VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	January 30, 2017, 6:06 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	CHEAR Urine Reference Material Proficiency Testing Biocrates
PR:PROJECT_TYPE                  	CHEAR-UT-1
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	CHEAR Reference Material Urine.  The material was prepared and analyzed by way
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	of LC-MS and Biocrates workflow employed by the Eastern Regional Metabolomics
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Resource Core (protocols available in metabolomics workbench). Six samples were
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	injected of the sample reference material prepared in replicate.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	RTI International
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	Discovery-Sciences-Technology (DST)
PR:LABORATORY                    	RTI CHEAR Analytical Hub - Untargeted Analysis Resource Core
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Fennell
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Timothy
PR:ADDRESS                       	3040 E Cornwallis Road, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
PR:EMAIL                         	fennell@rti.org
PR:PHONE                         	919-485-2781
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	CHEAR Urine Reference Material Proficiency Test Biocrates
ST:STUDY_TYPE                    	Metabolomics
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	CHEAR Reference Material Urine.  The material was prepared and analyzed by way
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	of LC-MS and Biocrates workflow employed by the Eastern Regional Metabolomics
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Resource Core (protocols available in metabolomics workbench). Six samples were
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	injected of the sample reference material prepared in replicate.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	RTI International
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	Discovery-Sciences-Technology (DST)
ST:LABORATORY                    	RTI CHEAR Analytical Hub - Untargeted Analysis Resource Core
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Fennell
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Timothy
ST:ADDRESS                       	3040 E Cornwallis Road, Research Triangle Park, NC
ST:EMAIL                         	fennell@rti.org
ST:PHONE                         	919-485-2781
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Human
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Homo sapiens
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9606
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	UP_A_03_1	Sample Type:Replicate	CHEAR ID=CHE000066; Aliquot ID=401; Matrix=Urine; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_71_0_1_1_00_1010986104.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_71_1_1_1_00_1010986104.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_71_0_1_1_00_1010986104.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	UP_A_03_2	Sample Type:Replicate	CHEAR ID=CHE000066; Aliquot ID=402; Matrix=Urine; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_83_0_1_1_00_1010986119.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_83_1_1_1_00_1010986119.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_83_0_1_1_00_1010986119.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	UP_A_03_3	Sample Type:Replicate	CHEAR ID=CHE000066; Aliquot ID=403; Matrix=Urine; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_95_0_1_1_00_1010986123.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_95_1_1_1_00_1010986123.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_95_0_1_1_00_1010986123.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	UP_A_03_4	Sample Type:Replicate	CHEAR ID=CHE000066; Aliquot ID=404; Matrix=Urine; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_12_0_1_1_00_1010986138.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_12_1_1_1_00_1010986138.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_12_0_1_1_00_1010986138.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	UP_A_03_5	Sample Type:Replicate	CHEAR ID=CHE000066; Aliquot ID=405; Matrix=Urine; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_24_0_1_1_00_1010986142.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_24_1_1_1_00_1010986142.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_24_0_1_1_00_1010986142.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	UP_A_03_6	Sample Type:Replicate	CHEAR ID=CHE000066; Aliquot ID=406; Matrix=Urine; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_36_0_1_1_00_1010986157.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_36_1_1_1_00_1010986157.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_36_0_1_1_00_1010986157.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	PBS_01	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=1; Aliquot ID=1; Matrix=PBS; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_13_0_1_1_10_11000002.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_13_1_1_1_10_11000002.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_13_0_1_1_10_11000002.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	PBS_02	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=2; Aliquot ID=2; Matrix=PBS; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_25_0_1_1_10_11000002.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_25_1_1_1_10_11000002.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_25_0_1_1_10_11000002.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	PBS_03	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=3; Aliquot ID=3; Matrix=PBS; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_37_0_1_1_10_11000002.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_37_1_1_1_10_11000002.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_37_0_1_1_10_11000002.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	p180 Cal1	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=1; Aliquot ID=1; Matrix=Standards; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_49_0_1_1_02_20000611.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_49_1_1_1_02_20000611.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_49_0_1_1_02_20000611.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	p180 Cal2	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=2; Aliquot ID=2; Matrix=Standards; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_61_0_1_1_13_20000612.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_61_1_1_1_13_20000612.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_61_0_1_1_13_20000612.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	p180 Cal3	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=3; Aliquot ID=3; Matrix=Standards; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_73_0_1_1_14_20000613.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_73_1_1_1_14_20000613.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_73_0_1_1_14_20000613.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	p180 Cal4	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=4; Aliquot ID=4; Matrix=Standards; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_85_0_1_1_15_20000614.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_85_1_1_1_15_20000614.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_85_0_1_1_15_20000614.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	p180 Cal5	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=5; Aliquot ID=5; Matrix=Standards; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_02_0_1_1_16_20000615.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_02_1_1_1_16_20000615.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_02_0_1_1_16_20000615.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	p180 Cal6	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=6; Aliquot ID=6; Matrix=Standards; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_14_0_1_1_17_20000616.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_14_1_1_1_17_20000616.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_14_0_1_1_17_20000616.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	p180 Cal7	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=7; Aliquot ID=7; Matrix=Standards; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_26_0_1_1_18_20000617.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_26_1_1_1_18_20000617.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_26_0_1_1_18_20000617.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	p180 QC1	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=1; Aliquot ID=1; Matrix=Standards; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_38_0_1_1_03_721029.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_38_1_1_1_03_721029.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_38_0_1_1_03_721029.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	p180 QC2	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=2; Aliquot ID=2; Matrix=Standards; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_50_0_1_1_04_721046.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_50_1_1_1_04_721046.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_50_0_1_1_04_721046.wiff
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	p180 QC3	Sample Type:Control	CHEAR ID=3; Aliquot ID=3; Matrix=Standards; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT2 (LCMS) filename=KIT2-0-5404_1010986211_62_0_1_1_05_721050.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- POS) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_62_1_1_1_05_721050.wiff; Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ® p180 KIT3 (FIA- NEG) filename=KIT3-0-5404_1010986230_62_0_1_1_05_721050.wiff
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	CHEAR Reference Material Urine
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	No treatment.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Urine: Parent and Sub-Aliquots Removed bulk urine from -80°C storage and thawed
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	urine by storing it at 4°C overnight. The following day, the thawed urine was
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	inspected to ensure there was no ice remaining and the bulk urine was then mixed
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	in the 4°C room by repeatedly inverting the container. Parent Aliquots were
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	quickly prepared in the 4°C room using the Drummond pipet aid and serological
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	pipet. 42 mL urine were transferred to 50 mL tubes in 4°C room and capped
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	immediately and placed on ice. If needed, the bulk urine was mixed in between
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	aliquots. The parent aliquots were labeled appropriately. Sub-Aliquots were
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	prepared on ice at the bench. The parent aliquots were mixed by inverting the
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	tube thoroughly before and in between aliquots as needed. 2.5 mL urine was
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	transferred to 5 mL cryovials and capped immediately and stored on ice until
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	sample splitting was competed. The sub aliquots were labeled appropriately.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Sub-aliquots were stored at -80°C. Urine Aliquots for LCMS platforms: Used
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	sub-aliquot “UP_A_03” to prepare aliquots for various LCMS platforms.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Allowed sub-aliquot to thaw on ice for 30 – 60 min. Vortexed aliquot briefly
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	on vortexer, centrifuged at 4 °C for 2 minutes at 16,000 rcf. Aliquoted out 6
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	tubes for Biocrates (30 µL each) from “UP_A_03”. Aliquots were stored at
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	-80 °C until analysis. Sample preparation for Biocrates Plate: CHEAR urine
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	samples were thawed on ice for 30–60 min. All samples were vortexed on a
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	multi-tube vortexer for 4 mins at 5,000 rpm and centrifuged at 4 °C for 5
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	minutes at 16,000 rcf before loading on the p180 plate. The samples were then
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	placed on ice in the analysis order for sample loading on the p180 Biocrates
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	plate.
