#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH ftayyari1_20190514_131547 DATATRACK_ID:1725 STUDY_ID:ST001182 ANALYSIS_ID:AN001960 PROJECT_ID:PR000794 VERSION 1 CREATED_ON May 15, 2019, 6:58 pm #PROJECT PR:PROJECT_TITLE Correlations between LC-MS/MS-detected Glycomics and NMR- detected Metabolomics PR:PROJECT_TITLE in Caenorhabditis elegans Development. PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY New approach to evaluate the relationship between Caenorhabditis elegans PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY development, glycan abundance, and metabolites PR:INSTITUTE University of Georgia PR:DEPARTMENT Complex Carbohydrate Research Center PR:LABORATORY Edison PR:LAST_NAME Edison PR:FIRST_NAME Arthur PR:ADDRESS 315 Riverbend Road, Athens, GA, 30602, USA PR:EMAIL asedison@uga.edu PR:PHONE 706-542-8156 #STUDY ST:STUDY_TITLE Correlations between LC-MS/MS-detected Glycomics and NMR-detected Metabolomics ST:STUDY_TITLE in Caenorhabditis (part -I) elegans Development. ST:STUDY_SUMMARY This study examines the relationship between glycans, metabolites, and ST:STUDY_SUMMARY development in C. elegans. Samples of N2 animals were synchronized and grown to ST:STUDY_SUMMARY five different time points that ranged from L1 to a mixed population of adults, ST:STUDY_SUMMARY gravid adults, and offspring. ST:INSTITUTE University of Georgia ST:DEPARTMENT Complex Carbohydrate Research Center ST:LABORATORY Edison/ Wells ST:LAST_NAME Edison ST:FIRST_NAME Arthur ST:ADDRESS 315 Riverbend Road Athens, Georgia 30602-4712 USA ST:EMAIL aedison@uga.edu ST:PHONE 706-542-8156 #SUBJECT SU:SUBJECT_TYPE Other SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES Caenorhabditis elegans SU:TAXONOMY_ID 6239 #SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS: SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L4/young adult 1_01_PMe Time Point:3 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adults, gravid adults with mixed-stage offspring 7_02_PMe Time Point:5 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adults, gravid adults with mixed-stage offspring 6_01_PMe Time Point:5 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adults, gravid adults with mixed-stage offspring 8_04_PMe Time Point:5 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adult 7_01_PMe Time Point:4 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L2/L3 8_03_PMe Time Point:2 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS Adults 6_04_PMe Time Point:4 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L2/L3 7_03_PMe Time Point:2 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L4/young adult 5_01_PMe Time Point:3 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adult 5_02_PMe Time Point:4 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adult 8_02_PMe Time Point:4 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L4/young adult 4_01_PMe Time Point:3 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L4/young adult 7_04_PMe Time Point:3 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L4/young adult 6_03_PMe Time Point:3 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adults, gravid adults with mixed-stage offspring 4_02_PMe Time Point:5 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adults, gravid adults with mixed-stage offspring 1_04_PMe Time Point:5 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L2/L3 3_01_PMe Time Point:2 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L2/L3 5_04_PMe Time Point:2 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adult 4_04_PMe Time Point:4 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L4/young adult 8_01_PMe Time Point:3 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adult 3_03_PMe Time Point:4 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L2/L3 6_02_PMe Time Point:2 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adults, gravid adults with mixed-stage offspring 3_04_PMe Time Point:5 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L2/L3 