#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH michaelsa93_20170809_103526 DATATRACK_ID:1194 STUDY_ID:ST000843 ANALYSIS_ID:AN001364 PROJECT_ID:PR000600
VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	August 10, 2017, 2:42 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Statin Immuno-Metabolomics in Asthma
PR:PROJECT_TYPE                  	Placebo-controled trial
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Innovative and novel therapies are urgently needed for the treatment of patients
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	with severe asthma, especially those who are refractory to standard-of-care
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids. The Zeki lab is investigating the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	role of the mevalonate (MA) pathway, in the pathogenesis of airway inflammation
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	and remodeling. Although statins all inhibit HMGCR in the same manner in terms
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	of enzyme binding site, the statins’ varied physiochemical properties with
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	respect to their polarity (i.e. lipophilicity) result in very different immune
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	and lipid effects. The major significance of this work is to advance a new class
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	of inhaler therapies for asthma; the statins which work by an entirely different
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	mechanism than current ICS/LABA mainstays. Evidence suggests that statins may
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	have an additive benefit to corticosteroids in asthma, thereby confirming a
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	unique mechanism, namely via MVA pathway inhibition. This becomes particularly
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	important in the severe asthma population which is highly
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	corticosteroid-resistant, is poorly controlled with high exacerbation rates and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	hospitalizations, and has the highest healthcare costs of all asthma phenotypes.
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	In essence, the potential public health impact of even an incremental
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	improvement in asthma symptom control cannot be underestimated. Even the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	prevention of 1 asthma attack preserves lung function and reduces the adverse
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	personal and financial impact. This study aimed to determine if statin polarity
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	affects airway drug concentration and systemic drug absorption and to determine
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	the effect of inhaled statins on naïve airway immune cell populations and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	alveolar-capillary membrane and epithelial barrier integrity in healthy rhesus
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	monkeys. In this particular component of the study, we investigated the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	metabolic effects resulting from the use of statins in these healthy rhesus
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	monkeys. Specifically, the Newman lab analyzed for lipid mediator (oxylipin,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	endocannabinoid, fatty acid, and nitro lipid) in lung and trachea tissue,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	plasma, and BAL and bile acid changes in the lung and trachea tissue and plasma.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	University of California, Davis
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	Internal Medicine
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Zeki
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Amir
PR:ADDRESS                       	2825 J St. Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95816
PR:EMAIL                         	aazeki@ucdavis.edu
PR:PHONE                         	(916) 734-8230
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Statin Immuno-Metabolomics in Asthma (part I)
ST:STUDY_TYPE                    	Placebo-controled trial
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Innovative and novel therapies are urgently needed for the treatment of patients
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	with severe asthma, especially those who are refractory to standard-of-care
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids. The Zeki lab is investigating the
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	role of the mevalonate (MA) pathway, in the pathogenesis of airway inflammation
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	and remodeling. Although statins all inhibit HMGCR in the same manner in terms
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	of enzyme binding site, the statins’ varied physiochemical properties with
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	respect to their polarity (i.e. lipophilicity) result in very different immune
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	and lipid effects. The major significance of this work is to advance a new class
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	of inhaler therapies for asthma; the statins which work by an entirely different
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	mechanism than current ICS/LABA mainstays. Evidence suggests that statins may
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	have an additive benefit to corticosteroids in asthma, thereby confirming a
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	unique mechanism, namely via MVA pathway inhibition. This becomes particularly
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	important in the severe asthma population which is highly
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	corticosteroid-resistant, is poorly controlled with high exacerbation rates and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	hospitalizations, and has the highest healthcare costs of all asthma phenotypes.
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	In essence, the potential public health impact of even an incremental
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	improvement in asthma symptom control cannot be underestimated. Even the
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	prevention of 1 asthma attack preserves lung function and reduces the adverse
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	personal and financial impact. This study aimed to determine if statin polarity
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	affects airway drug concentration and systemic drug absorption and to determine
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	the effect of inhaled statins on naïve airway immune cell populations and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	alveolar-capillary membrane and epithelial barrier integrity in healthy rhesus
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	monkeys. In this particular component of the study, we investigated the
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	metabolic effects resulting from the use of statins in these healthy rhesus
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	monkeys. Specifically, the Newman lab analyzed for lipid mediator (oxylipin,
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	endocannabinoid, fatty acid, and nitro lipid) in lung and trachea tissue,
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	plasma, and BAL and bile acid changes in the lung and trachea tissue and plasma.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	USDA
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	Obesity and metabolism research unit
ST:LABORATORY                    	Newman's Lab
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Newman
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	John
ST:ADDRESS                       	430 West Health Sciences Dr. Davis, Ca, 95616
ST:EMAIL                         	John.Newman@ars.usda.gov
ST:PHONE                         	(530) 752-1009
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Animal
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Macaca mulatta
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9544
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-01	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-33	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-06	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-24	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-11	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-10	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-09	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-04	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-28	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-08	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-23	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-19	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-34	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-02	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-05	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-35	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-25	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-18	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-07	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-30	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-27	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-03	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-14	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-17	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-13	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-32	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-15	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-29	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-26	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-22	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-20	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-31	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	BAL-AZ-21	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 01	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 02	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 03	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 06	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 07	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 08	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 09	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 10	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 13	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 14	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 15	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 16	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 17	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 18	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 21	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 22	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 23	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 24	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 25	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 26	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 29	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 30	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 31	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 32	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 33	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 36	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 37	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 38	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 39	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 40	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 43	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 44	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	AZ 45	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Monkeys were treated with placebo or Provastatin for 12 days. Further, after the
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	wash out period animals were treated with Simvastatin for 12 days. Lung wash
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	fluid was collected at day 0, 8 and 12 of each treatment.