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	AB Sciex 4000 QTRAP LC/MS/MS
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	No Column
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	Methanol with Biocrates FIA solvent
CH:COLUMN_PRESSURE               	4-50 bar
CH:SAMPLE_INJECTION              	20uL
CH:ANALYTICAL_TIME               	3.0 minutes
CH:SAMPLE_LOOP_SIZE              	100uL
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	ABI Sciex 4000 QTrap
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Triple quadrupole
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	POSITIVE
MS:COLLISION_GAS                 	Medium
MS:ION_SOURCE_TEMPERATURE        	500 degrees C
MS:ION_SPRAY_VOLTAGE             	5500
Samples	p180 QC1	p180 Cal1	UP_A_03_5	UP_A_03_4	p180 Cal7	p180 QC2	UP_A_03_2	PBS_01	p180 Cal4	p180 Cal5	UP_A_03_6	PBS_02	p180 Cal2	PBS_03	p180 QC3	UP_A_03_1	UP_A_03_3	p180 Cal3	p180 Cal6
Factors	Sample Type:Control	Sample Type:Control	Sample Type:Replicate	Sample Type:Replicate	Sample Type:Control	Sample Type:Control	Sample Type:Replicate	Sample Type:Control	Sample Type:Control	Sample Type:Control	Sample Type:Replicate	Sample Type:Control	Sample Type:Control	Sample Type:Control	Sample Type:Control	Sample Type:Replicate	Sample Type:Replicate	Sample Type:Control	Sample Type:Control
C0	33.4	0.161	66.9	70.4	0.097	59.3	70.2	0.335	0.127	0.105	72.7	0.289	0.159	0.285	81	64.3	68.9	0.134	0.098
C10	0.475	0.026	0.229	0.246	0.026	1.97	0.242	0.011	0.031	0.026	0.248	0.014	0.026	0.012	3.8	0.218	0.238	0.025	0.025
C10:1	0.104	0.018	1.17	1.18	0.042	0.107	1.17	0.006	0.026	0.031	1.25	0.005	0.018	0.007	0.097	1.12	1.17	0.023	0.037
C10:2	0.02	0.009	0.867	0.871	0.015	0.02	0.863	0.001	0.013	0.01	0.929	0.001	0.009	0.001	0.018	0.828	0.866	0.01	0.014
C12	0.709	0.035	0.113	0.122	0.161	4.02	0.119	0.019	0.05	0.034	0.131	0.019	0.04	0.019	8.26	0.115	0.121	0.04	0.033
C12-DC	0.062	0.051	0.037	0.04	0.058	0.061	0.043	0.025	0.047	0.054	0.041	0.024	0.046	0.028	0.056	0.043	0.039	0.047	0.064
C12:1	0.058	0.016	0.135	0.14	0.032	0.062	0.138	0.005	0.021	0.024	0.142	0.005	0.016	0.006	0.066	0.126	0.135	0.021	0.03
C14	0.882	0.009	0.03	0.035	0.013	2.72	0.03	0.004	0.011	0.01	0.034	0.005	0.013	0.004	5.17	0.031	0.032	0.008	0.012
C14:1	0.058	0.002	0.016	0.018	0.002	0.053	0.017	0.001	0.003	0.003	0.019	0.001	0.003	0.001	0.051	0.013	0.015	0.003	0.003
C14:1-OH	0.01	0.005	0.021	0.021	0.008	0.017	0.023	0.002	0.007	0.006	0.023	0.002	0.005	0.002	0.021	0.019	0.022	0.005	0.007
C14:2	0.025	0.002	0.02	0.02	0.004	0.023	0.02		0.003	0.003	0.021		0.002	0.001	0.023	0.015	0.02	0.003	0.003
C14:2-OH	0.009	0.014	0.017	0.022	0.017	0.013	0.018	0.002	0.03	0.025	0.021	0.003	0.021	0.003	0.009	0.018	0.023	0.03	0.02
C16	0.783	0.005	0.029	0.031	0.011	4.81	0.028	0.002	0.007	0.008	0.035	0.003	0.005	0.003	8.94	0.033	0.036	0.01	0.008
C16-OH	0.006	0.001	0.018	0.019	0.007	0.006	0.022	0.001	0.006	0.005	0.021	0.001	0.003	0.001	0.01	0.018	0.024	0.003	0.006
C16:1	0.031	0.023	0.021	0.02	0.03	0.03	0.02	0.003	0.023	0.024	0.025	0.002	0.024	0.003	0.026	0.017	0.022	0.022	0.026
C16:1-OH	0.008	0.003	0.007	0.007	0.007	0.012	0.006	0.001	0.004	0.004	0.008	0.002	0.004	0.002	0.013	0.006	0.007	0.004	0.005
C16:2	0.013	0.009	0.009	0.011	0.011	0.016	0.009	0.004	0.012	0.011	0.013	0.004	0.011	0.003	0.013	0.008	0.01	0.009	0.009
C16:2-OH	0.014	0.012	0.011	0.013	0.015	0.019	0.012	0.009	0.017	0.016	0.014	0.008	0.017	0.006	0.019	0.011	0.015	0.019	0.017
C18	0.759	0.004	0.006	0.006	0.01	2.32	0.006	0.002	0.005	0.005	0.007	0.002	0.005	0.006	4.31	0.006	0.006	0.004	0.006
C18:1	0.099	0.013	0.006	0.007	0.011	0.084	0.007	0.004	0.012	0.007	0.007	0.004	0.016	0.004	0.078	0.006	0.006	0.012	0.009