1_02_PMe Time Point:2 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L4/young adult 3_02_PMe Time Point:3 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L2/L3 4_03_PMe Time Point:2 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adult 1_03_PMe Time Point:4 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS adults, gravid adults with mixed-stage offspring 5_03_PMe Time Point:5 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS L1 L1s_PMe Time Point:1 #COLLECTION CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY This study used N2, the laboratory reference strain of C. elegans, which was CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY obtained from the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center (CGC). We followed the general CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY protocol published previously for obtaining liquid cultures of synchronized CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY worms. This defines our biological replicate: A single L1 animal from a CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY synchronized culture was placed onto an agar plate seeded with E. coli MG1655. CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY This plate was grown until there were a large number of young gravid adult CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY hermaphrodites (about 48 h at 24 °C. The plate was then washed into a 15 mL CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY tube with M9 buffer, rinsed 3x with M9, and lysed with an alkaline hypochlorite CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY solution until about 50% of the worms were dissolved (no more than 5 min). Then, CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY M9 buffer was added to dilute the lysing solution, and the liquid was removed CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY after gentle centrifugation at 580 g for 2 min to pellet the eggs without CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY breaking them. This step was repeated 3x to completely remove the lysis CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY solution. After the final rinse, eggs were resuspended in sterile water before a CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY sucrose gradient to remove cellular debris and bacteria. An equal volume (5 mL) CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY of 60% sucrose was added to the eggs in water and centrifuged at 350 g for 4 CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY min. The eggs were rinsed to remove residual sucrose and once they hatched, CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY approximately 200,000 animals were transferred to 20 mL of S-complete with 2 mL CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY of 50% MG1655. This material was grown to the desired developmental stage and CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY prepared as described below. The C. elegans cultures were synchronized, but they CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY gradually lost synchrony over time. We collected samples at 5 different time CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY points (T1-T5) in development. We report results using these time points rather CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY than developmental larval stages, since they are not all pure stage cultures. CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY The first time, T1, was collected immediately after hatching and was perfectly CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY synchronized L1 animals, but as time progressed the cultures became more mixed. CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY The other samples were collected at 22, 36, 49, and 90 hours (T2, T3, T4, and CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY T5, respectively) after feeding the cultures. T5 was a mixture of adults, gravid CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY adults, and offspring. Each of the five time points were replicated seven times. CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY Stage-specific information can be recovered, even with samples that have lost CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY synchrony. CO:SAMPLE_TYPE Worms #TREATMENT TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY N/A #SAMPLEPREP SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Preparation of released glycans followed by permethylation #CHROMATOGRAPHY CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE None (Direct infusion) CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME none CH:COLUMN_NAME none CH:FLOW_GRADIENT linear gradient from 30% to 70% LC-MS Buffer B CH:FLOW_RATE 300 nL/min CH:COLUMN_TEMPERATURE 60°C CH:SOLVENT_A 1 mM LiOAc and 0.02% acetic acid CH:SOLVENT_B 1 mM LiOAc and 0.02% acetic acid, 80% Acetonitrile CH:COLUMN_PRESSURE 120 bar CH:INJECTION_TEMPERATURE RT CH:INTERNAL_STANDARD 13C-Permethylated isomaltopentaose (DP5) CH:SAMPLE_INJECTION 5 µL CH:ANALYTICAL_TIME 180 min CH:OVEN_TEMPERATURE 60 °C #ANALYSIS AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE MS AN:LABORATORY_NAME Wells Lab AN:OPERATOR_NAME Osman M Sheikh/ Brent Weatherly #MS MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME Thermo Velos Pro Linear Ion Trap MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE Ion trap MS:MS_TYPE ESI MS:ION_MODE POSITIVE MS:MS_COMMENTS protocol added MS:CAPILLARY_TEMPERATURE 210 °C MS:COLLISION_ENERGY 50% MS:COLLISION_GAS N2 MS:DRY_GAS_FLOW N/A MS:DRY_GAS_TEMP N/A MS:FRAGMENTATION_METHOD CID MS:ION_SPRAY_VOLTAGE 1.8 kV MS:IONIZATION Nanospray MS:MASS_ACCURACY 0.1 Da #MS_METABOLITE_DATA MS_METABOLITE_DATA:UNITS peak area MS_METABOLITE_DATA_START Samples 1_01_PMe 7_02_PMe 6_01_PMe 8_04_PMe 7_01_PMe 8_03_PMe 6_04_PMe 7_03_PMe 5_01_PMe 5_02_PMe 8_02_PMe 4_01_PMe 7_04_PMe 6_03_PMe 4_02_PMe 1_04_PMe 3_01_PMe 5_04_PMe 4_04_PMe 8_01_PMe 3_03_PMe 6_02_PMe 3_04_PMe 1_02_PMe 3_02_PMe 4_03_PMe 1_03_PMe 5_03_PMe L1s_PMe Factors Time Point:3 Time Point:5 Time Point:5 Time Point:5 Time Point:4 Time Point:2 Time Point:4 Time Point:2 Time Point:3 Time Point:4 Time Point:4 Time Point:3 Time Point:3 Time Point:3 Time Point:5 Time Point:5 Time Point:2 Time Point:2 Time Point:4 Time Point:3 Time Point:4 Time Point:2 Time Point:5 Time Point:2 Time Point:3 Time Point:2 Time Point:4 Time Point:5 Time Point:1 Hex1HexNAc1 2.870218698 1.529720487 1.143841342 6.021840657 0.267318947 0.106093355 2.031775781 0.493211749 0.84403924 4.878985553 2.205420385 1.498942848 1.194934306 1.966203553 3.38532748 1.388584506 0.747440127 0.758515602 4.118438382 2.909174502 4.596835263 0.41376394 3.209147764 0.942968929 0.261291329 0.743145929 7.884434057 2.80732545 4.127069091 Hex2HexNAc1 0.829530033 6.531340615 5.529460104 3.067634373 1.133889055 1.472140825 8.065412774 0.461745355 3.222724523 2.466757052 2.306749513 0.747806723 0.669996747 1.984478295 2.120457845 6.277643252 0.02810173 0.360344982 0.846459891 1.637813611 1.37694074 0.876953374 1.367076903 0.364969226 2.664802917 0.173893645 3.301540977 1.315727105 2.368671395 Hex3HexNAc1 0.419173307 1.50454373 4.62478437 2.411953488 0.595853138 0.255384921 7.004468023 0.261116843 1.413694417 2.492614621 3.423373244 0.982045003 0.871425352 0.845625125 3.09851245 4.714896961 0.19908532 0.196379673 1.971236298 1.393050079 2.115895176 0.766872342 1.132215568 0.319967164 1.969294419 0.202226331 2.928469417 0.901353251 1.584257866 Hex4HexNAc1 13.67973582 12.89026322 8.294222566 15.15713263 1.617441347 2.365344499 17.75858952 3.996667215 13.88527032 28.56940995 29.76661435 16.42090469 17.05818073 14.14123337 16.06472966 9.112922368 4.451997669 3.879225743 30.69178864 9.411689425 29.47754104 2.89136933 20.6388948 3.656395921 16.73020985 4.045465146 23.47834405 22.26081711 6.532817219 Hex1HexNAc1HexA1 0.007010854 0.223482006 0.50975691 0 0.030703322 0.013830164 0 0.012652992 0 0 0.070747945 0.017897304 0.033060532 0 