#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH alg7534_20170901_124312 DATATRACK_ID:1231 STUDY_ID:ST000891 ANALYSIS_ID:AN001453 PROJECT_ID:PR000620 VERSION 1 CREATED_ON November 9, 2017, 9:40 am #PROJECT PR:PROJECT_TITLE Comparison of 1d NOESY presat and optimized PURGE for urine analysis PR:PROJECT_TYPE NMR pulse sequence comparison with biological samples PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY The pulse sequence commonly used for NMR metabolomics, 1D NOESY presat, and an PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY optimized PURGE pulse sequence, are compared with 10 urine samples.These 10 PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY urine samples came from quality control pooled Mormon women urine (OH2050F) and PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY were frozed at -80°C before analysis. All 10 samples were technical replicate, PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY coming from the same pool and sumitted to the same treatment before NMR PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY analysis. PR:INSTITUTE University of Georgia PR:DEPARTMENT Complex Carbohydrates Research Center PR:LABORATORY Complex Carbohydrates Research Center PR:LAST_NAME Edison PR:FIRST_NAME Arthur PR:ADDRESS 315 Riverbend Road 30602 Athens GA PR:EMAIL aedison@uga.edu PR:PHONE +1-706-542-8156 #STUDY ST:STUDY_TITLE NMR comparison of urine samples by 1D NOESY presat and PURGE ST:STUDY_TYPE NMR development for metabolomics ST:STUDY_SUMMARY Different water suppression pulse sequences, namely 1D NOESY presat and ST:STUDY_SUMMARY optimized PURGE were compared for urine samples. The original PURGE sequence was ST:STUDY_SUMMARY also tested to show the postential for lineshape distortions with the pulse ST:STUDY_SUMMARY sequence. ST:INSTITUTE University of Georgia ST:DEPARTMENT Complex Carbohydrates Research Center ST:LABORATORY Complex Carbohydrates Research Center ST:LAST_NAME Edison ST:FIRST_NAME Arthur ST:ADDRESS 315 Riverbend Road 30602 Athens GA ST:EMAIL aedison@uga.edu ST:PHONE +1-706-542-8156 ST:NUM_GROUPS 1 ST:TOTAL_SUBJECTS 10 #SUBJECT SU:SUBJECT_TYPE Human SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES Homo sapiens SU:TAXONOMY_ID 9606 #SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS: SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - UR41 SampleType:Urine SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - UR42 SampleType:Urine SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - UR43 SampleType:Urine SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - UR44 SampleType:Urine SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - UR45 SampleType:Urine SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - UR46 SampleType:Urine SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - UR47 SampleType:Urine SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - UR48 SampleType:Urine SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - UR49 SampleType:Urine SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - UR50 SampleType:Urine #COLLECTION CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY N/A #TREATMENT TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY N/A #SAMPLEPREP SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Mixing 540 ?L of urine with 60 ?L D2O potassium buffer + DSS SP:EXTRACT_STORAGE -80 C #CHROMATOGRAPHY CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE - CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME - CH:COLUMN_NAME - #ANALYSIS AN:ACQUISITION_PARAMETERS_FILE urine-paper-160923/NOESYPR1D | urine-paper-160923/PURGE_OPTIMIZED | urine-paper-160923/NOESYGPPR1D | urine-paper-160923/PURGE Raw File(s) (filename or directory) | urine-paper-160923/NOESYPR1D | urine-paper-160923/PURGE_OPTIMIZED | urine-paper-160923/NOESYGPPR1D | urine-paper-160923/PURGE AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE NMR #NMR NM:INSTRUMENT_NAME Bruker Avance III NM:INSTRUMENT_TYPE FT-NMR NM:NMR_EXPERIMENT_TYPE 1D-1H NM:NMR_COMMENTS 4 spectra per sample: the first is the noesypr1d, then an optimized version of NM:NMR_COMMENTS PURGE, then noesygppr1d, and finally the original PURGE (called zgpurge by NM:NMR_COMMENTS Bruker) NM:FIELD_FREQUENCY_LOCK 2824.58 Hz NM:SPECTROMETER_FREQUENCY 600 MHz NM:NMR_PROBE TCI 600 H-C/N-D NM:NMR_SOLVENT H2O+D2O (90/10) potassium buffer NM:NMR_TUBE_SIZE 5 mm NM:SHIMMING_METHOD Topshim NM:PULSE_SEQUENCE noesypr1d NM:WATER_SUPPRESSION Presaturation NM:PULSE_WIDTH 19.94 ?L NM:POWER_LEVEL 5.5584 W NM:RECEIVER_GAIN 90.5 NM:OFFSET_FREQUENCY 2824.58 Hz NM:PRESATURATION_POWER_LEVEL 0.000088411 W NM:CHEMICAL_SHIFT_REF_CPD TSP NM:TEMPERATURE 300 K NM:NUMBER_OF_SCANS 32 NM:DUMMY_SCANS 4 NM:ACQUISITION_TIME 2.726 NM:RELAXATION_DELAY 4 s NM:SPECTRAL_WIDTH 20.03 ppm NM:NUM_DATA_POINTS_ACQUIRED 65536 NM:REAL_DATA_POINTS 32768 NM:LINE_BROADENING 0.3 Hz NM:ZERO_FILLING 131072 NM:APODIZATION Gaussian NM:BASELINE_CORRECTION_METHOD Polynomial order 2 NM:CHEMICAL_SHIFT_REF_STD DSS #END