#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH jwalejko_20180820_130944 DATATRACK_ID:1478 STUDY_ID:ST001038 ANALYSIS_ID:AN001699 PROJECT_ID:PR000695 VERSION 1 CREATED_ON August 21, 2018, 12:09 pm #PROJECT PR:PROJECT_TITLE Global Metabolomics of the Placenta Reveals Distinct Metabolic Profiles between PR:PROJECT_TITLE Maternal and Fetal Placental Tissues Following Delivery in Non-Labored Women PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY We evaluated the metabolic alterations in maternal and fetal placental tissues PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY from non-labored women undergoing cesarean section using samples collected from PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY 5 min to 24 h following delivery. Using 1H-NMR, we identified 14 metabolites PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY that significantly differed between maternal and fetal placental tissues PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY (FDR-corrected p-value < 0.05), with 12 metabolites elevated in the maternal PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY tissue, reflecting the flux of these metabolites from mother to fetus. In the PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY maternal tissue, 4 metabolites were significantly altered at 15 min, 10 PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY metabolites at 30 min, and 16 metabolites at 1 h postdelivery, while 11 PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY metabolites remained stable over 24 h. In contrast, in the fetal placenta PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY tissue, 1 metabolite was significantly altered at 15 min, 2 metabolites at 30 PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY min, and 4 metabolites at 1 h postdelivery, while 22 metabolites remained stable PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY over 24 h. Our study provides information on the metabolic profiles of maternal PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY and fetal placental tissues delivered by cesarean section and reveals that there PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY are different metabolic alterations in the maternal and fetal tissues of the PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY placenta following delivery. PR:INSTITUTE University of Georgia PR:DEPARTMENT Complex Carbohydrate Research Center PR:LAST_NAME Edison PR:FIRST_NAME Arthur PR:ADDRESS 315 Riverbend Rd, Athens, GA, 30602 PR:EMAIL aedison@uga.edu PR:PHONE NA #STUDY ST:STUDY_TITLE Global Metabolomics of the Placenta Reveals Distinct Metabolic Profiles between ST:STUDY_TITLE Maternal and Fetal Placental Tissues Following Delivery in Non-Labored Women ST:STUDY_TYPE Timecourse ST:STUDY_SUMMARY We evaluated the metabolic alterations in maternal and fetal placental tissues ST:STUDY_SUMMARY from non-labored women undergoing cesarean section using samples collected from ST:STUDY_SUMMARY 5 min to 24 h following delivery. Using 1H-NMR, we identified 14 metabolites ST:STUDY_SUMMARY that significantly differed between maternal and fetal placental tissues ST:STUDY_SUMMARY (FDR-corrected p-value < 0.05), with 12 metabolites elevated in the maternal ST:STUDY_SUMMARY tissue, reflecting the flux of these metabolites from mother to fetus. In the ST:STUDY_SUMMARY maternal tissue, 4 metabolites were significantly altered at 15 min, 10 ST:STUDY_SUMMARY metabolites at 30 min, and 16 metabolites at 1 h postdelivery, while 11 ST:STUDY_SUMMARY metabolites remained stable over 24 h. In contrast, in the fetal placenta ST:STUDY_SUMMARY tissue, 1 metabolite was significantly altered at 15 min, 2 metabolites at 30 ST:STUDY_SUMMARY min, and 4 metabolites at 1 h postdelivery, while 22 metabolites remained stable ST:STUDY_SUMMARY over 24 h. Our study provides information on the metabolic profiles of maternal ST:STUDY_SUMMARY and fetal placental tissues delivered by cesarean section and reveals that there ST:STUDY_SUMMARY are different metabolic alterations in the maternal and fetal tissues of the ST:STUDY_SUMMARY placenta following delivery. ST:INSTITUTE University of Florida ST:DEPARTMENT Biochemistry & Molecular Biology ST:LAST_NAME Jacquelyn ST:FIRST_NAME Walejko ST:ADDRESS R3-226 Academic Research Building, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular ST:ADDRESS Biology, PO Box 100245, Gainesville, FL 32610-0245 ST:EMAIL jwalejko@ufl.edu ST:PHONE NA ST:NUM_GROUPS 10 ST:TOTAL_SUBJECTS 226 #SUBJECT SU:SUBJECT_TYPE Human SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES Homo sapiens SU:TAXONOMY_ID 9606 SU:HUMAN_INCLUSION_CRITERIA Caesarean delivery, Non-labored, Full term SU:HUMAN_EXCLUSION_CRITERIA Twins #SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS: SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=3 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=4 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_MC_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=5 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=6 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=7 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=8 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=9 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_MP_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=10 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_FC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=11 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=12 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_FC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=13 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=14 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=15 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_MP_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=16 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_MP_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=17 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_FP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=18 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=19 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=21 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_FP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=22 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_MC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=23 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_MC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=24 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=25 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_FC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=26 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_FP_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=27 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=28 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_FC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=29 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=30 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=31 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=32 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=33 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=34 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=35 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=36 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_FP_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=37 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_FC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=38 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_FC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=40 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_FP_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=41 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_FC_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=42 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=43 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_FC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=44 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_FC_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=45 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_FP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=46 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_FP_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=47 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=48 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_FP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=49 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_FP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=50 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=51 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=52 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=53 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_MP_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=54 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=55 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_MC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=56 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=57 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_FC_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=58 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_FC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=59 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_MC_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=60 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_MC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=61 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_MC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=62 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_FC_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=63 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_FP_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=66 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_MP_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=67 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_FP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=68 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_MC_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=69 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=70 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=71 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=72 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=73 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_16 16_MC_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=75 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=85 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_FP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=86 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=87 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_MC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=89 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_FC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=90 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_FC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=91 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_MC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=92 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=93 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_FC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=94 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_MC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=95 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=96 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_FC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=97 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_MC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=98 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=99 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_FC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=100 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_MP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=101 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_MC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=102 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=103 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_MP_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=104 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_FC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=105 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_FC_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=106 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_FP_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=107 