0.145692622 0.421037016 0 0.016081058 0 0 0 0.031322525 0.136100724 0.014421544 0 0.008452577 0 0.055700752 0.000854911 Hex2HexNAc1HexA1 0 0.028328549 0.283490175 0 0.02231099 0 0.144987707 0.000391117 0 0 0.056654846 0 0.002454481 0 0.125409096 0.281573633 0 0.009061736 0 0 0 0 0.013583737 0 0 0.001650004 0 0.001284187 0 Hex3HexNAc1HexA1 0.285095854 1.561595577 3.774410802 0.025372511 0.598650241 0.031871367 4.759741213 0.095099231 0 0.216822622 2.01916811 0.484086636 0.460339355 0.033881159 2.110737857 2.560950629 0.015732516 0.136644479 1.55044812 0 2.110934714 0.160405801 1.538462006 0.081600379 0 0.174466254 0.076263524 1.010321791 0.049079342 Hex4HexNAc1HexA1 0.124969222 0.116815073 0.899073048 0.00725032 0.009524059 0.015381869 0.148345527 0.068559214 0.072328032 0.047054747 0.273947208 0.279781919 0.338067158 0.005034502 0.483891657 0.72210319 0.019675312 0.076480788 0.325352374 0.52841297 0.419330962 0.064921269 0.436845022 0.068228345 0.060250575 0.134506263 0 0.193268902 0.008372677 dHex1Hex1HexNAc1 0.355384256 0.362039621 0.647771398 0.22185444 0.133134275 0.154576913 0.38171689 0.067918543 0.574077897 0.189557507 0.149077114 0.054846746 0.037063393 0.158715082 0.35875321 0.658065099 0.010624499 0.037218943 0.093180806 1.468606154 0.137357841 0.12195627 0.247721379 0.044082154 0.032119034 0.0282935 0.20580791 0.2027059 0.566291843 dHex1Hex2HexNAc1 0.911426144 6.040334116 4.098020525 2.593586449 0.755349316 1.184443758 0.497958408 0.182401542 1.58413439 0.317517278 0.181906474 0.116546846 0.098562343 0.348429051 1.42381421 3.74122346 0.057769807 0.086791703 0.11274961 2.300445098 0.134060462 0.360830252 1.174932069 0.136174827 0.128752134 0.080056569 0.508217755 0.824567205 2.830998326 dHex1Hex4HexNAc1 0.006844238 0.064773261 0.12041647 0.194644932 0 0 0 0.014162817 0 0.089771841 0.028297153 0.029586099 0.011611075 0.14229645 0.181675716 0.182908943 0.013850761 0.007264872 0 0 0 0.013984928 0.136562185 0.006200102 0 0.00919575 0.203871213 0.118578112 0.037092348 dHex2Hex4HexNAc1 0.056041694 0.030112407 0.051796272 0.122685087 0.003738871 0 0.095511435 0.023195943 0 0.146428948 0.149996444 0.100185558 0.085577884 0.196148824 0.134772704 0.106148584 0.024271406 0.016537261 0.139816941 0 0.131114833 0.006038842 0.076399198 0.01511579 0 0.012187067 0.363127858 0.086707421 0.004571907 dHex2Hex5HexNAc1 0.043350968 0.112841442 0.009882168 0.003940206 0.01606658 0.062362408 0.015352591 0.003518727 0.030608519 0 0.191267585 0.149734784 0.106586726 0.012848974 0.058856473 0.039614613 0 0.022159159 0.020346304 0.247169074 0.023922674 0.008644046 0.014561763 0.020388748 0.020469168 0.030724665 0.023654885 0.02407799 0.008696719 dHex2Hex2HexNAc2 0.080476477 0.00552159 0.03539149 0 0 0.004926492 0.32228102 0.015036753 0.022850306 0 0.030485602 0.074111229 0.015700568 0 0.030723117 0.076567379 0 0.020902562 0.020088994 0.171877103 0.019333855 0.013574424 0.058502052 0.057181191 0.031598894 0.001372265 0 0.060452392 0.00276898 dHex1Hex3HexNAc1 0.504032782 1.721561539 2.645375989 1.612972455 0.164549609 0.254067777 0.101326957 0.155597382 0.273643712 0.220463347 0.176557117 0.170901901 0.140505187 0.279121376 2.122999107 2.337324388 0.142785498 0.165320922 0.101536429 1.449187016 0.107071638 0.172039956 1.661024938 0.14069967 0 0.072485905 0.270014924 1.498723 1.57343827 dHex1Hex1HexNAc1HexA1 0.010300973 0.026417325 0.031323244 0.062074042 0 0 0 0.001940908 0 0.089875676 0.083028627 0.014742311 0.004200791 0.021705043 0.087895219 0.021439119 0 0.002748446 0.087556809 0 0.057474538 0 0.044480444 0.005086289 0 0.006566584 0.09842717 0.042491938 0.1353835 dHex1Hex2HexNAc1HexA1 0.138959554 0.347595762 0.292200859 0.323639339 0.0065004 0 0.174263457 0.080309083 0 0.810203416 0.78088099 0.420867534 0.473957264 0.348195539 0.911564857 0.291598375 0.101664069 0.14747681 1.148760739 0 0.660313573 0.019912491 0.624663017 0.084525511 0 0.106296783 0.604303476 0.814867259 0.23708497 dHex1Hex3HexNAc1HexA1 0 0.005549141 0.048657139 0 0 0.007851887 0.059070205 0.001302169 