#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH Shiyang_Song200411_20210910_115334 DATATRACK_ID:2833 STUDY_ID:ST001917 ANALYSIS_ID:AN003115 PROJECT_ID:000000 VERSION 1 CREATED_ON September 13, 2021, 5:34 pm #PROJECT PR:PROJECT_TITLE Myocardial Rev-erb-mediated diurnal metabolic rhythm PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY Agonists and antagonists of nuclear receptor Rev-erbα/β, key components of the PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY circadian clock, can benefit the heart. Here, we show that mice with PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY cardiomyocyte-specific knockout (KO) of Rev-erbα/β display progressive cardiac PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY dilation and lethal heart failure. Inducible ablation of Rev-erbα/β in adult PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY hearts causes similar phenotypes. Impaired fatty acid oxidation in the KO PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY myocardium, particularly in the light cycle, precedes contractile dysfunctions PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY with a reciprocal overreliance on carbohydrate utilization, particularly in the PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY dark cycle. These findings delineate temporal coordination between PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY clock-mediated anticipation and nutrient-induced response in myocardial PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY metabolism. PR:INSTITUTE Baylor College of Medicine PR:LAST_NAME Song PR:FIRST_NAME Shiyang PR:ADDRESS One Baylor Plaza, Houston, TX ,77030. PR:EMAIL shiyangs@bcm.edu PR:PHONE 7137983159 #STUDY ST:STUDY_TITLE Myocardial Rev-erb-mediated diurnal metabolic rhythm (Part 3/3) ST:STUDY_SUMMARY The snap-frozen mouse heart ventricles that was harvested at ZT6 or ZT18 from ST:STUDY_SUMMARY both WT and Rev-erb cardiomyocytes specific KO mice were used for metabolomics ST:STUDY_SUMMARY study. ST:INSTITUTE Baylor College of Medicine ST:LAST_NAME Song ST:FIRST_NAME Shiyang ST:ADDRESS One Baylor Plaza ST:EMAIL shiyangs@bcm.edu ST:PHONE 7137983159 #SUBJECT SU:SUBJECT_TYPE Mammal SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES Mus musculus SU:TAXONOMY_ID 10090 SU:AGE_OR_AGE_RANGE 10 weeks SU:GENDER Male #SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS: SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Raw file names and additional sample data SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - WT_ZT6_1 Group:WT_ZT6 | Genotype:wild type control | Experimental variables:WT mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT6 age(weeks)=10; species=mouse; strain=C57bl/6; RAW_FILE_NAME=RevCKOzt.zip; Tissue=heart SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - WT_ZT6_2 Group:WT_ZT6 | Genotype:wild type control | Experimental variables:WT mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT6 age(weeks)=10; species=mouse; strain=C57bl/6; RAW_FILE_NAME=RevCKOzt.zip; Tissue=heart SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - WT_ZT6_3 Group:WT_ZT6 | Genotype:wild type control | Experimental variables:WT mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT6 age(weeks)=10; species=mouse; strain=C57bl/6; RAW_FILE_NAME=RevCKOzt.zip; Tissue=heart SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - KO_ZT6_1 Group:KO_ZT6 | Genotype:Rev-erb cardiomyocyte specific knock out | Experimental variables:KO mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT6 age(weeks)=10; species=mouse; strain=C57bl/6; RAW_FILE_NAME=RevCKOzt.zip; Tissue=heart SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - KO_ZT6_2 Group:KO_ZT6 | Genotype:Rev-erb cardiomyocyte specific knock out | Experimental variables:KO mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT6 age(weeks)=10; species=mouse; strain=C57bl/6; RAW_FILE_NAME=RevCKOzt.zip; Tissue=heart SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - KO_ZT6_3 Group:KO_ZT6 | Genotype:Rev-erb cardiomyocyte specific knock out | Experimental variables:KO mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT6 age(weeks)=10; species=mouse; strain=C57bl/6; RAW_FILE_NAME=RevCKOzt.zip; Tissue=heart SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - WT_ZT18_1 