NMR
NM:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Bruker Avance III
NMR_BINNED_DATA:UNITS           	Peak area
Bin range(ppm)	N3672-1d	N3672-1d1	N3672-1e	N3672-1e1	N3672-1f	N3672-1f1	N3672-1g	N3672-1g1	N3672-1h	N3672-1h1	N3673-1d	N3673-1d1	N3673-1e	N3673-1e1	N3673-1f	N3673-1f1	N3673-1g	N3673-1g1	N3673-1h	N3673-1h1	TotalPool_1	TotalPool_2	TotalPool_3	TotalPool_4	TotalPool_5
[0.70 .. 0.72]	0.22	0.22	0.14	0.23	0.09	0.19	0.28	0.22	0.19	0.22	0.04	0.04	0.00	0.06	0.03	0.04	0.03	0.04	0.02	0.05	0.06	0.12	0.09	0.12	0.08
[0.72 .. 0.77]	0.69	0.71	0.55	0.66	0.45	0.66	0.88	0.71	0.59	0.70	0.18	0.18	0.13	0.23	0.16	0.18	0.17	0.19	0.15	0.21	0.28	0.39	0.34	0.40	0.29
[0.77 .. 0.80]	0.26	0.29	0.20	0.25	0.09	0.27	0.39	0.28	0.24	0.30	0.05	0.07	0.03	0.07	0.04	0.07	0.06	0.06	0.05	0.07	0.09	0.16	0.14	0.16	0.10
[0.80 .. 0.82]	0.33	0.34	0.26	0.31	0.22	0.34	0.40	0.33	0.28	0.32	0.07	0.09	0.06	0.09	0.06	0.07	0.08	0.09	0.07	0.10	0.12	0.19	0.16	0.18	0.14
[0.82 .. 0.84]	0.58	0.64	0.58	0.61	0.50	0.61	0.72	0.64	0.54	0.61	0.16	0.18	0.16	0.18	0.17	0.17	0.18	0.18	0.17	0.19	0.27	0.32	0.32	0.32	0.28
[0.84 .. 0.90]	6.17	6.22	6.18	6.21	5.95	6.29	6.41	6.10	6.10	6.25	1.92	1.93	1.89	1.97	1.89	1.90	1.92	1.95	1.91	1.98	3.19	3.31	3.28	3.35	3.19
[0.90 .. 0.96]	3.91	3.89	3.80	3.81	3.59	3.91	4.02	3.83	3.84	3.85	1.20	1.22	1.16	1.28	1.20	1.19	1.21	1.21	1.19	1.27	1.98	2.11	2.07	2.12	2.03
[0.96 .. 1.01]	2.66	2.62	2.41	2.54	2.28	2.63	2.87	2.66	2.49	2.53	0.77	0.80	0.73	0.85	0.76	0.77	0.78	0.78	0.74	0.81	1.25	1.43	1.36	1.44	1.31
[1.01 .. 1.04]	1.23	1.23	1.14	1.24	1.05	1.21	1.39	1.22	1.11	1.18	0.38	0.39	0.36	0.42	0.38	0.38	0.38	0.39	0.38	0.41	0.60	0.68	0.66	0.69	0.62
[1.04 .. 1.08]	3.25	3.25	3.18	3.23	3.07	3.27	3.36	3.23	3.19	3.21	0.97	0.98	0.94	1.01	0.95	0.97	0.96	0.96	0.97	0.99	1.64	1.74	1.70	1.76	1.65
[1.08 .. 1.12]	2.51	2.50	2.41	2.49	2.29	2.53	2.66	2.50	2.38	2.48	1.05	1.07	1.01	1.09	1.04	1.04	1.04	1.03	1.02	1.10	1.42	1.56	1.50	1.55	1.45
[1.12 .. 1.15]	2.75	2.79	2.79	2.82	2.62	2.81	2.95	2.75	2.67	2.78	1.09	1.10	1.08	1.12	1.07	1.08	1.09	1.09	1.07	1.11	1.57	1.63	1.63	1.67	1.55
[1.15 .. 1.17]	2.50	2.53	2.54	2.58	2.38	2.55	2.67	2.48	2.42	2.56	0.68	0.70	0.69	0.71	0.68	0.69	0.69	0.70	0.67	0.72	1.23	1.29	1.28	1.29	1.22
[1.17 .. 1.21]	7.43	7.37	7.46	7.43	7.21	7.50	7.55	7.30	7.35	7.43	1.95	1.95	1.93	1.99	1.95	1.96	1.94	1.96	1.94	1.99	3.65	3.72	3.70	3.75	3.62
[1.21 .. 1.25]	7.09	6.98	7.06	7.03	6.85	7.11	7.18	6.98	7.06	7.01	2.23	2.24	2.20	2.28	2.21	2.21	2.21	2.23	2.18	2.25	3.92	4.02	3.96	4.01	3.92
[1.25 .. 1.28]	4.23	4.19	4.24	4.23	4.07	4.25	4.35	4.15	4.17	4.21	1.20	1.20	1.19	1.23	1.18	1.19	1.21	1.20	1.19	1.23	2.11	2.19	2.16	2.18	2.10
[1.28 .. 1.34]	9.08	9.00	9.01	9.02	8.77	9.13	9.30	8.99	9.05	9.06	2.72	2.75	2.68	2.79	2.69	2.69	2.73	2.73	2.69	2.77	4.64	4.79	4.73	4.81	4.65
[1.34 .. 1.36]	2.84	2.82	2.78	2.82	2.71	2.85	2.92	2.83	2.83	2.82	0.84	0.86	0.84	0.88	0.83	0.84	0.83	0.84	0.84	0.87	1.43	1.50	1.48	1.52	1.44