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_FC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=108 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=109 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_FP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=112 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_MP_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=113 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=114 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_MP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=115 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_FC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=116 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=117 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_FP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=118 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_FP_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=119 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_FC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=120 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_FP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=121 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_FP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=122 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=123 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_FP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=124 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=125 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_MP_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=127 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_FC_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=128 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_MP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=129 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=130 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=131 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=132 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_FC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=133 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=134 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_MC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=135 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_FP_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=136 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_FP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=138 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=139 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_MP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=140 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_MC_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=141 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_FP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=142 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_FP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=143 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=144 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=145 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_FP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=146 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_FC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=147 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_FC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=148 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=149 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=150 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_FP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=151 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=152 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=153 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_MC_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=154 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_MP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=155 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=156 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_FC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=157 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_FP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=158 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=159 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=160 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=161 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_FP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=162 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_FP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=163 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_FP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=164 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_FC_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=165 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=166 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=167 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_MC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=168 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=169 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_MC_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=174 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=175 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_FP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=176 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=177 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=179 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_FC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=180 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_MC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=181 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=182 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=184 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_FC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=185 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_FC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=186 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_FP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=187 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_MP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=188 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=189 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_12 12_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=190 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=191 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=192 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_FC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=193 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_FC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=194 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_MC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=195 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_FC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=196 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=197 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_FC_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=198 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_FP_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=199 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_FC_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=200 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_FP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=201 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_MC_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=202 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_FC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=203 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_FC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=204 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=205 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=206 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=207 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=208 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_19 19_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=209 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_FC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=210 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_MP_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=211 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=212 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_MC_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=213 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=214 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_FP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=216 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_FP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=217 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=218 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_FC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=219 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_FP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=220 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_FP_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=221 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_17 17_MC_01 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=222 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_MC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=223 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=224 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_57 57_MC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=225 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_FP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=226 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_FC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=227 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=228 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_MP_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=229 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_FP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=230 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_MP_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=231 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_MP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=232 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_FC_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=234 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=235 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_FP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=236 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=238 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_FP_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=239 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=240 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_82 82_MC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=241 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_FP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=242 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_MP_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=243 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_80 80_MC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=244 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_MC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=245 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_MC_0 Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=246 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_MC_24 Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=247 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_166 166_MC_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=248 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_18 18_FP_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=249 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_167 167_FP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=250 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=251 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_MP_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=252 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_MP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=253 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_83 83_MC_30 Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=255 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_81 81_FC_15 Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center NMR_ID=256 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS PCP_84 84_MP_60 Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery NMR_ID=257 #COLLECTION CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY The placentas were collected immediately following cesarean delivery, and the CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY tissue specimens were collected from the whole placenta at five time points CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY postdelivery: (1) < 5 min (n = 6); (2) 15 min (n = 13); (3) 30 min (n = 13); (4) CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY 1 h (n = 13); (5) 24 h (n = 13). The tissue specimens were immediately frozen in CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY liquid nitrogen following collection. The whole placentas were kept at 4 °C CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY between sampling time points. Tissue specimens were collected from two areas of CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY the maternal (approximately 1 × 1 cm area; depth of 1 cm) and fetal surfaces CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY (approximately 1 × 1 cm area; depth of 0.3 cm) of each placenta at each time CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY point, resulting in 24 total specimens for the < 5 min time point and 52 total CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY specimens for all other time points. Tissue specimens were immediately frozen in CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY liquid nitrogen following collection and stored at −80 °C until metabolomic CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY analysis CO:SAMPLE_TYPE Placenta CO:COLLECTION_METHOD Tissue specimens were collected from two areas of the maternal (approximately 1 CO:COLLECTION_METHOD × 1 cm area; depth of 1 cm) and fetal surfaces (approximately 1 × 1 cm area; CO:COLLECTION_METHOD depth of 0.3 cm) of each placenta at each time point by cutting with sterile CO:COLLECTION_METHOD scalpel and forceps on a sterile surface. The tissue specimens were immediately CO:COLLECTION_METHOD frozen in liquid nitrogen following collection. CO:COLLECTION_FREQUENCY Tissue specimens were collected from the whole placenta at five time points CO:COLLECTION_FREQUENCY postdelivery: (1) < 5 min (n = 6); (2) 15 min (n = 13); (3) 30 min (n = 13); (4) CO:COLLECTION_FREQUENCY 1 h (n = 13); (5) 24 h (n = 13) CO:STORAGE_CONDITIONS -80℃ CO:COLLECTION_VIALS Nunc 1.8mL Cryogenic tubes (ThermoFisher) CO:STORAGE_VIALS Nunc 1.8mL Cryogenic tubes (ThermoFisher) #TREATMENT TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY NA #SAMPLEPREP SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY The placental tissue samples (24.15–192.21 mg; mean 126.21 mg) were cut on dry SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY ice and washed with ice-cold 0.85% sodium chloride to remove the excess blood SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY before being placed in prechilled tubes. Five hundred μL of ice-cold 50/50 SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY methanol/water was added to each sample before vortexing for 1 min. SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Homogenization and sonication methods were compared for metabolite extractions. SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Equivalent results were observed for both methods and, therefore, sonication was SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY used because of its ability for high-throughput sample preparation. The samples SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY were sonicated for 20 min to extract the metabolites and then spun at 14,000 rcf SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY for 15 min at 4 °C. Four hundred and fifty μL of supernatant was transferred SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY to a new microcentrifuge tube and concentrated overnight using a CentriVap SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Benchtop Vacuum Concentrator (Labconco, Kanas City, MO, USA). The samples were SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY frozen at −80 °C until metabolomics analysis. he concentrated tissue SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY specimens were thawed, reconstituted in 600 μL of 100 mM sodium phosphate SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY buffer at pH 7.0, and vortexed until the pellets dissolved. The samples were SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY centrifuged at 14,000 rcf for 15 min at 4 °C before transferring 590 μL into 5 SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY mm NMR tubes (Bruker Biospin, USA). Organ: Placenta, Maternal and fetal surfaces SP:PROCESSING_METHOD Sonication and solvent removal w/Speed Vac SP:PROCESSING_STORAGE_CONDITIONS On ice SP:EXTRACTION_METHOD 1:1 MeOH/H2O SP:EXTRACT_STORAGE -80℃ SP:SAMPLE_RESUSPENSION 600uL of 100mM sodium phosphate buffer at pH of 7.0 #CHROMATOGRAPHY CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE - CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME - CH:COLUMN_NAME - #ANALYSIS AN:SOFTWARE_VERSION Topspin 3.6 AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE NMR #NMR NM:INSTRUMENT_NAME Bruker Avance III NM:INSTRUMENT_TYPE FT-NMR NM:NMR_EXPERIMENT_TYPE 1D-1H NM:FIELD_FREQUENCY_LOCK 2824.58 Hz NM:SPECTROMETER_FREQUENCY 600 MHz NM:NMR_SOLVENT D2O+H2O NM:NMR_TUBE_SIZE 5mm NM:SHIMMING_METHOD Topshim NM:PULSE_SEQUENCE cpmgpr1d NM:WATER_SUPPRESSION presaturation NM:POWER_LEVEL 5.5584 W NM:RECEIVER_GAIN 203 NM:OFFSET_FREQUENCY 2822.62 Hz NM:PRESATURATION_POWER_LEVEL 2.5963e-05 W NM:CHEMICAL_SHIFT_REF_CPD DSS NM:TEMPERATURE 300 K NM:NUMBER_OF_SCANS 128 NM:DUMMY_SCANS 16 NM:ACQUISITION_TIME 1.817 sec NM:RELAXATION_DELAY 4 sec NM:SPECTRAL_WIDTH 15.0207 ppm NM:NUM_DATA_POINTS_ACQUIRED 32764 NM:REAL_DATA_POINTS 65536 NM:LINE_BROADENING 0.3 NM:APODIZATION Exponential NM:BASELINE_CORRECTION_METHOD Polynomial order 1 NM:CHEMICAL_SHIFT_REF_STD 0.00 ppm #NMR_METABOLITE_DATA NMR_METABOLITE_DATA:UNITS Area under the curve NMR_METABOLITE_DATA_START Samples 12_MC_30 18_FC_24 12_MC_01 17_MP_30 17_MP_24 19_MC_24 19_MC_30 16_MP_01 17_FC_30 12_FC_24 18_FC_30 18_MC_30 12_MP_30 17_MP_01 19_MP_01 16_FP_15 16_MP_30 19_FC_24 17_FP_15 12_MC_15 19_MC_15 16_MC_30 12_FC_30 17_FP_01 18_FP_30 19_FC_15 16_MP_15 17_FP_30 17_FC_24 19_MP_24 17_MP_15 18_MP_30 16_MP_24 18_FP_01 17_FC_15 16_FC_15 16_FP_01 18_FC_01 16_FP_30 16_FC_30 17_FC_01 19_FP_15 12_FP_01 18_MP_15 12_FP_24 16_FP_24 12_MP_24 18_MP_24 18_MC_24 18_MP_01 16_FC_24 16_MC_15 16_MC_24 16_FC_01 12_FC_15 18_MC_01 17_MC_15 18_MC_15 19_FC_01 19_FP_01 12_MP_01 17_FP_24 19_MC_01 17_MC_24 12_MC_24 12_MP_15 17_MC_30 16_MC_01 84_MC_24 83_FP_15 84_FC_24 83_MC_15 57_FC_15 166_FC_15 81_MC_60 82_MP_30 166_FC_60 57_MC_15 57_MP_24 166_FC_30 81_MC_15 57_MP_30 82_FC_15 57_MP_60 83_MC_60 82_MC_30 57_MP_0 83_FC_15 57_FC_0 57_FP_0 167_FC_60 84_FP_30 84_FP_60 167_MP_0 166_MP_24 167_MP_60 167_FC_30 83_MP_15 84_FP_24 82_FP_0 81_FC_30 166_FP_60 82_FP_24 167_MC_30 81_FP_15 19_MP_15 83_MP_0 82_FC_0 166_MP_60 81_MC_30 83_FC_24 82_MP_24 84_FC_60 166_MC_24 167_MC_60 83_FP_0 83_FP_24 166_MP_30 80_MP_60 84_MC_0 166_FP_15 83_FP_60 80_MC_24 83_FP_30 80_FP_15 82_FC_30 83_FC_60 82_FP_30 167_MP_24 18_FP_24 19_MP_30 57_MP_15 166_MC_0 81_MP_60 166_MP_15 83_FC_30 82_FP_60 83_MP_24 84_MC_30 81_FC_24 167_FP_60 166_FP_24 167_FP_24 167_FC_0 80_FP_30 57_MC_24 82_MC_15 80_FC_24 167_MC_0 166_FC_24 81_FP_60 81_FP_30 82_FC_24 167_FC_15 166_MC_15 80_MP_15 82_MP_15 82_FC_60 57_FC_30 82_FP_15 82_MP_60 80_MP_24 12_FP_30 81_MC_24 81_MP_15 84_FC_30 81_FC_60 84_MC_15 57_FC_60 84_MP_24 83_FC_0 84_FP_0 84_FC_0 57_FP_60 57_MC_0 80_FC_15 84_FC_15 83_MC_24 166_FP_30 167_MP_15 57_MC_30 19_FP_30 80_FC_60 166_MP_0 84_MP_30 82_MC_0 80_MC_30 57_FP_15 80_FP_24 57_FP_30 80_FC_30 57_FP_24 167_FP_0 17_MC_01 80_MC_15 57_FC_24 57_MC_60 80_FP_60 167_FC_24 80_MP_30 82_MP_0 167_FP_15 84_MP_0 84_MP_15 166_FC_0 82_MC_24 81_FP_24 166_MC_30 166_FP_0 167_MP_30 82_MC_60 84_FP_15 81_MP_24 80_MC_60 84_MC_60 83_MC_0 167_MC_24 166_MC_60 18_FP_15 167_FP_30 81_MP_30 83_MP_30 83_MP_60 83_MC_30 81_FC_15 84_MP_60 Factors Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:<5 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:24 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Timepoint:30 min | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:15 min | Placenta_Surface:Fetal | Placenta_Area:Center Timepoint:1 hr | Placenta_Surface:Maternal | Placenta_Area:Periphery Very low density lipoprotein 1.5013 1.6655 1.127 1.7924 1.1334 1.1261 1.1789 2.4618 1.2031 0.8038 2.1082 1.2967 1.2451 1.9803 0.94561 2.1503 2.2176 0.7225 2.1283 1.3131 1.1923 1.9711 1.4612 1.591 1.3363 1.8307 1.9923 1.8266 1.8645 1.2888 1.8225 1.1324 1.1524 2.1381 1.6889 1.6615 2.6478 1.9258 1.8154 1.2382 1.8192 1.7987 0.90405 1.3136 1.3693 1.4847 1.2688 1.2279 1.9278 1.6001 2.0178 1.9278 1.2868 1.6354 1.5858 1.2607 1.9591 1.5427 1.1857 1.4715 1.1219 1.2695 1.3153 1.0912 1.1192 1.2967 1.6993 2.453 1.1006 1.3972 0.80792 0.91851 1.1322 1.6049 1.2321 0.9423 1.3615 1.2713 1.0932 1.6273 1.4663 1.2332 1.49 1.0516 1.0623 1.3343 1.5984 1.5526 1.3402 2.0213 1.7764 1.5572 1.1608 1.2401 1.1054 0.97846 1.8008 1.2057 1.1138 1.5266 1.2728 2.0035 1.2911 1.0079 0.97189 1.2228 1.4291 1.969 1.2152 0.84654 1.2785 0.83768 1.4599 1.1936 1.2945 1.761 1.8683 1.0862 1.0494 1.5264 1.6133 1.5166 0.696 1.6337 1.6992 1.3985 1.8253 1.3188 0.93885 2.0567 1.1449 1.1813 1.3587 0.89185 1.3626 2.0251 1.0018 0.63836 0.88443 0.7141 1.6982 1.7563 2.1191 1.5374 1.7082 0.93267 1.3038 1.1158 1.0963 0.93875 1.3788 1.2522 0.5831 1.8498 1.2843 1.1946 0.98891 1.1466 1.4484 1.1299 1.0037 0.83969 1.0066 0.65668 1.072 1.2783 1.0088 1.2103 1.0136 1.0466 0.98937 1.0518 1.6458 1.2144 1.2981 2.4607 1.626 0.69238 2.0137 0.95116 0.94803 1.3064 0.87329 1.3715 1.0302 1.0954 0.89824 1.0682 1.4024 1.6998 0.96156 1.1873 1.6399 1.2453 1.0333 1.2262 0.84179 1.5217 0.78736 1.1991 0.95477 1.7432 1.3867 1.3011 1.2617 0.66094 0.52686 1.3378 1.5844 1.0834 0.95125 1.2946 0.8135 0.85741 0.75643 1.1559 0.98617 1.0345 1.6768 1.9051 0.9369 1.4193 1.0883 1.1205 1.0801 1.0355 Isoleucine 0.22708 0.20471 0.22451 0.1975 0.21695 0.23689 0.20726 0.32174 0.17151 0.16027 0.22947 0.24668 0.21185 0.23207 0.21725 0.20293 0.21107 0.26904 0.39626 0.18449 0.19717 0.2093 0.20627 0.2154 0.17089 0.21577 0.24712 0.24157 0.24542 0.225 0.23944 0.23596 0.26129 0.2166 0.19871 0.20571 0.23219 0.21512 0.22298 0.2088 0.20327 0.2419 0.11922 0.23289 0.25153 0.26023 0.25519 0.31132 0.30461 0.23239 0.27026 0.25885 0.32161 0.21171 0.20179 0.19222 0.21669 0.22212 0.21149 0.23911 0.29754 0.26518 0.31716 0.30893 0.31575 0.26023 0.25685 0.33139 0.25395 0.21754 0.19248 0.19668 0.21416 0.17866 0.24415 0.22608 0.22425 0.22803 0.27822 0.21082 0.23531 0.26684 0.24142 0.26903 0.27946 0.25131 0.24364 0.23717 0.23345 0.20561 0.25661 0.26251 0.27833 0.20839 0.26035 0.26856 0.24995 0.27205 0.25758 0.2385 0.26019 0.20444 0.2521 0.25681 0.21908 0.24853 0.20888 0.21565 0.24423 0.25949 0.27058 0.2659 0.2582 0.2726 0.25658 0.20935 0.25054 0.21922 0.30121 0.23439 0.18992 0.243 0.30695 0.2411 0.2981 0.24548 0.25156 0.24256 0.30186 0.24321 0.27638 0.25328 0.21185 0.26893 0.23838 0.22478 0.24502 0.20303 0.28694 0.29415 0.24712 0.23607 0.24456 0.20407 0.1995 0.29092 0.23239 0.27246 0.1821 0.18234 0.23143 0.24542 0.18586 0.22381 0.19041 0.17953 0.24936 0.24188 0.2219 0.24224 0.2482 0.20828 0.21895 0.49885 0.25065 0.25607 0.2318 0.26925 0.22413 0.33884 0.20204 0.23694 0.20919 0.24217 0.20739 0.20156 0.2501 0.2687 0.21403 0.23326 0.24812 0.26962 0.24074 0.21397 0.2861 0.16279 0.28971 0.21715 0.24997 0.23347 0.16805 0.26433 0.23334 0.32089 0.27105 0.25048 0.24334 0.25112 0.19174 0.23657 0.19322 0.23733 0.21695 0.19306 0.19762 0.2537 0.34408 0.21202 0.20697 0.23245 0.24972 0.25901 0.5714 0.28066 0.25803 0.2211 0.27231 0.23928 0.21974 0.24152 0.26547 0.25264 0.29243 0.27413 0.23512 0.26925 Leucine 1.0225 0.7013 0.98183 0.8263 0.90983 0.97308 0.80627 1.5755 0.68549 0.62474 1.0071 1.1271 0.92165 1.1104 0.87836 0.80486 0.83301 0.97359 2.0736 0.79354 0.83039 0.90393 0.82102 0.81703 0.73045 0.81976 1.102 0.93596 0.93685 0.89277 1.153 1.1053 1.1454 0.82705 0.76992 0.69373 0.92576 0.88774 0.94288 0.89731 0.74101 1.041 0.47775 1.1002 0.99175 1.1959 1.1795 1.4933 1.4409 1.1086 1.0279 1.225 1.5327 0.82208 0.7804 0.85181 0.95432 1.0609 0.92329 0.97937 1.3877 1.0326 1.525 1.4725 1.4629 1.2611 1.2156 1.6493 1.3049 0.91315 0.71563 0.94606 0.89324 0.7308 1.0441 0.96798 0.949 1.0178 1.2717 0.86463 1.0008 1.2734 0.87768 1.2418 1.295 1.1339 1.1368 1.2662 1.1649 0.95621 