0 0 0 0.001659707 0 0 0.010408045 0.026128151 0 0 0 0 0 0.005502165 0.00132847 0 0.096628073 0 0 0.005895762 0 dHex1Hex2HexNAc2HexA1 0.201919679 0.062763743 0.078115724 0.223887769 0.001955987 0.013887848 0.097870067 0.015121043 0 0.095320464 0.070258743 0.057301943 0.038876716 0.105132607 0.047485097 0.07508805 0.007154243 0.014646991 0.211602106 0 0.197459849 0.005290821 0.19422313 0.004098983 0 0.028588102 0.199946159 0.202718537 0.212282803 dHex1Hex3HexNAc2HexA1 0.518049408 0.138384077 0.092034709 0.278539912 0.032467036 0.061622018 0.190652184 0.018992956 0.072861749 0.242039462 0.133944208 0.06550603 0.073517722 0.214683538 0.149825933 0.12291789 0.086368654 0.021865522 0.214643351 0.337011997 0.238567416 0.036857652 0.228770975 0.025443727 0.01722819 0.058025204 0.35742783 0.302337024 0.351904217 dHex2Hex1HexNAc2HexA1 0.326754706 0.307451096 0.423892797 0.41275218 0.027144004 0.036955614 0.353504004 0.058256562 0.02467678 0.540143125 0.297378299 0.191990739 0.195402018 0.302997941 0.402413246 0.397301625 0.026153197 0.036711217 0.462762169 0.166472852 0.439615781 0.03846111 0.451306774 0.050357 0 0.065474497 0.556293388 0.517052704 0.314427018 dHex2Hex2HexNAc2HexA1 0.222064313 0.067540978 0.071860681 0.325477397 0.012365706 0.011407908 0.211220092 0.017582872 0 0.133747315 0.099701815 0.070284584 0.041977986 0.276911417 0.1326489 0.062523408 0.026300715 0.016958882 0.251104304 0 0.294708179 0.027944273 0.289801252 0.014306295 0 0.044321276 0.384880572 0.287527665 0.122440595 dHex3Hex2HexNAc2HexA1 0.06489755 0.100520843 0.12047353 0.260320919 0.004966452 0.013864883 0.09224654 0.010207322 0 0.10892419 0.084990737 0.03854768 0.039746104 0.13410253 0.202132043 0.193706872 0.026671667 0.014733466 0.106411721 0 0.033857657 0.02210974 0.104023946 0.009594627 0 0.006828222 0.275513515 0.132350505 0.068764497 dHex3Hex3HexNAc2HexA1 0.024789712 0.035008359 0.046865974 0.101894576 0.002369878 0 0 0.000589107 0 0.027919028 0 0 0 0.022106709 0.009104077 0.03421873 0.010656289 0.004963915 0 0 0 0 0.020956436 0 0.008265302 0.000885853 0.052775901 0.044071737 0.022641668 dHex4Hex3HexNAc2HexA1 0 0.009398432 0.016265113 0.151027485 0.000831826 0 0 0.000679422 0 0.130756205 0.004576695 0.005057043 0 0.09625916 0.048818106 0.022238701 0.012312947 0.001099241 0 0 0 0 0.028430056 0 0 0.002529764 0.233672529 0.082559177 0.01474306 dHex4Hex4HexNAc2HexA1 0.110113911 0.025527619 0.015647837 0.148495042 0.001855136 0 0.012982314 0.004203989 0 0.213821239 0.006925878 0.024448456 0.008921216 0.095115247 0.021258508 0.019276447 0.011399476 0.012671205 0.026691189 0 0.008390562 0 0.033202077 0 0 0.008494698 0.138363074 0.049769416 0.052188709 dHex4Hex5HexNAc2HexA1 0.021958591 0.031993382 0 0.013382536 0.002188777 0 0 0 0 0.02613234 0.007618527 0 0 0.015614945 0.005675816 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.003836332 0 0 0 0.085188837 0.014655268 0 dHex5Hex4HexNAc2HexA1 0.084875273 0.026750852 0.018101269 0.166856483 0.001983601 0 0.092822978 0.005553649 0 0.501526183 0.012532072 0.003125575 0.02024423 0.225224657 0.02107999 0.025037467 0.045998603 0.003209328 0.111124511 0 0.031372932 0.007258954 0.048749376 0.004208084 0 0.019881652 0.308380459 0.048717162 0.006691636 dHex5Hex5HexNAc2HexA1 0.122935861 0.014957665 0 0.01391728 0.006581882 0 0 0 0 0.056307574 0 0 0 0.04884479 0.026469458 0.010093648 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.007330117 0 0 0 0.07318021 0.016507781 0 Hex5HexNAc2 0.103833842 0.712594853 0.787959215 0.96982663 0.183665351 0.152241083 0.163211855 0.205306884 0.01453441 0.039278345 0.299868232 0.027520114 0.015643458 0.143582589 0.638730799 1.64326283 0.143561318 0.114981644 0.437578359 0.015991006 0.033297035 0.047218637 0.590910096 0.150321281 0.037951386 0.257379714 0.115916223 0.195929294 0.939268056 Hex6HexNAc2 0.029411268 0.114041542 0.277185822 0.3126569 0.043205443 0.043840174 0.044029095 0.092932673 0.01525937 0.027695259 0.119188149 0.025990346 0.006384359 0.034020653 0.156359891 0.282407964 0.115807678 