#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH tetsuya326_20221130_231541 DATATRACK_ID:3616 STUDY_ID:ST002377 ANALYSIS_ID:AN003873 PROJECT_ID:PR001529 VERSION 1 CREATED_ON December 1, 2022, 9:57 am #PROJECT PR:PROJECT_TITLE Hepatic Phosphatidylcholine Catabolism Driven by PNPLA7 and PNPLA8 Supplies PR:PROJECT_TITLE Endogenous Choline to Replenish the Methionine Cycle with Methyl Groups PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY Choline supplies methyl groups for regeneration of methionine and the methyl PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY donor S-adenosylmethionine in the liver. Here we demonstrate that the catabolism PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY of membrane phosphatidylcholine (PC) into water-soluble glycerophosphocholine PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY (GPC) by the phospholipase/lysophospholipase PNPLA8-PNPLA7 axis enables PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY endogenous choline stored in hepatic PC to be utilized in methyl metabolism. PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY PNPLA7-deficient mice show marked decreases in hepatic GPC, choline, and several PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY metabolites related to the methionine cycle, accompanied by various signs of PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY methionine insufficiency including growth retardation, hypoglycemia, PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY hypolipidemia, increased energy consumption, reduced adiposity, increased FGF21, PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY and an altered histone/DNA methylation landscape. Moreover, PNPLA8-deficient PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY mice recapitulate most of these phenotypes. In contrast to wild-type mice fed a PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY methionine/choline-deficient diet, both knockout strains display a decreased PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY hepatic triglyceride likely via reductions of lipogenesis and GPC-derived PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY glycerol flux. Collectively, our findings highlight the biological importance of PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY phospholipid catabolism driven by PNPLA8/PNPLA7 in methyl group flux and PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY triglyceride synthesis in the liver. PR:INSTITUTE Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science PR:LAST_NAME Hirabayashi PR:FIRST_NAME Tetsuya PR:ADDRESS 2-6-1 Kamikitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 156-8506, Japan PR:EMAIL hirabayashi-tt@igakuken.or.jp PR:PHONE +81-3-5316-3100 #STUDY ST:STUDY_TITLE Hepatic Phosphatidylcholine Catabolism Driven by PNPLA7 and PNPLA8 Supplies ST:STUDY_TITLE Endogenous Choline to Replenish the Methionine Cycle with Methyl Groups ST:STUDY_TITLE (Pnpla7-knockout) ST:STUDY_SUMMARY Choline supplies methyl groups for regeneration of methionine and the methyl ST:STUDY_SUMMARY donor S-adenosylmethionine in the liver. Here we demonstrate that the catabolism ST:STUDY_SUMMARY of membrane phosphatidylcholine (PC) into water-soluble glycerophosphocholine