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Bronchoalveolar lavage
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Monkeys were treated (by inhalation) with placebo or Provastatin for 12 days.
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Further, after the wash out period animals were treated with Simvastatin for 12
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	days. Lung wash fluid was collected at day 0, 8 and 12 of each treatment.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Oxylipins, endocannabinoids, and fatty acids were isolated by solid phase
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	extraction on 60 mg Waters Oasis-HLB cartridges (Milford, MA), as previously
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	described by Luria et al (1). Prior to extraction, cartridges were washed with 1
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	column volume ethyl acetate followed by 2 column volumes methanol and
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	conditioned with 2 mL of 95:5 v/v water/methanol (MeOH) with 0.1% acetic acid.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	The column reservoir was spiked with 5 µL anti-oxidant solution, (0.2 mg/ml
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	solution BHT/EDTA in 1:1 MeOH:water), and 10 μL 1000nM analytical surrogates
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	(See Table 2 below for specific compounds). Sample aliquots (500 µL media) were
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	then introduced to the column reservoir and diluted with 1 column volume wash
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	solution (5% MeOH, 0.1% acetic acid) and allowed to gravity extract into tubes
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	containing 10% bleach solution to decontaminate sample waste. SPE cartridges
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	were dried by vacuum @ -7.5in Hg for 20 min. Analytes were then eluted by
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	gravity with 0.5 mL MeOH, followed by 1.25 mL Ethyl Acetate, into 2 mL
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	autosampler vials containing 10 µL 20% glycerol solution in MeOH. Eluent was
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	dried by vacuum evaporation for 35 min, and residues were re-constituted with
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	100uL of 100 nM internal standard solution containing 1-cyclohexyl
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	ureido,3-dodecanoic acid (CUDA) and 1-Phenyl 3-Hexadecanoic Acid Urea (PHAU), in
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	50:50 MeOH:ACN and let sit for 10 min at ambient temperature. Vials were then
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	chilled 15 min on wet ice, and extracts were transferred to a centrifugal filter
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	(0.1 µm Durapore, Millipore, Billerica, MA), centrifuged for 3 min at 6ºC at
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	<4500g (rcf) and transferred to 150 uL glass inserts within 2 mL amber vials,
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	and capped. Extracts were stored at -20ºC until analysis by UPLC-MS/MS. The
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	internal standard was used to quantify the recovery of the deuterated extraction
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	surrogates by ratio response.
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE           	Reversed phase
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Waters Acquity