C18:1-OH	0.015	0.01	0.009	0.006	0.017	0.015	0.008	0.003	0.014	0.011	0.009	0.005	0.012	0.005	0.017	0.008	0.01	0.012	0.013
C18:2	0.054	0.004	0.008	0.007	0.005	0.05	0.008	0.002	0.003	0.004	0.009	0.002	0.004	0.003	0.044	0.007	0.011	0.005	0.004
C2	4.47	0.018	18.6	18.4	0.025	13.3	18.3	0.015	0.023	0.024	20	0.015	0.019	0.016	20.7	16.6	19.6	0.022	0.029
C3	0.954	0.005	0.983	1.13	0.022	6.12	1.08	0.003	0.012	0.011	1.14	0.004	0.007	0.003	11.1	1.03	1.06	0.008	0.025
C3-DC (C4-OH)	0.053	0.01	0.128	0.169	0.012	0.031	0.157	0.005	0.01	0.008	0.157	0.005	0.01	0.008	0.023	0.135	0.152	0.01	0.013
C3-OH	0.009	0.008	0.045	0.047	0.014	0.016	0.044	0.005	0.011	0.01	0.053	0.005	0.008	0.004	0.007	0.039	0.049	0.01	0.013
C3:1	0.005	0.002	0.015	0.011	0.006	0.006	0.013	0.002	0.003	0.004	0.015	0.002	0.004	0.001	0.006	0.011	0.012	0.004	0.006
C4	0.83	0.008	4.53	4.96	0.011	4.67	4.72	0.004	0.009	0.008	5.37	0.005	0.008	0.005	8.55	4.59	4.72	0.008	0.012
C4:1	0.013	0.004	0.185	0.197	0.008	0.017	0.195	0.002	0.005	0.007	0.213	0.003	0.004	0.003	0.023	0.182	0.193	0.007	0.008
C6 (C4:1-DC)	0.401	0.02	0.413	0.407	0.028	2.44	0.424	0.007	0.023	0.026	0.447	0.004	0.025	0.004	4.52	0.377	0.43	0.025	0.028
C5	0.894	0.012	2.35	2.3	0.013	5.53	2.42	0.006	0.014	0.012	2.35	0.007	0.011	0.008	9.76	2.31	2.47	0.012	0.013
C5-M-DC	0.025	0.015	0.416	0.408	0.014	0.01	0.442	0.009	0.022	0.012	0.423	0.009	0.016	0.011	0.006	0.397	0.501	0.015	0.014
C5-OH (C3-DC-M)	0.079	0.074	0.793	0.833	0.052	0.069	0.859	0.079	0.08	0.068	0.797	0.085	0.076	0.082	0.077	0.826	0.905	0.084	0.055
C5:1	0.036	0.034	0.933	0.916	0.036	0.044	0.964	0.012	0.037	0.026	0.957	0.015	0.029	0.013	0.038	0.913	1.04	0.034	0.03
C5:1-DC	0.008	0.005	0.38	0.375	0.006	0.016	0.383	0.004	0.006	0.005	0.393	0.003	0.004	0.002	0.016	0.374	0.4	0.006	0.008
C5-DC (C6-OH)	0.014	0.005	0.459	0.49	0.011	0.019	0.504	0.003	0.008	0.01	0.469	0.002	0.004	0.003	0.016	0.467	0.509	0.007	0.01
C6:1	0.009	0.006	0.086	0.093	0.131	0.011	0.085	0.003	0.025	0.052	0.093	0.003	0.005	0.001	0.01	0.081	0.083	0.018	0.092
C7-DC	0.022	0.012	0.227	0.218	0.01	0.021	0.22	0.002	0.013	0.011	0.232	0.003	0.014	0.003	0.018	0.203	0.233	0.013	0.01
C8	0.361	0.043	0.532	0.549	0.042	3.19	0.549	0.015	0.041	0.039	0.585	0.014	0.036	0.013	5.96	0.508	0.58	0.045	0.043
C9	0.02	0.008	1.46	1.47	0.011	0.021	1.5	0.002	0.012	0.01	1.58	0.002	0.011	0.002	0.019	1.4	1.46	0.015	0.009
lysoPC a C14:0	4.19	3.28	1.86	1.81	3.22	4.05	1.86	1.89	3.35	3.32	1.93	1.78	3.23	1.83	4.3	1.83	1.91	3.13	3.25
lysoPC a C16:0	92.7	0.034	0.034	0.049	0.04	85.7	0.126	0.032	0.037	0.029	0.055	0.032	0.031	0.016	86.4	0.101	0.048	0.036	0.024
lysoPC a C16:1	1.88	0.02	0.011	0.021	0.01	1.49	0.019	0.009	0.02	0.012	0.026	0.018	0.02	0.003	1.65	0.022	0.02	0.023	0.01
lysoPC a C17:0	1.67	0.004	0.021	0.027	0.007	1.58	0.013	0.012	0.006	0.007	0.011	0.006	0.003		1.55	0.022	0.014	0.009	0.004
lysoPC a C18:0	33.4	0.101	0.069	0.048	0.066	78.3	0.086	0.063	0.079	0.085	0.066	0.08	0.09	0.083	126	0.104	0.062	0.1	0.089
lysoPC a C18:1	17.2	0.007	0.014	0.03	0.008	15.5	0.041	0.034	0.01	0.003	0.028	0.012	0.007	0.015	15.9	0.041	0.025	0.012	0.01
lysoPC a C18:2	26	0.011	0.016	0.009	0.007	22.9	0.042	0.014	0.008	0.006	0.017	0.003	0.007	0.021	23.9	0.034	0.022	0.011	0.01
lysoPC a C20:3	1.96	0.039	0.032	0.014	0.042	1.69	0.035	0.014	0.03	0.027	0.019	0.03	0.046	0.021	1.64	0.029	0.026	0.035	0.037
lysoPC a C20:4	7.48	0.002	0.006	0.014	0.002	6.98	0.012	0.014	0.005	0.003	0.011	0.003	0.001	0.003	6.86	0.021	0.01	0.004	0.003
lysoPC a C24:0	0.446	0.023	0.013	0.016	0.007	0.566	0.017	0.003	0.013	0.01	0.017	0.015	0.013	0.008	0.608	0.01	0.006	0.017	0.011
lysoPC a C26:0	1.19	0.016	0.008	0.012	0.022	1.01	0.006	0.008	0.01	0.012	0.018	0.017	0.012	0.007	0.829	0.013	0.01	0.012	0.014