0.118287534 0.202218288 0.012245659 0.139534513 0.025597701 0.390129639 0.141459665 0.023027834 0.10236541 0.12177853 0.095957829 0.221945041 Hex7HexNAc2 0.002724681 0.02307605 0.010081459 0.191508566 0.00703658 0.005466833 0.011821398 0.018694998 0.003026785 0.021980628 0.149052473 0.012187716 0.001205081 0.037276307 0.052612376 0.140085069 0.045543969 0.016362061 0.133376466 0.003226569 0.009890859 0.022887993 0.042239149 0.058044944 0.01400288 0.082697708 0.060175286 0.287911625 0.138505688 Hex8HexNAc2 0.006520469 0.024328867 0.029580506 0.202013155 0.027068936 0.011669073 0.028997121 0.048469676 0 0 0.221967995 0.014831347 0.008553009 0.029226997 0.033247172 0 0.017690414 0.023457409 0.23936176 0.001878014 0.009135904 0.020297607 0.17726422 0.023865248 0.010340581 0.077580312 0.053260941 0.035579737 0.165269786 Hex9HexNAc2 0 0.013415022 0.015517564 0.117003314 0.042345887 0 0 0 0 0 0.241549356 0 0 0.055984477 0 0 0 0 0.305016837 0 0 0.040549373 0 0 0 0.060327802 0.015260038 0.018226292 0.241732765 Hex10HexNAc2 0 0 0 0.003872146 0.007244579 0 0 0 0 0 0.019230306 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.004870948 Hex2HexNAc2 0 0.002667304 0 0.034580054 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.012185314 0 0 0 0.011826656 0 0 0 0.005821619 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.005560727 0 0 0.006733691 Hex2dHex1HexNAc2 0 0.186717656 0.172553976 0.187961836 0.013759524 0 0 0 0 0 0.05726343 0 0 0.001701724 0.286997155 0.274954041 0 0.000460237 0.071688463 0 0.01715789 0 0.257847411 0.002983945 0 0.026448117 0.003794446 0.265971879 0.04076035 Hex2dHex2HexNAc2 0.01076571 0.306748855 0.351681266 0.200023127 0.112200349 0.012270202 0.097388996 0.122747245 0.028318817 0.033147273 0.100301445 0.042573638 0.040293284 0.010537715 1.172479946 0.655215144 0.095985852 0.033442721 0.08151545 0.030387139 0.237270093 0.009533709 0.59540789 0.064119133 0.04878784 0.027362513 0.21560405 0.524706627 0.055228307 Hex3HexNAc2 0.514075508 3.363359575 3.878627018 2.015133302 0.903042249 0.903841753 0.88729803 0.938587485 1.06776971 2.756739336 0.677602814 0.882132205 0.98557586 0.461180882 7.081587 13.65506808 1.231987537 1.333614125 0.7037648 0.886141849 0.777922304 1.023260916 3.213859111 1.044318007 0.775931909 0.731243473 0.951348087 3.258707041 2.357359832 Hex3dHex1HexNAc2 0.19558747 1.588366883 1.432245772 1.962228432 0.551072298 0.342034768 0.424886227 0.243898901 0.029059076 0.068604081 0.487885042 0.052485606 0.028386063 0.210821153 2.303642308 2.378755958 0.195891391 0.157078299 0.738959085 0.04996971 0.152496956 0.130048631 2.697187818 0.193261094 0.016306156 0.429063348 0.338930321 1.359632535 1.141150106 Hex3dHex2HexNAc2 0.021834037 0.386964568 0.38344082 0.382328586 0.155438681 0.09639408 0.153146874 0.043322096 0.011248895 0.039463899 0.193090816 0.016641721 0.002398022 0.080671547 0.15775776 0.298277105 0.044076247 0.036568188 0.152206282 0.002036782 0.02263491 0.032948461 0.055345579 0.023109943 0.002197123 0.186836031 0.013489073 0.080042382 0.059371737 Hex4HexNAc2 0.081006185 1 1 1 0.260912652 0.173979625 0.226214431 0.131110778 0.005768686 0.036672349 0.245091511 0.044905697 0.018399777 0.108011671 1 1 0.149991643 0.089269479 0.22366901 0.011351019 0.042163922 0.027438539 1 0.108705666 0.013375694 0.252143139 0.091874607 1 0.550591512 Hex4dHex1HexNAc2 0.12355708 1.132941571 1.258865208 1.099412006 0.230418788 0.389490701 0.355655363 0.16021932 0.015496605 0.045206343 0.239498988 0.004752294 0.01170715 0.131827167 0.415527193 0.657805025 0.236305462 0.11060042 0.201494644 0.09200007 0.359543652 0.053810516 1.508194476 0.107103468 0.01772878 0.322208968 0.581319176 0.610704476 0.487763026 Hex4dHex2HexNAc2 0.025948488 0.332449172 0.462786681 0.831539535 0.059835462 0.108282882 0.100366767 0.140738885 0.017887043 0.02610198 0.165478166 0.054099484 0.023010161 0.099649372 1.116447037 0.58379412 0.255949679 0.155147419 0.129346582 0.025026121 0.099945281 0.128756718 0.725059121 0.159504478 0.038404144 0.333541995 0.065414184 