[1.36 .. 1.40]	5.18	5.15	5.02	5.12	4.91	5.16	5.30	5.14	5.11	5.13	1.33	1.32	1.30	1.38	1.29	1.30	1.29	1.31	1.31	1.37	2.44	2.56	2.54	2.58	2.47
[1.40 .. 1.43]	2.30	2.26	2.17	2.24	2.10	2.27	2.35	2.25	2.21	2.25	0.65	0.66	0.65	0.70	0.65	0.66	0.64	0.67	0.63	0.68	1.13	1.20	1.18	1.20	1.13
[1.43 .. 1.46]	2.85	2.82	2.72	2.86	2.69	2.85	2.97	2.86	2.74	2.82	0.91	0.94	0.91	0.97	0.91	0.91	0.90	0.92	0.89	0.96	1.47	1.57	1.53	1.58	1.47
[1.46 .. 1.49]	6.41	6.31	6.37	6.36	6.18	6.41	6.52	6.29	6.32	6.34	1.50	1.52	1.48	1.55	1.48	1.51	1.48	1.50	1.48	1.54	2.98	3.08	3.06	3.11	2.99
[1.49 .. 1.53]	4.20	4.10	3.98	4.10	3.92	4.19	4.31	4.14	4.07	4.09	1.12	1.14	1.10	1.17	1.09	1.10	1.09	1.10	1.08	1.16	2.02	2.13	2.10	2.15	2.01
[1.53 .. 1.57]	3.88	3.84	3.63	3.79	3.56	3.84	4.05	3.86	3.81	3.74	1.14	1.17	1.13	1.22	1.12	1.14	1.14	1.14	1.11	1.20	1.91	2.03	2.01	2.08	1.92
[1.57 .. 1.59]	1.85	1.82	1.71	1.79	1.71	1.82	1.91	1.82	1.76	1.77	0.54	0.55	0.54	0.58	0.54	0.54	0.54	0.54	0.54	0.57	0.91	0.99	0.95	0.99	0.91
[1.59 .. 1.61]	2.29	2.23	2.16	2.26	2.13	2.28	2.42	2.24	2.21	2.24	0.62	0.65	0.64	0.68	0.62	0.63	0.63	0.63	0.62	0.68	1.09	1.18	1.16	1.19	1.10
[1.61 .. 1.67]	6.39	6.37	6.12	6.32	6.07	6.39	6.65	6.41	6.22	6.29	2.08	2.10	2.07	2.20	2.05	2.08	2.06	2.08	2.03	2.16	3.33	3.53	3.46	3.58	3.32
[1.67 .. 1.69]	1.77	1.72	1.63	1.71	1.59	1.73	1.83	1.77	1.66	1.70	0.52	0.53	0.53	0.56	0.51	0.52	0.52	0.51	0.51	0.55	0.86	0.94	0.91	0.96	0.89
[1.69 .. 1.74]	3.87	3.81	3.59	3.81	3.58	3.86	4.05	3.88	3.70	3.80	1.24	1.27	1.25	1.32	1.22	1.23	1.23	1.24	1.22	1.31	1.95	2.13	2.08	2.17	1.99
[1.74 .. 1.79]	5.31	5.25	4.99	5.30	4.87	5.32	5.68	5.27	5.09	5.22	1.62	1.68	1.63	1.77	1.62	1.63	1.60	1.63	1.58	1.71	2.66	2.88	2.82	2.93	2.65
[1.79 .. 1.85]	6.20	6.08	5.84	6.10	5.78	6.26	6.52	6.21	5.97	6.10	2.08	2.14	2.11	2.24	2.05	2.09	2.06	2.07	2.04	2.17	3.21	3.46	3.40	3.54	3.24
[1.85 .. 1.87]	2.04	2.03	1.92	2.00	1.87	2.06	2.20	2.05	1.92	2.00	0.68	0.70	0.69	0.74	0.67	0.69	0.66	0.68	0.65	0.72	1.04	1.14	1.11	1.17	1.05
[1.87 .. 1.89]	2.19	2.19	2.09	2.21	2.04	2.21	2.39	2.21	2.07	2.20	0.72	0.74	0.74	0.78	0.71	0.73	0.71	0.73	0.72	0.77	1.15	1.23	1.22	1.25	1.13
[1.89 .. 1.95]	8.76	8.66	8.43	8.63	8.34	8.80	9.12	8.77	8.52	8.69	3.00	3.07	3.04	3.16	3.01	3.02	3.01	2.98	2.96	3.10	4.65	4.92	4.85	4.99	4.68
[1.95 .. 1.99]	4.21	4.19	4.01	4.17	4.00	4.25	4.46	4.22	4.02	4.16	1.31	1.33	1.34	1.40	1.30	1.31	1.29	1.30	1.28	1.36	2.12	2.28	2.26	2.31	2.14
[1.99 .. 2.01]	2.28	2.28	2.21	2.34	2.16	2.33	2.51	2.33	2.15	2.28	0.69	0.71	0.71	0.75	0.68	0.69	0.69	0.69	0.67	0.74	1.13	1.24	1.21	1.26	1.14
[2.01 .. 2.06]	14.10	14.00	14.10	14.10	13.80	14.30	14.50	14.00	14.00	14.10	4.30	4.37	4.35	4.46	4.30	4.34	4.30	4.30	4.26	4.41	7.25	7.49	7.47	7.54	7.22
[2.06 .. 2.10]	5.22	5.18	5.01	5.18	4.98	5.26	5.42	5.24	5.14	5.19	1.60	1.66	1.63	1.70	1.60	1.62	1.59	1.60	1.58	1.68	2.66	2.80	2.79	2.85	2.66
[2.10 .. 2.13]	5.50	5.52	5.42	5.54	5.33	5.61	5.83	5.48	5.37	5.50	2.11	2.15	2.15	2.20	2.11	2.12	2.11	2.10	2.09	2.19	3.09	3.24	3.24	3.29	3.08