lysoPC a C26:1	0.603	0.002	0.008	0.012	0.004	0.535	0.015	0.017	0.002	0.005	0.019	0.012	0.008	0.01	0.403	0.006	0.002	0.006	0.005
lysoPC a C28:0	0.893	0.072	0.017	0.018	0.041	0.911	0.011	0.025	0.03	0.045	0.025	0.041	0.059	0.033	0.594	0.023	0.025	0.071	0.038
lysoPC a C28:1	0.928	0.021	0.01	0.014	0.01	0.87	0.012	0.012	0.005	0.006	0.015	0.009	0.011	0.005	0.727	0.007	0.016	0.01	0.005
PC aa C24:0	8.91	0.013	0.004	0.005	0.009	23.2	0.005	0.008	0.014	0.013	0.004	0.007	0.016	0.012	44.4	0.007	0.005	0.014	0.01
PC aa C26:0	2.39	0.273	0.126	0.11	0.263	2.23	0.135	0.115	0.251	0.271	0.133	0.124	0.263	0.115	1.65	0.129	0.125	0.261	0.273
PC aa C28:1	1.69	0.021	0.076	0.077	0.049	1.6	0.079	0.017	0.016	0.024	0.072	0.027	0.017	0.015	1.42	0.069	0.07	0.013	0.036
PC aa C30:0	2.14	0.051	0.026	0.008	0.049	2.02	0.024	0.024	0.063	0.045	0.031	0.016	0.051	0.019	1.88	0.025	0.025	0.056	0.055
PC aa C30:2	0.171	0.001	0.002	0.001							0.004		0.001	0.002	0.111	0.005	0.002		
PC aa C32:0	9.38	0.01	0.05	0.044	0.011	8.59	0.03	0.009	0.022	0.018	0.017	0.007	0.009	0.007	8.24	0.026	0.022	0.011	0.012
PC aa C32:1	7.16	0.008	0.03	0.026	0.007	6.4	0.027	0.009	0.002	0.005	0.004		0.006	0.002	6.32	0.017	0.015	0.006	0.005
PC aa C32:2	1.77	0.025	0.01	0.004	0.008	1.5	0.004	0.004	0.01	0.008	0.002	0.004	0.024	0.004	1.52	0.003		0.016	0.008
PC aa C32:3	0.438	0.001	0.001	0.001	0.001	0.35	0.003	0.002	0.002		0.001	0.003	0.001		0.342			0.005	0.001
PC aa C34:1	118	0.021	0.211	0.168	0.021	110	0.174	0.008	0.028	0.02	0.093	0.008	0.02	0.011	107	0.141	0.108	0.02	0.021
PC aa C34:2	233	0.02	0.142	0.13	0.01	227	0.196	0.006	0.013	0.01	0.065	0.005	0.011	0.013	220	0.251	0.119	0.01	0.013
PC aa C34:3	10.3	0.005	0.002	0.006	0.004	9.38	0.011	0.001	0.008	0.007	0.003		0.007	0.001	9.3	0.007		0.006	0.003
PC aa C34:4	1.01	0.001	0.047	0.047	0.002	0.966	0.055		0.002	0.002	0.043		0.006		0.923	0.046	0.04	0.002	0.002
PC aa C36:0	1.34	0.165	0.062	0.045	0.144	1.28	0.045	0.073	0.177	0.148	0.046	0.058	0.153	0.069	1.28	0.058	0.054	0.167	0.141
PC aa C36:1	29.8	0.013	0.04	0.047	0.009	27	0.059	0.003	0.013	0.011	0.025	0.006	0.012	0.003	25.7	0.045	0.032	0.011	0.007
PC aa C36:2	154	0.011	0.085	0.148	0.007	144	0.127	0.006	0.017	0.012	0.046	0.005	0.012	0.003	142	0.104	0.126	0.014	0.008
PC aa C36:3	90	0.002	0.046	0.052	0.002	82	0.072	0.005	0.006	0.003	0.022	0.002	0.003	0.001	83.4	0.055	0.047	0.004	0.002
PC aa C36:4	139	0.007	0.037	0.057	0.001	130	0.121	0.004	0.007	0.003	0.025	0.003	0.005	0.002	128	0.078	0.047	0.004	0.003
PC aa C36:5	9.66	0.003	0.015	0.007	0.001	8.74	0.015	0.001	0.003	0.001	0.002	0.003	0.003	0.001	8.91	0.005	0.002	0.003	0.002
PC aa C36:6	0.39		0.002	0.001	0.002	0.377	0.006	0.002		0.005	0.002	0.003	0.005		0.373	0.003	0.004	0.003	0.003
PC aa C38:0	1.63	0.011	0.008	0.007	0.013	1.46	0.008	0.002	0.008	0.01	0.006	0.009	0.009	0.007	1.5	0.004	0.003	0.006	0.011
PC aa C38:1	0.662	0.004		0.003	0.002	0.495	0.009		0.001	0.002	0.014	0.001		0.002	0.223		0.01		0.003
PC aa C38:3	36	0.004	0.022	0.031	0.005	33	0.042	0.003	0.003	0.004	0.006	0.001	0.002		32.2	0.027	0.015	0.003	0.002
PC aa C38:4	94.7	0.008	0.044	0.044	0.005	86.7	0.088	0.004	0.007	0.005	0.013	0.005	0.01	0.002	85.7	0.068	0.036	0.006	0.005
PC aa C38:5	36.4	0.008	0.015	0.019	0.004	33.1	0.044	0.003	0.005	0.005	0.011	0.001	0.005	0.001	33.3	0.03	0.024	0.005	0.002
PC aa C38:6	34.8	0.005	0.012	0.018	0.005	32.3	0.033	0.001	0.008	0.002	0.009	0.003	0.007	0.001	32.1	0.033	0.014	0.002	0.002
PC aa C40:1	0.307	0.193	0.062	0.077	0.243	0.296	0.054	0.065	0.151	0.178	0.063	0.074	0.16	0.064	0.272	0.059	0.05	0.176	0.221
PC aa C40:2	0.263	0.006	0.002	0.002		0.242	0.003		0.003	0.003	0.004	0.001	0.005	0.002	0.214	0.002	0.003	0.002	0.004
PC aa C40:3	0.522	0.006	0.003	0.003	0.002	0.477	0.001		0.003	0.002	0.002		0.002		0.471	0.003	0.001	0.005	0.002