1.041 1.1147 1.236 0.93087 1.1354 1.311 1.0732 1.2199 1.0234 0.93717 1.1769 0.77564 1.0916 1.2145 0.84475 1.1218 0.9175 0.77415 1.1094 1.2095 1.112 1.1952 1.1082 1.214 1.1948 0.8703 1.1126 0.97655 1.3792 1.0057 0.75618 1.037 1.3999 1.0669 1.4122 0.87724 1.0117 0.94929 1.5 0.96299 1.4412 1.1832 0.99343 1.2171 1.1194 1.0899 1.0768 0.91401 1.3031 1.1283 1.0507 0.94149 1.0186 0.91508 0.77396 1.3891 1.058 1.3566 0.70566 0.69209 0.91163 1.0568 0.70852 0.97828 0.78452 0.91212 1.1109 0.92174 0.90053 1.0447 1.0602 0.94261 0.88153 2.1427 1.0959 0.99892 0.75947 1.1786 0.99973 1.6133 0.86865 1.1059 0.90966 1.0786 1.031 0.79748 1.0894 1.2869 0.91028 1.0917 1.1743 1.2355 1.0373 0.97358 1.2997 0.68468 1.4784 0.99613 1.106 1.068 0.68632 1.1791 0.99269 1.6803 1.2267 1.04 1.1216 1.2028 0.79987 1.1773 0.8143 1.052 0.90504 0.88439 0.85026 1.1471 1.3102 0.91484 0.89389 1.0749 1.1672 1.1793 2.7267 1.3246 1.1892 0.99932 1.3173 1.1161 1.0889 0.99746 1.1904 1.1678 1.3962 1.2883 0.97886 1.2351 Valine 0.38163 0.31926 0.38966 0.32909 0.37561 0.45579 0.38458 0.61773 0.29409 0.27142 0.44191 0.46471 0.38576 0.42598 0.42204 0.35855 0.35815 0.53335 0.67826 0.3154 0.38052 0.37953 0.36184 0.37178 0.28666 0.39685 0.46502 0.40345 0.43876 0.43577 0.45777 0.4674 0.51663 0.37296 0.33864 0.34006 0.39908 0.37116 0.39159 0.39952 0.3413 0.47639 0.21736 0.46599 0.44704 0.48342 0.4932 0.6267 0.59277 0.46495 0.47212 0.52875 0.65293 0.36927 0.36451 0.3453 0.41014 0.45068 0.40777 0.46491 0.57082 0.46661 0.63968 0.62895 0.60244 0.52214 0.50478 0.64229 0.58748 0.43223 0.35835 0.39442 0.38917 0.30889 0.47601 0.45926 0.45003 0.45004 0.53591 0.41189 0.46957 0.55963 0.45265 0.52548 0.57798 0.53918 0.49807 0.58125 0.51365 0.4217 0.48387 0.51492 0.55723 0.43146 0.53653 0.60085 0.501 0.54318 0.50217 0.49939 0.55319 0.39753 0.558 0.5534 0.40656 0.52344 0.4393 0.4001 0.51359 0.56245 0.56243 0.58897 0.52134 0.58815 0.53098 0.43715 0.51882 0.48545 0.63421 0.46291 0.33989 0.47308 0.64391 0.54078 0.5918 0.47474 0.50108 0.51876 0.6933 0.44203 0.68041 0.5377 0.48983 0.54837 0.54075 0.56708 0.55826 0.42836 0.61215 0.58103 0.50742 0.49068 0.45834 0.42939 0.37922 0.63154 0.46936 0.62636 0.34153 0.39537 0.44157 0.49826 0.36884 0.45004 0.36816 0.34538 0.54712 0.49417 0.41238 0.51755 0.5418 0.40346 0.39335 1.0014 0.50648 0.48483 0.40641 0.53504 0.43142 0.71742 0.43373 0.50404 0.42764 0.51488 0.45609 0.36503 0.53035 0.59762 0.42952 0.50563 0.51561 0.59463 0.51184 0.48311 0.5733 0.3739 0.64835 0.44994 0.52053 0.47657 0.38596 0.55613 0.47817 0.72894 0.59557 0.48357 0.50571 0.52558 0.39807 0.49225 0.40253 0.47109 0.42357 0.34417 0.41989 0.56321 0.6528 0.43443 0.44996 0.5016 0.56913 0.54734 1.1992 0.62355 0.52961 0.49487 0.61339 0.53645 0.48217 0.50345 0.56652 0.53837 0.63395 0.60142 0.49223 0.55013 3-Hydroxybutyrate 0.24958 0.88766 0.2511 0.2595 0.25891 0.25384 0.25446 0.37442 0.27409 0.20031 1.1091 0.76352 0.24968 0.32562 0.24195 0.47612 0.3832 0.31437 0.35599 0.24729 0.26634 0.34586 0.30021 0.35119 1.062 0.34637 0.36702 0.37011 0.39664 0.26829 0.29835 0.73818 0.32853 1.2005 0.32991 0.40205 0.4327 1.0934 0.35211 0.29239 0.33665 0.34455 0.2085 0.65959 0.28675 0.29799 0.22683 0.83005 0.93585 0.82332 0.3966 0.40257 0.32606 0.32291 0.32713 0.28514 0.29498 0.65131 0.34798 0.34993 0.2316 0.30675 0.28639 0.2765 0.25144 0.24312 0.28883 0.34397 0.19607 0.31078 0.1835 0.28672 0.24559 0.48398 0.19409 0.23278 0.60269 0.26076 0.20842 0.76634 0.2019 0.24104 0.35835 0.20856 0.27876 0.27041 0.2687 0.33293 0.23173 0.33961 0.64274 0.26181 0.2258 0.34165 0.50415 0.3367 0.53745 0.26217 0.26778 0.35212 0.20233 0.70839 0.35486 0.30658 0.18812 0.27683 0.29485 0.35007 0.39087 0.17981 0.36852 0.21908 0.2521 0.518 0.34087 0.41193 0.38443 0.4677 0.39152 0.24013 0.49903 0.364 0.32462 0.37217 0.38847 0.35111 0.41619 0.39616 0.32619 1.2273 0.26958 0.24037 0.45865 0.16565 0.45916 0.37319 0.37318 0.18562 0.18638 0.18324 0.50288 0.64554 0.55508 0.5955 0.45264 0.18958 0.21455 0.38758 0.30283 0.55887 0.23212 0.2163 0.21208 0.49401 0.4566 0.37658 0.24556 0.37889 0.3004 0.25289 0.26103 0.30648 0.2523 0.14062 0.18359 0.26503 0.2612 0.19157 0.21337 0.20824 0.29842 0.18964 0.24936 0.29569 0.25561 0.67371 0.2761 0.21631 0.69617 0.2699 0.20962 0.35097 0.38309 0.4474 0.18983 0.19153 0.35375 0.24567 0.47329 0.29444 0.35235 0.26257 0.69064 0.27417 0.4516 0.29754 0.20994 0.45569 0.41152 0.40344 0.23835 0.45079 0.24336 0.21018 0.68876 0.23483 0.18583 0.40488 0.60991 0.29729 0.25182 0.2452 0.15336 0.40365 0.1798 0.28491 0.37403 0.44152 1.1655 0.61063 0.1824 0.30383 0.26405 0.27782 0.21487 0.20043 Lactate 13.536 13.201 18.778 9.4885 19.978 17.118 10.384 12.772 7.2028 22.781 9.0965 13.428 16.506 13.638 11.911 14.19 10.718 34.457 9.2298 11.661 12.513 10.654 14.146 12.392 11.038 11.41 11.331 13.808 26.655 16.095 10.186 10.409 20.356 12.958 6.4425 9.9327 12.639 10.028 10.08 10.896 12.91 11.631 12.972 10.017 30.183 13.013 20.095 17.964 18.248 12.747 22.12 13.184 17.822 10.045 10.428 16.151 9.2774 7.4171 20.524 17.855 19.122 27.399 11.161 22.137 25.555 13.796 11.423 10.561 20.58 10.894 23.049 13.296 9.5371 5.3499 11.446 13.73 10.311 8.4275 16.048 6.8334 10.319 10.231 11.001 11.823 15.538 11.102 5.7812 10.321 5.8652 11.26 16.968 15.616 17.305 4.3677 20.85 11.966 11.857 11.369 30.072 8.3026 10.034 8.2698 27.371 10.126 7.2925 9.451 5.5977 4.5311 9.2328 14.903 26.987 20.267 13.398 20.308 10.921 9.9311 22.502 7.0536 18.133 7.6622 4.2818 18.027 26.362 13.279 12.223 13.627 15.974 15.656 17.439 17.31 9.2759 10.404 3.6491 13.287 5.5001 17.968 22.745 15.545 18.192 21.132 12.777 17.284 23.329 15.241 11.271 18.939 6.417 16.777 3.82 21.064 9.5325 9.3392 20.356 7.9232 6.3056 10.589 13.349 17.404 13.357 12.886 13.745 17.189 11.901 18.112 11.994 14.043 15.735 11.842 11.282 19.421 4.876 7.4928 3.3198 16.643 5.5646 12.46 10.889 17.481 6.2135 8.5073 12.233 15.972 14.155 3.1712 14.414 6.9702 14.191 10.45 21.277 11.684 16.94 18.434 13.74 13.886 14.499 16.934 13.389 16.947 18.203 13.731 7.9901 7.7013 4.6381 14.149 5.8958 22.6 19.823 6.3375 3.4369 8.6313 15.623 10.713 17.238 18.787 17.385 5.2304 19.447 10.89 15.217 11.31 12.55 12.124 14.68 13.399 8.4007 13.726 Alanine 1.2296 0.73751 1.3856 0.92228 1.1125 1.1309 0.85988 1.4458 0.74083 0.84275 0.97077 1.1159 1.1787 1.1848 1.0134 0.95724 0.92073 1.3016 1.5384 1.008 0.97831 0.96216 0.99711 0.86418 0.74255 0.86706 1.1943 0.90422 1.0186 0.99779 1.253 1.0761 1.2967 0.82403 0.77657 0.82727 0.98869 0.89215 0.97327 0.95686 0.83675 1.0755 0.74731 1.0749 1.2632 1.0981 1.5161 1.3504 1.2956 1.1174 1.216 1.3029 1.4196 0.84718 0.95813 1.0363 1.0447 0.97638 1.043 1.047 1.604 1.1076 1.4287 1.5466 1.5508 1.5422 1.2666 1.3537 1.3307 1.0201 0.96956 1.1168 0.95664 0.57833 1.0597 1.033 0.95527 1.0473 1.2425 0.87281 1.0408 1.314 0.9458 1.1653 1.3787 1.184 1.1435 1.2506 1.1193 1.0816 1.1316 1.302 1.4703 0.96964 1.225 1.3036 1.0767 1.2893 1.2822 1.0601 1.1692 0.77595 1.475 1.3151 0.83903 1.26 1.0437 0.82175 1.1387 1.3192 1.3316 1.2697 1.2976 1.3697 1.1367 1.0076 1.2035 1.1365 1.6917 1.2472 0.69914 1.1752 1.6356 1.2167 1.4066 0.99856 1.147 1.1873 1.4477 1.0481 1.4583 1.1796 1.1396 1.3138 1.1758 1.1965 1.372 1.0451 1.791 1.7621 1.0585 0.99328 1.0098 1.0731 0.85778 1.4597 0.94032 1.311 0.7669 0.79674 0.91587 1.0664 0.90044 0.94234 0.91156 1.0907 1.2551 1.1287 1.0456 1.2051 1.2701 1.1097 1.0796 2.7277 1.1713 1.2177 0.85627 1.5113 1.0342 1.7278 0.9583 1.5754 1.048 1.2017 1.0481 0.91645 1.2662 1.4069 0.88807 1.1802 1.207 1.3199 1.1894 1.0678 1.6947 0.79228 1.5678 1.0522 1.1998 1.1102 0.84595 1.2957 1.1249 1.6591 1.597 1.072 1.2077 1.2865 0.9452 1.4438 0.99001 0.98613 1.2529 1.1444 0.80502 1.1863 1.7227 0.97882 0.94544 1.0954 1.3014 1.3668 3.0681 1.6024 1.4773 1.154 1.2832 1.2119 1.1872 1.01 1.2499 1.2265 1.3931 1.4184 1.0081 1.5458 Acetate 0.39216 0.23263 0.35803 0.2481 0.34321 0.29591 0.29218 0.40567 0.24778 0.27514 0.26554 0.35139 0.4282 0.30731 0.34344 0.29721 0.323 0.36648 0.29102 0.35206 0.33625 0.37743 0.27469 0.22874 0.32127 0.27092 0.34598 0.16114 0.23284 0.29701 0.3004 0.31705 0.41361 0.23039 0.18668 0.21084 0.2848 0.26159 0.36269 0.36108 0.19232 0.33138 0.18712 0.30092 0.30353 0.28387 0.32608 0.4778 0.34612 0.28671 0.32274 0.34325 0.51394 0.30509 0.22247 0.29303 0.24506 0.25304 0.32376 0.26002 0.45764 0.17443 0.3892 0.38171 0.52723 0.4327 0.33951 0.41763 0.45278 0.25843 0.24163 0.3674 0.35783 0.16904 0.40237 0.45348 0.3641 0.29511 0.38841 0.23763 0.33572 0.37711 0.25162 0.35943 0.43186 0.41415 0.33579 0.25372 0.32539 0.27006 0.27614 0.38229 0.39863 0.25807 0.45063 0.37876 0.24803 0.34759 0.25554 0.33597 0.35927 0.21439 0.2682 0.34673 0.29081 0.35743 0.30035 0.26663 0.36851 0.4022 0.27365 0.4694 0.32 0.42022 0.36364 0.20349 0.28296 0.31944 0.41474 0.34337 0.24503 0.27356 0.40346 0.27257 0.32653 0.3094 0.27046 0.34973 0.41841 0.2657 0.37713 0.33899 0.29975 0.37795 0.31295 0.23093 0.29028 0.27188 0.47502 0.37077 0.28523 0.2917 0.23083 0.25139 0.20619 0.47405 0.30093 0.31961 0.24139 0.22636 0.27454 0.32563 0.29715 0.22309 0.27267 0.30242 0.48852 0.25377 0.29307 0.41699 0.44812 0.27881 0.32202 0.60242 0.34527 0.25199 0.21439 0.36726 0.35955 0.44854 0.23758 0.35208 0.27312 0.34936 0.32152 0.23507 0.32143 0.39261 0.25868 0.30131 0.42692 0.37244 0.34516 0.29946 0.37645 0.46056 0.37582 0.34807 0.31691 0.26499 0.24322 0.38423 0.29678 0.41233 0.37082 0.28535 0.41595 0.34567 0.22697 0.35992 0.40887 0.24642 0.27237 0.3641 0.16632 0.52717 0.38158 0.29881 0.26871 0.29875 0.49781 0.3713 0.62442 0.42145 0.45904 0.32286 0.45707 0.37392 0.26625 0.25757 0.41262 0.34384 0.36829 0.37941 0.26981 0.44514 Acetone 0.1025 0.099021 0.098893 0.080167 0.099148 0.089969 0.089277 0.089081 0.075907 0.066977 0.25314 0.21003 0.097791 0.083452 0.097963 0.12115 0.10084 0.070725 0.079126 0.099307 0.092265 0.097075 0.076105 0.060326 0.11739 0.089886 0.1007 0.073542 0.064339 0.08265 0.099086 0.17498 0.084159 0.26328 0.07966 0.09459 0.091265 0.24002 0.10111 0.095651 0.069873 0.1017 0.060993 0.16256 0.079414 0.069749 0.10137 0.10036 0.091989 0.17129 0.075876 0.10191 0.076372 0.073045 0.079695 0.093349 0.082755 0.1609 0.059213 0.076125 0.10082 0.048624 0.076635 0.095694 0.09467 0.11841 0.089732 0.090745 0.090992 0.075349 0.053821 0.099778 0.073999 0.10531 0.069822 0.10419 0.16075 0.062659 0.095469 0.20824 0.077026 0.093351 0.074118 0.087738 0.099865 0.072175 0.09576 0.065851 0.071847 0.081361 0.11169 0.073242 0.086265 0.097157 0.083848 0.096722 0.13205 0.087823 0.056363 0.08545 0.063838 0.18215 0.061512 0.099196 0.055431 0.082708 0.094146 0.075865 0.12093 0.085754 0.063282 0.095746 0.057918 0.075537 0.088246 0.082674 0.058595 0.17411 0.089287 0.093406 0.16042 0.068249 0.095875 0.086585 0.073417 0.072976 0.074899 0.080117 0.085083 0.13347 0.081697 0.075681 0.16726 0.082465 0.14617 0.065075 0.064371 0.065633 0.11251 0.054692 0.11031 0.09497 0.067884 0.10729 0.09365 0.099608 0.079795 0.053343 0.089802 0.060226 0.050777 0.066128 0.046643 0.13769 0.15159 0.083125 0.10744 0.056691 0.06295 0.087119 0.088384 0.069911 0.075115 0.071155 0.085213 0.058272 0.053721 0.094117 0.067221 0.094001 0.075313 0.095418 0.074565 0.071626 0.079302 0.09822 0.068211 0.086151 0.19132 0.095024 0.096202 0.095287 0.070082 0.13491 0.10644 0.10986 0.089765 0.079768 0.065845 0.072325 0.088324 0.067294 0.098501 0.089097 0.11246 0.063885 0.08715 0.077589 0.057205 0.088161 0.10083 0.10601 0.08634 0.10325 0.16897 0.082408 0.049221 0.12694 0.18966 0.080614 0.092989 0.068669 0.077989 0.092458 0.10158 0.087385 0.080514 0.12994 0.21198 0.1562 0.087268 0.088874 0.090574 0.095987 0.053062 0.084613 Glutamate 2.0807 1.2724 2.1687 1.5764 2.2331 1.6032 1.453 1.6466 1.5208 1.8192 1.6707 2.0502 2.2446 1.9663 1.7072 1.7621 1.3012 2.4778 1.2611 1.9905 1.9057 1.3655 2.1682 1.5541 1.9462 1.9292 1.6304 0.8016 1.6024 1.4727 2.2813 1.7159 1.9145 1.6245 1.3454 1.6177 1.6464 1.4927 1.6398 1.6396 1.6847 2.4083 1.3269 1.8574 2.1812 1.4431 2.1463 2.2485 1.7915 1.7613 1.8561 1.6209 1.872 1.297 1.8489 2.0288 1.6658 1.5131 1.9589 1.9992 2.9532 1.4944 1.8436 2.4121 2.5777 2.7018 2.0316 1.5494 1.8302 1.9463 1.3173 2.2573 2.2676 1.3515 1.9954 2.0626 2.2138 1.6129 2.0521 1.9974 1.6605 2.0437 1.8233 1.928 2.2172 1.9247 1.9525 2.0067 1.9855 1.9911 1.9639 1.8937 2.0864 1.458 2.6163 2.1037 1.993 2.1651 1.4303 1.9691 2.0775 1.5631 1.438 2.0325 1.6456 1.9387 1.8854 1.6546 2.2038 2.3791 2.0838 2.1325 1.7732 2.2288 1.9371 1.9854 1.842 2.0372 2.5648 1.6608 1.7518 2.2665 2.6041 2.2693 2.3284 1.8712 2.014 2.0433 2.0614 1.6442 1.7073 1.766 2.2183 2.2756 2.1474 1.987 1.9734 1.6826 2.416 1.2379 2.1226 1.8127 1.5991 2.3445 1.5022 2.6098 1.4159 1.6365 1.2929 1.4331 1.7702 2.026 1.5807 1.7947 1.941 1.9617 2.3485 2.16 2.1066 2.1848 2.1559 1.9123 2.8691 1.9405 1.9279 1.9873 2.0252 1.9158 2.083 2.1359 1.8884 2.2997 1.4439 2.8439 1.7476 1.335 1.6992 2.1642 1.8397 1.9913 2.32 2.7678 1.9619 2.113 2.2207 1.6051 2.3077 2.099 1.9753 2.1022 1.4867 2.1854 2.3121 2.4315 2.3101 1.7335 