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	Waters Acquity BEH C18 (100 x 2mm, 1.7um)
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	See protocol/methods file
CH:FLOW_RATE                     	0.25 mL/min
CH:SOLVENT_A                     	0.1% acetic acid
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	90% ACN / 10% IPA
CH:INTERNAL_STANDARD             	See protocol/methods file
CH:RETENTION_TIME                	See protocol/methods file
CH:SAMPLE_INJECTION              	5 µL
CH:ANALYTICAL_TIME               	20 min
CH:WEAK_WASH_SOLVENT_NAME        	20% methanol, 10% isopropanol
CH:WEAK_WASH_VOLUME              	600 µL
CH:STRONG_WASH_SOLVENT_NAME      	50:50 Acetonitrile:Methanol
CH:STRONG_WASH_VOLUME            	600 µL
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	-
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	ABI Sciex 6500 QTrap
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Triple quadrupole
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	NEGATIVE
MS_METABOLITE_DATA:UNITS         	Concentration (nM)
Samples	BAL-AZ-01	BAL-AZ-33	BAL-AZ-06	BAL-AZ-24	BAL-AZ-11	BAL-AZ-10	BAL-AZ-09	BAL-AZ-04	BAL-AZ-28	BAL-AZ-08	BAL-AZ-23	BAL-AZ-19	BAL-AZ-34	BAL-AZ-02	BAL-AZ-05	BAL-AZ-35	BAL-AZ-25	BAL-AZ-18	BAL-AZ-07	BAL-AZ-30	BAL-AZ-27	BAL-AZ-03	BAL-AZ-14	BAL-AZ-17	BAL-AZ-13	BAL-AZ-32	BAL-AZ-15	BAL-AZ-29	BAL-AZ-26	BAL-AZ-12	BAL-AZ-22	BAL-AZ-20	BAL-AZ-31	BAL-AZ-21	AZ 01	AZ 02	AZ 03	AZ 06	AZ 07	AZ 08	AZ 09	AZ 10	AZ 13	AZ 14	AZ 15	AZ 16	AZ 17	AZ 18	AZ 21	AZ 22	AZ 23	AZ 24	AZ 25	AZ 26	AZ 29	AZ 30	AZ 31	AZ 32	AZ 33	AZ 36	AZ 37	AZ 38	AZ 39	AZ 40	AZ 43	AZ 44	AZ 45
Factors	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Simvastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Control | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Right Lung | Time point (day):-	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12	Treatment:Pravastatin | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):8	Treatment:Control | Lung:Left Lung | Time point (day):12
6-keto PGF1a	0.0464	0.0105	0.0093	0.0149	0.0157	0.02	0.0064	0.0156	0.0411	0.0075	0.0152	0.0883	0.018	0.0179	0.005	0.0086	0.0228	0.0035	0.0068	0.0098	0.0044	0.0054	0.0113	0.007	0.0087	0.0106	0.0385	0.0241	0.0217	0.0126	0.0083	0.0155	0.006	0.0445	0.0105	0.0222	0.0284	1.24	0.0279	0.0707	0.0244	0.0498	0.0215	0.0183	0.0132	0.0656	0.0258	0.0291	0.0205	0.0288	0.0083	0.0147	0.107	0.0185	0.547	0.0469	0.0196	0.0254	0.037	0.0572	0.0111	0.331	0.132	0.165	0.0111	0.111	0.0414
TXB2	0.0793	0.0058	0.0042	0.0974	0.0186	0.076	0.0167	0.0247	0.0464	0.0884	0.0224	0.0797	0.0317	0.0454	0.0104	0.025	0.0256	0.0088	0.0013	0.0143	0.0257	0.0245	0.03	0.0134	0.0017	0.0171	0.0389	0.0174	0.028	0.0287	0.0075	0.0659	0.0598	0.0462	0.0049	0.0354	0.0973	0.267	0.247	0.0632	0.0293	0.0474	0.0251	0.0232	0.0555	0.116	0.0859	0.0482	0.116	0.015	0.0241	0.0645	0.111	0.0655	0.881	0.035	0.0242	0.0721	0.107	0.0641	0.0325	0.113	0.167	0.119	0.0144	0.231	0.105
PGE1	0.0095	0	0.0019	0.0058	0.0017	0.0274	0.0017	0.0009	0.0046	0.009	0.0056	0.0169	0.0059	0.003	0.0014	0.0102	0.0072	0.001	0.0013	0.0046	0.0017	0.0019	0.0052	0.0014	0.0005	0.0015	0.0036	0.0019	0.0064	0.0155	0.0002	0.0027	0.0032	0.0041	0.0006	0.04	0.0074	0.0146	0.015	0.0044	0.011	0.0401	0.0249	0.0142	0.0169	0.0107	0.0027	0.111	0.0094	0.0173	0.0095	0.0027	0.0126	0.0058	0.0544	0.0116	0.036	0.0037	0.0054	0.0251	0.0091	0.0165	0.0315	0.0124	0.0232	0.0191	0.0157
PGE2	0.274	0.0073	0.0428	0.122	0.0981	0.334	0.028	0.0375	0.125	0.137	0.0898	0.245	0.0993	0.0827	0.105	0.16	0.12	0.0143	0.0099	0.0874	0.041	0.0597	0.0773	0.0246	0.0217	0.0397	0.0575	0.0391	0.0531	0.206	0.0112	0.0885	0.0385	0.0953	0.0255	0.366	0.17	0.355	0.612	0.141	0.105	0.444	0.286	0.288	0.144	0.22	0.0813	0.853	0.214	0.36	0.0833	0.118	0.255	0.269	0.928	0.235	0.36	0.142	0.197	0.327	0.16	0.322	0.375	0.645	0.214	0.31	0.302