0.546294354 0.299741311 Hex5dHex1HexNAc2 0.011467177 0.033185928 0.029467741 0.075348418 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01070041 0 0 0 0.013357094 0.636196653 0 0.001322929 0 0 0 0 0.054357401 0.078729351 0.006108337 0.012358659 0.028234812 0.060296136 0.041722741 Hex5dHex2HexNAc2 0.003550352 0.053882761 0.069067713 0.26514275 0.012306907 0.005354473 0 0.02447742 0 0 0.032465655 0.012878384 0.005497594 0.01680906 0.132011151 0.482664063 0.05097092 0.010968492 0.007308683 0.001273984 0.012746086 0.015635946 0.260151718 0.090372033 0.008798981 0.038694289 0.022364935 0.33095365 0.1392989 Hex3dHex3HexNAc2 0 0.043106111 0.004969061 0.059329243 0.00265116 0.007898355 0.002763221 0.074714072 0 0 0.030754575 0.003297957 0 0.008176837 0.089580987 0.030604829 0.048062198 0.032288731 0.015533131 0.008667234 0.003699654 0.014664145 0.008764621 0.004743213 0.001309566 0.029481928 0.007485899 0.076431009 0 Hex4dHex3HexNAc2 0.000879457 0.032842736 0.047088554 0.179016748 0.003103821 0.022463911 0.012744083 0.043155185 0.008739258 0.00417158 0.096011964 0.028023573 0.005662432 0.036254354 0.201591563 0.211601072 0.050568394 0.054514901 0.049114932 0.018101662 0.040258803 0.081815033 0.354690774 0.047631685 0.030648631 0.069613893 0.008844023 0.309679595 0.048823473 Hex4dHex4HexNAc2 0 0.00187876 0.016708311 0.023080873 0.00269635 0 0.014414772 0 0 0 0.015621068 0 0 0.004830644 0.018095162 0.019111155 0.004780088 0.007771291 0.006580131 0.003550436 0 0.015256024 0.053077914 0 0.003537747 0.007623971 0.006553493 0.09077102 0 Hex5dHex3HexNAc2 0.005721433 0.034044764 0.087106071 0.202621059 0.013210034 0.025585856 0.011309936 0.00966358 0 0 0.061499127 0.004024606 0 0.016252684 0.026281995 0.078210301 0.015157549 0.010649793 0.041735732 0.003353394 0.026139696 0.012842929 0.111198723 0.022662604 0.002852328 0.078847505 0.008228023 0.040834052 0.093506046 Hex5dHex4HexNAc2 0.009100184 0.01188174 0.023710747 0.180038229 0 0.016642723 0 0 0 0 0.053938012 0.003719363 0 0.039885242 0 0 0 0.010740582 0.034829317 0 0.000618972 0.005045593 0 0.018914816 0.00265042 0.038840905 0 0 0.002368539 Hex6dHex1HexNAc2 0 0.001796316 0.002241389 0 0 0 0.002067906 0 0 0 0 0.001922153 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hex6dHex3HexNAc2 0 0 0 0.00172477 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.091805545 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.008987583 0 0 0 0 0 Hex6dHex4HexNAc2 0 0.01268541 0.006302611 0.014817209 0 0.00563046 0 0 0 0 0.010937972 0 0 0 0 0.014263876 0.00192605 0 0 0 0.00393279 0.003377296 0 0.005281641 0 0.01088643 0.006011454 0 0 Hex7dHex1HexNAc2 0.000635517 0 0 0.001245048 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.003743477 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.005010243 0 0 0.003164024 HexNAc1Hex3HexNAc2 0.064353827 0.33663715 0.338938389 0.34996293 0.138710574 0.134583436 0.125280206 0.149547067 0.01382944 0.038189405 0.139064199 0.031173316 0.02672106 0.034916049 0.658576886 0.688325388 0.187689874 0.122592687 0.165745117 0.012997103 0.141827641 0.003617712 0.652783701 0.107557143 0.02040313 0.137725377 0.19391784 0.304859271 0.221803151 HexNAc1Hex3dHex1HexNAc2 0.044136128 0.213809883 0.300678651 0.089715771 0.131270821 0.10830727 0.130294193 0.25120158 0.086033993 0.146975571 0.019407068 0.069125642 0.055110129 0.00898506 0.267787538 0.731882183 0.002964439 0.198734424 0.017579839 0.095600168 0.383117924 0.087828064 0.370997778 0.014747748 0.022863052 0.00963767 0.292096047 0.189721814 0.372936717 HexNAc2Hex3HexNAc2 0.033366062 0.329515314 0.388228806 0.036009246 0.028630248 0.010602183 0.023474044 0.0193801 0.001789243 0.00604071 0.015331583 0.003515647 0.001698223 0 0.088447248 0.290586595 0 0.054837333 0.038052595 0 0.045647491 0.014603071 0.187674535 0.109662329 0.006203627 0.014932865 0.0723176 0.189628852 0.017119024 HexNAc2Hex3dHex1HexNAc2 0.001240798 0.057682116 0.057557323 0.013486813 0.005987539 0.007803389 0.02452244 0 0.002294457 0.004814437 0.008480017 0.001883931 