2.1047 2.5843 1.5156 2.2651 2.1528 1.6425 2.0807 1.8051 1.4925 1.8841 1.7121 1.9599 2.0265 1.6255 2.1364 2.1467 1.8425 2.466 2.3163 1.6676 2.1192 2.2947 2.1867 1.9007 2.337 2.3907 2.3414 2.1786 1.7411 2.1006 Succcinate 0.20088 0.18735 0.35504 0.15623 0.32664 0.13713 0.20117 0.18872 0.16271 0.32503 0.23927 0.24834 0.27059 0.20923 0.24917 0.19754 0.1852 0.4391 0.11578 0.23371 0.36758 0.18085 0.20272 0.1619 0.29897 0.22643 0.20654 0.13241 0.23677 0.15414 0.20276 0.23932 0.18452 0.27297 0.12823 0.15726 0.14656 0.24998 0.14359 0.1828 0.18102 0.20872 0.16304 0.20936 0.39895 0.12052 0.20119 0.33715 0.20331 0.21651 0.1953 0.23385 0.12311 0.16032 0.15017 0.28299 0.15464 0.183 0.23386 0.24544 0.32902 0.24623 0.20662 0.21022 0.28932 0.23984 0.18967 0.12197 0.17832 0.23715 0.30416 0.3915 0.1914 0.1257 0.15912 0.2257 0.24936 0.1666 0.24438 0.20706 0.17422 0.26257 0.15208 0.21658 0.34938 0.19974 0.19679 0.14012 0.15954 0.1992 0.29854 0.23545 0.2723 0.15088 0.36236 0.28944 0.18756 0.18536 0.35804 0.17517 0.15648 0.17333 0.19111 0.22811 0.13974 0.16327 0.14504 0.12014 0.20986 0.26533 0.27851 0.27006 0.14245 0.37709 0.2127 0.18091 0.32105 0.3072 0.36913 0.1638 0.15006 0.25477 0.3442 0.27337 0.12138 0.17928 0.2577 0.20031 0.30776 0.25601 0.1977 0.21328 0.22192 0.22057 0.19454 0.10258 0.24967 0.35641 0.3339 0.083793 0.25982 0.30947 0.24542 0.23097 0.17907 0.36271 0.12521 0.21202 0.11168 0.27254 0.13104 0.14819 0.29106 0.16757 0.17912 0.26821 0.28944 0.20259 0.16678 0.21192 0.2512 0.12243 0.19761 0.097284 0.20368 0.18295 0.16103 0.22364 0.22055 0.15781 0.14604 0.20522 0.11114 0.28876 0.15673 0.16288 0.16912 0.38214 0.17921 0.25668 0.30927 0.2462 0.23471 0.17568 0.25195 0.16281 0.26664 0.26886 0.29742 0.16769 0.14659 0.26451 0.24969 0.15289 0.37695 0.29443 0.3198 0.23389 0.24603 0.23475 0.24094 0.15316 0.11746 0.31358 0.13687 0.36358 0.088573 0.20571 0.18598 0.22817 0.23366 0.18567 0.095299 0.46752 0.2004 0.17569 0.25896 0.28316 0.25649 0.22045 0.25534 0.28545 0.29895 0.28455 0.1643 0.16604 Glutamine 0.81967 0.52358 0.84382 0.65205 0.77528 0.66176 0.61807 0.6831 0.59779 0.66141 0.64917 0.82292 0.80923 0.71531 0.71261 0.67927 0.57388 0.81449 0.54066 0.70439 0.76445 0.58177 0.76007 0.57897 0.8062 0.63564 0.68182 0.63868 0.7245 0.66547 0.77798 0.71632 0.78161 0.69751 0.47597 0.532 0.65701 0.61544 0.61097 0.66539 0.61082 0.71955 0.53102 0.73684 0.87809 0.54986 0.74326 0.77679 0.69403 0.75148 0.79716 0.64657 0.65971 0.52822 0.67882 0.6961 0.57499 0.56448 0.72645 0.68307 0.91471 0.77875 0.6857 0.75436 0.81424 0.83634 0.69904 0.61306 0.35375 0.72742 0.5597 0.86883 0.86743 0.55998 0.72133 0.68838 0.77959 0.58283 0.73339 0.72964 0.68309 0.8043 0.5676 0.6949 0.7925 0.62997 0.74313 0.47679 0.71805 0.89868 0.746 0.73418 0.72303 0.59111 0.76638 0.77299 0.64861 0.78086 0.6637 0.62319 0.69147 0.67737 0.63004 0.81588 0.56474 0.70422 0.67819 0.5101 0.7527 0.81771 0.77075 0.63949 0.63108 0.78475 0.66069 0.71001 0.72305 0.81262 1.0119 0.53659 0.59494 0.85196 0.92792 0.85526 0.79113 0.61998 0.78773 0.68649 0.70009 0.61547 0.61448 0.67143 0.76049 0.74688 0.71547 0.46976 0.75704 0.62918 0.81303 0.48057 0.71361 0.68331 0.53694 0.8599 0.64343 0.82443 0.47905 0.64257 0.49992 0.62487 0.65397 0.69617 0.53921 0.58538 0.65617 0.87018 0.71673 0.70318 0.90643 0.68051 0.70652 0.73101 0.79406 0.6697 0.71755 0.6693 0.64328 0.66481 0.74729 0.67097 0.67152 0.72156 0.48835 0.98517 0.64003 0.76057 0.5857 0.71716 0.6667 0.7026 0.81048 0.81066 0.77935 0.65153 0.75744 0.37441 0.88554 0.78664 0.79336 0.74381 0.38043 0.74915 0.71454 0.74089 0.98956 0.66361 0.79642 0.85601 0.59054 0.86866 0.6655 0.55669 0.61369 0.6692 0.5794 0.58941 0.56266 0.66606 0.6974 0.59691 0.68046 0.63579 0.67959 0.97279 0.7145 0.62193 0.63041 0.80955 1.0386 0.70693 0.79506 0.75412 0.80166 0.79283 0.60797 0.67152 Citrate 0.61442 0.35103 0.59272 0.54633 0.58073 0.50529 0.60979 0.37958 0.47697 0.33331 0.3226 0.56341 0.66453 0.54883 0.62527 0.43514 0.48336 0.41978 0.26933 0.5918 0.68211 0.51839 0.40841 0.39121 0.57105 0.47194 0.48654 0.33831 0.34974 0.41504 0.61584 0.38064 0.42686 0.40716 0.38205 0.47894 0.39359 0.32851 0.44176 0.53987 0.41869 0.46372 0.40839 0.4036 0.40051 0.3157 0.44197 0.32719 0.232 0.32518 0.31788 0.4455 0.32928 0.40092 0.35514 0.59608 0.47625 0.35776 0.64406 0.49857 0.52985 0.36062 0.41061 0.43789 0.41885 0.56154 0.52622 0.36958 0.31065 0.39111 0.28693 0.74838 0.34389 0.34248 0.44873 0.5884 0.31669 0.3098 0.37061 0.41942 0.48407 0.47441 0.3391 0.39406 0.57063 0.39808 0.42586 0.27484 0.3329 0.32698 0.40498 0.36495 0.45693 0.38085 0.26183 0.43391 0.30752 0.45521 0.30894 0.36084 0.3898 0.32476 0.36897 0.43646 0.37719 0.37003 0.42279 0.29396 0.38208 0.5324 0.28418 0.42468 0.28182 0.29847 0.34081 0.38838 0.22133 0.47845 0.43078 0.46758 0.25948 0.36959 0.46219 0.42455 0.20165 0.34086 0.34804 0.35199 0.36012 0.18368 0.38672 0.34264 0.44976 0.49356 0.37229 0.20854 0.39795 0.30923 0.59805 0.14738 0.31108 0.27466 0.27753 0.49842 0.31533 0.35502 0.3771 0.26449 0.33372 0.26308 0.37386 0.41163 0.29958 0.31413 0.31569 0.49687 0.57967 0.42218 0.34055 0.46112 0.50533 0.27924 0.38681 0.21038 0.50986 0.40394 0.47126 0.4613 0.32906 0.35304 0.36807 0.41365 0.31988 0.37888 0.34763 0.27157 0.31988 0.37302 0.27017 0.40456 0.43885 0.41256 0.34972 0.32663 0.46142 0.58209 0.42475 0.37827 0.26605 0.29465 0.40716 0.31299 0.37832 0.43783 0.4037 0.29749 0.42178 0.29304 0.26532 0.38843 0.59092 0.28545 0.2931 0.62279 0.36908 0.38439 0.21785 0.31284 0.30022 0.34647 0.48209 0.30861 0.23342 0.38178 0.39999 0.43286 0.26565 0.41569 0.43675 0.34681 0.55653 0.4329 0.46425 0.49907 0.37023 0.32352 Aspartate 0.15488 0.11947 0.14986 0.14758 0.17331 0.14872 0.12161 0.16033 0.15657 0.093538 0.13596 0.17813 0.15249 0.16663 0.12411 0.11236 0.15312 0.1045 0.11436 0.15253 0.13891 0.14462 0.12427 0.14673 0.14905 0.13362 0.15447 0.099429 0.12877 0.13035 0.17214 0.15206 0.16769 0.12777 0.1365 0.12895 0.13961 0.10868 0.15333 0.15705 0.1057 0.13889 0.076162 0.16036 0.12761 0.15419 0.16545 0.17521 0.14913 0.1315 0.1716 0.14045 0.17428 0.12885 0.11127 0.16384 0.15182 0.14566 0.097126 0.10336 0.18391 0.1106 0.15331 0.19377 0.18015 0.18019 0.18029 0.17055 0.073085 0.14773 0.06716 0.14659 0.21253 0.094258 0.17168 0.17621 0.14454 0.16781 0.1992 0.11718 0.15458 0.17956 0.11781 0.18619 0.11754 0.14214 0.20314 0.063088 0.19225 0.10978 0.10877 0.1426 0.1437 0.1579 0.15949 0.16822 0.11818 0.1713 0.11363 0.13617 0.14354 0.11988 0.1166 0.16519 0.16706 0.1603 0.1425 0.12877 0.16718 0.19506 0.14056 0.14763 0.11185 0.14735 0.15441 0.1161 0.10617 0.15477 0.17772 0.11 0.13588 0.13957 0.17884 0.15188 0.14868 0.13026 0.1205 0.11887 0.14907 0.11459 0.1012 0.18238 0.14281 0.18506 0.11978 0.053039 0.080393 0.10872 0.098641 0.13498 0.14545 0.11237 0.10503 0.085096 0.099499 0.21394 0.12698 0.1463 0.13655 0.081189 0.15242 0.17901 0.078413 0.10761 0.1392 0.14075 0.15004 0.10842 0.15072 0.15356 0.15034 0.15632 0.13871 0.24034 0.19042 0.11068 0.11103 0.14127 0.17835 0.15378 0.13307 0.15798 0.10298 0.1786 0.13208 0.10148 0.10739 0.1032 0.11872 0.14301 0.20312 0.131 0.1474 0.13426 0.15275 0.062733 0.16553 0.20229 0.15152 0.14774 0.05172 0.178 0.098476 0.17713 0.15594 0.1685 0.18761 0.15538 0.099955 0.1539 0.15434 0.10994 0.1588 0.11586 0.089523 0.12735 0.16001 0.12548 0.11578 0.13392 0.1511 0.11074 0.25815 0.15473 0.14129 0.1124 0.16435 0.15427 0.082095 0.12688 0.19809 0.12994 0.17253 0.16034 0.13924 0.14715 Asparagine 0.2456 0.2779 0.23777 0.2485 0.25154 0.27297 0.25784 0.29413 0.25108 0.13878 0.27775 0.26231 0.22988 0.2795 0.24551 0.23697 0.27855 0.19559 0.32153 0.24221 0.21217 0.25193 0.23189 0.2968 0.22316 0.27056 0.26631 0.2681 0.2565 0.24224 0.27797 0.27383 0.27263 0.26613 0.28683 0.26663 0.26275 0.26214 0.26599 0.23963 0.24552 0.26287 0.11906 0.27057 0.23037 0.26786 0.24842 0.2929 0.28196 0.24547 0.25761 0.25933 0.29406 0.24281 0.24407 0.22954 0.26357 0.25806 0.19525 0.24769 0.26899 0.22224 0.32046 0.29934 0.28474 0.27434 0.28783 0.30913 0.21067 0.26267 0.13246 0.21506 0.27912 0.23191 0.26932 0.24475 0.26123 0.28968 0.29052 0.25086 0.24799 0.28795 0.26615 0.29661 0.26782 0.26717 0.3159 0.2613 0.26601 0.24205 0.24842 0.25984 0.26403 0.29316 0.2693 0.27367 0.26449 0.27755 0.24392 0.26792 0.25449 0.25605 0.22646 0.27305 0.25619 0.284 0.25174 0.27206 0.25481 0.24565 0.2709 0.24608 0.2596 0.2554 0.28646 0.28486 0.27744 0.24478 0.27168 0.26394 0.24622 0.26487 0.24989 0.27434 0.25818 0.27527 0.29141 0.24277 0.28354 0.27404 0.26104 0.28498 0.24232 0.24503 0.24312 0.2126 0.20589 0.19031 0.24294 0.20415 0.28144 0.24565 0.24263 0.21629 0.2529 0.27482 0.25584 0.29512 0.26352 0.15657 0.27557 0.26857 0.1371 0.26722 0.23529 0.18954 0.24819 0.24367 0.27167 0.25169 0.25938 0.20161 0.21915 0.29953 0.25126 0.25784 0.24477 0.24597 0.24996 0.26428 0.26045 0.23021 0.26461 0.26239 0.27118 0.2436 0.26806 0.21385 0.24916 0.25933 0.2715 0.26858 0.27308 0.23771 0.25742 0.20145 0.25324 0.26537 0.25906 0.26372 0.20117 0.26892 0.24067 0.28154 0.25012 0.30651 0.25844 0.25195 0.17945 0.23046 0.23859 0.28691 0.26237 0.18213 0.27001 0.222 0.23963 0.22828 0.24212 0.27827 0.25014 0.25124 0.35411 0.24719 0.23266 0.26244 0.27537 0.23958 0.2218 0.29182 0.26491 0.26407 0.28022 0.27014 0.25483 0.25251 Lysine 0.388 0.33669 0.36137 0.3304 0.31994 0.42632 0.35923 0.52271 0.27836 0.19808 0.38255 0.43234 0.37658 0.40845 0.35832 0.36876 0.3767 0.3212 0.66332 0.31899 0.31224 0.3693 0.3553 0.36445 0.23154 0.346 0.43956 0.35307 0.35617 0.37028 0.40923 0.40711 0.4436 0.34213 0.34652 0.32143 0.37842 0.3614 0.37831 0.33939 0.32481 0.4035 0.16623 0.40465 0.35802 0.43171 0.39682 0.46048 0.45295 0.40115 0.37427 0.44798 0.48748 0.31474 0.34838 0.2791 0.35485 0.38528 0.30107 0.38584 0.43729 0.43279 0.53446 0.43961 0.44211 0.42861 0.39954 0.52544 0.40427 0.32326 0.23968 0.30162 0.34809 0.31689 0.40592 0.34535 0.36849 0.37203 0.41143 0.33983 0.44222 0.43305 0.33491 0.41234 0.41233 0.40142 0.4372 0.40579 0.41188 0.40426 0.38119 0.39336 0.43682 0.39014 0.40463 0.43485 0.37578 0.42482 0.3942 0.38191 0.43996 0.32696 0.39494 0.42573 0.34973 0.40535 0.34065 0.33059 0.41966 0.43486 0.37126 0.37696 0.40781 0.44245 0.41494 0.37497 0.38024 0.40076 0.44959 0.40862 0.33544 0.34627 0.43675 0.36857 0.52234 0.35372 0.34753 0.38593 0.45713 0.36037 0.45018 0.42415 0.4054 0.42429 0.43946 0.3751 0.40831 0.27572 0.46102 0.56016 0.37437 0.39262 0.3936 0.39517 0.3182 0.43202 0.37237 0.45512 0.3363 0.28885 0.36662 0.41181 0.20812 0.37484 0.35401 0.32826 0.38903 0.33818 0.34963 0.38771 0.40163 0.33891 0.32737 0.89924 0.42234 0.38869 0.33186 0.42738 0.35054 0.50122 0.34057 0.40211 0.37424 0.3979 0.38101 0.36825 0.40957 0.37057 0.36305 0.39369 0.39546 0.41622 0.40488 0.39908 0.4357 0.30294 0.46888 0.37176 0.38722 0.39572 0.3065 0.4161 0.39886 0.47473 0.44186 0.38816 0.39387 0.42822 0.2442 0.42286 0.33148 0.39665 0.38625 0.30945 0.36986 0.34609 0.54699 0.3708 0.36149 0.39422 0.38831 0.41791 0.90538 0.45112 0.38993 0.3755 0.40489 0.41639 0.4422 0.3724 0.4608 0.41312 0.42256 0.42401 0.39194 0.41922 Creatine 0.40195 0.40618 0.69431 0.31379 0.35768 0.64807 0.5922 0.67643 0.25351 0.53111 0.43537 0.44857 0.75453 0.43513 0.55367 0.92819 0.53884 0.88415 0.40249 0.51046 0.58427 0.49832 0.62383 0.29956 0.4641 0.58458 0.53983 0.6084 0.4989 0.63018 0.26933 0.49647 0.71902 0.5412 0.30257 0.49654 0.50136 0.54917 0.41861 0.36319 0.57935 0.74641 0.81229 0.50808 0.76172 0.45034 0.5908 0.45865 0.55313 0.73424 0.61747 0.72322 0.47224 0.39075 0.64811 0.32997 0.25154 0.3653 0.60884 0.54151 0.43069 1.3821 0.46174 0.32247 0.46901 0.42863 0.27948 0.49637 0.51989 0.57916 0.63435 0.67632 0.37704 0.38389 0.57545 0.48696 0.45141 0.44126 0.37002 0.51831 0.93782 0.4011 0.68514 0.30463 0.66247 0.42548 0.5512 0.571 0.43279 1.8138 1.2586 0.53293 0.47061 0.59828 0.57604 0.46707 0.68799 0.53507 1.8053 0.846 0.58586 0.58828 1.8863 0.33893 0.46537 0.488 0.84532 0.52525 0.49141 0.68937 0.69761 0.41811 0.58829 0.83527 0.43181 1.4458 0.58604 0.41988 0.48615 0.73201 0.49716 0.67726 0.45204 0.83042 1.5141 0.73625 0.61804 1.1313 0.46637 0.51604 0.52294 0.42517 0.49654 0.54913 0.54988 0.84466 2.1619 0.59728 0.64376 0.52718 0.54825 1.113 0.59819 2.5825 0.62913 0.44996 0.30896 0.38705 0.328 0.51179 0.52116 0.55113 0.60364 0.46793 0.62823 0.40381 0.5062 0.84833 0.46256 0.52078 0.5174 0.35085 0.70481 0.75129 0.61065 0.80186 0.7684 0.47276 0.35711 0.55317 0.56963 0.53982 0.422 1.2578 0.39152 0.66859 0.63808 0.5576 0.51103 0.34088 0.32199 0.97124 0.42522 0.56157 0.42732 0.53456 0.43867 0.70366 0.69931 0.6281 0.56283 0.91201 1.8875 0.30316 0.83185 0.42641 0.50881 1.1396 0.41721 0.53916 0.44304 0.41853 0.46583 0.64048 0.44732 0.45534 1.5487 0.42199 0.45363 0.32167 0.4625 0.56179 0.84969 0.7168 0.56427 0.77197 0.47328 0.55261 2.5341 0.64186 0.59569 0.99282 0.49953 0.69607 0.59315 0.43893 Choline 5.3608 3.11 4.2591 2.8375 5.3984 4.7869 3.339 3.7071 2.4778 4.2764 2.4593 3.9239 5.2594 3.7075 4.5173 2.6387 3.1598 