PGD2	0.207	0.0252	0.135	0.271	0.61	0.483	0.0215	0.0302	0.371	0.31	1.22	0.455	0.34	0.0646	0.385	0.318	0.789	0.177	0.0204	0.0909	0.135	0.395	0.187	0.0469	0.0229	0.165	0.365	0.429	0.172	0.114	0.0573	0.269	0.424	0.982	0.0807	1.04	0.124	0.867	0.235	0.671	1.51	0.17	0.376	0.328	0.677	0.177	0.345	1.11	0.367	0.129	1.06	0.0766	1.82	0.526	0.207	1.16	0.661	0.0788	0.287	0.16	0.514	0.264	0.187	0.662	0.64	0.573	0.147
PGF2a	0.0753	0.027	0.0148	0.0701	0.0241	0.161	0.0183	0.0346	0.0611	0.0375	0.0289	0.0846	0.033	0.05	0.0216	0.0398	0.0301	0.015	0.0082	0.0427	0.0129	0.0445	0.0425	0.0101	0.0159	0.0408	0.016	0.0163	0.0194	0.0344	0.016	0.0328	0.0209	0.0257	0.0094	0.0927	0.13	0.244	0.453	0.0868	0.0188	0.108	0.039	0.0299	0.0069	0.0903	0.117	0.121	0.0931	0.0445	0.0214	0.168	0.0413	0.116	0.166	0.117	0.0436	0.099	0.0731	0.0841	0.0237	0.0592	0.156	0.281	0.0218	0.0554	0.0992
11-HETE	0.012	0.0012	0.003	0.0116	0.0034	0.0146	0.0042	0.0027	0.005	0.0066	0.0025	0.0249	0.0035	0.0061	0.0016	0.0083	0.0054	0.0013	0.0015	0.0062	0.0029	0.0035	0.0033	0.0016	0.0011	0.0051	0.0055	0.0032	0.0053	0.0069	0.0015	0.0054	0.0055	0.0041	0.0018	0.0232	0.0197	0.356	0.0539	0.0137	0.01	0.0113	0.0171	0.0172	0.0114	0.0289	0.0181	0.0321	0.0389	0.0092	0.0202	0.0094	0.0223	0.018	0.11	0.0222	0.0087	0.0104	0.028	0.0267	0.0111	0.0295	0.0444	0.227	0.0067	0.0801	0.0213
Lipoxin A4	0.0138	0.0026	0.012	0.0125	0.011	0.0154	0.0027	0.0165	0.0068	0.0115	0.0114	0.0182	0.0086	0.0127	0.0173	0.0121	0.0115	0.0161	0.0014	0.0152	0.0134	0.0175	0.0109	0.0156	0.0104	0.0141	0.0209	0.012	0.0105	0.0156	0.0089	0.0109	0.0126	0.0127																																	
6-trans-LTB4	0.0075																															0.0073			0.0037	0.0217	0.0065	0.0719	0.145	0.0062	0.0047	0.0093	0.0055	0.0024	0.0016	0.0118	0.0096	0.0072	0.0186	0.0017	0.005	0.0136	0.0118	0.057	0.016	0.0372	0.0089	0.0096	0.023	0.0577	0.0046	0.0036	0.0513	0.0583	0.004	0.0428	0.0071
LTB4	0.0503	0.0013	0.0025	0.0304	0.0026	0.0239	0.0042	0.002	0.01	0.0054	0.0029	0.0109	0.0089	0.0087	0.0068	0.0047	0.0048	0.0078	0.0022	0.0056	0.0023	0.0058	0.0044	0.0006	0.0005	0.02	0.001	0.0099	0.0077	0.007	0.0011	0.0597	0.0054	0.0084	0.0035	0.0302	0.0344	0.167	0.228	0.0159	0.0018	0.0084	0.0104	0.0163	0.0154	0.0317	0.0159	0.0222	0.085	0.001	0.0072	0.0117	0.0392	0.293	0.0184	0.0123	0.0306	0.0091	0.0658	0.199	0.0128	0.0059	0.237	0.166	0.0176	0.0451	0.0133
SUM-TriHOME	0.119	0.0343	0.0267	0.0792	0.0267	0.068	0.0609	0.0516	0.0359	0.0433	0.03	0.0916	0.0425	0.11	0.028	0.0679	0.0314	0.0223	0.041	0.0582	0.0525	0.0377	0.05	0.026	0.0253	0.067	0.0265	0.0276	0.0443	0.0314	0.0392	0.0353	0.0409	0.0365	0.0517	0.0617	0.17	1.28	0.297	0.367	0.139	0.382	0.28	0.157	0.183	0.24	0.291	0.254	0.362	0.173	0.298	0.369	0.348	0.346	0.713	0.332	0.273	0.56	0.462	0.961	0.392	0.436	0.517	0.791	0.354	0.563	0.405
12_13-DiHOME	0.0252	0.0245	0.0142	0.0234	0.0149	0.0185	0.0215	0.0171	0.0167	0.0141	0.0159	0.0266	0.019	0.0237	0.0151	0.0127	0.0164	0.0159	0.0333	0.019	0.0282	0.0245	0.0152	0.0153	0.0011	0.0268	0.0095	0.0103	0.0173	0.0187	0.0208	0.0208	0.0158	0.0156	0.0049	0.0101	0.0867	0.117	0.0443	0.0948	0.0303	0.0606	0.039	0.0112	0.0287	0.06	0.0504	0.018	0.0674	0.0542	0.041	0.0472	0.0429	0.0456	0.0802	0.0195	0.0484	0.0987	0.0871	0.0429	0.0203	0.0572	0.0421	0.181	0.0439	0.0207	0.0529
9_10-DiHOME	0.0569	0.0418	0.0269	0.0516	0.0299	0.0425	0.0419	0.034	0.0394	0.0284	0.0295	0.0603	0.0442	0.0413	0.0288	0.0291	0.0334	0.0287	0.0553	0.0389	0.0581	0.0524	0.0287	0.0277	0.0062	0.0565	0.021	0.0207	0.032	0.0318	0.0357	0.0396	0.0264	0.0284	0.0114	0.0227	0.144	0.209	0.0693	0.133	0.0438	0.0896	0.0583	0.0221	0.0452	0.103	0.0718	0.0268	0.1	0.0804	0.0709	0.0723	0.0692	0.0733	0.124	0.0264	0.0753	0.152	0.134	0.0942	0.0365	0.0808	0.0698	0.308	0.0671	0.0401	0.0791