PC aa C40:4	3.49	0.009	0.003	0.004	0.01	3.29	0.01		0.019	0.012	0.003		0.016	0.003	3.22	0.007	0.002	0.019	0.011
PC aa C40:5	8.03		0.001	0.004		7.19	0.007								7.22	0.002			
PC aa C40:6	14.4	0.127	0.067	0.055	0.111	13.1	0.059	0.042	0.105	0.102	0.06	0.04	0.116	0.047	13	0.063	0.051	0.113	0.109
PC aa C42:0	0.42	0.044	0.006	0.004	0.03	0.397	0.007	0.007	0.029	0.039	0.008	0.013	0.039	0.005	0.407	0.009	0.006	0.032	0.028
PC aa C42:1	0.22	0.007	0.002	0.003	0.1	0.239	0.005	0.001	0.041	0.063	0.002	0.005	0.007	0.001	0.244	0.002	0.001	0.028	0.09
PC aa C42:2	0.219	0.035	0.023	0.021	0.035	0.205	0.021	0.035	0.023	0.03	0.019	0.026	0.033	0.027	0.209	0.021	0.023	0.025	0.035
PC aa C42:4	0.174	0.009	0.001	0.001	0.006	0.163	0.003		0.007	0.007	0.006	0.002	0.011	0.001	0.16	0.002		0.009	0.009
PC aa C42:5	0.246	0.004	0.005	0.003	0.013	0.246	0.002		0.011	0.014	0.001		0.01		0.229	0.003	0.004	0.02	0.013
PC aa C42:6	0.373	0.103	0.022	0.019	0.078	0.316	0.03	0.03	0.058	0.077	0.03	0.042	0.079	0.037	0.332	0.019	0.015	0.081	0.072
PC ae C30:0	0.218	0.11	0.028	0.027	0.087	0.202	0.032	0.041	0.051	0.063	0.037	0.037	0.091	0.026	0.208	0.022	0.023	0.077	0.079
PC ae C30:1	0.404	0.013	0.001	0.001	0.007	0.425	0.001	0.003	0.005	0.007	0.001	0.004	0.01		0.305			0.004	0.008
PC ae C30:2	0.131	0.002		0.001	0.004	0.11	0.002	0.002	0.004	0.004	0.003	0.002	0.002	0.001	0.082	0.001	0.001	0.003	0.004
PC ae C32:1	2.18	0.002	0.003	0.005	0.001	1.97	0.004		0.003	0.002	0.001		0.002	0.001	1.83	0.004	0.002	0.004	0.003
PC ae C32:2	0.567	0.002	0.006	0.007	0.002	0.54	0.004	0.005	0.001	0.001	0.005	0.006	0.003	0.005	0.534	0.004	0.005	0.004	0.002
PC ae C34:0	0.849	0.022	0.003	0.003	0.017	0.792	0.005	0.002	0.021	0.022	0.008	0.006	0.029	0.003	0.728	0.005	0.005	0.027	0.017
PC ae C34:1	5.7	0.008	0.017	0.028	0.007	5.23	0.016	0.003	0.007	0.008	0.011	0.005	0.011	0.003	4.99	0.016	0.016	0.007	0.007
PC ae C34:2	7.86	0.023	0.009	0.007	0.001	7.15	0.009		0.002	0.001	0.005	0.001	0.014	0.001	7.09	0.01	0.003	0.004	0.001
PC ae C34:3	7.05	0.004	0.003	0.007	0.004	6.14	0.003	0.001	0.002	0.003	0.004		0.003	0.002	6.09	0.006	0.003	0.003	0.008
PC ae C36:0	0.424	0.102	0.027	0.022	0.051	0.48	0.028	0.019	0.054	0.051	0.021	0.022	0.067	0.026	0.375	0.018	0.02	0.064	0.053
PC ae C36:1	4.98	0.022	0.015	0.017	0.015	4.3	0.017	0.021	0.017	0.017	0.014	0.016	0.019	0.017	4.24	0.014	0.014	0.015	0.016
PC ae C36:2	9.15	0.014	0.013	0.015	0.01	8.38	0.021	0.01	0.007	0.011	0.011	0.006	0.011	0.008	8.14	0.015	0.014	0.012	0.012
PC ae C36:3	5.64	0.001	0.01	0.005	0.001	5.24	0.008	0.001		0.002	0.002	0.002	0.002	0.001	5.07	0.001	0.002	0.004	0.002
PC ae C36:4	14.5	0.003	0.013	0.009	0.003	12.9	0.013	0.003	0.003	0.003	0.008	0.003	0.005	0.001	12.6	0.011	0.012	0.004	0.001
PC ae C36:5	9.8	0.002	0.005	0.005	0.001	9.01	0.005	0.001	0.002	0.001	0.003	0.001	0.002	0.002	9.03	0.007	0.004	0.001	0.003
PC ae C38:0	0.953	0.037	0.017	0.012	0.032	0.915	0.019	0.014	0.027	0.03	0.018	0.012	0.033	0.013	0.898	0.013	0.014	0.032	0.037
PC ae C38:1	0.293	0.003	0.005	0.002	0.004	0.209	0.009	0.001	0.003	0.003	0.002		0.005		0.319	0.002	0.005	0.005	0.002
PC ae C38:2	1.4	0.007	0.003	0.002	0.007	1.24	0.007	0.001	0.012	0.012	0.004	0.001	0.003	0.001	1.43	0.001		0.012	0.006
PC ae C38:3	3.04	0.001	0.007	0.015	0.003	2.78	0.008		0.002	0.002	0.004	0.001			2.83	0.007	0.005		
PC ae C38:4	10.4	0.015	0.01	0.007	0.008	9.64	0.017	0.001	0.01	0.011	0.006	0.002	0.014		9.41	0.011	0.008	0.016	0.01
PC ae C38:5	13.7	0.012	0.01	0.005	0.007	12.3	0.007	0.005	0.008	0.007	0.003	0.005	0.009	0.003	12.5	0.007	0.006	0.008	0.008
PC ae C38:6	4.62		0.067	0.065	0.016	4.09	0.066		0.002	0.006	0.065	0.002	0.002	0.003	4.19	0.064	0.052	0.007	0.012