[2.13 .. 2.18]	14.50	14.40	14.40	14.30	14.10	14.50	14.70	14.40	14.40	14.40	8.82	8.89	8.88	8.97	8.84	8.85	8.80	8.82	8.80	8.91	10.50	10.70	10.70	10.70	10.50
[2.18 .. 2.23]	6.15	6.08	5.75	6.08	5.75	6.10	6.40	6.21	5.99	6.00	1.99	2.05	2.02	2.14	1.96	1.99	1.99	1.99	1.96	2.10	3.20	3.40	3.36	3.46	3.20
[2.23 .. 2.28]	8.87	8.77	8.64	8.81	8.50	8.83	9.11	8.89	8.70	8.71	3.45	3.51	3.49	3.58	3.45	3.46	3.43	3.44	3.42	3.56	5.06	5.24	5.20	5.31	5.05
[2.28 .. 2.30]	3.08	3.03	2.85	3.02	2.84	3.03	3.23	3.11	2.98	2.97	1.02	1.06	1.06	1.11	1.03	1.04	1.01	1.03	1.00	1.09	1.61	1.73	1.72	1.76	1.62
[2.30 .. 2.35]	7.27	7.25	6.99	7.21	6.89	7.27	7.54	7.33	7.09	7.20	2.60	2.67	2.66	2.75	2.61	2.62	2.59	2.60	2.56	2.70	3.95	4.17	4.13	4.22	3.97
[2.35 .. 2.37]	3.20	3.19	3.00	3.18	2.97	3.20	3.38	3.26	3.07	3.13	0.79	0.84	0.83	0.89	0.80	0.81	0.79	0.79	0.77	0.85	1.47	1.61	1.59	1.65	1.50
[2.37 .. 2.40]	4.17	4.19	3.91	4.15	3.88	4.18	4.44	4.22	3.99	4.08	1.20	1.26	1.25	1.33	1.21	1.24	1.22	1.22	1.19	1.31	2.07	2.19	2.20	2.27	2.08
[2.40 .. 2.46]	9.10	9.05	8.76	9.03	8.69	9.11	9.53	9.13	8.83	9.02	2.28	2.41	2.36	2.53	2.28	2.31	2.26	2.28	2.26	2.45	4.26	4.57	4.54	4.67	4.28
[2.46 .. 2.48]	3.46	3.46	3.17	3.44	3.20	3.50	3.65	3.51	3.30	3.38	0.97	1.02	1.02	1.10	0.97	1.00	0.96	0.97	0.95	1.06	1.68	1.81	1.79	1.86	1.67
[2.48 .. 2.53]	11.00	10.80	10.70	10.90	10.60	11.00	11.40	10.90	10.70	10.80	4.00	4.11	4.12	4.20	4.03	4.04	4.00	3.99	4.00	4.14	6.02	6.30	6.27	6.40	6.02
[2.53 .. 2.58]	12.00	12.00	11.60	12.00	11.60	12.00	12.10	12.20	12.00	11.90	4.28	4.39	4.36	4.48	4.27	4.29	4.23	4.27	4.23	4.41	6.58	6.84	6.78	6.90	6.60
[2.58 .. 2.62]	2.91	2.89	2.47	2.87	2.55	2.90	3.21	3.09	2.73	2.76	0.69	0.79	0.77	0.89	0.70	0.72	0.69	0.69	0.67	0.83	1.24	1.51	1.47	1.58	1.27
[2.62 .. 2.64]	1.42	1.45	1.22	1.47	1.23	1.50	1.69	1.53	1.28	1.39	0.39	0.45	0.45	0.51	0.40	0.42	0.38	0.39	0.38	0.48	0.64	0.79	0.78	0.84	0.65
[2.64 .. 2.69]	16.20	16.10	16.00	16.20	15.80	16.40	16.70	16.10	16.00	16.10	6.39	6.47	6.50	6.62	6.37	6.38	6.32	6.31	6.32	6.53	9.25	9.59	9.57	9.74	9.24
[2.69 .. 2.73]	7.16	7.19	6.89	7.14	6.81	7.16	7.30	7.27	7.09	7.09	2.19	2.30	2.29	2.37	2.19	2.22	2.16	2.18	2.15	2.31	3.66	3.87	3.84	3.92	3.66
[2.73 .. 2.79]	4.80	4.84	4.00	4.79	4.15	4.76	5.29	5.13	4.42	4.63	1.53	1.70	1.70	1.88	1.53	1.59	1.49	1.49	1.47	1.76	2.32	2.75	2.69	2.86	2.34
[2.79 .. 2.83]	3.38	3.34	2.83	3.35	2.93	3.38	3.81	3.54	3.02	3.21	0.74	0.86	0.87	0.99	0.73	0.78	0.70	0.73	0.69	0.91	1.36	1.69	1.67	1.81	1.38
[2.83 .. 2.88]	3.91	3.99	3.16	3.87	3.27	3.99	4.78	4.20	3.40	3.79	0.83	1.04	1.02	1.21	0.83	0.89	0.78	0.82	0.75	1.11	1.51	2.02	1.99	2.24	1.53
[2.88 .. 2.94]	4.48	4.49	3.54	4.40	3.70	4.65	5.58	4.74	3.83	4.25	0.76	1.06	1.04	1.28	0.79	0.86	0.74	0.74	0.69	1.13	1.59	2.22	2.19	2.50	1.56
[2.94 .. 2.96]	0.91	0.90	0.55	0.88	0.59	0.99	1.45	0.98	0.58	0.83	0.10	0.20	0.20	0.28	0.09	0.13	0.06	0.07	0.05	0.23	0.18	0.46	0.44	0.56	0.17