ST:STUDY_SUMMARY (GPC) by the phospholipase/lysophospholipase PNPLA8-PNPLA7 axis enables ST:STUDY_SUMMARY endogenous choline stored in hepatic PC to be utilized in methyl metabolism. ST:STUDY_SUMMARY PNPLA7-deficient mice show marked decreases in hepatic GPC, choline, and several ST:STUDY_SUMMARY metabolites related to the methionine cycle, accompanied by various signs of ST:STUDY_SUMMARY methionine insufficiency including growth retardation, hypoglycemia, ST:STUDY_SUMMARY hypolipidemia, increased energy consumption, reduced adiposity, increased FGF21, ST:STUDY_SUMMARY and an altered histone/DNA methylation landscape. Moreover, PNPLA8-deficient ST:STUDY_SUMMARY mice recapitulate most of these phenotypes. In contrast to wild-type mice fed a ST:STUDY_SUMMARY methionine/choline-deficient diet, both knockout strains display a decreased ST:STUDY_SUMMARY hepatic triglyceride likely via reductions of lipogenesis and GPC-derived ST:STUDY_SUMMARY glycerol flux. Collectively, our findings highlight the biological importance of ST:STUDY_SUMMARY phospholipid catabolism driven by PNPLA8/PNPLA7 in methyl group flux and ST:STUDY_SUMMARY triglyceride synthesis in the liver. ST:INSTITUTE Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science ST:LAST_NAME Hirabayashi ST:FIRST_NAME Tetsuya ST:ADDRESS 2-6-1 Kamikitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 156-8506, Japan ST:EMAIL hirabayashi-tt@igakuken.or.jp ST:PHONE +81-3-5316-3100 #SUBJECT SU:SUBJECT_TYPE Mammal SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES Mus musculus SU:TAXONOMY_ID 10090 SU:GENOTYPE_STRAIN C57BL/6N SU:AGE_OR_AGE_RANGE 6-weeks old #FACTORS #SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS: SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Raw file names and additional sample data SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - WT1 Genotype:Wild-type SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - WT2 Genotype:Wild-type SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - WT3 Genotype:Wild-type SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - WT4 Genotype:Wild-type SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - WT5 Genotype:Wild-type SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - WT6 Genotype:Wild-type SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - KO1 Genotype:Pnpla7-knockout SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - KO2 Genotype:Pnpla7-knockout SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - KO3 Genotype:Pnpla7-knockout SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - KO4 Genotype:Pnpla7-knockout SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - KO5 Genotype:Pnpla7-knockout SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - KO6 Genotype:Pnpla7-knockout #COLLECTION CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY Mice were deeply anesthetized and perfused intracardially with saline containing CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY 1 mM MOPS (pH 7.4). Liver was rapidly removed, frozen on liquid nitrogen and CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY stored at –80°C until further processing. CO:SAMPLE_TYPE Liver CO:STORAGE_CONDITIONS -80℃ #TREATMENT TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY No treatment in this study. #SAMPLEPREP SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Tissues with internal standards were homogenized with ice-cold methanol and SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY extracted by the Bligh–Dyer method using chloroform and methanol to separate SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY and recover the water-soluble fractions. The supernatant was filtered through a SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY 5-kDa cut-off filter (Ultrafree-MC-PLHCC, Human Metabolome Technologies) at SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY 9,100 × g for 2 h at 4 °C, dried in a centrifugal evaporator at 1,500 rpm SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY at 1,000 Pa, and resuspended in 50 μl of ultrapure water before metabolome SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY analysis. #CHROMATOGRAPHY CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE CE CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME Agilent 7100 CE CH:COLUMN_NAME Fused silica capillary i.d. 50 μm × 80 cm #ANALYSIS AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE MS #MS MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME Agilent 6224 TOF MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE Other MS:MS_TYPE ESI MS:ION_MODE POSITIVE MS:MS_COMMENTS The spectrometer was scanned from m/z 50 to 1,000. Peaks were extracted using MS:MS_COMMENTS automatic integration software MasterHands (ver. Keio University). MS:MS_COMMENTS Putative metabolites were assigned based on the m/z value and migration time MS:MS_COMMENTS using Human Metabolomic Technologies’ standard library and known–unknown MS:MS_COMMENTS peak library. Peak areas were normalized to internal standards and sample MS:MS_COMMENTS amounts. #MS_METABOLITE_DATA MS_METABOLITE_DATA:UNITS nmol MS_METABOLITE_DATA_START Samples WT1 WT2 WT3 WT4 WT5 KO1 KO2 KO3 KO4 KO5 Factors Genotype:Wild-type Genotype:Wild-type Genotype:Wild-type Genotype:Wild-type Genotype:Wild-type Genotype:Pnpla7-knockout Genotype:Pnpla7-knockout Genotype:Pnpla7-knockout Genotype:Pnpla7-knockout Genotype:Pnpla7-knockout 1-Methyladenosine 1.17 1.17 0.77 1.39 1.08 1.45 1.47 1.53 1.69 1.55 1-Methylhistamine 0.61 1.41 1.05 1.94 0.67 1.32 0.80 1.20 0.69 0.76 1-Methylnicotinamide 11.82 18.47 14.61 13.28 13.84 19.97 5.83 6.91 13.61 14.80 2,4-Diaminobutyrate 2.40 3.52 1.38 2.42 3.71 1.07 1.17 1.97 1.62 1.45 D-2-aminobutyrate 146.59 94.45 69.64 92.47 119.73 217.96 87.39 174.42 188.13 184.11 3-Aminoisobutyrate 22.78 11.09 13.78 12.34 10.80 16.42 16.81 13.56 14.51 14.21 3-Methylhistidine 3.24 2.97 1.54 1.89 3.81 2.57 2.85 3.26 2.67 3.00 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribotide 3.35 3.42 4.10 3.21 2.55 2.89 3.42 3.11 3.33 3.96 5-Aminolevulinate 11.65 9.64 10.55 10.00 8.01 6.57 4.28 8.77 11.03 8.58 5-Hydroxyindoleacetate 1.89 0.68 1.62 0.88 1.47 0.94 N.D. 0.66 0.79 0.39 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate 20.73 8.08 5.00 6.41 31.76 2.34 1.83 5.86 3.31 6.20 5-Methylthioadenosine 7.91 8.59 15.76 6.76 6.77 27.63 3.11 2.93 6.80 1.56 7,8-Dihydrobiopterin 7.49 9.31 6.48 9.87 8.01 9.06 7.92 8.61 9.40 9.45 Adenine 8.53 11.14 6.63 11.61 11.73 