PC ae C40:1	0.901	0.009	0.005	0.003	0.024	0.805	0.001	0.004	0.005	0.022	0.007		0.006		0.862	0.003	0.005	0.009	0.024
PC ae C40:2	1.04	0.004	0.004	0.002	0.002	0.907	0.003		0.004	0.001	0.002	0.001	0.007		0.918	0.006	0.002	0.004	0.002
PC ae C40:3	1.16	0.006	0.002	0.003	0.004	1.12	0.003		0.003	0.006	0.003	0.002	0.003		1.01		0.002	0.002	0.003
PC ae C40:4	1.92	0.018	0.006	0.007	0.018	1.79	0.006	0.008	0.019	0.018	0.008	0.005	0.018	0.008	1.77	0.011	0.011	0.016	0.02
PC ae C40:5	2.98	0.004	0.007	0.006	0.002	2.66	0.009	0.001	0.001	0.004	0.004		0.005	0.001	2.6	0.003	0.002	0.001	0.002
PC ae C40:6	2.54	0.008	0.005	0.003	0.005	2.33	0.006	0.001	0.005	0.004	0.007	0.001	0.007	0.001	2.4	0.005	0.004	0.006	0.004
PC ae C42:0	0.573	0.428	0.126	0.12	0.363	0.558	0.137	0.126	0.308	0.337	0.132	0.155	0.364	0.127	0.502	0.14	0.144	0.341	0.327
PC ae C42:1	0.359	0.048	0.014	0.012	0.001	0.354	0.011	0.027	0.026	0.033	0.016	0.026	0.043	0.021	0.373	0.015	0.012	0.032	0.03
PC ae C42:2	0.373	0.006	0.003	0.004	0.002	0.364	0.004		0.003	0.003	0.003		0.006	0.001	0.346	0.003	0.002	0.032	0.005
PC ae C42:3	0.52	0.002	0.004	0.003	0.007	0.451	0.005		0.003	0.006	0.003		0.005		0.45	0.003	0.001	0.003	0.006
PC ae C42:4	0.736					0.632									0.63				
PC ae C42:5	1.67	0.29	0.122	0.124	0.29	1.46	0.104	0.123	0.285	0.258	0.111	0.11	0.27	0.115	1.56	0.109	0.108	0.246	0.269
PC ae C44:3	0.107	0.009	0.006	0.003	0.011	0.107	0.007	0.002	0.007	0.006	0.003	0.012	0.011	0.003	0.09	0.004	0.008	0.011	0.013
PC ae C44:4	0.25	0.043	0.02	0.014	0.052	0.284	0.018	0.016	0.042	0.038	0.017	0.012	0.04	0.019	0.289	0.014	0.015	0.032	0.042
PC ae C44:5	1.28	0.042	0.011	0.011	0.027	1.17	0.01	0.016	0.029	0.029	0.016	0.021	0.04	0.007	1.05	0.012	0.009	0.026	0.033
PC ae C44:6	1.18	0.015	0.005	0.005	0.017	1.06	0.005	0.008	0.012	0.009	0.002	0.005	0.014	0.006	1.11	0.004	0.005	0.01	0.009
SM (OH) C14:1	3.51	0.005	0.019	0.012	0.001	3.18	0.013	0.024			0.014	0.022	0.002	0.026	3.01	0.017	0.015	0.003	0.001
SM (OH) C16:1	2.66	0.002	0.007	0.005	0.002	2.48	0.005	0.004	0.004	0.002	0.006		0.001		2.3	0.004	0.004		
SM (OH) C22:1	9.75		0.012	0.021	0.001	9.73	0.018		0.002		0.01	0.003	0.001	0.004	8.79	0.02	0.018		0.001
SM (OH) C22:2	7.32	0.002	0.002			6.89	0.009	0.001	0.003	0.001		0.001	0.003		6.49	0.006	0.011	0.004	0.002
SM (OH) C24:1	1.03	0.001	0.004	0.006	0.005	1.05	0.007	0.003	0.006	0.008	0.003	0.007	0.002	0.004	0.95	0.003		0.004	0.012
SM C16:0	92.5	0.012	0.114	0.162	0.014	90.2	0.153	0.013	0.021	0.017	0.147	0.012	0.013	0.004	82.7	0.143	0.177	0.015	0.011
SM C16:1	12.2	0.003	0.01	0.016	0.002	12.6	0.012	0.001	0.003	0.001	0.01	0.001	0.004	0.001	10.9	0.01	0.013	0.003	0.002
SM C18:0	17.6	0.019	0.003	0.011	0.007	17.8	0.016	0.01	0.036	0.012	0.019	0.014	0.015	0.024	15.6	0.016	0.018	0.043	0.012
SM C18:1	10.1	0.002	0.006	0.007		9.87	0.005			0.002	0.004		0.002	0.001	8.92	0.008	0.006		0.001
SM C20:2	0.456	0.003			0.001	0.404				0.001		0.003			0.422			0.002	0.001
SM C22:3				0.001	0.002			0.001		0.002	0.004			0.001		0.005	0.003	0.003	0.003
SM C24:0	19.6	0.002	0.064	0.08	0.013	17.9	0.046	0.005	0.009	0.01	0.058	0.002	0.003	0.004	17.4	0.055	0.044	0.01	0.006
SM C24:1	40.3	0.005	0.035	0.069	0.036	39.2	0.08	0.003	0.02	0.035	0.039	0.002	0.008	0.005	36.1	0.051	0.027	0.014	0.038
SM C26:0	0.134	0.001	0.003	0.001	0.002	0.111	0.005	0.002	0.003	0.001	0.003			0.002	0.159	0.007	0.003	0.001	0.001
SM C26:1	0.178		0.003	0.004	0.005	0.212	0.002		0.001	0.005	0.001		0.003	0.001	0.149		0.001		0.004
(C2+C3) / C0	0.162	0.144	0.292	0.277	0.479	0.327	0.276	0.055	0.278	0.338	0.292	0.064	0.163	0.067	0.393	0.274	0.301	0.223	0.551
C12 / C10	1.49	1.33	0.495	0.495	1.22	2.04	0.492	1.72	1.61	1.33	0.527	1.38	1.54	1.59	2.17	0.529	0.509	1.63	1.36
C12 / C12:1	12.2	2.15	0.839	0.868	0.987	64.6	0.864	3.58	2.35	1.42	0.921	3.55	2.48	3.41	125	0.91	0.901	1.87	1.13