[2.96 .. 2.98]	1.44	1.41	1.07	1.40	1.12	1.58	2.11	1.44	1.01	1.36	0.25	0.37	0.38	0.47	0.26	0.30	0.22	0.23	0.22	0.40	0.46	0.74	0.75	0.89	0.44
[2.98 .. 3.02]	5.50	5.36	4.84	5.38	4.73	6.06	7.52	5.13	4.15	5.35	1.10	1.38	1.41	1.57	1.15	1.22	1.07	1.05	1.05	1.46	2.03	2.74	2.80	3.10	1.96
[3.02 .. 3.07]	85.50	85.20	87.90	85.80	85.80	86.00	83.90	84.20	86.70	86.10	26.90	27.10	27.10	27.10	26.90	27.00	26.80	26.90	26.80	27.00	45.60	45.40	45.50	45.40	45.30
[3.07 .. 3.09]	1.87	1.94	1.63	1.94	1.67	1.67	1.74	2.13	1.93	1.82	0.32	0.41	0.42	0.50	0.31	0.35	0.31	0.31	0.27	0.44	0.71	0.90	0.89	0.95	0.72
[3.09 .. 3.12]	5.37	5.40	5.10	5.38	5.13	5.26	5.33	5.57	5.33	5.29	1.74	1.88	1.88	1.99	1.75	1.79	1.72	1.72	1.68	1.93	2.75	3.00	2.98	3.08	2.74
[3.12 .. 3.17]	10.80	10.90	10.30	10.90	10.30	10.80	11.00	11.20	10.70	10.70	3.78	4.15	4.16	4.42	3.81	3.91	3.71	3.74	3.66	4.20	5.66	6.32	6.29	6.60	5.65
[3.17 .. 3.20]	8.10	8.08	7.69	8.10	7.69	8.08	8.45	8.25	7.87	8.00	2.20	2.56	2.59	2.80	2.23	2.37	2.12	2.13	2.09	2.60	3.66	4.30	4.34	4.62	3.64
[3.20 .. 3.26]	32.80	32.70	32.90	33.00	32.30	33.10	33.40	32.60	32.50	32.90	79.80	80.40	80.30	80.40	80.10	80.20	79.80	79.90	79.80	80.20	65.00	65.20	65.50	65.40	64.40
[3.26 .. 3.32]	11.40	11.60	10.70	11.50	10.80	11.20	11.10	12.20	11.70	11.30	4.91	5.08	5.02	5.27	4.88	4.88	4.84	4.90	4.78	5.07	6.86	7.27	7.11	7.24	6.94
[3.32 .. 3.35]	3.83	3.94	3.41	3.95	3.48	3.77	4.07	4.14	3.68	3.80	1.44	1.69	1.75	1.91	1.46	1.56	1.41	1.42	1.36	1.77	1.93	2.41	2.40	2.63	1.92
[3.35 .. 3.37]	1.95	1.97	1.53	1.98	1.64	1.90	2.18	2.21	1.82	1.87	0.74	1.00	1.02	1.22	0.77	0.84	0.66	0.65	0.59	1.05	0.84	1.36	1.35	1.61	0.81
[3.37 .. 3.43]	18.80	18.90	18.20	19.00	18.10	19.00	19.80	19.10	18.30	18.80	110.00	111.00	111.00	111.00	111.00	111.00	110.00	110.00	110.00	110.00	81.10	81.40	81.80	81.80	80.40
[3.43 .. 3.48]	16.00	16.10	15.40	16.10	15.40	16.00	16.60	16.20	15.60	15.90	91.00	91.20	91.60	91.10	91.30	91.20	91.20	91.10	91.30	91.30	67.30	67.20	67.60	67.30	66.70
[3.48 .. 3.51]	12.10	12.10	11.70	12.20	11.70	12.10	12.40	12.20	11.80	12.00	52.20	51.90	51.60	51.30	52.20	52.00	52.10	52.00	52.20	51.30	40.00	39.40	39.20	38.90	40.00
[3.51 .. 3.57]	24.80	24.80	24.20	25.00	24.10	24.90	25.50	25.00	24.40	24.70	48.30	47.80	47.90	47.60	48.40	48.20	48.50	48.40	48.60	47.60	41.30	40.50	40.40	40.20	41.20
[3.57 .. 3.59]	6.30	6.39	6.08	6.46	6.05	6.33	6.79	6.43	6.06	6.34	2.78	2.72	2.77	2.71	2.77	2.75	2.82	2.81	2.83	2.78	3.87	3.89	3.88	3.86	3.89
[3.59 .. 3.62]	20.20	20.20	20.00	20.40	19.70	20.40	21.00	20.10	19.70	20.20	10.10	10.10	10.20	10.20	10.10	10.10	10.10	10.10	10.10	10.20	13.20	13.30	13.40	13.40	13.10
[3.62 .. 3.66]	23.10	23.00	23.00	23.20	22.70	23.20	23.20	23.10	23.00	23.10	9.40	9.48	9.47	9.57	9.39	9.39	9.30	9.30	9.31	9.47	13.60	13.80	13.80	13.90	13.60
[3.66 .. 3.68]	19.20	19.20	19.30	19.50	18.90	19.40	19.50	19.20	19.10	19.40	6.30	6.50	6.64	6.72	6.36	6.41	6.30	6.29	6.24	6.67	10.20	10.60	10.60	10.70	10.10