10.04 8.35 11.31 10.06 12.33 Adenosine 146.46 171.75 106.67 240.21 159.42 265.68 118.55 173.16 217.52 117.69 ADMA 13.11 4.66 8.66 7.93 10.66 3.17 7.99 6.71 6.25 9.65 Ala 4440.49 3186.85 3787.94 4982.90 4649.72 4901.84 2710.51 4836.44 3711.94 3187.41 Ala-Ala 4.13 4.87 5.26 3.73 3.16 3.76 2.19 3.01 3.43 1.55 Allantoin 153.79 237.43 137.17 227.40 436.77 182.11 190.22 353.82 147.80 149.83 alpha-Aminoadipate 146.56 35.43 162.91 121.00 35.22 723.85 10.99 36.26 21.03 18.21 alpha-Lipoamide 3.93 3.32 3.06 3.20 3.43 4.08 3.73 3.43 3.26 3.44 Alpha-Methylserine 1.33 2.56 2.64 1.75 1.37 1.45 1.03 1.18 1.86 0.95 Arg 3.88 1.88 12.12 2.26 3.97 3.23 5.32 4.49 2.23 3.44 Asn 107.10 100.52 222.79 106.53 118.81 122.37 102.22 89.63 90.17 52.29 Asp 1161.92 368.46 775.66 668.93 654.36 480.44 538.48 745.69 515.88 561.15 beta-Ala 291.61 246.82 150.89 172.31 215.52 236.47 216.03 244.76 293.75 318.39 Betaine 1267.25 488.16 298.34 363.46 738.17 155.76 187.88 470.57 336.14 488.13 Betaine aldehyde (+H2O) 73.13 23.81 30.87 29.98 95.63 29.06 25.31 36.59 32.23 46.07 Cadaverine 0.20 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 0.24 0.33 0.12 0.31 0.21 Carnitine 209.46 176.07 185.92 182.33 188.74 130.81 109.34 163.38 136.18 146.04 Carnosine 0.74 0.86 0.56 0.68 0.61 0.62 0.62 0.55 0.80 0.48 Choline 365.26 276.24 201.57 262.21 348.66 178.85 121.75 168.84 167.32 136.37 Citrulline 12.77 25.62 17.63 39.92 31.47 33.59 17.28 26.09 17.06 18.55 Creatine 136.38 251.02 296.78 171.45 267.62 281.27 169.88 225.50 94.68 231.74 Creatinine 3.41 4.60 4.31 4.25 4.69 5.07 3.07 5.01 1.74 2.80 Cyclohexylamine 0.50 0.47 0.74 0.37 0.61 0.62 0.60 0.59 0.37 0.63 Cys 3.44 5.57 3.75 4.16 3.68 4.37 2.82 4.90 4.17 4.17 Cystathionine 40.66 43.80 73.15 170.27 36.90 135.73 10.37 26.98 79.48 17.13 Cysteine-glutathione disulphide -Divalent 7.10 15.18 8.82 11.80 10.87 8.00 7.27 12.86 13.45 9.29 Cystine N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Cytidine 7.51 5.56 6.16 10.69 11.93 6.15 22.54 13.64 8.00 26.05 Cytosine N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 0.19 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Dihydrouracil 14053.29 13742.22 13865.25 12654.31 14504.59 16067.03 14808.92 12000.47 14005.38 10394.78 Ethanolamine phosphate 471.70 381.30 262.91 321.57 458.52 302.08 375.94 346.34 394.23 405.61 GABA 73.54 26.13 75.17 52.25 55.95 24.56 64.40 46.25 36.54 57.02 gamma-Butyrobetaine 6.38 4.32 3.31 3.74 5.25 2.48 3.32 4.43 2.86 3.76 gamma-Glu-cys 29.86 21.79 25.06 20.01 13.49 18.12 12.08 24.38 15.06 19.09 gamma-Guanidinobutyrate 1.16 0.94 1.80 2.15 0.75 2.11 0.45 0.63 1.30 0.28 Gln 1958.33 2050.79 2021.76 1659.82 1945.21 2613.65 2847.26 2917.43 2063.06 2141.05 Glu 2290.52 1687.37 1567.87 1490.12 1466.39 1963.92 1471.35 1409.73 1485.53 1630.63 Glu-Glu 1.07 0.55 0.70 0.48 0.49 0.51 0.70 0.89 0.57 0.76 Glutathione(ox) 1288.84 1288.38 984.89 1339.05 1382.50 1199.01 1187.65 1136.94 1101.41 1202.38 Glutathione(red) 2294.16 1793.76 1683.72 1764.82 1906.51 2222.62 1516.73 1653.14 1354.40 1840.73 Gly 3349.37 2990.04 2174.01 2991.86 3841.31 2077.93 2835.11 3431.24 2751.71 3354.78 Gly-Gly 28.80 18.83 24.86 21.14 24.48 14.14 18.48 23.76 20.67 21.11 Gly-Leu 0.49 1.02 0.56 0.49 0.46 0.37 0.38 0.21 0.85 0.14 Glycerophosphorylcholine 1645.22 937.73 