C12 / C8	1.96	0.804	0.213	0.222	0.766	1.26	0.217	1.27	1.24	0.875	0.224	1.3	1.1	1.42	1.38	0.226	0.209	0.888	0.775
C14 / C16:1	28.9	0.397	1.41	1.78	0.434	90.4	1.46	1.19	0.492	0.41	1.37	2.01	0.537	1.34	203	1.79	1.48	0.387	0.465
C14:1-OH / C10	0.022	0.199	0.092	0.086	0.314	0.008	0.095	0.18	0.235	0.231	0.092	0.12	0.191	0.163	0.006	0.089	0.094	0.204	0.283
C16 / C16:1	25.6	0.235	1.36	1.58	0.368	160	1.36	0.524	0.321	0.346	1.41	1.17	0.228	0.869	350	1.89	1.64	0.468	0.316
C18 / C18:1	7.65	0.319	1.01	0.955	0.858	27.6	0.903	0.499	0.413	0.695	0.987	0.544	0.346	1.75	55	0.98	1.1	0.354	0.605
C2 / C0	0.134	0.112	0.278	0.261	0.257	0.224	0.261	0.045	0.183	0.232	0.276	0.052	0.119	0.056	0.255	0.258	0.285	0.165	0.296
C3 / C4	1.15	0.658	0.217	0.227	2.01	1.31	0.228	0.936	1.37	1.4	0.213	0.767	0.908	0.576	1.3	0.224	0.224	0.972	2.02
C4 / C0	0.025	0.049	0.068	0.07	0.111	0.079	0.067	0.011	0.07	0.076	0.074	0.016	0.048	0.019	0.106	0.071	0.069	0.059	0.126
C4 / C5	0.928	0.671	1.93	2.16	0.853	0.845	1.95	0.569	0.621	0.673	2.28	0.647	0.712	0.694	0.876	1.99	1.91	0.672	0.983
C9 / C10:2	1.03	0.951	1.69	1.68	0.716	1.07	1.74	1.79	0.937	0.984	1.7	1.79	1.28	1.38	1.08	1.69	1.69	1.49	0.683
C9 / C14	0.023	0.901	48.9	42.3	0.827	0.008	50.9	0.504	1.04	0.989	46.4	0.372	0.862	0.453	0.004	44.9	45.4	1.72	0.779
C9 / C14:1-OH	1.97	1.58	69.5	69.6	1.29	1.28	65.4	0.904	1.61	1.66	68.9	1.11	2.23	1.04	0.899	71.8	65.7	2.93	1.36
C9 / C16:1-OH	2.67	2.5	196	198	1.5	1.76	249	1.51	3.14	2.78	191	0.958	2.55	0.896	1.48	244	220	3.42	1.87
CPT-I ratio	0.046	0.059	0.001	0.001	0.214	0.12		0.011	0.098	0.127	0.001	0.016	0.069	0.032	0.164	0.001	0.001	0.109	0.14
lysoPC a C16:0 / lysoPC a C16:1	49.4	1.73	2.97	2.3	3.91	57.3	6.79	3.64	1.82	2.53	2.14	1.8	1.54	5.97	52.3	4.5	2.37	1.53	2.44
lysoPC a C20:4 / lysoPC a C20:3	3.81	0.046	0.202	1.04	0.042	4.14	0.338	1.04	0.176	0.12	0.568	0.1	0.031	0.126	4.18	0.72	0.391	0.126	0.076
MUFA (PC)	172	0.368	0.479	0.466	0.522	158	0.457	0.162	0.317	0.391	0.312	0.173	0.317	0.139	154	0.387	0.329	0.329	0.47
MUFA (PC) / SFA (PC)	5.88	0.291	0.987	1.06	0.489	3.76	0.961	0.368	0.309	0.373	0.678	0.37	0.282	0.324	2.48	0.85	0.735	0.303	0.451
PC aa C28:1 / PC aa C38:1	2.55	5.81		25.4	29	3.24	8.56		15.5	11.9	4.96	35	70.6	6.37	6.38		7.12		10.5
PC aa C28:1 / PC aa C40:2	6.43	3.57	41.7	34.4	145	6.62	28.8	37.5	4.84	7.96	19	31.7	3.44	7.53	6.65	40.5	21.6	5.58	9.09
PC aa C36:3 / PC aa C36:4	0.647	0.337	1.25	0.899	2.08	0.633	0.593	1.32	0.866	0.921	0.86	0.713	0.531	0.819	0.652	0.702	0.988	1.12	0.635
PC aa C40:3 / PC aa C42:5	2.12	1.45	0.576	0.828	0.189	1.94	0.768	NA	0.27	0.115	3.76		0.247	NA	2.06	1.02	0.218	0.239	0.164
PC aa C40:5 / PC aa C42:5	32.6		0.181	1.34		29.2	3.77	NA				NA		NA	31.5	0.594			
PC ae C32:1 / PC ae C34:1	0.382	0.217	0.183	0.192	0.167	0.377	0.238	0.019	0.369	0.215	0.099	0.076	0.196	0.38	0.367	0.231	0.116	0.575	0.472
PC ae C44:5 / PC ae C42:5	0.77	0.144	0.087	0.09	0.093	0.803	0.094	0.13	0.103	0.112	0.145	0.193	0.147	0.062	0.677	0.11	0.088	0.107	0.124
PUFA (PC)	972	0.929	0.956	1.01	0.817	907	1.3	0.353	0.79	0.76	0.676	0.351	0.873	0.339	896	1.15	0.857	0.792	0.788
PUFA (PC) / MUFA (PC)	5.66	2.53	2	2.17	1.57	5.73	2.84	2.19	2.5	1.94	2.17	2.04	2.75	2.43	5.82	2.96	2.61	2.41	1.68
PUFA (PC) / SFA (PC)	33.3	0.734	1.97	2.3	0.765	21.6	2.73	0.805	0.77	0.726	1.47	0.753	0.776	0.787	14.4	2.52	1.92	0.729	0.756
SFA (PC)	29.2	1.27	0.485	0.44	1.07	42.1	0.476	0.439	1.03	1.05	0.46	0.467	1.12	0.43	62.1	0.456	0.447	1.09	1.04
Total (PC+SM)	1391	2.62	2.2	2.31	2.49	1320	2.6	1.02	2.24	2.29	1.76	1.06	2.37	0.984	1306	2.33	1.97	2.31	2.39
Total AC / C0	0.371	3.49	0.528	0.508	8.48	0.877	0.508	0.852	5.49	6.33	0.527	1.02	3.71	1.06	1.13	0.515	0.541	4.89	7.81