4.3509 0.39143 3.7485 3.8232 3.5867 2.6799 2.4817 3.6225 2.3082 3.6633 0.54913 3.9058 4.5056 3.8726 2.667 5.1669 2.3967 1.5189 1.9678 3.1108 2.3726 4.0035 4.191 1.4891 2.8348 2.1289 3.0408 5.097 5.411 5.2991 4.1642 3.9089 2.9111 5.3642 3.2968 5.1275 2.9647 1.4788 4.6138 3.3784 2.8204 2.5607 2.6837 5.6354 1.766 3.6705 5.4868 6.7385 4.7141 4.1766 4.1737 7.0079 2.2888 4.7279 4.0345 3.6809 0.79619 4.241 4.6558 3.4413 2.7282 6.3304 1.6322 3.146 4.442 1.6153 4.4891 4.6628 3.4473 3.0895 1.4775 3.2106 1.1148 2.3735 4.2317 4.6562 1.5075 6.6039 4.3307 2.1619 3.4919 3.9305 2.1483 3.6736 1.5093 1.9049 3.6471 3.164 2.6869 2.6247 1.4032 4.6071 4.5835 4.377 6.5254 3.0253 5.2717 3.8719 1.0704 3.0803 3.0114 3.9936 3.1305 1.6565 2.4284 6.2643 2.3961 1.3534 2.0391 2.1898 2.4513 5.5237 3.0148 3.4065 3.8664 2.7835 4.4274 3.1895 1.3438 1.6404 3.0935 5.8181 6.0481 2.8496 4.0044 4.541 1.0574 1.4238 8.3389 1.9699 2.922 1.7295 3.9026 2.5351 3.4987 2.7967 1.633 2.464 2.4112 4.4196 1.9252 3.0476 4.2174 4.841 3.8561 2.9007 9.4549 3.6495 2.1506 1.7756 3.5654 4.0082 6.1271 1.5541 2.7784 2.6229 4.0991 3.5321 1.0466 3.0878 4.3909 1.8112 2.816 5.5842 2.8481 3.4134 2.2335 3.6891 2.8128 3.5047 3.7194 3.9126 3.3856 2.0211 6.0841 1.5979 4.7301 2.8877 5.3674 5.6854 3.0255 4.4404 2.9744 3.1204 1.7381 2.1654 4.6173 0.53908 5.9305 5.6197 2.9263 1.6576 2.7798 4.9832 3.467 10.31 4.8189 5.7448 1.9634 6.3641 4.3625 1.0428 1.8607 4.6565 3.0496 4.042 3.3423 2.281 4.8936 Phosphocholine 1.0553 0.38579 1.0211 0.81728 0.6597 0.53582 0.78268 0.90916 0.676 0.5414 0.6608 1.1245 1.3319 0.86113 0.79631 0.99961 0.80451 0.83529 0.37367 1.069 0.72178 1.0267 0.93105 0.56141 0.73764 0.79209 0.95087 0.46776 0.55651 0.41241 1.0256 0.83437 0.51339 0.7141 0.63135 0.85541 0.8764 0.6411 0.79128 0.98154 0.72901 0.96089 0.70353 0.9534 0.76985 0.2546 0.74189 0.65838 0.42924 0.68838 0.58838 1.0583 0.62654 0.57545 0.89537 0.67628 0.7836 0.80447 1.0369 1.1103 1.1529 0.77521 0.47593 0.63897 0.80186 1.3684 0.97715 0.78417 0.61878 0.66592 0.44499 1.0546 0.90963 0.8495 0.90142 1.2755 1.2121 0.76143 0.67504 1.2347 1.0979 1.1857 0.9338 0.89523 1.1096 1.1126 1.2109 0.71603 0.88975 1.1116 1.1397 0.90909 1.0291 0.83514 0.61501 1.1594 0.83867 0.953 0.77338 1.3403 0.91396 0.83574 1.2226 1.004 0.50088 0.66053 0.74914 1.0713 1.1058 1.1689 0.5611 0.93814 0.59788 0.83881 0.82969 0.86896 0.50656 1.4456 0.91857 1.241 0.81432 0.85732 0.8675 0.99256 0.87892 0.98301 0.75468 1.2479 0.62868 0.33438 0.69521 0.80876 1.3899 1.0006 1.01 0.79133 1.4049 0.44479 1.3297 0.20446 0.88872 0.90636 0.98829 1.8023 0.6211 0.82078 0.93032 0.43445 0.70035 0.36954 0.83248 0.98811 0.74322 0.95981 0.9747 0.85422 1.6591 1.0579 0.97608 1.3368 1.2961 0.46984 0.89087 0.13166 1.0346 0.85185 0.68664 1.1863 1.038 0.7655 0.57604 1.0985 0.8366 1.3195 1.2403 0.55102 0.82768 0.61689 0.99813 0.90719 1.2912 1.1601 0.67033 0.88753 1.0819 2.1536 1.1115 1.1525 0.54469 0.859 0.73511 0.78168 1.4885 0.75931 1.0174 0.49552 1.0457 0.99598 0.56074 0.6846 1.3124 0.90476 0.72403 1.0304 0.84697 0.70334 0.13719 1.0622 1.1333 0.74178 1.4188 0.80559 0.14324 0.87049 0.87288 0.85969 0.46693 1.2412 1.3023 0.92293 1.1783 1.2329 0.68133 0.94684 0.71072 0.80458 Glycerophosphocholine 2.1606 0.47927 3.496 1.8716 1.1282 0.68791 2.1948 1.1566 2.4925 1.0784 1.4271 0.89637 4.1297 1.5811 2.0454 1.5843 1.71 0.85799 0.36852 4.4021 2.8316 1.9496 1.845 1.1565 2.0431 1.8765 1.2899 0.60029 0.95198 0.8008 1.8557 0.88057 0.73599 1.5633 1.5904 1.158 1.3516 1.0595 2.1181 2.7375 1.1705 1.6834 1.7401 1.4765 1.4696 0.55003 1.071 0.76091 0.72051 1.1573 0.78865 1.7171 0.76846 1.0012 1.5259 2.7247 2.0298 1.2787 0.88893 0.94028 2.8189 0.90886 0.82475 1.2819 1.8398 4.5022 2.899 1.2229 1.7237 1.603 1.1072 3.1308 3.6774 1.178 1.9456 3.6141 2.6529 1.6734 1.4163 2.3004 3.1251 3.4904 1.1782 2.2073 2.5906 1.6702 5.2153 1.187 3.1371 2.0854 1.7375 3.4135 4.4949 3.4889 1.2621 2.7756 1.9107 2.0016 1.6414 2.2876 1.9303 1.4012 1.2214 2.4639 1.8705 1.5019 4.1499 1.6749 2.3961 3.0793 0.77256 1.3714 1.6385 1.0954 2.1027 1.5151 0.94202 3.711 1.3661 6.9885 2.4193 1.7413 1.6956 2.7218 1.3477 1.2818 1.2985 1.6977 1.013 0.68289 1.3412 3.1029 3.3893 2.0132 2.8514 1.4236 1.4472 0.75776 7.3934 1.7277 2.3735 1.2182 0.98074 1.3129 1.3863 2.0346 1.6858 0.69347 3.2805 0.8454 1.0647 2.2271 0.70743 2.1276 3.0344 1.4684 3.8042 1.1872 1.6169 2.9639 2.3039 0.81707 2.4456 0.91571 4.1602 1.6343 0.81566 4.9137 2.4404 2.0199 2.0461 4.4129 4.1318 2.8858 5.0556 1.4374 2.7452 1.0206 2.1201 3.3079 5.2673 2.134 1.6398 3.3712 3.8264 5.422 2.0752 4.7239 1.0127 2.001 1.2862 1.1344 2.4426 1.9376 2.1773 0.91931 3.4733 1.2963 0.72908 1.5061 4.3996 2.4353 4.9618 5.8915 0.86437 1.2428 1.0881 2.6823 3.4067 2.6551 2.4914 3.5762 1.1418 2.5518 5.6593 2.6299 1.2008 3.1898 1.0515 1.9269 3.4539 2.6913 3.004 2.233 1.7398 3.2292 Taurine 2.768 1.4376 2.8234 2.4649 3.2024 2.5991 2.596 2.1465 2.5555 1.8898 1.9706 3.0232 2.9913 2.9957 2.7983 2.22 2.0555 2.8138 2.9164 2.8669 3.4322 2.0206 2.2747 2.3502 2.576 2.3977 2.4564 1.9308 2.6664 2.3911 3.2798 2.1767 2.7288 1.8001 2.1472 1.6848 1.9822 1.7491 2.328 2.2745 2.0154 2.8409 1.6059 2.5277 2.4836 1.7675 2.3449 2.2972 1.9321 2.1572 2.6684 2.2798 2.2182 1.6633 2.0249 3.3327 2.5829 2.0503 1.9492 1.9375 3.1859 2.8992 2.5107 3.1731 2.6973 3.2276 3.067 2.0052 2.2243 2.964 1.8633 4.3429 2.5054 1.7989 2.6921 3.2676 2.9614 1.7178 2.0962 2.5893 2.5332 2.3561 2.3605 2.0861 3.3608 2.7285 2.529 2.2718 2.399 2.2995 2.4009 2.5504 2.6128 2.1593 3.2428 2.7618 2.2156 3.5497 2.4964 3.1621 2.6251 2.1402 3.1899 2.6317 2.3649 2.7866 3.4339 2.2879 3.0644 3.4111 2.6829 2.6948 2.0339 2.9509 2.2455 3.2123 2.0586 3.0904 2.9419 2.5557 2.3201 3.041 3.1903 3.5133 2.1738 2.4488 2.4875 3.0425 2.0612 1.7106 2.147 1.8434 3.3137 3.1781 2.992 3.0753 3.3335 2.2718 3.3267 2.9481 2.4337 2.1984 1.7587 2.7405 1.7802 2.6536 2.0295 1.5325 2.0067 2.0445 2.0272 2.6543 1.9016 1.9706 2.8212 2.5656 3.7511 2.4749 2.112 3.4829 3.2035 2.1524 3.0846 2.5207 3.1323 2.1523 1.9093 2.5982 2.016 2.4543 2.8203 3.0105 2.0524 3.1955 2.2392 2.1287 2.3041 2.7079 2.4117 2.377 2.7237 2.862 2.4079 2.8274 2.8166 3.1385 2.8317 2.619 2.1598 2.1551 2.3014 2.308 2.8809 3.2323 3.0285 1.6789 2.561 2.2333 1.8089 2.7968 3.6949 1.9112 2.7569 2.9031 1.9073 2.5496 3.7569 2.8806 2.8838 2.0343 3.1707 2.4749 2.6908 3.1196 2.9056 2.9748 2.2205 3.2205 3.1393 2.4693 3.5938 3.3341 3.8308 3.4555 2.2647 2.425 Glucose 0.88991 0.12934 0.92663 0.68734 0.40338 0.21399 0.54053 0.60841 0.8038 0.54972 0.69532 0.61747 0.93058 0.76131 0.49575 0.58814 0.50352 0.28592 0.23315 1.1233 0.74627 0.51238 1.1717 0.83985 0.72136 0.63801 0.69782 0.4828 0.90116 0.48049 0.82875 0.58966 0.4266 0.49263 1.1021 0.61773 0.63226 0.63581 0.71611 0.57992 0.9734 0.82062 0.51325 0.64042 0.77759 0.49443 0.65845 0.36781 0.22898 0.45969 0.67918 0.668 0.41996 0.5558 1.4047 0.69195 0.72939 0.57395 0.33944 0.49746 0.92945 0.77382 0.50361 0.31831 0.62717 1.0908 0.73666 0.58332 0.38315 1.0363 0.46869 1.2644 1.0424 1.1324 0.76977 0.99522 0.9868 0.58911 0.31351 1.2429 0.69214 0.77363 0.94054 0.47078 0.80326 0.89344 1.0701 1.0748 0.89397 1.0695 0.62755 0.97802 0.82446 0.82368 0.42192 0.743 1.008 0.9092 0.66825 1.3483 0.87429 0.90597 0.93336 0.72567 0.91027 0.73689 1.1951 1.2225 0.77184 0.73263 0.63662 0.4562 0.93555 0.32181 0.64745 1.3199 0.63451 1.0008 0.94308 0.92376 1.1336 1.1293 0.46985 1.1742 0.74007 1.1606 0.9579 1.0482 0.22253 0.48398 0.52932 0.4347 1.0511 0.75227 0.91404 2.3921 0.72924 0.33731 0.82267 2.6885 0.83767 0.43939 0.42614 0.77511 0.81906 0.31605 0.7328 0.30338 0.74052 0.56083 0.80086 0.97361 0.3347 0.9918 0.8753 0.98621 1.0559 1.0851 0.79251 1.0195 0.92652 0.52655 1.5255 1.1811 0.77116 1.0197 0.56246 0.82033 0.69804 0.55386 1.3101 1.0106 1.069 1.2407 0.82989 1.8463 0.99913 0.43321 1.3094 0.6558 0.6117 0.84399 0.91829 1.0547 0.84876 1.0253 0.89919 0.97563 0.55994 0.88542 1.1344 0.4687 1.0167 0.73061 1.1945 0.43394 0.5597 0.53026 0.32066 1.0488 1.3057 0.88695 1.3469 0.91229 1.3685 0.47251 3.827 0.84423 1.2747 0.60125 0.89673 1.0056 1.3812 0.90526 0.69161 1.0078 0.34135 0.90998 0.62817 1.2015 0.9486 0.93595 1.0998 0.88632 0.98263 0.68796 Myo-inositol 1.9265 0.68612 1.6924 1.145 1.3448 1.0664 1.2523 1.3956 1.1266 2.2685 1.0481 1.4658 2.1258 1.5072 1.4017 1.5937 1.2301 3.7957 0.43065 1.7401 1.4742 1.4487 2.2152 1.0396 1.705 1.0391 1.41 0.50111 1.6994 1.1129 1.5275 1.2431 1.4182 1.1651 0.91482 1.6154 1.4115 0.95952 1.562 1.6843 2.3767 1.4299 0.84558 1.3506 2.1411 1.263 1.4355 1.2671 0.9037 1.0517 2.3402 1.3457 1.5024 1.4369 2.0139 1.3534 1.246 1.0249 1.8465 1.271 2.002 1.012 1.0971 1.155 1.8199 2.1668 1.4453 1.3875 1.4785 1.1299 1.8745 1.878 1.6245 1.2254 1.6604 1.9949 1.4802 1.0836 1.2015 1.7453 1.5153 1.5941 1.9081 1.3587 1.588 1.6378 1.6029 1.3413 1.4729 1.6519 1.0007 1.7346 1.9765 1.2044 1.3482 1.6728 1.3312 1.5177 1.2719 1.6208 1.5787 1.0952 1.3497 1.4943 1.2809 1.225 1.3808 1.4618 1.4066 1.7277 1.2976 1.5973 1.4769 1.3725 1.5088 0.94108 0.90291 1.4811 1.6105 1.7964 1.0664 1.294 1.6983 1.2786 2.3028 1.989 1.248 1.5813 1.2264 0.87798 1.273 1.2392 1.5826 1.5568 1.3141 0.77573 1.6452 0.86931 2.2932 1.2545 1.295 0.9866 0.75343 1.1646 0.91142 1.4061 1.4486 0.99499 1.03 1.0094 1.1816 1.491 2.0239 1.0904 1.3622 1.4724 2.162 2.5041 1.4117 1.9363 1.8915 1.1125 2.9915 1.4479 1.5072 1.9858 1.9825 1.8274 1.702 1.5746 1.1872 1.9143 1.4534 1.4409 1.4815 0.78762 1.2915 1.1653 1.1078 1.3703 1.7769 1.4589 1.3468 1.3824 1.8289 2.1093 1.5934 1.6152 1.1163 1.0902 1.3887 1.2948 1.1564 1.4675 1.7964 1.1519 1.5417 1.6165 0.93603 1.3797 1.9798 1.1586 1.4914 2.0008 0.90648 1.5497 1.4167 1.2227 1.419 1.152 1.916 1.6583 1.5782 1.7478 2.0725 1.2126 1.2279 1.624 1.3987 1.1861 1.7948 1.7729 1.3817 1.4708 1.2282 1.6407 Glycine 0.72574 0.5485 0.75864 0.47427 0.78859 0.61816 0.40814 0.73049 0.37426 0.61778 0.63479 0.81007 0.65789 0.61268 0.5006 0.48022 0.47471 0.77842 0.51021 0.62825 0.45612 0.46884 0.69707 0.46935 0.5478 0.38804 0.61088 0.42318 0.71676 0.59425 0.65703 0.74479 0.88928 0.54595 0.38689 0.43761 0.52105 0.49698 0.54426 0.49517 0.45906 0.51289 0.36972 0.78655 0.92403 0.69969 0.94936 1.0086 0.92085 0.76442 0.92823 0.6007 0.88266 0.44489 0.66127 0.57338 0.50293 0.58215 0.46057 0.49437 0.93663 0.55883 0.71587 0.9561 1.0145 0.91115 0.64857 0.70655 0.78018 0.67214 0.59625 0.67711 0.6614 0.37379 0.63312 0.57434 0.68403 0.5566 0.87701 0.59052 0.51282 0.70784 0.54379 0.71237 0.79865 0.60035 0.65117 0.75058 0.6823 0.56876 0.6945 0.74571 0.80036 0.57284 1.1282 0.78809 0.6893 0.78023 0.62917 0.55285 0.66462 0.48354 0.67393 0.8146 0.46024 0.61336 0.63486 0.42803 0.84063 0.71137 1.0017 0.81756 0.69411 1.0306 0.74788 0.67357 0.82647 0.79352 1.0694 0.5721 0.51082 0.80207 1.152 0.77458 1.1246 0.56883 0.71745 0.62154 0.94653 0.76658 0.63063 0.65572 0.77187 0.74706 0.80408 0.86916 0.7469 0.76081 0.90072 0.96405 0.73162 0.65351 0.66385 0.68487 0.51144 1.082 0.43608 0.73748 0.4765 0.61705 0.53184 0.62364 0.5234 0.58545 0.73516 0.64826 0.6302 0.65164 0.60909 0.62494 0.63549 0.81231 0.71591 1.5302 0.60657 0.63536 0.5268 0.75199 0.61607 1.0298 0.58822 0.83565 0.49494 0.67308 0.56368 0.53791 0.63537 0.95611 0.57889 0.72999 0.73163 0.6363 0.69164 0.73409 0.90488 0.41742 0.90508 0.61896 0.73945 0.64231 0.55036 0.7819 0.68514 0.88679 0.90926 0.66297 0.69792 0.87658 0.65569 0.84229 0.49253 0.54169 0.72213 0.54279 0.42684 0.69777 1.1166 0.69936 0.63978 0.65582 0.68417 0.7915 1.7187 0.9795 0.94261 0.63028 0.95318 0.80533 1.0571 0.64526 0.7071 0.77278 0.86714 0.83704 0.51878 0.94188 Glycerol 0.28193 0.22332 0.34684 0.19417 0.5575 0.40221 0.22594 0.27051 0.19323 0.43565 0.15448 0.22069 0.25273 0.25103 0.29761 0.18334 0.21943 0.45005 0.094181 0.25192 0.32347 0.21973 0.19602 0.23208 0.28503 0.154 0.2362 0.1417 0.36347 0.39469 0.19134 0.19125 0.47282 0.16255 0.12297 0.15094 0.18509 0.16603 0.26221 0.27426 0.17507 0.1763 0.14899 0.18448 0.55 0.36531 0.50721 0.37319 0.34892 0.2174 0.47578 0.21955 0.43548 0.23376 0.14728 0.35553 0.18932 0.13955 0.22757 0.19763 0.36453 0.22911 0.29374 0.54064 0.57954 0.24846 0.24249 0.2882 0.53031 0.18632 0.44245 0.27344 0.20938 0.11777 0.22775 0.27663 0.18758 0.15689 0.56048 0.13304 0.17251 0.21352 0.12518 0.27742 0.30116 0.19617 0.15513 0.11839 0.16294 0.14357 0.19489 0.28839 0.31744 0.11239 0.60749 0.27008 0.15165 0.21799 0.4142 0.14244 0.1825 0.13594 0.23587 0.21509 0.21274 0.19916 0.17682 0.10814 0.27675 0.28252 0.37511 0.5006 0.19518 0.47704 0.24883 0.13306 0.31006 0.1726 0.31432 0.16113 0.13293 0.1974 0.48692 0.17519 0.18139 0.15532 0.15949 0.17545 0.52471 0.19657 0.19864 0.2068 0.13676 0.28261 0.15984 0.16093 0.16478 0.34381 0.39516 0.57917 0.18576 0.33658 0.3938 0.15091 0.1444 0.71164 0.13602 0.26999 0.10797 0.39352 0.14894 0.18262 0.25408 0.11286 0.1586 0.17069 0.22989 0.17451 0.16505 0.20947 0.26915 0.31705 0.20499 0.77152 0.22808 0.17057 0.15391 0.22221 0.21551 0.58867 0.13969 0.18759 0.1368 0.22019 0.13921 0.17848 0.19943 0.45771 0.12706 