[3.68 .. 3.74]	44.30	44.40	44.40	44.70	43.80	44.30	43.80	44.60	44.70	44.40	126.00	125.00	126.00	125.00	126.00	126.00	126.00	126.00	126.00	125.00	100.00	99.70	100.00	99.60	99.80
[3.74 .. 3.80]	37.30	37.50	37.20	37.70	36.80	37.20	36.50	37.90	37.80	37.40	50.10	49.40	49.50	49.20	50.10	49.80	50.00	49.90	50.10	49.10	46.50	45.50	45.40	45.20	46.40
[3.80 .. 3.85]	33.00	33.50	32.90	33.80	32.50	32.80	32.40	34.00	33.50	33.30	86.40	85.80	86.10	85.60	86.70	86.40	86.60	86.40	86.70	85.40	70.20	69.00	69.10	68.70	69.80
[3.85 .. 3.91]	29.60	30.30	29.10	30.30	29.00	29.40	29.00	30.90	30.10	29.80	74.80	74.00	74.00	73.30	74.90	74.40	74.90	74.60	75.00	73.70	61.30	59.90	60.00	59.20	61.10
[3.91 .. 3.97]	39.60	40.30	39.50	40.40	39.10	39.50	38.90	40.80	40.20	39.90	19.70	18.90	18.90	18.30	19.60	19.30	19.80	19.80	19.90	18.70	26.70	25.40	25.30	24.50	26.80
[3.97 .. 4.02]	14.90	15.60	13.90	15.60	14.20	14.60	14.40	16.50	15.30	15.00	7.05	6.63	6.46	6.29	6.95	6.80	7.03	7.04	7.11	6.56	9.95	9.31	9.18	8.82	10.10
[4.02 .. 4.08]	67.40	67.80	68.40	68.30	67.80	66.50	65.60	68.50	68.30	68.10	23.10	22.60	22.40	22.10	22.90	22.60	22.90	23.00	23.00	22.50	37.60	36.80	36.80	35.90	37.70
[4.08 .. 4.12]	8.99	10.20	8.42	10.20	8.69	8.35	7.38	11.20	10.10	9.45	3.72	3.39	3.38	3.19	3.69	3.58	3.81	3.77	3.79	3.39	5.87	5.22	5.16	4.79	6.02
[4.12 .. 4.16]	6.11	7.02	5.47	6.96	5.75	5.67	5.30	7.83	6.76	6.41	2.65	2.43	2.41	2.30	2.63	2.56	2.71	2.68	2.72	2.47	4.07	3.67	3.63	3.38	4.17
[4.16 .. 4.21]	8.76	10.30	7.30	10.20	7.92	7.99	7.34	11.90	9.78	9.17	3.78	3.47	3.37	3.25	3.74	3.60	3.83	3.81	3.85	3.50	5.83	5.27	5.15	4.81	6.03
[4.21 .. 4.23]	1.58	2.12	0.92	2.07	1.20	1.28	1.18	2.77	1.84	1.69	0.66	0.58	0.56	0.52	0.66	0.62	0.70	0.68	0.70	0.60	1.09	0.94	0.89	0.79	1.17
[4.23 .. 4.25]	1.43	1.87	0.89	1.86	1.11	1.22	1.15	2.41	1.60	1.54	0.68	0.61	0.61	0.57	0.69	0.66	0.71	0.69	0.70	0.64	1.02	0.91	0.87	0.79	1.07
[6.50 .. 6.56]	0.65	0.22	1.37	0.12	1.36	0.67	0.32	0.00	0.72	0.52	0.24	0.18	0.16	0.13	0.18	0.21	0.23	0.26	0.24	0.18	0.41	0.25	0.25	0.25	0.47
[6.56 .. 6.61]	0.69	0.35	1.35	0.26	1.34	0.78	0.54	0.00	0.83	0.59	0.24	0.21	0.19	0.17	0.21	0.24	0.25	0.27	0.26	0.22	0.43	0.32	0.31	0.32	0.46
[6.61 .. 6.65]	0.94	0.67	1.26	0.66	1.24	0.95	0.82	0.42	0.95	0.83	0.24	0.25	0.23	0.21	0.24	0.24	0.26	0.28	0.26	0.23	0.46	0.40	0.42	0.42	0.50
[6.65 .. 6.68]	0.71	0.43	1.08	0.33	1.07	0.72	0.53	0.10	0.71	0.60	0.27	0.24	0.24	0.24	0.25	0.26	0.27	0.29	0.28	0.26	0.43	0.36	0.36	0.36	0.45
[6.68 .. 6.72]	0.41	0.15	0.79	0.07	0.75	0.39	0.30	0.00	0.42	0.32	0.15	0.12	0.13	0.12	0.12	0.15	0.15	0.16	0.15	0.14	0.24	0.19	0.19	0.18	0.28
[6.72 .. 6.74]	0.24	0.06	0.40	0.00	0.39	0.21	0.16	0.00	0.19	0.14	0.08	0.06	0.07	0.06	0.06	0.07	0.08	0.07	0.08	0.07	0.11	0.10	0.08	0.10	0.13
[6.74 .. 6.80]	1.17	0.72	1.69	0.62	1.69	1.18	1.10	0.25	1.11	0.95	0.41	0.39	0.41	0.42	0.39	0.43	0.42	0.46	0.44	0.44	0.65	0.62	0.63	0.63	0.74
[6.80 .. 6.82]	0.40	0.17	0.57	0.16	0.61	0.41	0.40	0.00	0.39	0.29	0.12	0.11	0.12	0.11	0.11	0.12	0.12	0.12	0.13	0.13	0.18	0.19	0.19	0.18	0.22