15_16-DiHODE	0.002	0.0009	0.0003	0.0076	0.0014	0.0002	0.0013		0.0008	0.0005	0.0007	0.0011	0.0038		0.0005		0	0.0003	0.0027	0.0049	0.0003	0.001	0.0003					0.0013	0.0016	0.0044	0.0002	0.0047		0.0023	0.0018	0.0005	0.0258	0.0161	0.0083	0.0045		0.0055	0.0029	0.0018	0.0027	0.0252	0.0173	0.0031	0.0086	0.0034	0.0046	0.0091	0.0019	0.0036	0.0079	0.0013	0.005	0.0071	0.0007	0.0149	0.0023	0.0055	0.0092	0.0354	0.0014	0.0055	0.0028
9_10-DiHODE	0	0		0.0003			0.0003					0.0002	0.0001				0.0001				0.0002	0.0002												0.0001	0.0001	0.0007	0.0057	0.0056	0.003	0.0036	0.0008	0.003	0.0014		0.0015	0.0031	0.0033	0.0002	0.0029	0.0033	0.0016	0.0022	0.0019	0.0018	0.0037	0.001	0.0018	0.0047	0.003	0.0037	0.0002	0.0015	0.002	0.0084	0.0012	0.0004	0.0021
14_15-DiHETrE	0.0018	0.001	0.0016	0.0022	0.0014	0.0015	0.0003	0.0004	0.0012	0.0007	0.0008	0.0028	0.0015	0.0008	0.0011	0.0008	0.0023	0.0014	0	0.0019	0.001	0.0014	0.0005	0.0003	0.0004	0.0007	0.0004	0.0016	0.0012	0.0015	0.001	0.0019	0.0008	0.0017		0.003	0.0026	0.0102	0.0036	0.0049	0.0025	0.0069	0.0008	0.0016	0.0047	0.0054	0.0016	0.0026	0.002	0.0027	0.0044		0.0032	0.0028	0.0089	0.0069	0.0018	0.0016	0.0016	0.0087	0.0015	0.0011		0.0075	0.0002	0.0016	0.0002
11_12-DiHETrE	0.0037		0.0005	0.0025	0.0005	0.0022	0.0003		0.001		0.0005	0.0046	0.0013	0.0002	0		0.0022	0.0002		0.0003	0.0001	0.0002		0				0.0007	0.0008	0.0009		0.0011	0.0002	0.001	0.0002	0.0063	0.0046	0.0194	0.0029	0.0056	0.0006	0.0024	0.0002	0.0018	0.0027	0.005	0.0026	0.002	0.007	0.0019	0.003	0.0008	0.0018	0.0085	0.0047	0.0064	0.0013	0.005	0.0026	0.0037	0.0045	0.0002	0.0024	0.0211	0.0006	0.0036	0.0034
19_20-DiHDoPA	0.0022	0.0012	0.0002	0.0069	0.0012	0.0009		0.0008	0.0009	0.0026	0.0008	0.0022	0.0033	0.0001	0.0004		0.0009	0.0002		0.005	0.0004	0.0012	0.0002				0.0003	0.0022	0.0005	0.0048	0.0016	0.0017		0.0016	0.0009	0.0091	0.0072	0.0131	0.0051	0.004	0.0009	0.0053	0.0023	0.0029	0.0061	0.0108	0.0045	0.0009	0.0039	0.0087	0.0084	0.0021	0.0102	0.0078	0.0251	0.0054	0.0092	0.0056	0.0077	0.0047	0.0031	0.0101	0.0086	0.0304	0.0013	0.0082	0.0072
13-HODE	0.207	0.0526	0.0629	0.219	0.0511	0.127	0.164	0.145	0.124	0.0834	0.0803	0.217	0.103	0.196	0.0506	0.155	0.0932	0.0461	0.049	0.255	0.0904	0.0658	0.0563	0.0525	0.0477	0.163	0.0746	0.0699	0.0896	0.0802	0.0628	0.0905	0.0977	0.0809	0.105	0.222	0.235	5.87	0.394	0.204	0.101	0.17	0.143	0.165	0.0975	0.235	0.424	0.222	0.492	0.137	0.165	0.196	0.28	0.253	1.23	0.188	0.17	0.194	0.538	1.71	0.23	0.863	0.464	2.51	0.129	1.37	0.389
9-HODE	0.0887	0.0328	0.0315	0.0911	0.0308	0.0781	0.0456	0.0464	0.0618	0.0331	0.04	0.192	0.0411	0.0596	0.033	0.0379	0.0441	0.0241	0.0282	0.0733	0.0538	0.0552	0.0416	0.0321	0.0226	0.0615	0.029	0.0432	0.0537	0.0392	0.0312	0.0477	0.0547	0.0416	0.0774	0.108	0.207	3.74	0.305	0.115	0.0864	0.0687	0.108	0.0888	0.0728	0.187	0.141	0.137	0.193	0.0769	0.134	0.099	0.172	0.152	0.63	0.141	0.0833	0.129	0.294	0.555	0.0868	0.534	0.282	1.59	0.0705	0.726	0.148
13-HOTE	0.0051		0.0007	0.0108		0.004	0.0064		0.0003	0.001	0.0001	0.0021	0.0004	0.003		0.0021	0.0004	0		0.0063	0.0006				0.0008	0.0002			0.0014				0.0007	0.0002	0.0087	0.0021	0.0044	0.128	0.0129	0.005	0.0044	0.0074	0.0067	0.0043	0.0038	0.0043	0.0198	0.0012	0.0145	0.0048	0.0075	0.0069	0.0085	0.0052	0.0254	0.0168	0.004	0.0005	0.0084	0.205	0.0109	0.0339	0.0162	0.0156	0.0031	0.0291	0.0084
20-HETE	0.0153		0.0012	0.0089	0.0042	0.0053	0.0005	0.0048	0.0018	0.0032	0.0001	0.0005		0.0019	0.0061				0.0025	0.029	0.004	0.0011	0.0077	0.0023		0.0051	0.0021		0.0031	0.0055	0.0002	0.0019																																			
15-HETE	0.0217	0	0.0023	0.0301	0.0023	0.0199	0.0089	0.0064	0.0107	0.0062	0.0019	0.0536	0.0047	0.0137	0.001	0.0224	0.0069			0.0214	0.0072	0.0031	0.0005			0.0036	0.0072	0.0041	0.0073	0.008		0.0063	0.0085	0.0006	0.0055	0.0401	0.0505	0.612	0.0484	0.0285	0.0075	0.0208	0.0076	0.0189	0.0103	0.076	0.0434	0.0313	0.0912	0.0173	0.0164	0.0141	0.0305	0.0421	0.2	0.046	0.0124	0.0303	0.135	0.0653	0.0278	0.0555	0.103	0.713	0.0071	0.228	0.0547