0.17523 0.30302 0.16356 0.2162 0.14349 0.27798 0.13556 0.2179 0.21638 0.33636 0.2053 0.16332 0.46317 0.15681 0.33548 0.21845 0.45093 0.34628 0.22853 0.32693 0.23959 0.18416 0.11224 0.16878 0.32748 0.088111 0.4923 0.65706 0.17662 0.12655 0.18711 0.28786 0.22979 0.82427 0.35725 0.43399 0.13723 0.56142 0.27394 0.16118 0.15 0.29333 0.17632 0.32742 0.23892 0.15288 0.33696 Serine 2.2917 0.73622 2.289 1.6931 1.9685 1.4881 1.7155 1.6207 1.6476 1.6618 1.1988 1.6719 2.343 1.9302 2.0164 1.2627 1.3602 2.0015 0.77734 2.2188 2.3742 1.5077 1.6182 1.3278 1.6377 1.478 1.7918 0.71867 1.7618 1.6512 2.1777 1.4005 1.6505 1.0122 1.3061 1.0107 1.198 1.0733 1.5963 1.7159 1.2119 1.5744 1.0883 1.4836 1.95 1.3869 2.0648 1.3474 1.0636 1.1315 1.9783 1.6199 1.5661 1.1945 1.3856 2.1196 1.785 1.1615 1.6367 1.1772 2.4685 1.1309 1.666 1.7829 1.993 2.5685 2.0036 1.6636 1.5292 1.6039 1.2931 2.8236 1.6963 1.1651 1.7318 2.659 1.6148 1.1654 1.6768 1.4349 1.7003 1.7586 1.2777 1.674 2.1094 2.1297 1.6936 1.2996 1.5624 1.1593 1.3104 1.804 2.1098 1.3939 1.7366 2.0784 1.3625 1.9669 1.3913 1.7196 1.6711 1.2519 1.3269 1.7443 1.5995 1.7648 1.6946 1.3667 1.8297 2.0371 1.5891 2.1711 1.3419 1.4075 1.5345 1.3929 1.3135 1.9918 2.2031 1.7561 1.3566 1.6005 1.9928 1.6474 1.3049 1.4765 1.3542 1.5242 1.3028 0.9497 1.6307 1.3314 1.9343 2.0621 1.7268 1.7168 1.3279 1.1791 2.3492 2.5919 1.4298 1.0886 1.0957 1.1209 1.1842 1.6462 2.003 1.0201 1.3015 1.2351 1.2443 1.6842 1.0865 1.2707 1.5835 2.0503 2.6282 1.4974 1.1937 2.3642 2.3417 1.5856 2.0238 2.3358 1.989 1.3065 1.1205 2.0209 1.3679 1.8985 1.7605 2.1913 1.5973 1.6465 1.4666 1.5811 1.516 1.7827 1.3381 1.5668 1.8742 1.5149 1.4739 1.7121 2.4449 2.2069 2.0799 1.779 1.3423 1.3915 1.3994 1.318 1.3744 2.1985 2.0624 1.1836 1.663 1.3519 1.0986 2.0304 2.5572 1.2114 1.9123 2.3501 0.97129 2.0901 2.918 1.5995 1.585 1.3244 2.6001 1.6869 2.7194 2.142 2.1062 1.7842 1.498 1.8987 0.93305 1.451 2.4029 1.9906 2.2078 1.9735 1.3707 1.8396 Threonine 0.39217 0.29651 0.39442 0.35136 0.33853 0.33838 0.34588 0.36241 0.36994 0.30766 0.34758 0.43237 0.39864 0.35246 0.3819 0.33922 0.32656 0.38185 0.39717 0.3969 0.44521 0.34795 0.34447 0.30947 0.46312 0.34251 0.34272 0.28021 0.27418 0.31623 0.37095 0.38894 0.32676 0.33541 0.30808 0.32809 0.32546 0.33 0.32719 0.38239 0.30754 0.3613 0.30168 0.40097 0.31168 0.31643 0.37393 0.37475 0.34821 0.37342 0.29975 0.33956 0.34303 0.31352 0.33716 0.37983 0.33544 0.37201 0.44742 0.36814 0.40084 0.27444 0.36098 0.35363 0.36155 0.4195 0.359 0.35604 0.41011 0.38393 0.27855 0.4924 0.35901 0.2922 0.37274 0.41818 0.37886 0.33185 0.37179 0.35176 0.37062 0.3753 0.32332 0.37811 0.41476 0.36562 0.3937 0.37121 0.35806 0.33475 0.36056 0.37259 0.39567 0.37771 0.3746 0.43329 0.36314 0.4119 0.31738 0.32743 0.3582 0.29547 0.35106 0.45064 0.35714 0.38036 0.36932 0.31781 0.41627 0.41066 0.3593 0.38502 0.34122 0.35464 0.38618 0.34072 0.3396 0.47381 0.42997 0.36866 0.33033 0.37535 0.41552 0.38255 0.37372 0.32274 0.36217 0.325 0.38059 0.32227 0.35057 0.34659 0.41161 0.39339 0.38508 0.35535 0.35612 0.31834 0.42929 0.25204 0.3733 0.30424 0.33311 0.37115 0.30739 0.38686 0.39251 0.34934 0.36564 0.27121 0.33665 0.35955 0.30616 0.37081 0.39223 0.45835 0.41696 0.33889 0.33718 0.39722 0.37677 0.36538 0.38593 0.37015 0.3836 0.35275 0.30103 0.40431 0.36715 0.40116 0.35112 0.40929 0.34124 0.33255 0.35786 0.29886 0.34708 0.34428 0.33588 0.4312 0.40318 0.37886 0.37452 0.36866 0.41547 0.43528 0.44554 0.36029 0.33007 0.32681 0.38024 0.31087 0.35058 0.36421 0.40885 0.30147 0.39598 0.3663 0.30991 0.43007 0.39034 0.34978 0.35818 0.45048 0.309 0.35142 0.27047 0.37659 0.34664 0.37144 0.37293 0.36355 0.41407 0.41612 0.39167 0.36942 0.3459 0.39318 0.3571 0.34655 0.38145 0.37401 0.37686 0.3955 0.32957 0.41633 Glutathione 0.17184 0.121 0.15521 0.19557 0.16765 0.1564 0.19133 0.08798 0.1694 0.087519 0.085305 0.16937 0.18371 0.1562 0.1447 0.15531 0.12429 0.080445 0.12035 0.15867 0.11916 0.15385 0.13502 0.13202 0.15859 0.15348 0.11691 0.096519 0.087686 0.092201 0.17911 0.1128 0.10313 0.13553 0.1333 0.16284 0.12828 0.09811 0.10986 0.1245 0.15461 0.15185 0.059912 0.099382 0.095577 0.092079 0.081845 0.080065 0.067182 0.088884 0.063159 0.10599 0.076258 0.11213 0.10655 0.12436 0.14275 0.10116 0.16777 0.16881 0.12951 0.18353 0.11504 0.10444 0.088934 0.10355 0.12864 0.09239 0.06172 0.11663 0.077555 0.13865 0.093239 0.098947 0.10729 0.10976 0.093277 0.069143 0.076664 0.1364 0.11003 0.10885 0.10416 0.090998 0.119 0.091827 0.088409 0.068808 0.08099 0.085066 0.10831 0.082466 0.096168 0.073848 0.082738 0.0972 0.093969 0.085229 0.061382 0.068991 0.084733 0.088059 0.077896 0.098994 0.10476 0.074232 0.078163 0.082149 0.090887 0.083689 0.071536 0.077802 0.07857 0.070003 0.074189 0.11356 0.074295 0.11561 0.0785 0.05914 0.074587 0.098493 0.076204 0.099108 0.076214 0.1116 0.10575 0.068065 0.076006 0.065372 0.073881 0.075418 0.11052 0.091234 0.092686 0.061688 0.066156 0.076316 0.066821 0.04026 0.080828 0.063891 0.080458 0.11482 0.05601 0.074218 0.082125 0.074311 0.085 0.078032 0.12049 0.10074 0.11447 0.098896 0.091022 0.13955 0.085244 0.12325 0.11812 0.10349 0.10424 0.095917 0.079297 0.060664 0.075474 0.11542 0.11351 0.082731 0.10606 0.079092 0.11951 0.07733 0.07332 0.082025 0.087052 0.070421 0.074218 0.081949 0.089988 0.092133 0.07852 0.083487 0.093559 0.079208 0.081775 0.1004 0.088423 0.073525 0.058648 0.075634 0.08027 0.064855 0.077584 0.085839 0.070239 0.06208 0.075382 0.071005 0.070422 0.089843 0.10987 0.081933 0.066781 0.10236 0.11921 0.099996 0.060597 0.11933 0.087803 0.085774 0.082598 0.069974 0.052882 0.070746 0.068824 0.078491 0.069889 0.080604 0.06297 0.086208 0.074574 0.079108 0.072111 0.076464 0.089986 0.078814 Uracil 0.054319 0.050481 0.050792 0.051226 0.083323 0.076419 0.039024 0.068981 0.037694 0.060786 0.055063 0.078344 0.051269 0.06505 0.047587 0.039184 0.025046 0.062201 0.005987 0.033966 0.051465 0.034516 0.036928 0.050019 0.068671 0.042631 0.060511 0.0086843 0.052666 0.063707 0.059081 0.063733 0.079904 0.036434 0.024743 0.017317 0.04972 0.054248 0.066264 0.033666 0.028554 0.063569 0.046543 0.066156 0.07401 0.072178 0.057736 0.092087 0.08947 0.071202 0.073148 0.052724 0.10409 0.030905 0.017077 0.060559 0.052984 0.052606 0.029639 0.038273 0.056798 0.028183 0.077401 0.12317 0.10641 0.057037 0.067976 0.073088 0.057602 0.086815 0.069729 0.047853 0.049485 0.038895 0.043474 0.05006 0.067612 0.049073 0.090144 0.049093 0.061878 0.067022 0.039641 0.057592 0.083763 0.070488 0.062434 0.04414 0.077357 0.040307 0.046616 0.081423 0.07145 0.043442 0.11949 0.082699 0.061903 0.089474 0.054301 0.05594 0.074369 0.038776 0.044879 0.077139 0.044796 0.046952 0.091193 0.03946 0.09013 0.070334 0.066427 0.10657 0.067658 0.11057 0.078989 0.054005 0.061082 0.048526 0.096069 0.059622 0.054467 0.070659 0.11421 0.071391 0.08624 0.034368 0.054329 0.055443 0.12765 0.063241 0.066523 0.054228 0.078072 0.075753 0.093377 0.036942 0.051094 0.079065 0.077415 0.14161 0.058785 0.077596 0.05629 0.03337 0.031383 0.12027 0.058483 0.069909 0.034377 0.066818 0.04125 0.054419 0.053656 0.0492 0.047264 0.054397 0.059485 0.04178 0.047356 0.076933 0.065558 0.086516 0.02285 0.26825 0.068643 0.045139 0.019126 0.061842 0.046649 0.12273 0.060386 0.070718 0.060066 0.069957 0.061421 0.042848 0.064964 0.090911 0.057849 0.051849 0.055024 0.059046 0.053339 0.086741 0.059108 0.020532 0.087578 0.064562 0.074198 0.067762 0.011114 0.087135 0.049871 0.087566 0.071808 0.074543 0.062816 0.06779 0.067272 0.080631 0.031539 0.052784 0.064921 0.046994 0.024711 0.093773 0.17653 0.072329 0.059349 0.052799 0.066882 0.07728 0.30409 0.084332 0.057427 0.059361 0.13624 0.089083 0.07611 0.044877 0.080119 0.081815 0.11094 0.07521 0.046888 0.077668 Uridine 0.023694 0.02786 0.08369 0.049395 0.072256 0.033301 0.06173 0.0077401 0.10829 0.065868 0.016996 0.026578 0.018356 0.014685 0.071815 0.047945 0.060392 0.086764 0.0058156 0.073457 0.17025 0.04899 0.015021 0.016384 0.20444 0.025277 0.013771 0.014569 0.023198 0.05847 0.016188 0.028103 0.03004 0.045938 0.020381 0.046614 0.013741 0.016043 0.028383 0.065847 0.013713 0.012531 0.081747 0.022792 0.017918 0.010663 0.056691 0.01437 0.011317 0.030624 0.013453 0.0094169 0.010653 0.059655 0.028718 0.1189 0.014134 0.021756 0.10547 0.022221 0.013154 0.012986 0.010198 0.016673 0.021087 0.020325 0.012237 0.0065905 0.086047 0.033746 0.052275 0.17136 0.083685 0.025991 0.065518 0.094018 0.044124 0.027955 0.06845 0.014675 0.029968 0.019348 0.014902 0.045038 0.02955 0.017493 0.02984 0.01201 0.022302 0.026873 0.047611 0.01999 0.017477 0.05921 0.072215 0.031025 0.022149 0.016068 0.022047 0.013113 0.016738 0.017781 0.04096 0.03717 0.11612 0.064418 0.026709 0.015605 0.044514 0.027229 0.025769 0.038223 0.015859 0.037747 0.03521 0.0076639 0.015421 0.08315 0.02828 0.019487 0.047133 0.021929 0.027486 0.010808 0.017472 0.04608 0.015658 0.019889 0.018872 0.016512 0.022222 0.027764 0.035429 0.021236 0.023989 0.011641 0.034361 0.041024 0.021969 0.02624 0.045895 0.012734 0.020377 0.049364 0.044463 0.065598 0.018917 0.012934 0.074446 0.047868 0.026081 0.027232 0.058687 0.025871 0.10996 0.13707 0.060913 0.027408 0.031044 0.033592 0.024962 0.063034 0.11932 0.025175 0.032131 0.018726 0.035507 0.027819 0.061421 0.022881 0.03595 0.050001 0.017835 0.019663 0.022789 0.011321 0.01416 0.028303 0.016389 0.065474 0.076729 0.033696 0.059125 0.041824 0.046672 0.068005 0.021984 0.038662 0.029399 0.017053 0.053695 0.016896 0.031763 0.024597 0.033818 0.015022 0.080542 0.0189 0.068965 0.07399 0.11738 0.013649 0.049573 0.18435 0.0045061 0.076842 0.032651 0.04648 0.022438 0.047564 0.051102 0.028546 0.012007 0.034642 0.099753 0.056175 0.050707 0.028684 0.018153 0.027384 0.020198 0.015851 0.020628 0.028901 0.024322 0.071562 Fumarate 0.016435 0.015313 0.019812 0.013652 0.011863 0.018079 0.018664 0.0089301 0.013447 0.014961 0.0087783 0.014474 0.01264 0.0015167 0.0174 0.015697 0.011101 0.028836 0.0074169 0.010279 0.022737 0.010425 0.013016 0.010308 0.021919 0.012582 0.0072947 0.0084749 0.015172 0.016981 0.0045447 0.011199 0.016413 0.014352 0.008275 0.013643 0.01175 0.015048 0.010417 0.0040425 0.0097899 0.015419 0.01498 0.0080665 0.011984 0.011503 0.012541 0.0080257 0.018162 0.014566 0.021668 0.006363 0.0074769 0.011148 0.009738 0.011272 0.0073692 0.0067219 0.020037 0.0158 0.0040655 0.014601 0.00932 0.0071503 0.0069068 0.0032201 0.0053987 0.006261 0.0051075 0.012472 0.010559 0.021221 0.014484 0.011247 0.0095607 0.010523 0.0099719 0.0064564 0.0063338 0.012974 0.0077616 0.0051512 0.010884 0.0047056 0.006827 0.0060628 0.0057272 0.0030702 0.0068642 0.014385 0.013573 0.0088535 0.0065525 0.0091736 0.0075671 0.0053511 0.011421 0.0082985 0.011375 0.011308 0.0080113 0.010198 0.020643 0.0044521 0.0158 0.01241 0.016436 0.008609 0.0066263 0.0062513 0.015323 0.0045047 0.010954 0.013719 0.010629 0.012937 0.01396 0.0065859 0.012658 0.0050841 0.013313 0.012435 0.0089311 0.013505 0.018145 0.012687 0.011042 0.013522 0.0046289 0.016268 0.0046803 0.0055109 0.005544 0.0052342 0.0066475 0.0037032 0.016585 0.010161 0.005175 0.020699 0.0099254 0.012379 0.016849 0.014826 0.0089002 0.004908 0.0042143 0.01002 0.008661 0.014839 0.0090574 0.0072054 0.010895 0.0077653 0.014074 0.011267 0.0055223 0.01328 0.011713 0.0073459 0.0079977 0.019407 0.020753 0.020059 0.0061187 0.010443 0.011859 0.005363 0.0084885 0.0079308 0.0097765 0.010396 0.0055977 0.011949 0.0065313 0.0090439 0.010333 0.0083472 0.0098231 0.0059309 0.0043829 0.017016 0.00965 0.0062986 0.006204 0.0047836 0.0097005 0.008032 0.01336 0.0079714 0.0052864 0.0091439 0.013386 0.0043542 0.012662 0.0081112 0.0069972 0.01642 0.014495 0.013216 0.006508 0.0052779 0.010854 0.011449 0.007639 0.005199 0.035787 0.0057256 0.0063521 0.0059858 0.0053262 0.0084093 0.020806 0.0087073 0.011208 0.007011 0.011194 0.0048061 0.02372 0.0112 0.0057455 0.0074283 0.0070338 0.010669 0.0067361 0.012546 Tyrosine 0.11046 0.079239 0.11154 0.09701 0.10677 0.11176 0.096613 0.16712 0.078354 0.085571 0.10288 0.11382 0.10525 0.11689 0.10436 0.096644 0.094917 0.12446 0.22584 0.088913 0.080629 0.098678 0.10549 0.094071 0.063875 0.08479 0.1199 0.12684 0.1143 0.11206 0.11775 0.12278 0.13682 0.089584 0.091985 0.087903 0.099546 0.093447 0.10348 0.095852 0.10183 0.10571 0.08893 0.11497 0.12894 0.13508 0.14341 0.15643 0.1629 0.11742 0.13157 0.12683 0.16519 0.1032 0.10986 0.088545 0.099183 0.10772 0.081064 0.10725 0.14603 0.13545 0.16923 0.16346 0.17478 0.13013 0.12762 0.17111 0.14123 0.12257 0.10199 0.10908 0.1075 0.10164 0.1232 0.12157 0.10849 0.11586 0.15752 0.10745 0.11742 0.14125 0.12056 0.1422 0.1471 0.13313 0.12758 0.15666 0.13187 0.12849 0.15714 0.12284 0.12779 0.12242 0.13983 0.1508 0.15096 0.13904 0.1178 0.12849 0.13429 0.10272 0.14898 0.14718 0.10823 0.12829 0.10977 0.10577 0.12975 0.13221 0.15212 0.15715 0.12718 0.14388 0.15077 0.12496 0.14136 0.11195 0.1692 0.10883 0.1001 0.12881 0.17378 0.13144 0.17839 0.13331 0.12186 0.13171 0.1724 0.11244 0.15029 0.13983 0.10913 