[6.82 .. 6.87]	2.26	1.77	2.63	1.74	2.67	2.25	2.23	1.36	2.08	2.04	0.71	0.70	0.71	0.71	0.68	0.70	0.73	0.74	0.74	0.73	1.17	1.16	1.14	1.16	1.21
[6.87 .. 6.92]	2.11	1.66	2.44	1.65	2.42	2.09	2.01	1.34	2.00	1.94	0.76	0.77	0.77	0.76	0.73	0.74	0.76	0.79	0.76	0.78	1.16	1.15	1.11	1.15	1.19
[6.92 .. 6.94]	0.61	0.43	0.77	0.43	0.76	0.64	0.63	0.28	0.56	0.58	0.24	0.24	0.26	0.25	0.22	0.24	0.25	0.26	0.23	0.25	0.34	0.35	0.35	0.36	0.36
[6.94 .. 6.98]	2.40	2.05	2.74	2.01	2.71	2.47	2.39	1.71	2.28	2.25	0.92	0.91	0.92	0.93	0.86	0.89	0.90	0.92	0.90	0.93	1.35	1.33	1.36	1.38	1.37
[6.98 .. 7.03]	2.38	2.03	2.75	1.96	2.76	2.46	2.41	1.74	2.34	2.27	2.18	2.18	2.18	2.16	2.15	2.17	2.18	2.19	2.19	2.18	2.22	2.21	2.20	2.23	2.25
[7.03 .. 7.05]	1.04	0.77	1.12	0.74	1.17	1.03	1.05	0.62	0.91	0.92	0.48	0.47	0.48	0.48	0.46	0.47	0.49	0.50	0.48	0.49	0.62	0.63	0.62	0.64	0.63
[7.05 .. 7.10]	4.62	4.25	4.98	4.15	4.97	4.71	4.66	3.84	4.48	4.44	1.35	1.35	1.35	1.35	1.32	1.33	1.34	1.36	1.37	1.37	2.34	2.34	2.35	2.40	2.38
[7.10 .. 7.12]	0.69	0.52	0.80	0.51	0.84	0.69	0.68	0.41	0.65	0.61	0.22	0.22	0.23	0.24	0.20	0.23	0.21	0.22	0.22	0.24	0.34	0.37	0.38	0.38	0.35
[7.12 .. 7.17]	4.56	4.20	4.98	4.13	4.96	4.66	4.60	3.80	4.44	4.45	3.20	3.18	3.20	3.17	3.16	3.18	3.18	3.20	3.19	3.19	3.57	3.58	3.57	3.61	3.60
[7.17 .. 7.21]	4.76	4.47	5.18	4.47	5.17	4.87	4.76	4.11	4.73	4.68	1.86	1.86	1.86	1.85	1.84	1.85	1.85	1.89	1.87	1.86	2.78	2.77	2.76	2.73	2.79
[7.21 .. 7.23]	1.41	1.29	1.62	1.26	1.60	1.42	1.41	1.15	1.42	1.38	0.64	0.64	0.64	0.63	0.62	0.64	0.63	0.64	0.64	0.64	0.85	0.87	0.86	0.87	0.89
[7.23 .. 7.29]	6.25	5.79	6.67	5.80	6.71	6.33	6.30	5.33	6.11	6.06	2.46	2.45	2.45	2.47	2.40	2.42	2.44	2.45	2.45	2.47	3.61	3.61	3.63	3.66	3.62
[7.29 .. 7.33]	4.13	3.77	4.37	3.79	4.35	4.17	4.22	3.51	4.01	3.97	1.92	1.94	1.96	1.98	1.91	1.92	1.92	1.94	1.93	1.96	2.56	2.61	2.61	2.65	2.61
[7.33 .. 7.39]	10.90	10.60	11.70	10.70	11.60	10.90	10.20	10.20	11.20	11.00	5.93	5.90	5.86	5.81	5.90	5.93	5.94	5.96	5.95	5.86	7.63	7.39	7.42	7.35	7.61
[7.39 .. 7.43]	4.98	4.82	5.46	4.86	5.44	5.00	4.64	4.56	5.14	5.01	2.35	2.35	2.36	2.31	2.34	2.36	2.39	2.39	2.37	2.36	3.24	3.12	3.17	3.09	3.26
[7.43 .. 7.48]	2.86	2.80	3.41	2.71	3.46	2.88	2.61	2.55	3.12	2.94	2.84	2.81	2.81	2.76	2.82	2.83	2.86	2.87	2.87	2.79	2.94	2.77	2.83	2.77	2.96
[7.48 .. 7.51]	1.31	1.18	1.47	1.16	1.56	1.35	1.32	1.02	1.31	1.25	0.71	0.70	0.68	0.67	0.70	0.70	0.72	0.70	0.70	0.69	0.93	0.87	0.87	0.89	0.94
[7.51 .. 7.57]	12.00	11.80	12.80	11.80	12.70	12.10	11.50	11.40	12.20	12.10	6.23	6.17	6.16	6.07	6.18	6.20	6.22	6.22	6.23	6.15	8.13	7.91	7.97	7.86	8.15
[7.57 .. 7.59]	0.39	0.45	0.71	0.37	0.75	0.39	0.12	0.34	0.60	0.48	0.24	0.20	0.19	0.15	0.23	0.24	0.26	0.24	0.25	0.19	0.38	0.24	0.25	0.20	0.37
[7.59 .. 7.65]	5.58	5.50	6.27	5.50	6.31	5.61	5.10	5.21	5.85	5.70	2.94	2.88	2.89	2.83	2.92	2.92	2.95	2.95	2.96	2.88	3.86	3.70	3.71	3.63	3.88
[7.65 .. 7.71]	3.14	3.16	3.82	3.12	3.89	3.19	2.63	2.91	3.50	3.30	1.13	1.04	1.05	0.97	1.08	1.11	1.13	1.15	1.15	1.03	1.91	1.67	1.70	1.60	1.91