12-HETE	0.407	0.0352	0.0867	0.342	0.0205	0.185	0.399	0.328	0.262	0.131	0.0863	0.14	0.178	0.533	0.0395	0.3	0.108	0.0014	0.0133	0.635	0.071	0.0308	0.0174	0.0047	0.031	0.219	0.199	0.0825	0.0633	0.133	0.0344	0.159	0.118	0.0663	0.0251	0.282	0.196	4.2	0.291	0.362	0.0564	0.489	0.0557	0.285	0.0755	0.476	0.59	0.208	1.03	0.28	0.0152	0.0953	0.712	0.602	3.68	0.143	0.197	0.378	1.39	0.954	0.362	0.795	0.311	2.6	0.108	2.62	1.28
8-HETE	0.0034		0.0011	0.0041		0.0016	0.0017	0.0025	0.0005			0.0051	0.0001	0.0024		0.0042	0.001			0.002							0.0005		0.0023	0.0013		0.001	0.001	0.0007	0.0016	0.0205	0.0134	0.238	0.0441	0.0083	0.0067	0.0049	0.0039	0.005	0.0003	0.0145	0.0126	0.0051	0.0283	0.0063	0.0092		0.0047	0.0154	0.0732	0.0186		0.0127	0.0113	0.0299	0.0038	0.015	0.0389	0.13		0.0804	0.0079
5-HETE	0.0587	0.0056	0.0141	0.0963	0.012	0.0535	0.012	0.0059	0.0377	0.0077	0.0091	0.0997	0.0151	0.0316	0.0217	0.0116	0.0177	0.0063	0.0045	0.0159	0.0114	0.0156	0.0068	0.0038	0.0035	0.0303	0.0032	0.0242	0.0148	0.0125	0.0066	0.103	0.0192	0.0305	0.0115	0.309	0.12	0.552	1.09	0.0611	0.0959	0.0164	0.118	0.0291	0.0262	0.13	0.0887	0.0799	0.278	0.0112	0.0148	0.0248	0.13	0.437	0.197	0.306	0.0342	0.029	0.123	0.449	0.0269	0.0306	0.634	0.742	0.033	0.353	0.0365
14-HDoHE	0.112	0.0021	0.0064	0.122	0.0022	0.0386	0.104	0.0474	0.0275	0.0198	0.0198	0.0349	0.059	0.115	0.0046	0.0652	0.0216	0.0001	0.0052	0.14	0.0163	0.0016	0.0006	0.0005	0.0023	0.041	0.0304	0.0124	0.0177	0.0377	0.0016	0.0164	0.0157	0.0056	0.0058	0.0707	0.0393	0.95	0.0608	0.0775	0.0134	0.109	0.0103	0.0637	0.0144	0.0871	0.111	0.0428	0.359	0.0652	0.0018	0.0231	0.0849	0.123	0.445	0.0308	0.0518	0.139	0.45	0.175	0.0827	0.155	0.075	0.41	0.0142	0.38	0.234
4-HDoHE	0.0009		0.0006	0.0047	0.0007	0.0001				0.0007		0.0077	0.0007	0.002	0	0.0015				0.0011	0.0006		0.0004				0.0001		0.0111	0.0003		0.0013	0.0038		0.0019	0.0259	0.0336	0.11	0.0683	0.0095	0.0139	0.0034	0.0127	0.0029	0.0076	0.0393	0.0096	0.0058	0.0248	0.0067	0.0017	0.0158	0.0175	0.0048	0.0912	0.0286	0.0047	0.0067	0.028	0.0117	0.0041	0.0165	0.0577	0.123	0.0068	0.0876	0.0219
12(13)-EpOME	0.269	0.245	0.2	0.335	0.179	0.283	0.187	0.195	0.201	0.179	0.164	0.269	0.208	0.278	0.174	0.122	0.185	0.156	0.245	0.313	0.303	0.256	0.231	0.215	0.0237	0.317	0.145	0.192	0.166	0.225	0.246	0.269	0.139	0.185	0.0341	0.063	0.293	0.555	0.0631	0.0785	0.0414	0.0659	0.0462	0.0619	0.0632	0.28	0.179	0.0974	0.173	0.0499	0.0613	0.0634	0.0929	0.112	0.266	0.0332	0.056	0.222	0.198	0.222	0.046	0.106	0.228	0.667	0.0416	0.247	0.099
9(10)-EpOME	0.233	0.23	0.171	0.308	0.156	0.234	0.148	0.182	0.175	0.163	0.133	0.207	0.147	0.241	0.145	0.0964	0.166	0.139	0.22	0.257	0.239	0.204	0.186	0.192	0.027	0.283	0.12	0.178	0.155	0.188	0.225	0.218	0.135	0.173	0.0257	0.0541	0.314	0.698	0.0408	0.0551	0.047	0.0523	0.0374	0.0533	0.0535	0.257	0.16	0.0738	0.152	0.0565	0.0441	0.0703	0.0929	0.108	0.295	0.03	0.0456	0.233	0.209	0.218	0.0284	0.11	0.218	0.759	0.0296	0.264	0.0777
12(13)-Ep-9-KODE	0.0559	0.0091	0.025	0.0296	0.0131	0.0244	0.0193	0.0283	0.0093	0.0237	0.0255	0.116	0.0194	0.0635	0.0195	0.0284	0.0308	0.0503	0.0115	0.0629	0.0461	0.0229	0.0526	0.0395	0.0241	0.0309	0.0154	0.0201	0.041	0.0272	0.0359	0.0321	0.0553	0.0384	0.0588	0.0667	0.0446	12.2	0.088	0.0535	0.112	0.125	0.0481	0.0683	0.0729	0.0416	0.075	0.0819	0.0586	0.0913	0.0788	0.0843	0.148	0.0242	1.86	0.0522	0.0498	0.0648	0.13	0.139	0.0646	0.349	0.419	1.74	0.0927	1.66	0.0959