Group:WT_ZT18 | Genotype:wild type control | Experimental variables:WT mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT18 age(weeks)=10; species=mouse; strain=C57bl/6; RAW_FILE_NAME=RevCKOzt.zip; Tissue=heart SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - WT_ZT18_2 Group:WT_ZT18 | Genotype:wild type control | Experimental variables:WT mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT18 age(weeks)=10; species=mouse; strain=C57bl/6; RAW_FILE_NAME=RevCKOzt.zip; Tissue=heart SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - WT_ZT18_3 Group:WT_ZT18 | Genotype:wild type control | Experimental variables:WT mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT18 age(weeks)=10; species=mouse; strain=C57bl/6; RAW_FILE_NAME=RevCKOzt.zip; Tissue=heart SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - KO_ZT18_1 Group:KO_ZT18 | Genotype:Rev-erb cardiomyocyte specific knock out | Experimental variables:KO mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT18 age(weeks)=10; species=mouse; strain=C57bl/6; RAW_FILE_NAME=RevCKOzt.zip; Tissue=heart SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - KO_ZT18_2 Group:KO_ZT18 | Genotype:Rev-erb cardiomyocyte specific knock out | Experimental variables:KO mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT18 age(weeks)=10; species=mouse; strain=C57bl/6; RAW_FILE_NAME=RevCKOzt.zip; Tissue=heart SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - KO_ZT18_3 Group:KO_ZT18 | Genotype:Rev-erb cardiomyocyte specific knock out | Experimental variables:KO mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT18 age(weeks)=10; species=mouse; strain=C57bl/6; RAW_FILE_NAME=RevCKOzt.zip; Tissue=heart #COLLECTION CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY Snap-frozen heart ventricles were collected from both WT and Rev-erb CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY cardiomyocyte-specific KO mice at ZT6 or ZT18 CO:SAMPLE_TYPE Heart #TREATMENT TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY No special treatment #SAMPLEPREP SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Heart ventricle tissues were harvested from male mice at 2.5 months of age (n = SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY 3 at each condition) and snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen. Data were acquired in SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) using Agilent QQQ LC-MS systems. Separation SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY of TCA and glycolysis metabolites were performed using 5 mM ammonium acetate in SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY water as buffer pH 9.9 (A), and 100% acetonitrile as buffer (B) using Luna 3 µM SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY NH2 column (Phenomenex, Torrance, CA) and measured 6495 triple quadrupole mass SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY spectrometer via ESI negative mode (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). The SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Gradient used is as follows: 0-20 min-80% B (Flow rate 0.2ml/min); 20-20.10 min- SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY 80% to 2 % B; 20.10-25 min-2% B (Flow rate 0.3ml/min); 25-30 min 80% B (Flowrate SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY 0.35ml/min); 30-35 min-80%B (Flow rate 0.4ml/min); 35-38 min 80% B (Flow rate SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY 0.4ml/min); followed by re-equilibration at the end of the gradient to the SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY initial starting condition 80% B at Flow rate of 0.2 ml/min. Separation and SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY measurement of amino acids were performed using Zorbax eclipse XDB C-18, 1.8 SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY micron, 4.6 x 100 mm column on 6495 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer via ESI SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Positive mode (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). Mobile phases A and B SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY were 0.1% formic acid in water and acetonitrile, respectively. The