719.98 622.87 1759.73 81.21 37.70 267.70 83.81 95.30 Guanidinoacetate 5.79 4.12 2.68 5.15 4.58 3.42 14.52 16.87 5.78 5.77 Guanidinosuccinate 7.95 13.37 5.35 11.43 12.69 7.16 8.53 15.81 4.16 7.20 Guanine 2.52 2.85 1.53 2.15 2.06 1.91 1.65 2.39 1.71 2.02 Guanosine 38.40 23.49 33.21 34.86 28.69 24.78 57.55 41.12 34.16 52.10 His 510.22 467.22 524.63 588.39 602.28 708.51 598.57 551.80 505.96 500.76 Histamine 0.18 0.20 0.38 0.23 0.19 0.22 0.22 0.26 0.15 0.17 Homoserine 7.92 7.74 9.95 13.01 6.27 8.87 2.73 6.98 7.49 4.49 Hydroxyproline 48.46 21.42 22.47 27.48 25.99 23.67 16.36 25.05 25.07 15.85 Hypotaurine 284.19 170.79 195.32 571.84 87.30 94.99 67.08 66.85 115.83 133.21 Hypoxanthine 1053.13 664.00 743.22 973.85 1202.88 497.11 713.14 716.58 617.25 972.61 Ile 358.01 265.80 293.24 303.04 396.73 313.81 267.06 369.44 287.74 294.94 Imidazole-4-acetate N.D. 0.93 0.80 1.77 2.34 1.51 1.37 0.95 1.19 1.18 Inosine 2296.72 1764.87 1686.95 2146.62 1986.27 1582.34 2350.78 2328.89 1937.86 2581.76 Isobutylamine 0.77 1.08 0.74 0.69 1.03 1.16 1.05 0.96 0.86 0.60 Kynurenine 1.42 1.80 0.66 1.59 1.51 1.80 0.84 2.03 1.13 1.10 Leu 779.22 550.91 686.62 646.50 753.94 574.62 618.44 721.54 556.04 588.08 Lys 1602.51 1116.98 1460.91 1445.30 1251.38 1526.84 1509.38 1156.23 1437.28 1307.96 Met 368.61 207.97 293.04 277.63 281.70 206.41 241.84 223.40 225.64 270.89 Methionine sulfoxide 21.28 12.01 20.67 21.71 15.53 12.20 10.53 14.45 14.66 9.28 N-Acetylglucosamine 151.46 94.06 97.09 152.23 122.80 71.33 94.77 135.07 92.73 130.57 N-Acetylglucosylamine 1.43 1.22 1.64 1.26 1.54 0.00 1.20 1.25 1.50 1.51 N-Acetylhistidine 9.76 5.97 6.85 7.20 7.23 5.22 5.14 6.93 4.47 4.21 N-Acetylornithine 2.45 2.38 3.90 1.76 2.07 2.48 2.83 2.68 1.97 1.60 N-Acetylputrescine N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 0.91 1.79 N.D. 1.46 1.17 N-Acetylvaline 3.68 4.19 1.42 2.34 5.69 1.66 3.68 4.94 3.28 6.20 N-epsilon-Acetyllysine 5.35 3.16 4.73 3.83 2.98 3.67 3.39 2.55 4.48 3.53 N-gamma-Ethylglutamine 1.45 1.47 1.27 0.75 0.47 1.10 0.48 0.62 1.03 0.93 N-Methylalanine 0.87 0.63 2.87 2.33 0.58 6.38 N.D. 0.53 1.61 0.31 N,N-Dimethylglycine 42.53 30.98 53.64 95.01 57.31 64.25 58.99 54.57 47.96 42.59 N6,N6,N6-Trimethyllysine 2.23 1.85 1.52 2.47 2.67 1.10 1.99 2.52 2.20 2.02 N8-Acetylspermidine 0.67 0.73 0.52 0.16 0.15 0.67 0.56 0.28 0.61 0.56 Nicotinamide 1064.48 1090.80 909.86 1219.19 1217.79 968.34 740.36 989.09 985.05 948.69 o-Acetylcarnitine 8.44 22.43 24.19 12.35 14.22 10.60 10.16 6.66 10.93 4.31 Ophthalmate 60.62 43.60 35.23 24.47 54.37 61.42 20.91 89.21 84.54 34.08 Ornithine 542.18 367.94 574.69 451.16 391.81 539.22 352.36 381.82 503.73 449.55 Phe 395.49 224.32 345.02 290.14 374.43 174.38 278.41 336.83 211.87 288.16 Phosphorylcholine 461.25 355.09 282.56 227.79 484.08 126.12 227.49 258.85 276.29 290.05 Pipecolate 2.88 3.72 1.95 2.56 2.46 3.48 2.57 3.46 3.10 2.09 Pro 946.50 516.18 840.38 764.82 711.55 1032.44 522.31 589.24 647.94 579.61 Pterin 5.40 3.36 5.91 5.19 3.59 3.13 2.38 2.83 N.D. 1.74 Purine 2.32 1.06 0.99 1.94 1.95 0.78 0.90 1.12 1.35 2.03 Putrescine(1,4-Butanediamine) 3.75 1.84 1.09 2.76 1.96 21.14 27.57 6.65 21.05 11.97 Pyridoxal 1.73 1.30 1.92 1.85 2.30 0.97 1.65 1.60 1.53 1.57 Pyridoxamine 0.78 0.54 0.61 0.64 0.73 0.49 0.33 0.48 0.56 0.38 Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate 28.73 28.16 24.16 28.04 27.16 31.82 23.30 26.24 31.85 26.62 Riboflavin 2.88 3.92 2.83 3.40 4.99 3.33 4.51 3.68 3.66 3.96 S-Lactoylglutathione 18.51 10.33 13.07 11.41 15.41 16.63 7.23 8.64 10.78 6.33 S-Methylmethionine 1.42 0.69 0.75 1.11 1.06 0.34 0.50 0.53 1.03 0.76 SAH 40.44 53.46 104.66 46.01 44.51 130.78 19.97 24.13 53.60 22.82 SAM+ 61.95 55.90 58.28 101.78 63.44 105.14 73.11 78.85 78.98 67.52 Saccharopine 25.08 9.03 11.32 27.29 20.06 34.95 2.87 8.00 6.78 1.70 Sarcosine 70.53 66.55 108.78 167.90 57.04 146.86 90.08 131.33 151.25 76.66 SDMA 1.28 0.71 0.72 0.85 1.06 0.64 0.91 0.96 0.79 0.85 Ser 1159.63 627.46 864.08 768.30 992.26 530.50 954.22 877.69 977.73 962.46 Serotonin 3.16 4.29 2.41 3.92 3.64 4.08 3.84 3.37 3.49 2.99 Spermidine 15.00 15.83 15.94 18.99 17.75 33.20 22.61 18.12 26.93 24.19 Spermine 0.75 0.77 0.94 1.20 0.78 1.21 0.68 0.81 1.07 0.77 Taurine 4181.08 4413.32 2291.07 3177.03 1586.92 4673.67 5259.21 4388.27 5387.06 4224.19 Taurocyamine 82.37 102.13 50.69 83.78 63.22 84.45 51.22 109.52 57.86 84.30 Thiamine 8.22 2.89 16.69 5.10 10.98 1.27 1.52 2.10 2.90 1.98 Thiamine monophosphate 2.89 2.79 9.10 4.24 6.86 1.48 N.D. N.D. 2.38 N.D. Thr 757.58 584.41 594.80 716.03 742.25 470.50 494.47 650.94 658.60 608.20 Thymidine 22.21 17.20 15.49 16.79 16.73 19.98 19.07 15.34 16.97 14.67 Thymine 60.61 32.96 72.95 61.30 67.47 62.06 57.00 85.03 44.85 44.51 Trigonelline 1.50 1.18 1.48 1.84 0.99 1.48 N.D. 1.14 1.53 N.D. Trimethylamine N-oxide 6.99 4.27 22.84 30.20 12.51 9.94 10.12 2.74 0.91 0.95 Trp 58.36 50.86 53.76 55.75 71.70 46.90 51.62 76.89 45.27 51.80 Tyr 478.81 311.53 380.03 388.25 464.54 291.03 358.09 422.31 328.54 392.09 Tyramine 0.34 0.36 0.25 0.42 0.36 0.29 0.54 0.65 0.38 0.29 Uracil 124.82 48.16 114.38 122.34 113.90 65.33 146.92 112.62 75.52 132.16 Urea 1702.24 5356.31 2980.95 8140.89 4188.28 4501.14 2631.33 5244.81 1226.98 1258.09 Uridine 531.05 295.89 519.42 819.24 709.33 366.07 656.56 768.15 372.41 659.72 Val 621.32 502.70 562.32 568.46 680.71 546.89 486.06 594.90 528.41 516.60 Xanthine 429.75 403.24 295.46 483.73 557.89 296.33 406.08 545.03 371.97 449.81 Xanthosine 54.02 90.38 33.18 39.42 44.33 46.38 55.55 135.09 79.51 62.01 MS_METABOLITE_DATA_END #METABOLITES METABOLITES_START metabolite_name KEGG ID m/z 1-Methyladenosine C02494 282.1197 1-Methylhistamine C05127 126.1026 1-Methylnicotinamide C02918 137.0715 2,4-Diaminobutyrate C03283 119.0815 D-2-aminobutyrate C02261 104.0706 3-Aminoisobutyrate C03284 104.0706 3-Methylhistidine C01152 170.0924 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribotide C04677 339.0700 5-Aminolevulinate C00431 132.0655 5-Hydroxyindoleacetate C05635 192.0655 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate C00440 460.1939 5-Methylthioadenosine C00170 298.0968 7,8-Dihydrobiopterin C02953 240.1091 Adenine C00147 136.0618 Adenosine C00212 268.1040 ADMA C03626 203.149 Ala C00041,C00133,C01401 90.0550 Ala-Ala C00993 161.0921 Allantoin C01551 159.0513 alpha-Aminoadipate C00956 162.0761 alpha-Lipoamide No ID 206.0668 Alpha-Methylserine C02115 120.0655 Arg C00062,C00792 175.1190 Asn C00152,C01905,C16438 133.0608 Asp C00049,C00402,C16433 134.0448 beta-Ala C00099 90.0550 Betaine C00719 118.0863 Betaine aldehyde (+H2O) C00576 120.102 Cadaverine C01672 103.1230 Carnitine C00318,C00487,C15025 162.1130 Carnosine C00386 114.0606 Choline C00114 104.1075 Citrulline C00327 176.1030 Creatine C00300 132.0768 Creatinine C00791 114.0662 Cyclohexylamine C00571 100.1121 Cys C00097,C00736,C00793 122.0270 Cystathionine C00542,C02291 223.0747 Cysteine-glutathione disulphide -Divalent C05526 214.0512 Cystine 241.0311 Cytidine C00475 244.0928 Cytosine C00380 112.0505 Dihydrouracil C00429 115.0502 Ethanolamine phosphate C00346 142.0264 GABA C00334 104.0706 gamma-Butyrobetaine C01181 146.1181 gamma-Glu-cys C00669 251.0696 gamma-Guanidinobutyrate C01035 146.0924 Gln C00064,C00303,C00819 147.0764 Glu C00025,C00217,C00302 148.0604 Glu-Glu C01425 277.1030 Glutathione(ox) C00127 307.0833 Glutathione(red) C00051 308.0911 Gly C00037 76.0393 Gly-Gly C02037 133.0608 Gly-Leu No ID 189.1234 Glycerophosphorylcholine C00670 258.1107 Guanidinoacetate C00581 118.0611 Guanidinosuccinate C03139 176.0666 Guanine C00242 152.0567 Guanosine C00387 284.0989 His C00135,C00768,C06419 156.0768 Histamine C00388 112.0869 Homoserine C00263 120.0655 Hydroxyproline C01157 132.0655 Hypotaurine C00519 110.0270 Hypoxanthine C00262 137.0458 Ile C00407,C06418,C16434 132.1019 Imidazole-4-acetate C02835 127.0502 Inosine C00294 269.0880 Isobutylamine C02787 74.0964 Kynurenine C00328,C01718 209.0921 Leu C00123,C01570,C16439 132.1019 Lys C00047,C00739,C16440 147.1128 Met C00073,C00855,C01733 150.0583 Methionine sulfoxide C02989 166.0532 N-Acetylglucosamine C01132,C00645 222.0972 N-Acetylglucosylamine C01239 221.1132 N-Acetylhistidine C02997 198.0873 N-Acetylornithine C00437 175.1077 N-Acetylputrescine C02714 131.1179 N-Acetylvaline No ID 160.0968 N-epsilon-Acetyllysine C12989 189.1234 N-gamma-Ethylglutamine No ID 175.1077 N-Methylalanine C02721 104.0706 N,N-Dimethylglycine C01026 104.0706 N6,N6,N6-Trimethyllysine C03793 189.1598 N8-Acetylspermidine C01029 188.1757 Nicotinamide C00153 123.0553 o-Acetylcarnitine C02571 204.1236 Ophthalmate No ID 290.1347 Ornithine C00077,C00515,C01602 133.0972 Phe C00079,C02057,C02265 166.0863 Phosphorylcholine C00588 184.0739 Pipecolate C00408 130.0863 Pro C00148,C00763,C16435 116.0706 Pterin C00715 164.0567 Purine C15587 121.0509 Putrescine(1,4-Butanediamine) C00134 89.1073 Pyridoxal C00250 168.0655 Pyridoxamine C00534 169.0972 Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate C00647 249.0635 Riboflavin C00255 377.1456 S-Lactoylglutathione C03451 380.1122 S-Methylmethionine C03172 164.0745 SAH C00021 193.0681 SAM+ C00019 200.0762 Saccharopine C00449 277.139 Sarcosine C00213 90.0550 SDMA No ID 203.150 Ser C00065,C00716,C00740 106.0499 Serotonin C00780 177.1022 Spermidine C00315 146.1652 Spermine C00750 102.1151 Taurine C00245 126.0219 Taurocyamine C01959 168.044 Thiamine C00378 265.1123 Thiamine monophosphate C01081 345.0786 Thr C00188,C00820 120.0655 Thymidine C00214 243.0975 Thymine C00178 127.0502 Trigonelline C01004 138.0550 Trimethylamine N-oxide C01104 76.0757 Trp C00078,C00525,C00806 205.0972 Tyr C00082,C01536,C06420 182.0812 Tyramine C00483 138.0913 Uracil C00106 113.0346 Urea C00086 61.0396 Uridine C00299 245.0768 Val C00183,C06417,C16436 118.0863 Xanthine C00385 153.0407 Xanthosine C01762 285.0830 METABOLITES_END #END