12(13)-EpODE	0.0008	0.0008	0.0003	0.0004	0.0002		0.0001	0.0006		0.0004		0.0009		0.0007	0.0013	0.0007	0.0005		0.0005			0.0005	0.0002			0.0001	0.0006	0.0004	0.0006	0.0004	0.0008	0.0004	0.0009	0.0006	0.0001	0.0004	0.0037	0.0099	0.0025	0.0006	0.0012	0.0021	0.0006	0	0.0053	0.0039	0.0027		0.0019	0.003	0.0064	0.0025	0.0016	0.0016	0.0048	0.001	0.0011	0.0047	0.0024	0.0048	0.0004	0.0031	0.003	0.0107	0.0001	0.0031	0.0011
9(10)-EpODE	0.0001	0.0009	0.0017	0.0027	0.0007	0.0019	0.001		0.0004	0.0007	0.001	0.0021		0.0009	0.0006	0.0004	0.0001	0.0016	0.0017	0.0003	0.0008	0.0019		0.0001	0.0004		0.0012	0.0008		0.0012	0.0021	0.0006	0.0001	0.0021	0.0021	0.0023	0.0048	0.0874	0.0013	0.0032	0.0029	0.0017	0.0052	0.0031	0.0057	0.0048	0.0038	0.0025	0.0043	0.0012	0.0038	0.0017	0.0043	0.0031	0.0121	0.0017	0.003	0.0054	0.0103	0.0084	0.0007	0.0055	0.0043	0.0901	0.0008	0.0118	0.0015
14(15)-EpETrE	0.0155	0.0085	0.0076	0.0181	0.003	0.0126	0.0108	0.0058	0.0057	0.0027	0.0033	0.0239	0.0049	0.0067	0.0044	0.0065	0.004	0.0019	0.0051	0.01	0.0069	0.0027	0.0017	0.0016	0.0025	0.0104	0.0006	0.0039	0.0063	0.0027	0.0063	0.0096	0.0039	0.003	0.0063	0.0159	0.0328	0.0669	0.0104	0.0132	0.0111	0.0077	0.0041	0.0032	0.0048	0.0264	0.0204	0.0155	0.0339	0.0049	0.0043	0.0132	0.0089	0.0239	0.0317	0.014	0.0014	0.0305	0.0309	0.0179	0.0082	0.0119	0.0371	0.129	0.0048	0.0431	0.0144
11(12)-EpETrE	0.0086	0.006	0.0027	0.012	0.0013	0.0048	0.0054	0.0028	0.003	0.0021	0.0011	0.0175	0.0018	0.0067	0.0024	0.003	0.002	0.0021	0.0026	0.0049	0.005	0.0013	0.0014	0.0011	0.0017	0.0044	0.001	0.0014	0.0016	0.0017	0.003	0.004	0.0031	0.0007	0.0018	0.0282	0.0221	0.0492	0.0081	0.0069	0.0201	0.0081	0.0105	0.0042	0.0096	0.0174	0.0135	0.0069	0.0249	0.0067	0.0064	0.005	0.0109	0.0174	0.0248	0.0054	0.0009	0.0223	0.0239	0.0139	0.0039	0.0051	0.0351	0.101	0.0057	0.0382	0.0131
8(9)-EpETrE	0.0026	0.0038	0.0017	0.0077	0.0007	0.0036	0.0033	0.0007	0.0012	0.0029	0.0009	0.0087	0.0014	0.0044	0.0012	0.0029	0.0007	0.0033	0.0025	0.0051	0.0021	0.0001	0.0009	0.0008	0.0016	0.0062	0.0012	0.0007	0.0011	0.0016	0.0015	0.0046	0.0007	0.0007		0.0109	0.0134	0.0732		0.0026	0.0095	0.0085		0.0031	0.0033	0.0149	0.0094	0.0004	0.0213	0.0118	0.0023		0.0031	0.013	0.0272	0.0023		0.0245	0.0327	0.0164			0.0418	0.157	0.0017	0.0487	0.0077
19(20)-EpDPE	0.0032	0.0006	0.0003	0.0061		0.0032	0.0002	0.0027	0.0002	0.0002		0.0047	0.0019	0.0006	0.0011	0.0014	0.0012	0.0013	0.0004	0.0021	0.0015					0.0004		0.0001	0.0018	0.0011	0.0009				0.0051	0.0072	0.0157	0.016	0.0048	0.0035	0.0056	0.0047	0.006	0.0013	0.0074	0.0097	0.0054	0.0041	0.0023	0.0042	0.009	0.012	0.0076	0.0023	0.0089	0.004	0.0031	0.0105	0.0184	0.008	0.0028	0.0069	0.0152	0.04	0.0014	0.0102	0.0078
13-KODE	0.0169	0.018	0.0033	0.036	0.0358	0.0118	0.0138	0.0355	0.0164	0.0094	0.0249	0.0332	0.0225	0.0442	0.0147	0.0107	0.0019	0.0046	0.0509	0.0507	0.014	0.0233	0.0277	0.0221	0.0072	0.0438	0.0186	0.0234	0.0102	0.0122	0.0323	0.0158	0.0082	0.0369	0.0154	0.0219	0.0855	9.01	0.0804	0.0338	0.0209	0.0376	0.0185	0.0322	0.0134	0.0555	0.109	0.0473	0.0445	0.0197	0.0362	0.0446	0.0722	0.041	1.14	0.0612	0.011	0.0721	0.207	0.0868	0.0471	0.269	0.296	4.97	0.0164	0.906	0.0873
9-KODE	0.0649	0.089	0.0534	0.164	0.0867	0.0886	0.075	0.107	0.12	0.0712	0.0592	0.187	0.081	0.102	0.0808	0.0503	0.0541	0.0505	0.153	0.135	0.0638	0.158	0.0745	0.0863	0.0386	0.179	0.0736	0.0825	0.11	0.0749	0.136	0.117	0.101	0.106	0.0548	0.119	0.257	24.6	0.287	0.135	0.134	0.0744	0.147	0.0911	0.0778	0.215	0.196	0.135	0.221	0.0925	0.149	0.137	0.234	0.132	2.8	0.204	0.0702	0.129	0.531	0.354	0.0997	0.851	0.711	11.5	0.0646	2.49	0.22
5-KETE	0.0126	0.0001	0.0005	0.009	0.0007	0.0047	0.0017	0.0003	0.0065	0.0006	0.0006	0.0167	0.0018	0.0039	0.0021	0.0025	0.003	0.0002	0.0008	0.0026	0.0017	0.0031	0.0008	0.0005	0.0003	0.0106	0.0005	0.0063	0.0062	0.0022	0.0016	0.015	0.0073	0.0036	0.0013	0.0264	0.0125	0.363	0.0502	0.0107	0.0073	0.005	0.0045	0.0081	0.0078	0.0136	0.0253	0.0202	0.0192	0.0043	0.009	0.0088	0.0162	0.0252	0.16	0.0159	0.0068	0.006	0.0214	0.0536	0.0039	0.0187	0.111	1.31	0.0041	0.189	0.0219