gradient used SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY is as follows: 0 min-2% B; 6 min- 2% of B, 6.5 min-30 % B, 7 min- 90% of B, 12 SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY min 95% of B, 13 min 2% of B followed by re-equilibration at the end of the SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY gradient 20 min to the initial starting condition 2% of B. Flow rate: 0.2 SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY ml/min. Separation and measurement of CoA's and carnitines were performed using SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Zorbax eclipse XDB C-18, 1.8 micron, 4.6 x 100 mm column on 6495 triple SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY quadrupole mass spectrometer via ESI Positive mode (Agilent Technologies, Santa SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Clara, CA). Mobile phases A and B were 0.1% formic acid in water and SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY acetonitrile, respectively. Gradient used is as follows: 0 min-2% B; 6 min- 2% SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY of B, 6.5 min-30 % B, 7 min- 90% of B, 12 min 95% of B,13 min 2% of B followed SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY by re-equilibration at end of the gradient 20 min to the initial starting SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY condition 2% of B. Flow rate: 0.2 ml/min. Separation and measurement of SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY nucleotides were performed using Zorbax eclipse XDB C-18, 1.8 micron, 4.6 x 100 SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY mm column on 6495 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer via ESI Positive mode SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). Mobile phases A and B were 0.1% formic SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY acid in water and acetonitrile, respectively. The gradient used is as follows: SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY 0-6 min 2% B, 6-6.50 min 30% B, 7-12 min 95% B, 12-13 min 2% B, and SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY re-equilibration till the end of the gradient 20 min. Flow rate: 0.2 ml/min). SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY The data were normalized with internal standards, and log2 transformed on a SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY per-sample, per-method basis. Statistical analyses were performed with either SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY ANOVA or t-test in R Studio (R Studio Inc., Boston, MA). Differential SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY metabolites were identified by adjusting the p-values for multiple testing at an SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY FDR (Benjamini Hochberg method) threshold of <0.25. #CHROMATOGRAPHY CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY Separation of TCA and glycolysis metabolites were performed using 5 mM ammonium CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY acetate in water as buffer pH 9.9 (A), and 100% acetonitrile as buffer (B) using CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY Luna 3 µM NH2 column (Phenomenex, Torrance, CA) and measured 6495 triple CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY quadrupole mass spectrometer via ESI negative mode (Agilent Technologies, Santa CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY Clara, CA). The Gradient used is as follows: 0-20 min-80% B (Flow rate CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY 0.2ml/min); 20-20.10 min- 80% to 2 % B; 20.10-25 min-2% B (Flow rate 0.3ml/min); CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY 25-30 min 80% B (Flowrate 0.35ml/min); 30-35 min-80%B (Flow rate 0.4ml/min); CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY 35-38 min 80% B (Flow rate 0.4ml/min); followed by re-equilibration at the end CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY of the gradient to the initial starting condition 80% B at Flow rate of 0.2 CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY ml/min. Separation and measurement of amino acids were performed using Zorbax CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY eclipse XDB C-18, 1.8 micron, 4.6 x 100 mm column on 6495 triple quadrupole mass CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY spectrometer via ESI Positive mode (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY Mobile phases A and B were 0.1% formic acid in water and acetonitrile, CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY respectively. The gradient used is as follows: 0 min-2% B; 6 min- 2% of B, 6.5 CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY min-30 % B, 7 min- 90% of B, 12 min 95% of B, 13 min 2% of B followed by CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY re-equilibration at the end of the gradient 20 min to the initial starting CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY condition 2% of B. Flow rate: 0.2 ml/min. Separation and measurement of CoA's CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY and carnitines were performed using Zorbax eclipse XDB C-18, 1.8 micron, 4.6 x CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY 100 mm column on 6495 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer via ESI Positive mode CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). Mobile phases A and B were 0.1% formic CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY acid in water and acetonitrile, respectively. Gradient used is as follows: 0 CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY min-2% B; 6 min- 2% of B, 6.5 min-30 % B, 7 min- 90% of B, 12 min 95% of B,13 CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY min 2% of B followed by re-equilibration at end of the gradient 20 min to the CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY initial starting condition 2% of B. Flow rate: 0.2 ml/min. Separation and CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY measurement of nucleotides were performed using Zorbax eclipse XDB C-18, 1.8 CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY micron, 4.6 x 100 mm column on 6495 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer via ESI CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY Positive mode (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). Mobile phases A and B CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY were 0.1% formic acid in water and acetonitrile, respectively. The gradient used CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY is as follows: 0-6 min 2% B, 6-6.50 min 30% B, 7-12 min 95% B, 12-13 min 2% B, CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY and re-equilibration till the end of the gradient 20 min. Flow rate: 0.2 CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY ml/min). CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE GC CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME Agilent 1290 CH:COLUMN_NAME Agilent Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18 (100 x 2.1mm, 1.8 um) #ANALYSIS AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE MS #MS MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME Agilent 6490 QQQ MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE Other MS:MS_TYPE ESI MS:ION_MODE POSITIVE MS:MS_COMMENTS The data were normalized with internal standards, and log2 transformed on a MS:MS_COMMENTS per-sample, per-method basis. Statistical analyses were performed with either MS:MS_COMMENTS ANOVA or t-test in R Studio (R Studio Inc., Boston, MA). Differential MS:MS_COMMENTS metabolites were identified by adjusting the p-values for multiple testing at an MS:MS_COMMENTS FDR (Benjamini Hochberg method) threshold of <0.25. #MS_METABOLITE_DATA MS_METABOLITE_DATA:UNITS pmoles/l MS_METABOLITE_DATA_START Samples WT_ZT6_1 WT_ZT6_2 WT_ZT6_3 KO_ZT6_1 KO_ZT6_2 KO_ZT6_3 WT_ZT18_1 WT_ZT18_2 WT_ZT18_3 KO_ZT18_1 KO_ZT18_2 KO_ZT18_3 Factors Group:WT_ZT6 | Genotype:wild type control | Experimental variables:WT mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT6 Group:WT_ZT6 | Genotype:wild type control | Experimental variables:WT mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT6 Group:WT_ZT6 | Genotype:wild type control | Experimental variables:WT mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT6 Group:KO_ZT6 | Genotype:Rev-erb cardiomyocyte specific knock out | Experimental variables:KO mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT6 Group:KO_ZT6 | Genotype:Rev-erb cardiomyocyte specific knock out | Experimental variables:KO mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT6 Group:KO_ZT6 | Genotype:Rev-erb cardiomyocyte specific knock out | Experimental variables:KO mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT6 Group:WT_ZT18 | Genotype:wild type control | Experimental variables:WT mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT18 Group:WT_ZT18 | Genotype:wild type control | Experimental variables:WT mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT18 Group:WT_ZT18 | Genotype:wild type control | Experimental variables:WT mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT18 Group:KO_ZT18 | Genotype:Rev-erb cardiomyocyte specific knock out | Experimental variables:KO mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT18 Group:KO_ZT18 | Genotype:Rev-erb cardiomyocyte specific knock out | Experimental variables:KO mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT18 Group:KO_ZT18 | Genotype:Rev-erb cardiomyocyte specific knock out | Experimental variables:KO mouse heart ventrcle harvest at ZT18 2-Methylbutyrylcarnitine -4.381892394 -5.759223604 -4.022115572 -6.611316915 -5.856014571 -6.829029148 -4.94537646 -5.271659572 -4.216510295 -6.947553006 -6.248109821 -5.825351853 Acetyl Carnitine 1.437288648 1.161571474 2.118072965 -0.047179543 0.443964199 -0.123191204 1.545488913 1.563032667 1.617972284 0.568578265 0.684880763 0.648663001 Butyrylcarnitine 0.79957427 -1.206277582 1.641288281 -1.856052976 -0.835876994 -1.651374374 0.823219112 0.017610783 1.419307705 -2.456407746 -0.996608052 -0.290794307 Carnitine -0.454574609 -0.120101098 -0.550798232 -0.978334992 -1.076443217 -1.021562248 -0.766491629 -0.745424274 -0.823556575 -1.005505851 -1.428359307 -1.474194894 Deoxy carnitine -4.270215246 -4.630389035 -4.165802406 -4.534608539 -4.400605024 -4.557567078 -4.842771791 -4.692621761 -4.735120937 -4.504739664 -4.795163334 -4.860662234 Heptanoyl Carnitine -1.953976894 -3.360012462 -0.293653407 -4.452936515 -3.433761156 -4.362551227 -1.979745895 -2.764643023 -1.390416743 -5.505356817 -3.425929397 -2.941035228 Isobutyryl Carnitine 0.745098295 -1.168470043 1.558966339 -1.810833461 -0.745065301 -1.601386126 0.833923961 0.163807374 1.328746026 -2.572366927 -1.126784446 -0.310307159 Isovaleryl Carnitine -1.826136317 -3.176470708 -1.473851848 -3.980833289 -3.28228625 -4.245672173 -2.254717815 -2.521520933 -1.634725019 -4.267122196 -3.648181991 -3.264285456 Octanoylcarnitine -1.765036165 -1.793690624 -0.637901969 -4.246861757 -2.974874926 -3.53222784 -3.246067217 -3.802741916 -2.699957943 -4.707918892 -3.165178037 -3.318248846 Palmitoylcarnitine -6.936214608 -8.034754028 -6.132519176 -10.16476942 -8.46623654 -8.647707048 -12.28908897 -12.20072949 -12.20821005 -11.87945058 -13.41919137 -12.55290294 Propionyl Carnitine 0.545062608 1.246267131 0.93312256 -0.180975175 -0.629394582 -0.327563928 0.609497797 0.675396675 0.704517671 -0.528781079 -0.598385616 -0.948162923 Succinyl CoA -15.10938434 -15.17286055 -14.24578867 -14.1064885 -14.77466759 -14.12946316 -15.94037218 -15.40694372 -15.84864183 -16.53341676 -14.94927344 -15.55873341 MethylGlutaryl carnitine -10.27616912 -9.517355163 -10.96621391 -10.77382607 -11.19344845 -10.45854713 -11.40195946 -10.31416649 -12.27506208 -10.84724552 -10.91679516 -11.2057148 Alanine -0.175185568 -0.179721478 -0.242201418 -0.207422733 -0.329595884 -0.323538583 -0.622218909 -0.540279821 -0.338261771 -0.432336633 -0.3790969 -0.394792055 Arginine 0.171445953 0.026371655 0.232179472 -0.30382896 0.022385371 -0.539616535 -0.856702796 -1.125729866 -0.73160748 -0.805978685 -1.069245619 -0.140219214 Asparagine 0.05938152 -0.125046891 -0.10618582 -0.098478981 -0.145099744 -0.503954412 0.36195215 0.205411924 0.148763473 0.245464713 0.101952527 0.404624005 Aspartic acid -3.399979231 -3.499704579 -2.996927792 -3.033545043 -2.087222882 -2.840819153 -5.584118305 -5.267097867 -4.815237285 -3.598329658 -3.242070533 -2.766125385 Citrulline -3.995275825 -3.650497527 -3.285301138 -3.779182343 -3.736401204 -4.014899699 -4.533744386 -4.531701349 -4.267558244 -4.276753568 -4.213881022 -3.97212052 Histidine -2.132546794 -1.873731617 -1.980528352 -1.951182005 -2.152494409 -2.364117429 -1.878484538 -2.315489537 -1.934559732 -1.909754264 -2.157570324 -2.164907192 Homoserine -5.84210779 -6.083186665 -5.79239983 -5.827942472 -5.280782412 -5.592144678 -6.529899767 -6.625636532 -6.232527764 -6.17857088 -6.090610011 -6.018001892 Isoleucine 3.8425419 3.745565562 3.839035171 3.596291172 3.732993338 3.580704485 3.681627062 3.702168876 3.654785258 3.719748771 3.516275348 3.77919969 Lysine -0.864640631 -0.485558418 -0.469413826 -0.747174668 -0.345755104 -0.708595654 -1.37253174 -1.419441363 -1.243644332 -0.747714344 -1.215310033 -1.082369023 Methionine -0.88442809 -0.878687674 -0.890216623 -1.016464827 -0.726507526 -0.936139007 0.068304894 -0.116347632 0.258943161 0.101532241 0.345908537 0.424829114 Ornithine -3.99173923 -4.369410373 -4.228225108 -4.474367048 -4.34287703 -4.748868505 -4.687052617 -5.064697929 -4.749646699 -4.590982756 -4.839818323 -4.574832091 Phenyl alanine 3.752613824 3.6257029 3.710588325 3.72902349 3.749031389 3.608573345 3.813990428 3.842691208 3.877409763 3.90270351 3.774828628 3.891407137 Proline -1.083906085 -1.057557829 -0.984875111 -0.742737755 -0.592826483 -0.724482631 -0.085560172 -0.204264158 0.104209025 0.036786369 0.498085903 0.484846694 Serine -4.850676208 -4.810791139 -4.662481609 -5.044342561 -4.462369349 -4.980537281 -4.714265091 -5.389958494 -4.766431101 -4.647019316 -6.109680145 -4.886333143 Threonine -5.84210779 -6.083186665 -5.79239983 -5.827942472 -5.280782412 -5.592144678 -6.529899767 -6.625636532 -6.232527764 -6.274680104 -6.090610011 -6.018001892 Tryptophan 1.341815811 0.665275124 0.891723473 1.24610464 1.026588617 0.69304162 1.414168662 0.942608638 1.326499873 1.280814264 1.473175782 1.280292645 Tyrosine -0.13490682 -0.547434726 0.019871569 -0.126692778 0.030239111 -0.063882644 0.562283101 -0.185778165 0.633587231 0.615918398 0.640846332 0.957499356 Valine -1.553704476 -1.647664638 -1.295065553 -1.567694305 -1.219975531 -1.725364323 -2.139739249 -2.37418585 -1.98100409 -2.250855687 -1.934558969 -1.623410915 Putrescine -7.083022125 -7.611699737 -7.941918678 -6.766807577 -6.65440642 -6.728045376 -7.706044028 -7.947932426 -7.893947876 -7.383926829 -7.402011283 -6.884935932 Spermidine -6.750440911 -7.617537949 -8.060745755 -7.480495841 -8.147658133 -8.798760269 -6.11070085 -7.902282459 -6.367669519 -4.623419537 -4.897675468 -4.122256367 Spermine -14.11601499 -13.22684789 -13.77512964 -12.80051929 -13.48872689 -14.34525503 -13.63545444 -14.09180315 -14.49537245 -15.64689314 -15.24309853 -15.3564804 Homocysteine -7.770751521 -8.283723716 -9.039139714 -8.632440936 -8.433052433 -8.718625728 -8.925536333 -8.972825815 -8.974603966 -8.876072547 -9.13449409 -9.066062055 Adenine 12.21633822 12.86485885 12.24127759 13.2380187 13.07945451 13.24968445 10.59699758 9.815419883 11.07694004 10.0065064 10.97757083 12.598292 Adenosine 14.5296946 14.96496454 14.4440124 14.70077654 14.94886596 15.03985059 13.81265065 13.35802284 14.16117305 13.34687558 13.95090282 14.90337164 ADP 4.896935121 7.026449887 7.418887362 7.91040663 8.689731654 10.10237007 10.32095473 10.49972352 10.68819122 10.06492157 10.02766698 10.87413356 AMP 13.00887665 13.11709368 12.75439819 12.64466503 12.78705396 12.9293145 12.84371201 12.90954561 13.29095326 12.53292169 12.68500356 13.24783171 Cytidine 8.460664598 9.122740193 8.336916071 8.366743957 8.759113232 8.906621778 7.390380143 7.692871404 7.693517157 8.371007603 7.720588558 8.590086257 Cytidine 5 -Monophosphate 5.394598841 5.432618961 5.038972949 5.208416966 5.433287173 5.434654096 4.715389552 4.837446806 4.983791289 5.223451269 4.872660523 5.193017442 Cytidine 5'-diphosphate 3.6703006 3.67452033 3.01847854 3.279178947 3.56723404 2.90995095 2.394112913 2.125878063 3.184785721 1.974818315 2.768056578 3.377301675 Cytosine 6.356589003 6.738238379 5.517757529 5.616359431 6.523467003 6.047143514 5.662825526 5.850718997 5.15668624 6.158894335 6.169249924 7.00924314 dGMP 7.285552229 7.888865107 7.165793146 6.909828682 7.054438961 7.362545491 7.009659567 7.049580683 7.630199914 6.609376611 6.904848148 7.370370353 GMP 9.002710018 9.251692028 9.131118579 9.072648265 9.463201331 9.50784142 9.076791002 9.024855461 9.225472393 9.031768415 9.057244919 9.602651805 Guanine 8.134989685 8.462737347 8.26013815 8.889791297 9.470139993 