0.000675755 0 0.02823069 0.026914789 0.00567593 0.007387432 0 0.00078119 0 0 0.004602165 0 0 0.002635661 0.01931782 0.033843212 0.005544086 HexNAc3Hex3dHex1HexNAc2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000196527 HexNAc4Hex3HexNAc2 0 0.063053587 0.064133412 0.037952359 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.026339889 0.004695678 0 0.0098429 0.087114063 0.047791922 0 0.006004186 0.035241199 0 0 0 0.189130183 0 0 0.021604747 0 0.107949381 0.028448985 HexNAc5Hex3HexNAc2 0.106714436 0.392117492 0.406879953 0.456640609 0.600203861 0.256396486 0.616023149 0.315217623 0.052646684 0.370565375 0.544053406 0.110645482 0.091337631 0.148581962 0.703068031 0.979500525 0.376242666 0.298950707 0.332549267 0.131094627 0.808168159 0.220312989 0.857438455 0.364330171 0.216284832 0.12137489 0.506527326 0.499449631 0.748212381 HexNAc1Hex4dHex1HexNAc2 0 0.020989038 0.043454719 0 0 0 0 0.026060028 0.001485791 0.001218057 0 0 0.005762891 0 0.093464268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.012120565 0 0 0 0 0 0.004220487 HexNAc1Hex4dHex2HexNAc2 0.005952786 0.133654381 0.203446609 0.030216104 0.002498512 0.027318572 0.014248942 0.066667418 0.188326151 0.378564764 0.015522212 0.232073386 0.280302795 0.02003665 0.697097701 2.902077387 0 0.276881534 0.003775381 0.241026349 0.513868811 1.02079062 0.482494631 0.374101193 0.329633413 0.013592586 0.321894659 0.87328773 0.018558111 HexNAc1Hex4HexNAc2 0.016808093 0.067172046 0.033217628 0 0.002628379 0 0.013493913 0.027908756 0.021657735 0.028825364 0.001356761 0.022054144 0.016484942 0 0.128085804 0.388065066 0 0.047668892 0 0.00189742 0.012796888 0.001393599 0.073837065 0 0.000680109 0 0.017690071 0 0.116457116 HexNAc2Hex4HexNAc2 0.050442161 0.26885429 0.285707442 0.006492636 0.206883914 0.146020901 0.180559003 0 0 0 0.029052451 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.130445585 0 0 0.005078987 0.008225805 0.025466361 0.213486675 HexNAc2Hex4dHex1HexNAc2 0.001174481 0.016812068 0.015858214 0 0.004032695 0.008645939 0.003908272 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.049817966 HexNAc3Hex4dHex2HexNAc2 0 0.00789514 0 0.007100909 0.004947764 0.005001104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.092714689 0.031931974 0.01640077 0.0127456 0.005445683 0 0.004408205 0.002273455 0.067562694 0.005994301 0 0 0.010513468 0.056019255 0 HexNAc3Hex4HexNAc2 0.045781615 0.107087774 0.12871967 0 0.089465474 0.06644448 0.110022616 0.037075356 0.016712195 0.030071569 0.003007641 0.029613853 0.010192791 0.012578012 0.148464563 0.314191087 0.059409378 0.023068609 0.009003028 0.010947211 0.054394889 0.068437507 0.143086288 0.049233562 0.022344173 0.002120737 0.034594418 0.074711473 0.007465655 HexNAc4Hex4dHex2HexNAc2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000241956 0 0 0.004327342 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HexNAc1Hex5HexNAc2 0.062281607 0.730918842 0.827329105 0.014214426 0.054540526 0.064954413 0.085806605 0 0.002394795 0 0 0.006742879 0 0 0.131754993 0 0 0 0 0.008925516 0.067400038 0 0.022163995 0.002437252 0.011137372 0 0.086452088 0.03940205 0.076028066 HexNAc1Hex5dHex1HexNAc2 0.097847089 0.171551632 0.176071699 0.010487196 0.156156625 0.122441189 0.175687284 0.024048217 0.083815518 0.044575947 0.011162804 0.012452073 0.055979066 0.00849363 0.049460525 0.030741556 0.019867451 0.023091726 0.009843849 0.0010036 0.143149663 0.095923001 0.163367208 0.002020281 0.051719449 0.012983219 0.007070864 0.011866541 0.115119407 HexNAc1Hex5dHex2HexNAc2 0 0.012561232 0.009124498 0 0.054544986 0.012887146 0.030288762 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.004507658 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.127342493 HexNAc3Hex5HexNAc2 0.008250418 0 0.013683125 0.008451967 0.002661396 0.017278905 0 0 0.013100179 0.01447828 0.005995937 0.005104988 0.015893955 0.009924912 0.037297696 0.07511704 0 0.017556015 0 0.027659396 0.099265392 0.02101261 0.353432482 0.082612431 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