Total AC-DC / Total AC	0.011	0.158	0.043	0.043	0.12	0.002	0.045	0.15	0.134	0.138	0.041	0.139	0.142	0.156	0.001	0.045	0.045	0.133	0.138
Total AC-OH / Total AC	0.01	0.114	0.007	0.009	0.118	0.002	0.008	0.101	0.14	0.127	0.008	0.103	0.136	0.103	0.001	0.008	0.008	0.142	0.122
Total lysoPC	191	3.63	2.12	2.09	3.49	222	2.3	2.14	3.61	3.57	2.26	2.06	3.54	2.06	271	2.26	2.2	3.48	3.51
Total lysoPC / Total PC	0.162	1.42	1.11	1.09	1.45	0.2	1.03	2.25	1.69	1.62	1.56	2.08	1.53	2.27	0.244	1.14	1.35	1.57	1.53
Total PC	1174	2.56	1.92	1.92	2.41	1108	2.23	0.954	2.13	2.2	1.45	0.991	2.31	0.908	1112	1.99	1.63	2.21	2.3
Total PC aa	1052	1.23	1.31	1.33	1.26	998	1.6	0.491	1.14	1.16	0.877	0.505	1.14	0.479	1003	1.42	1.09	1.16	1.22
Total PC ae	121	1.33	0.611	0.587	1.14	110	0.629	0.463	0.997	1.04	0.57	0.486	1.18	0.429	109	0.571	0.542	1.05	1.08
Total SM	217	0.056	0.282	0.394	0.088	212	0.371	0.066	0.108	0.096	0.314	0.068	0.058	0.076	194	0.34	0.337	0.099	0.092
Total SM / Total (SM+PC)	0.156	0.022	0.128	0.17	0.035	0.16	0.142	0.065	0.048	0.042	0.178	0.064	0.024	0.077	0.149	0.146	0.171	0.043	0.038
Total SM / Total PC	0.185	0.022	0.147	0.205	0.037	0.191	0.166	0.069	0.051	0.044	0.217	0.068	0.025	0.084	0.174	0.171	0.206	0.045	0.04
Total SM-non OH	193	0.046	0.238	0.349	0.08	188	0.319	0.034	0.094	0.085	0.281	0.034	0.048	0.042	172	0.291	0.288	0.088	0.076
Total SM-OH	24.3	0.01	0.044	0.044	0.009	23.3	0.052	0.033	0.014	0.012	0.034	0.034	0.01	0.034	21.5	0.049	0.049	0.01	0.016
Total SM-OH / Total SM-non OH	0.126	0.215	0.183	0.127	0.11	0.124	0.162	0.976	0.154	0.138	0.119	1.02	0.204	0.814	0.125	0.17	0.168	0.114	0.205
metabolite_name	Retention Index	Moverz Quant	Local ID	PubChem CID	KEGG ID	mass spectrum
C3-DC (C4-OH)
C6 (C4:1-DC)
C5-OH (C3-DC-M)
C5-DC (C6-OH)
lysoPC a C14:0
lysoPC a C16:0
lysoPC a C16:1
lysoPC a C17:0
lysoPC a C18:0
lysoPC a C18:1
lysoPC a C18:2
lysoPC a C20:3
lysoPC a C20:4
lysoPC a C24:0
lysoPC a C26:0
lysoPC a C26:1
lysoPC a C28:0
lysoPC a C28:1
PC aa C24:0
PC aa C26:0
PC aa C28:1
PC aa C30:0
PC aa C30:2
PC aa C32:0
PC aa C32:1
PC aa C32:2
PC aa C32:3
PC aa C34:1
PC aa C34:2
PC aa C34:3
PC aa C34:4
PC aa C36:0
PC aa C36:1
PC aa C36:2
PC aa C36:3
PC aa C36:4
PC aa C36:5
PC aa C36:6
PC aa C38:0
PC aa C38:1
PC aa C38:3
PC aa C38:4
PC aa C38:5
PC aa C38:6
PC aa C40:1
PC aa C40:2
PC aa C40:3
PC aa C40:4
PC aa C40:5
PC aa C40:6
PC aa C42:0
PC aa C42:1
PC aa C42:2
PC aa C42:4
PC aa C42:5
PC aa C42:6
PC ae C30:0
PC ae C30:1
PC ae C30:2
PC ae C32:1
PC ae C32:2
PC ae C34:0
PC ae C34:1
PC ae C34:2
PC ae C34:3
PC ae C36:0
PC ae C36:1
PC ae C36:2
PC ae C36:3
PC ae C36:4
PC ae C36:5
PC ae C38:0
PC ae C38:1
PC ae C38:2
PC ae C38:3
PC ae C38:4
PC ae C38:5
PC ae C38:6
PC ae C40:1
PC ae C40:2
PC ae C40:3
PC ae C40:4
PC ae C40:5
PC ae C40:6
PC ae C42:0
PC ae C42:1
PC ae C42:2
PC ae C42:3
PC ae C42:4
PC ae C42:5
PC ae C44:3
PC ae C44:4
PC ae C44:5
PC ae C44:6
SM (OH) C14:1
SM (OH) C16:1
SM (OH) C22:1
SM (OH) C22:2
SM (OH) C24:1
SM C16:0
SM C16:1
SM C18:0
SM C18:1
SM C20:2
SM C22:3
SM C24:0
SM C24:1
SM C26:0
SM C26:1
(C2+C3) / C0
C12 / C10
C12 / C12:1
C12 / C8
C14 / C16:1
C14:1-OH / C10
C16 / C16:1
C18 / C18:1
C2 / C0
C3 / C4
C4 / C0
C4 / C5
C9 / C10:2
C9 / C14
C9 / C14:1-OH
C9 / C16:1-OH
CPT-I ratio
lysoPC a C16:0 / lysoPC a C16:1
lysoPC a C20:4 / lysoPC a C20:3
PC aa C28:1 / PC aa C38:1
PC aa C28:1 / PC aa C40:2
PC aa C36:3 / PC aa C36:4
PC aa C40:3 / PC aa C42:5
PC aa C40:5 / PC aa C42:5
PC ae C32:1 / PC ae C34:1
PC ae C44:5 / PC ae C42:5
Total (PC+SM)
Total AC / C0
Total AC-DC / Total AC
Total AC-OH / Total AC
Total lysoPC
Total lysoPC / Total PC
Total PC
Total PC aa
Total PC ae
Total SM
Total SM / Total (SM+PC)
Total SM / Total PC
Total SM-non OH
Total SM-OH
Total SM-OH / Total SM-non OH