15-Keto PGE2																																			0.0008	0.0013	0.0752	0.133	0.0588	0.197	0.0462	0.0251	0.0306	0.002	0.0246	0.0602	0.0418	0.003	0.062	0.0606	0.0796	0.0456	0.0437	0.0623	0.115	0.0015	0.0529	0.0929	0.0784	0.003	0.0024	0.0497	0.0224	0.413	0.018	0.0175	0.0292
15-deoxy PGJ2																																			0.0068	0.0073	0.0142	0.0052	0.0115	0.006	0.0065	0.0072	0.0059	0.0063	0.0083	0.0072	0.0053	0.0066	0.0039	0.0084	0.0072	0.0139	0.0061	0.006	0.0104	0.0068	0.0061	0.0058	0.0092	0.0065	0.0071	0.0049	0.0063	0.0142	0.0049	0.0077	0.0057
LTB5																																			0.0004	0.0005	0.0012	0.0022	0.0034	0.0007	0.0004	0.0007	0.0005	0.0006	0.0008	0.0008	0.0005	0.0006	0.002	0.0006	0.0011	0.0014	0.0012	0.0052	0.0007	0.0007	0.0007	0.0005	0.0024	0.0021	0.0006	0.0004	0.0027	0.0029	0.0005	0.0005	0.0006
5_15-DiHETE																																			0.0407	0.116	0.0047	0.0192	0.131	0.0013	0.0022	0.0542	0.0607	0.0819	0.085	0.0024	0.0011	0.1	0.003	0.084	0.0996	0.0562	0.091	0.0049	0.0814	0.0796	0.0756	0.0045		0.11	0.0552	0.0861	0.0971		0.049	0.0881	0.0548
8_15-DiHETE																																			0.0009	0.0038	0.0005	0.0947	0.0192	0.0072	0.0139	0.0073		0.0215	0.0134	0.0112	0.0204		0.0078	0.0134	0.0586	0.0555	0.0206	0.0087	0.0124	0.0215	0.0019		0.0265	0.0011	0.0321	0.03	0.0221	0.0427	0.0011	0.0206	0.0253
Resolvin D1																																																																			
9_10-e-DiHO																																			0.845	4	6.94	12	11.7	11.5	1.96	12.8	5.94	4.99	6.15	6.27	6.06	8.6	8.84	2.76	8.96	12	13.3	7.8	10.4	13.5	3.2	22	14.1	15	12.2	13	14.9	21.6	13.4	1.67	10.7
9-HOTE																																			0.0007	0.0042	0.0039	0.0506	0.0043	0.0007	0.0011	0.0018	0.0024	0.0018	0.0035	0.0029	0.0025	0.0023	0.0022	0.0016	0.002	0.0027	0.0013	0.0013	0.0036	0.0031	0.001	0.0036	0.0032	0.0165	0.0013	0.0083	0.0047	0.0166	0.0012	0.0087	0.0034
9-HETE																																			0.0008	0.0033	0.0025	0.172	0.0434	0.0054	0.0123	0.0104	0.0075	0.0135	0.0032	0.0193	0.0109	0.0041	0.0089	0.0013	0.0117	0.015	0.0203	0.005	0.0376	0.0189	0.0028	0.0102	0.0081	0.016	0.0023	0.0168	0.0283	0.105	0.0014	0.0515	0.0108
15-HEPE																																			0.0003	0.0186	0.0208	0.0529	0.0136	0.0071	0.0065	0.0044	0.0002	0.0034	0.0048	0.0068	0.0059	0.0013	0.0162	0.0049	0.0015	0.0044	0.007	0.0154	0.0256	0.0061		0.0054	0.0136	0.0096	0.0021	0.0059	0.0055	0.0618		0.0258	0.0096
12-HEPE																																			0.0006	0.0059	0.0039	0.149	0.0069	0.0192	0.0021	0.0153	0.0026	0.012	0.0046	0.0143	0.0231	0.0085	0.0625	0.0109	0.0016	0.002	0.0178	0.0237	0.0803	0.0041	0.0057	0.0138	0.0643	0.0274	0.016	0.0245	0.0128	0.0807	0.0033	0.0617	0.0343
17-HDoHE																																				0.0144	0.0122	0.366	0.0018	0.0079		0.0356	0.0095	0.0184			0.0282	0.0235	0.0765	0.0025	0.0137	0.0164	0.0336	0.0076	0.104		0.0018	0.0069	0.0263	0.0213	0.0059	0.0191	0.0281	0.0739	0.0002	0.0675	0.0652
9_10-EpO																																			0.359	0.362	0.654	1.64	1.4	1.34	0.35	2.36	0.942	0.922	1.3	1.25	0.908	1.59	1.73	0.653	1.75	2.22	1.23	0.539	1.19	2.02	0.419	2.23	1.92	1.98	1.7	1.64	1.99	2.39	1.34	0.634	1.41
15(16)-EpODE																																					0.0078	0.0146	0.0022	0.0021		0.0065			0.0067	0.0117	0.0162		0.0131		0.0053	0.0065	0.003	0.0018	0.0047	0.0025	0.0033	0.0079	0.0041	0.0307	0.007	0.0118	0.0137	0.123	0.006	0.0055	0.0024
15-KETE																																			0.0041	0.0061	0.0108	0.319	0.0313	0.174	0.0115	0.0067	0.0041	0.0052	0.0063	0.0162	0.142	0.0212	0.0196	0.0014	0.0015	0.0041	0.0006	0.0102	0.0996	0.0092		0.0109	0.104	0.0458	0.0003	0.0276	0.0674	1.56	0.0004	0.134	0.0262
6-keto PGF1a
Lipoxin A4
15-Keto PGE2
15-deoxy PGJ2
Resolvin D1