[7.71 .. 7.76]	1.42	1.37	1.82	1.24	2.04	1.39	1.12	1.11	1.58	1.47	0.44	0.42	0.43	0.38	0.43	0.44	0.44	0.45	0.47	0.40	0.80	0.69	0.68	0.70	0.86
[7.76 .. 7.80]	0.85	0.60	0.95	0.59	1.09	0.87	0.96	0.46	0.70	0.71	1.00	1.01	1.03	1.02	0.96	1.00	0.99	1.01	0.99	1.05	0.90	0.93	0.97	0.97	0.93
[7.80 .. 7.85]	11.60	11.60	12.50	11.60	12.30	11.70	10.90	11.20	12.00	11.80	6.09	6.07	6.03	5.93	6.09	6.11	6.11	6.14	6.13	6.01	7.99	7.71	7.81	7.64	8.00
[7.85 .. 7.91]	2.29	2.49	3.05	2.43	3.13	2.28	1.60	2.29	2.80	2.60	0.86	0.81	0.79	0.67	0.85	0.88	0.90	0.90	0.90	0.77	1.54	1.23	1.27	1.15	1.58
[7.91 .. 7.93]	0.55	0.63	0.87	0.58	0.93	0.57	0.29	0.53	0.76	0.64	0.29	0.27	0.26	0.23	0.28	0.29	0.30	0.30	0.29	0.25	0.44	0.33	0.35	0.31	0.47
[7.93 .. 7.99]	2.66	2.73	3.21	2.67	3.35	2.70	2.24	2.52	2.97	2.83	0.91	0.85	0.85	0.77	0.89	0.91	0.91	0.91	0.92	0.82	1.59	1.36	1.42	1.36	1.65
[7.99 .. 8.05]	2.01	2.11	2.48	2.08	2.74	1.99	1.49	1.88	2.28	2.21	0.92	0.92	0.89	0.82	0.90	0.93	0.94	0.97	0.95	0.90	1.39	1.19	1.24	1.18	1.44
[8.05 .. 8.11]	1.55	1.64	2.09	1.63	2.27	1.52	1.02	1.48	1.93	1.72	0.66	0.62	0.61	0.53	0.62	0.67	0.68	0.68	0.71	0.60	1.07	0.86	0.89	0.85	1.15
[8.11 .. 8.15]	0.47	0.55	0.87	0.53	1.02	0.50	0.14	0.48	0.74	0.62	0.22	0.18	0.20	0.13	0.19	0.21	0.23	0.22	0.24	0.18	0.37	0.25	0.27	0.23	0.43
[8.15 .. 8.21]	0.65	0.67	0.99	0.62	1.22	0.60	0.34	0.55	0.84	0.74	0.32	0.27	0.30	0.22	0.29	0.31	0.32	0.33	0.33	0.29	0.48	0.37	0.39	0.34	0.55
[8.21 .. 8.24]	0.23	0.28	0.45	0.27	0.62	0.24	0.07	0.19	0.41	0.33	0.12	0.10	0.10	0.07	0.10	0.13	0.13	0.12	0.14	0.10	0.20	0.13	0.14	0.13	0.24
[8.24 .. 8.28]	0.34	0.34	0.59	0.30	0.78	0.34	0.09	0.28	0.47	0.41	0.19	0.17	0.17	0.14	0.17	0.19	0.20	0.19	0.19	0.18	0.27	0.17	0.19	0.17	0.29
[8.28 .. 8.31]	0.33	0.35	0.51	0.30	0.66	0.35	0.20	0.25	0.46	0.39	0.15	0.14	0.15	0.13	0.15	0.15	0.18	0.16	0.17	0.14	0.22	0.18	0.20	0.20	0.26
[8.31 .. 8.37]	0.81	0.81	1.17	0.78	1.40	0.79	0.55	0.72	0.99	0.92	0.31	0.29	0.30	0.25	0.29	0.32	0.35	0.32	0.32	0.28	0.57	0.42	0.47	0.43	0.62
[8.37 .. 8.42]	0.31	0.34	0.60	0.27	0.83	0.28	0.10	0.16	0.45	0.37	0.13	0.10	0.13	0.06	0.12	0.14	0.15	0.15	0.15	0.12	0.22	0.12	0.16	0.15	0.27
[8.42 .. 8.46]	0.62	0.61	0.80	0.59	0.99	0.64	0.47	0.52	0.72	0.64	0.20	0.20	0.20	0.18	0.19	0.20	0.22	0.22	0.20	0.20	0.35	0.29	0.31	0.31	0.39
[8.46 .. 8.48]	0.11	0.12	0.22	0.11	0.38	0.11	0.01	0.07	0.19	0.15	0.04	0.04	0.05	0.03	0.04	0.05	0.05	0.05	0.06	0.03	0.09	0.05	0.05	0.06	0.12
[8.48 .. 8.53]	0.56	0.59	0.75	0.50	1.02	0.57	0.41	0.46	0.63	0.65	0.16	0.16	0.17	0.13	0.16	0.18	0.18	0.16	0.16	0.16	0.30	0.25	0.29	0.28	0.38
[8.53 .. 8.59]	0.93	0.97	1.22	0.92	1.52	0.96	0.67	0.91	1.04	1.05	0.45	0.43	0.43	0.40	0.41	0.47	0.46	0.44	0.44	0.43	0.65	0.54	0.59	0.58	0.70
[8.59 .. 8.62]	0.07	0.12	0.24	0.10	0.33	0.09	0.00	0.06	0.15	0.13	0.07	0.04	0.05	0.02	0.04	0.06	0.05	0.06	0.06	0.05	0.09	0.05	0.06	0.06	0.13
[8.62 .. 8.66]	0.23	0.26	0.38	0.18	0.60	0.23	0.06	0.13	0.31	0.25	0.06	0.05	0.08	0.03	0.04	0.07	0.08	0.08	0.07	0.07	0.14	0.09	0.08	0.10	0.17