0.14372 0.12673 0.14791 0.1641 0.14279 0.14482 0.16827 0.1477 0.11381 0.13417 0.17148 0.10965 0.16897 0.1407 0.15674 0.1011 0.10551 0.11038 0.12028 0.11921 0.12813 0.096836 0.096553 0.13871 0.12589 0.11299 0.13759 0.13771 0.13453 0.11718 0.28457 0.12234 0.12692 0.11766 0.12974 0.1287 0.17202 0.11673 0.11758 0.093734 0.12418 0.11178 0.094631 0.12071 0.15876 0.1091 0.1383 0.13235 0.13946 0.1383 0.12079 0.14561 0.099244 0.16628 0.1213 0.13831 0.1222 0.088141 0.14235 0.16042 0.17061 0.15503 0.13306 0.14366 0.13851 0.1314 0.14232 0.10058 0.12881 0.10265 0.0717 0.10657 0.15701 0.16554 0.10438 0.10716 0.13532 0.14826 0.13163 0.35814 0.15804 0.13754 0.12994 0.17171 0.12505 0.15643 0.14602 0.13435 0.13244 0.16038 0.14987 0.12693 0.14225 Phenylalanine 0.48057 0.43908 0.49601 0.4559 0.49215 0.5091 0.41943 0.75536 0.42252 0.39636 0.52495 0.52879 0.44835 0.52486 0.4356 0.45004 0.46646 0.48422 1.0483 0.40968 0.38074 0.4854 0.44889 0.49658 0.30695 0.41706 0.53706 0.59514 0.52546 0.4896 0.53863 0.56763 0.61687 0.4331 0.48006 0.42711 0.48818 0.46798 0.48178 0.45733 0.45047 0.48754 0.40785 0.53868 0.52426 0.6118 0.61702 0.72616 0.72808 0.56431 0.54251 0.59606 0.75604 0.48659 0.45945 0.43799 0.50251 0.56737 0.43919 0.49452 0.64277 0.61264 0.73931 0.73748 0.72722 0.5715 0.57669 0.78175 0.69898 0.52744 0.49441 0.47235 0.47848 0.44988 0.52682 0.49017 0.47019 0.56825 0.67011 0.43657 0.51913 0.61759 0.53481 0.6333 0.64273 0.57914 0.57239 0.64478 0.61237 0.56959 0.58373 0.57299 0.62387 0.53699 0.57514 0.64865 0.59729 0.60699 0.59784 0.50955 0.61452 0.44175 0.61724 0.61351 0.4974 0.57589 0.52494 0.45049 0.54018 0.59728 0.61792 0.62062 0.64318 0.6175 0.63802 0.52156 0.61745 0.46885 0.68563 0.5228 0.43381 0.54475 0.70676 0.5504 0.7204 0.49595 0.54565 0.52896 0.77834 0.53332 0.71145 0.64665 0.48297 0.60325 0.56092 0.57419 0.61204 0.59374 0.63576 0.62548 0.56336 0.52995 0.57555 0.58362 0.4716 0.70836 0.58384 0.77036 0.45966 0.44859 0.52714 0.54813 0.46478 0.53643 0.43423 0.46072 0.54563 0.50624 0.5015 0.52399 0.53924 0.57083 0.45954 1.0361 0.54838 0.57241 0.4591 0.61317 0.54607 0.81903 0.5103 0.58884 0.51725 0.54065 0.55936 0.49066 0.60259 0.69416 0.48475 0.58042 0.57205 0.5843 0.59264 0.51257 0.65498 0.37417 0.73884 0.53027 0.62394 0.57236 0.42525 0.6388 0.57463 0.79829 0.62138 0.61084 0.58938 0.62342 0.54134 0.62284 0.42319 0.57568 0.51246 0.42377 0.52194 0.615 0.63891 0.46338 0.46401 0.60936 0.59456 0.63327 1.3522 0.65995 0.63078 0.58502 0.71772 0.53342 0.63049 0.55358 0.56299 0.57929 0.69002 0.67917 0.5603 0.65306 Histidine 0.061828 0.074527 0.067236 0.05798 0.05099 0.077093 0.061066 0.098591 0.049414 0.046038 0.089636 0.086092 0.064469 0.069297 0.062926 0.061865 0.068946 0.04689 0.092798 0.066624 0.074744 0.058912 0.075013 0.068603 0.063597 0.07233 0.082237 0.06796 0.061102 0.065559 0.075954 0.091452 0.070388 0.071064 0.062773 0.063683 0.073713 0.075325 0.065861 0.068446 0.067319 0.080319 0.058687 0.094713 0.070112 0.089951 0.07482 0.079959 0.088084 0.087083 0.066107 0.09524 0.10781 0.053845 0.077121 0.058218 0.07655 0.096829 0.055161 0.087958 0.079921 0.068987 0.10971 0.052182 0.066248 0.086076 0.080132 0.10432 0.091971 0.077181 0.064488 0.078258 0.06768 0.048799 0.078149 0.05842 0.064784 0.096223 0.067011 0.06776 0.07816 0.09763 0.069658 0.081677 0.085839 0.082593 0.090469 0.11878 0.094556 0.086502 0.069428 0.07457 0.083038 0.080248 0.078189 0.085068 0.076737 0.07771 0.067202 0.064327 0.097272 0.067013 0.041968 0.089373 0.065216 0.095593 0.070926 0.06801 0.070027 0.083112 0.084064 0.053475 0.096088 0.087974 0.087028 0.074049 0.077164 0.074835 0.082732 0.077093 0.056628 0.070896 0.034237 0.079096 0.084634 0.064938 0.085608 0.070276 0.11073 0.090379 0.12541 0.10057 0.079272 0.07603 0.081362 0.0723 0.066022 0.066748 0.087857 0.078481 0.077166 0.076751 0.073542 0.07641 0.063688 0.096428 0.068089 0.10283 0.067254 0.068511 0.082955 0.090536 0.053295 0.075759 0.067822 0.065673 0.064365 0.069029 0.077706 0.061045 0.069656 0.030223 0.060371 0.017819 0.07556 0.085102 0.073278 0.07621 0.073433 0.024099 0.07216 0.07769 0.083739 0.079356 0.0997 0.067585 0.089835 0.067493 0.071634 0.088089 0.083075 0.091012 0.075719 0.062104 0.082007 0.05541 0.057454 0.080355 0.079558 0.090783 0.059852 0.085026 0.066182 0.11035 0.07067 0.083971 0.082706 0.076821 0.065367 0.075208 0.056181 0.083094 0.072599 0.057098 0.076681 0.070366 0.06322 0.071228 0.066006 0.089681 0.081815 0.08758 0.027923 0.083828 0.079941 0.084083 0.10365 0.080841 0.090709 0.065818 0.076926 0.073459 0.089778 0.085645 0.078306 0.089448 Hypoxanthine 0.26808 0.34943 0.31204 0.29678 0.38283 0.30625 0.28804 0.23705 0.20669 0.17131 0.30596 0.30056 0.22994 0.28154 0.24603 0.29788 0.325 0.19286 0.081235 0.29986 0.18124 0.26962 0.27727 0.3442 0.19458 0.28539 0.27869 0.11801 0.2676 0.26481 0.27198 0.32329 0.31397 0.28232 0.2847 0.29491 0.28709 0.27853 0.31342 0.27367 0.29335 0.28304 0.11536 0.3197 0.29343 0.29592 0.28161 0.30341 0.24638 0.28621 0.32666 0.26333 0.31386 0.25729 0.25909 0.34519 0.24268 0.28885 0.18277 0.27987 0.23399 0.20505 0.23498 0.31267 0.29876 0.25749 0.26552 0.22632 0.17696 0.32594 0.24561 0.18349 0.27119 0.21152 0.30044 0.21872 0.26556 0.30591 0.23864 0.26019 0.27806 0.24974 0.28734 0.23479 0.27474 0.28111 0.28487 0.27526 0.3197 0.26774 0.27145 0.27846 0.28018 0.31181 0.31406 0.24517 0.26503 0.28593 0.28985 0.28573 0.31612 0.22059 0.28971 0.26137 0.20924 0.32149 0.31658 0.27857 0.27457 0.28366 0.30019 0.30029 0.31002 0.30524 0.28957 0.31825 0.23617 0.23936 0.29212 0.2962 0.27361 0.29266 0.32036 0.2965 0.30672 0.26837 0.28975 0.29018 0.33062 0.32819 0.28543 0.27488 0.27138 0.26234 0.27041 0.11983 0.26117 0.25645 0.27696 0.3054 0.27083 0.2658 0.22262 0.31006 0.23119 0.30949 0.27448 0.33035 0.31125 0.17964 0.31845 0.3208 0.24793 0.25598 0.29892 0.29888 0.27145 0.28788 0.27931 0.27509 0.26244 0.26584 0.15743 0.53797 0.28072 0.30457 0.25361 0.26132 0.24968 0.31827 0.31612 0.29029 0.31606 0.26903 0.31984 0.18678 0.29817 0.25203 0.24318 0.28182 0.2555 0.29279 0.32233 0.30335 0.25666 0.10427 0.30378 0.27411 0.28917 0.26931 0.082832 0.28182 0.28574 0.32247 0.26336 0.32484 0.27267 0.31057 0.19444 0.31802 0.31261 0.29088 0.32103 0.13529 0.28766 0.3737 0.40649 0.25656 0.2565 0.29571 0.30985 0.32477 0.6049 0.3059 0.28252 0.30134 0.37028 0.28415 0.34772 0.2465 0.30498 0.28348 0.33791 0.29529 0.30339 0.31658 Inosine 0.017314 0.02689 0.022002 0.021863 0.021213 0.019721 0.023165 0.017362 0.1081 0.10913 0.024147 0.020668 0.015768 0.018103 0.019109 0.019979 0.022416 0.1246 0.027017 0.018166 0.13967 0.019074 0.020922 0.027346 0.080051 0.016924 0.018442 0.016716 0.021337 0.016508 0.017775 0.024773 0.020668 0.019741 0.025394 0.022589 0.018255 0.02033 0.01966 0.023472 0.023004 0.017989 0.065162 0.024067 0.01533 0.022489 0.017395 0.020518 0.023221 0.021322 0.019635 0.020716 0.022386 0.018946 0.025666 0.024867 0.02193 0.025173 0.12801 0.016643 0.016016 0.018414 0.020566 0.018683 0.016423 0.014495 0.01538 0.01777 0.053608 0.023969 0.028048 0.14014 0.025934 0.020096 0.017674 0.070261 0.016757 0.022588 0.020434 0.016599 0.017684 0.018627 0.017711 0.017613 0.016907 0.019934 0.016756 0.031552 0.02597 0.020521 0.019819 0.01693 0.018547 0.028261 0.020636 0.018344 0.020572 0.018007 0.02178 0.017095 0.021631 0.017869 0.01853 0.02185 0.093177 0.027418 0.022161 0.020627 0.017535 0.019443 0.019988 0.022471 0.023999 0.019783 0.020504 0.022063 0.016349 0.017071 0.018553 0.018514 0.020994 0.019463 0.0226 0.015014 0.017446 0.02309 0.017786 0.01791 0.028646 0.022223 0.025734 0.025949 0.015906 0.018501 0.019195 0.013648 0.06912 0.02845 0.019243 0.019417 0.019235 0.018295 0.017128 0.023868 0.019892 0.022232 0.019932 0.035313 0.034831 0.028063 0.020321 0.01992 0.030203 0.020235 0.024856 0.025907 0.019305 0.021156 0.021164 0.018001 0.018417 0.042212 0.14392 0.025306 0.016018 0.018723 0.049467 0.017258 0.022503 0.021387 0.028975 0.019138 0.022192 0.015846 0.027135 0.017391 0.021836 0.020684 0.015225 0.026439 0.018959 0.014469 0.024538 0.020495 0.017059 0.086692 0.022941 0.017633 0.021567 0.020395 0.094162 0.017988 0.016653 0.020805 0.01613 0.033267 0.019084 0.020278 0.045119 0.025381 0.026595 0.026271 0.022949 0.11433 0.028909 0.027878 0.02332 0.020115 0.018739 0.026357 0.025314 0.022566 0.024938 0.020899 0.044929 0.020509 0.027555 0.018439 0.01887 0.019611 0.015777 0.015912 0.021416 0.019365 0.026567 0.02296 Formate 0.024676 0.055457 0.035491 0.045591 0.032838 0.042007 0.044178 0.03573 0.052858 0.080235 0.063094 0.033969 0.02975 0.032017 0.034295 0.056807 0.058771 0.1436 0.039014 0.047581 0.03961 0.043528 0.042785 0.06204 0.065098 0.058172 0.041426 0.060154 0.034203 0.049359 0.028513 0.045566 0.032628 0.063317 0.078046 0.074219 0.057055 0.050264 0.053801 0.03829 0.055376 0.044039 0.041969 0.041594 0.029828 0.046904 0.028817 0.030197 0.028077 0.036841 0.040592 0.044478 0.033129 0.095927 0.058447 0.042105 0.043278 0.051675 0.1529 0.050912 0.021064 0.030389 0.038805 0.028369 0.023715 0.027193 0.031468 0.033582 0.015691 0.046639 0.023166 0.030554 0.041057 0.048378 0.042973 0.030486 0.044438 0.054434 0.027073 0.046509 0.039557 0.03397 0.058885 0.033011 0.024728 0.035922 0.048683 0.016565 0.038213 0.033801 0.030663 0.027442 0.028883 0.053478 0.026798 0.023318 0.046067 0.028597 0.036399 0.05602 0.048969 0.059333 0.04893 0.031555 0.059779 0.039692 0.04302 0.071673 0.030027 0.028468 0.038418 0.016728 0.045132 0.027659 0.032359 0.063955 0.039383 0.03949 0.023613 0.048939 0.047592 0.078681 0.018495 0.044856 0.026505 0.088743 0.058607 0.04482 0.022533 0.039073 0.046353 0.040615 0.047776 0.025178 0.041147 0.017729 0.036269 0.025574 0.026735 0.013189 0.03851 0.046997 0.042193 0.050285 0.031817 0.018585 0.035225 0.030817 0.06317 0.026651 0.067484 0.054298 0.023815 0.05904 0.04217 0.020888 0.029638 0.042088 0.051476 0.033212 0.035076 0.024292 0.038168 0.014622 0.033644 0.04982 0.04328 0.034703 0.035716 0.017408 0.060165 0.033422 0.061126 0.041323 0.05352 0.032793 0.055128 0.016171 0.058042 0.040904 0.029288 0.053097 0.044726 0.040157 0.024624 0.020533 0.017162 0.034703 0.035164 0.041797 0.013709 0.029948 0.030801 0.026316 0.028115 0.040303 0.024099 0.037348 0.029799 0.017423 0.033192 0.053822 0.037193 0.03055 0.081344 0.024164 0.071898 0.036917 0.056836 0.050258 0.030113 0.045159 0.018672 0.023558 0.021424 0.061001 0.021407 0.032048 0.039045 0.044517 0.03261 0.02904 0.024805 0.03029 0.048951 0.025812 Niacinamide 0.027668 0.048297 0.030751 0.036217 0.040059 0.03551 0.026751 0.03608 0.036698 0.027887 0.042711 0.035218 0.027129 0.034107 0.028194 0.031335 0.047455 0.028085 0.020999 0.028305 0.026747 0.032815 0.027599 0.037574 0.027011 0.029777 0.043093 0.027976 0.02947 0.032772 0.030032 0.043463 0.045048 0.033528 0.031869 0.028879 0.032589 0.041792 0.037744 0.030542 0.025076 0.033061 0.023007 0.046085 0.02605 0.039029 0.02836 0.040782 0.032308 0.038677 0.040837 0.03726 0.042034 0.028329 0.022932 0.036791 0.032534 0.041197 0.022676 0.026512 0.028886 0.03047 0.032855 0.038349 0.032027 0.025293 0.031989 0.03402 0.037519 0.041687 0.03697 0.043543 0.038128 0.029708 0.036874 0.050092 0.03932 0.053924 0.040413 0.024978 0.035722 0.034987 0.036092 0.037167 0.03492 0.041028 0.042225 0.038391 0.049951 0.035851 0.032903 0.037685 0.037301 0.04932 0.04851 0.036535 0.034874 0.040832 0.042992 0.040177 0.039456 0.03453 0.040904 0.039638 0.041054 0.052404 0.052594 0.041763 0.04433 0.042256 0.037467 0.0473 0.035987 0.046154 0.03734 0.041423 0.033567 0.028218 0.049068 0.046163 0.032951 0.034492 0.051429 0.030543 0.030703 0.031763 0.03679 0.03917 0.048287 0.04506 0.048578 0.045134 0.03911 0.035989 0.047412 0.025184 0.046777 0.042313 0.043865 0.034719 0.033126 0.039171 0.028355 0.027767 0.036565 0.050131 0.042908 0.038977 0.053358 0.031152 0.040247 0.039386 0.034627 0.02979 0.048573 0.040454 0.048946 0.028584 0.032012 0.04034 0.038785 0.043699 0.033432 0.040286 0.044122 0.029904 0.017435 0.040572 0.033592 0.042699 0.04338 0.042463 0.044703 0.032902 0.045364 0.023516 0.04093 0.038207 0.036824 0.042035 0.046919 0.031984 0.042208 0.057827 0.040296 0.034656 0.048348 0.037762 0.039727 0.039819 0.014607 0.042219 0.037898 0.046419 0.03612 0.045143 0.045312 0.041832 0.035095 0.045076 0.051799 0.038933 0.049122 0.038413 0.035563 0.044895 0.041857 0.039236 0.043502 0.038964 0.054819 0.048275 0.046719 0.047392 0.051578 0.049764 0.049441 0.050963 0.04885 0.033605 0.043965 0.035319 0.050803 0.04688 0.041368 0.044736 NMR_METABOLITE_DATA_END #METABOLITES METABOLITES_START metabolite_name Very low density lipoprotein Isoleucine Leucine Valine 3-Hydroxybutyrate Lactate Alanine Acetate Acetone Glutamate Succcinate Glutamine Citrate Aspartate Asparagine Lysine Creatine Choline Phosphocholine Glycerophosphocholine Taurine Glucose Myo-inositol Glycine Glycerol Serine Threonine Glutathione Uracil Uridine Fumarate Tyrosine Phenylalanine Histidine Hypoxanthine Inosine Formate Niacinamide METABOLITES_END #END