9.334020965 8.161463115 7.881867117 8.437880771 8.904185693 8.663551122 9.648249531 Guanosine 5.891021597 6.455746978 6.16506242 6.713359778 7.178141473 7.063094926 5.941585994 5.715192582 6.250662628 6.719967619 6.491689095 7.388405478 Hypoxanthine 13.57721795 13.59020106 13.15136719 13.60106193 14.16642049 14.01787557 13.57067811 13.37886138 13.81526672 14.0536971 13.72074462 14.58919816 IMP 12.22914964 12.37154041 12.26396933 12.04208003 12.44897424 12.46633465 12.48712053 12.67356121 12.64678352 12.32299454 12.47729612 13.00465958 Inosine 12.19102523 11.90456894 11.01474564 13.18684961 11.83227451 13.5308063 12.21338802 11.62922814 11.46907613 12.50296044 11.54986224 12.77579008 Uridine 8.240194026 8.505999666 7.874700923 8.136628592 8.470434411 8.561419055 7.75726693 7.953673208 8.033627368 8.08929647 7.558265093 8.41269535 Xanthine 9.209563124 9.58844408 9.078789633 9.351035953 9.509289437 9.517729474 9.778552648 9.669729705 9.672894681 9.994362888 9.531359195 10.39897885 cis-aconitate 0.963842294 1.673608322 2.379767568 0.329099483 0.71250589 0.119241032 2.095159563 2.193561435 1.842643324 0.482990197 0.95109441 1.555173958 Citrate 3.432770207 3.975604963 4.56984698 2.364940984 3.357765108 2.771523983 4.154837321 4.502817377 4.090396285 3.217931941 3.862033422 3.700672024 Erythrose-4-P 0.082140862 0.854817421 -0.356111025 0.488366457 0.60342174 0.294802197 0.591881565 0.723464709 -0.312034437 0.350347445 0.330877873 0.067226959 Fumarate 0.76324819 0.867733951 0.288739991 0.961525852 0.643733382 0.712589389 -0.108567235 -0.285750901 -0.541011192 0.326551407 0.846393797 0.864442128 G6P/F6P 4.017214957 5.092064108 3.346839792 4.449992003 3.7509286 5.638125303 6.189971566 6.958396613 4.368348327 6.672060027 3.961485386 2.784554862 GlucoseFructose 5.639328926 5.907390223 5.584845404 5.340966501 5.109342225 5.516326187 5.43376581 6.294359638 4.673838689 6.347213876 4.818545861 3.673928324 Glutamic acid 5.775252156 6.405883825 6.189612815 5.833022867 6.133337561 5.946186083 5.950832885 6.199564042 5.640948015 6.210920171 6.093905953 5.961588711 Glutamine 4.654300457 5.241997682 5.086928939 4.716620742 4.985048467 4.693800755 4.945909793 5.096287973 4.746506907 5.068166417 4.956868507 4.715330951 Glycerol 3 Phosphate -0.267223323 0.159531267 0.452998506 -0.931188629 -0.519405647 -1.005432026 0.655070202 0.637358288 0.485119064 0.204671142 -0.203617971 0.008174541 Hydroxy glutarate 1.314216489 1.814877537 1.624993958 1.274382719 1.629416255 1.463860841 1.524466327 1.69203588 1.151323919 1.671150372 1.598043797 1.383646806 Ketoglutarate 0.823905627 1.295697271 1.178783757 0.838180472 1.145179701 0.859343453 0.962502239 1.077243593 0.759528201 1.042672864 1.174903953 0.819186836 Lactate 4.466062119 4.916086375 4.578851014 4.589826216 4.403452531 4.373579019 5.218046517 5.506233074 5.024728922 5.099531756 5.047372299 4.760497548 Malate 6.23007364 6.52636905 5.973084525 6.448005282 6.497262789 6.140318103 5.49637003 5.322467015 5.460123239 6.022532347 6.329523614 6.157069406 Ribose/Ribulose/xylulose-5P 2.940981816 3.323699904 3.006804558 3.152963275 3.312022724 2.981621787 2.909997354 2.825788987 2.579002979 3.080483996 3.164397105 3.366440534 Succinate 1.133871606 -0.557267793 1.760967811 -0.265662082 0.305731477 0.686978027 1.07962121 0.549900484 1.681789982 1.81851072 -0.263499641 0.381536968 MS_METABOLITE_DATA_END #METABOLITES METABOLITES_START metabolite_name 2-Methylbutyrylcarnitine Acetyl Carnitine Butyrylcarnitine Carnitine Deoxy carnitine Heptanoyl Carnitine Isobutyryl Carnitine Isovaleryl Carnitine Octanoylcarnitine Palmitoylcarnitine Propionyl Carnitine Succinyl CoA MethylGlutaryl carnitine Alanine Arginine Asparagine Aspartic acid Citrulline Histidine Homoserine Isoleucine Lysine Methionine Ornithine Phenyl alanine Proline Serine Threonine Tryptophan Tyrosine Valine Putrescine Spermidine Spermine Homocysteine Adenine Adenosine ADP AMP Cytidine Cytidine 5 -Monophosphate Cytidine 5'-diphosphate Cytosine dGMP GMP Guanine Guanosine Hypoxanthine IMP Inosine Uridine Xanthine cis-aconitate Citrate Erythrose-4-P Fumarate G6P/F6P GlucoseFructose Glutamic acid Glutamine Glycerol 3 Phosphate Hydroxy glutarate Ketoglutarate Lactate Malate Ribose/Ribulose/xylulose-5P Succinate METABOLITES_END #END