[8.66 .. 8.72]	0.13	0.19	0.43	0.10	0.68	0.16	0.00	0.02	0.24	0.16	0.08	0.07	0.08	0.06	0.03	0.09	0.08	0.09	0.09	0.09	0.14	0.07	0.06	0.07	0.20
[8.72 .. 8.76]	0.07	0.07	0.20	0.00	0.45	0.08	0.00	0.00	0.09	0.11	0.05	0.04	0.05	0.03	0.04	0.06	0.05	0.06	0.04	0.04	0.07	0.04	0.04	0.04	0.11
[8.76 .. 8.81]	0.42	0.42	0.61	0.35	0.82	0.45	0.36	0.30	0.47	0.41	0.15	0.15	0.17	0.12	0.11	0.14	0.14	0.17	0.13	0.16	0.25	0.20	0.23	0.23	0.28
[8.81 .. 8.86]	1.29	1.39	1.57	1.32	1.86	1.34	1.13	1.26	1.44	1.37	0.58	0.58	0.61	0.56	0.57	0.59	0.59	0.60	0.61	0.60	0.83	0.79	0.81	0.80	0.90
[8.86 .. 8.91]	0.08	0.14	0.26	0.11	0.51	0.12	0.00	0.04	0.20	0.13	0.05	0.05	0.08	0.03	0.05	0.06	0.07	0.08	0.07	0.07	0.11	0.07	0.06	0.09	0.16
[8.91 .. 8.94]	0.05	0.05	0.12	0.01	0.35	0.02	0.00	0.02	0.09	0.05	0.03	0.02	0.04	0.01	0.01	0.03	0.02	0.03	0.03	0.02	0.04	0.01	0.01	0.05	0.06
[8.94 .. 9.00]	0.09	0.19	0.30	0.09	0.62	0.12	0.03	0.06	0.24	0.17	0.06	0.07	0.10	0.06	0.05	0.06	0.07	0.08	0.07	0.08	0.13	0.08	0.07	0.10	0.16
[9.00 .. 9.04]	0.06	0.04	0.14	0.01	0.33	0.05	0.00	0.01	0.05	0.05	0.02	0.01	0.06	0.02	0.02	0.02	0.03	0.01	0.03	0.03	0.04	0.00	0.03	0.03	0.08
[9.04 .. 9.08]	0.15	0.14	0.23	0.07	0.53	0.15	0.09	0.10	0.20	0.18	0.06	0.04	0.09	0.05	0.04	0.06	0.06	0.06	0.05	0.08	0.07	0.04	0.06	0.10	0.13
[9.08 .. 9.14]	0.72	0.76	0.84	0.66	1.24	0.72	0.67	0.65	0.75	0.73	0.29	0.30	0.33	0.28	0.24	0.32	0.29	0.29	0.30	0.30	0.42	0.39	0.41	0.44	0.52
[9.14 .. 9.18]	0.02	0.06	0.15	0.03	0.42	0.01	0.00	0.00	0.07	0.08	0.02	0.03	0.04	0.00	0.00	0.03	0.03	0.02	0.03	0.04	0.04	0.00	0.00	0.04	0.09
[9.18 .. 9.24]	0.00	0.05	0.13	0.01	0.54	0.00	0.00	0.01	0.05	0.05	0.03	0.03	0.07	0.02	0.00	0.02	0.04	0.03	0.02	0.03	0.02	0.01	0.00	0.03	0.06
[9.24 .. 9.30]	0.07	0.13	0.15	0.04	0.62	0.09	0.08	0.13	0.16	0.15	0.05	0.06	0.08	0.04	0.01	0.07	0.05	0.06	0.06	0.09	0.06	0.03	0.04	0.10	0.12
[9.30 .. 9.32]	0.00	0.03	0.03	0.00	0.19	0.01	0.00	0.00	0.02	0.01	0.00	0.01	0.02	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.01	0.00	0.01	0.01	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.02	0.02
[9.32 .. 9.37]	0.02	0.10	0.11	0.05	0.50	0.07	0.03	0.00	0.06	0.06	0.02	0.02	0.08	0.04	0.00	0.03	0.05	0.03	0.05	0.03	0.04	0.01	0.03	0.06	0.09
[9.37 .. 9.40]	0.00	0.01	0.01	0.00	0.21	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.05	0.00	0.01	0.03	0.01	0.00	0.02	0.02	0.00	0.01	0.01	0.01	0.00	0.01	0.03	0.04
[9.40 .. 9.45]	0.00	0.06	0.07	0.00	0.43	0.00	0.01	0.04	0.00	0.03	0.01	0.01	0.06	0.01	0.00	0.02	0.02	0.00	0.00	0.03	0.00	0.00	0.03	0.04	0.05
[9.45 .. 9.48]	0.01	0.00	0.01	0.00	0.14	0.00	0.01	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.03	0.01	0.00	0.01	0.01	0.00	0.00	0.01	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.02	0.03
[9.48 .. 9.50]	0.02	0.00	0.04	0.00	0.17	0.02	0.02	0.00	0.01	0.02	0.00	0.01	0.02	0.01	0.00	0.00	0.01	0.00	0.00	0.02	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.02	0.02