#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH silviaradenkovic_20230414_150429 DATATRACK_ID:3864 STUDY_ID:ST002562 ANALYSIS_ID:AN004223
VERSION                          	1
CREATED_ON                       	04-20-2023
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Metabolomic profiling of PMM2-CDG zebrafish in presence and absence of
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	epalrestat
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Abnormal polyol metabolism has been predominantly associated with diabetes,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	where excess glucose is converted to sorbitol by aldose reductase (AR).
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Recently, abnormal polyol metabolism has also been implicated in
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	phosphomannomutase 2-congenital disorder of glycosylation (PMM2-CDG), and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	epalrestat, an AR inhibitor, proposed as a potential therapy for this disorder.
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Given that the PMM enzyme is not closely connected to polyol metabolism, and,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	unlike in diabetes, PMM2-CDG does not present with hyperglycemia in blood, the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	increased polyol production, and the therapeutic mechanism of epalrestat in
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	PMM2-CDG remained largely elusive. PMM2-CDG is caused by deficiency of the PMM
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	enzyme and results in a depletion of mannose-1-P and guanosine diphosphate
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	mannose (GDP-mannose), which is essential for glycosylation. Here, we show that
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	apart from glycosylation abnormalities, PMM2 deficiency also leads to changes in
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	intracellular glucose flux, which results in an increase in intracellular
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	polyols. Targeting AR with epalrestat decreases polyol levels and increases
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	GDP-mannose in vivo in pmm2 mutant zebrafish.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	Mayo Clinic
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Radenkovic
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Silvia
PR:ADDRESS                       	200 2nd Ave SW Rochester MN, USA
PR:EMAIL                         	radenkovic.silvia@mayo.edu
PR:PHONE                         	507(77) 6-6107
PR:FUNDING_SOURCE                	NIH, KU Leuven
PR:PUBLICATIONS                  	Tracer metabolomics reveals the role of aldose reductase in glycosylation
PR:DOI                           	http://dx.doi.org/10.21228/M81Q6Q
PR:CONTRIBUTORS                  	Silvia Radenkovic, Anna N. Ligezka, Sneha S. Mokashi, Karen Driesen, Lynn
PR:CONTRIBUTORS                  	Dukes-Rimsky, Graeme Preston, Luckio F. Owuocha, Leila Sabbagh, Jehan Mousa,
PR:CONTRIBUTORS                  	Christina Lam, Andrew Edmondson, Austin Larson, Matthew Schultz, Pieter
PR:CONTRIBUTORS                  	Vermeersch, David Cassiman, Peter Witters, Lesa J. Beamer, Tamas Kozicz, Heather
PR:CONTRIBUTORS                  	Flanagan-Steet, Bart Ghesquière, Eva Morava
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Metabolomic profiling of PMM2-CDG patient fibroblasts in presence and absence of
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	epalrestat
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Abnormal polyol metabolism has been predominantly associated with diabetes,
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	where excess glucose is converted to sorbitol by aldose reductase (AR).
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Recently, abnormal polyol metabolism has also been implicated in
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	phosphomannomutase 2-congenital disorder of glycosylation (PMM2-CDG), and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	epalrestat, an AR inhibitor, proposed as a potential therapy for this disorder.
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Given that the PMM enzyme is not closely connected to polyol metabolism, and,
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	unlike in diabetes, PMM2-CDG does not present with hyperglycemia in blood, the
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	increased polyol production, and the therapeutic mechanism of epalrestat in
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	PMM2-CDG remained largely elusive. PMM2-CDG is caused by deficiency of the PMM
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	enzyme and results in a depletion of mannose-1-P and guanosine diphosphate
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	mannose (GDP-mannose), which is essential for glycosylation. Here, we show that
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	apart from glycosylation abnormalities, PMM2 deficiency also leads to changes in
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	intracellular glucose flux, which results in an increase in intracellular
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	polyols. Targeting AR with epalrestat decreases polyol levels and increases
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	GDP-mannose both in vitro in patient-derived fibroblasts.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	Mayo Clinic
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Radenkovic
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Silvia
ST:ADDRESS                       	200 2nd Ave SW Rochester MN, USA
ST:EMAIL                         	radenkovic.silvia@mayo.edu
ST:PHONE                         	507(77) 6-6107
ST:SUBMIT_DATE                   	2023-04-14
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Cultured cells
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Homo sapiens
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9606
SU:AGE_OR_AGE_RANGE              	5-45
SU:GENDER                        	Male and female
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1	SR01	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR01
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1	SR02	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR02
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1	SR03	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR03
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1	SR04	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR04
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P2	SR17	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR17
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P2	SR18	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR18
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P2	SR19	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR19
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P2	SR20	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR20
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P3	SR33	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR33
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P3	SR34	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR34
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P3	SR35	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR35
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P3	SR36	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR36
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P4	SR49	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR49
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P4	SR50	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR50
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P4	SR51	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR51
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P4	SR52	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR52
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P5	SR65	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR65
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P5	SR66	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR66
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P5	SR67	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR67
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P5	SR68	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR68
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P6	SR81	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR81
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P6	SR82	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR82
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P6	SR83	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR83
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P6	SR84	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR84
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1	SR05	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR05
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1	SR06	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR06
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1	SR07	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR07
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1	SR08	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR08
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P2	SR21	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR21
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P2	SR22	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR22
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P2	SR23	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR23
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P2	SR24	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR24
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P3	SR37	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR37
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P3	SR38	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR38
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P3	SR39	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR39
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P3	SR40	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR40
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P4	SR53	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR53
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P4	SR54	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR54
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P4	SR55	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR55
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P4	SR56	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR56
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P5	SR69	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR69
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P5	SR70	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR70
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P5	SR71	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR71
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P5	SR72	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR72
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P6	SR85	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR85
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P6	SR86	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR86
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P6	SR87	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR87
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P6	SR88	Genotype:PMM2-CDG | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR88
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C1	SR09	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR09
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C1	SR10	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR10
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C1	SR11	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR11
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C1	SR12	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR12
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C2	SR25	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR25
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C2	SR26	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR26
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C2	SR27	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR27
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C2	SR28	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR28
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C3	SR41	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR41
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C3	SR42	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR42
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C3	SR43	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR43
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C3	SR44	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR44
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C4	SR57	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR57
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C4	SR58	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR58
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C4	SR59	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR59
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C4	SR60	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR60
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C5	SR73	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR73
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C5	SR74	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR74
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C5	SR75	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR75
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C5	SR76	Genotype:WT | Treatment:10microM epalrestat	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR76
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C1	SR13	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR13
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C1	SR14	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR14
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C1	SR15	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR15
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C1	SR16	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR16
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C2	SR29	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR29
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C2	SR30	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR30
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C2	SR31	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR31
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C2	SR32	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR32
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C3	SR45	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR45
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C3	SR46	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR46
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C3	SR47	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR47
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C3	SR48	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR48
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C4	SR61	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR61
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C4	SR62	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR62
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C4	SR63	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR63
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C4	SR64	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR64
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C5	SR77	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR77
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C5	SR78	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR78
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C5	SR79	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR79
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	C5	SR80	Genotype:WT | Treatment:Vehicle	Cell type=Skin fibroblasts; RAW_FILE_NAME=SR80
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Cells were washed with PBS, cells were incubated with extraction buffer for 2min
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	before scraping and transferring to a fresh eppendorf. Samples were precipitated
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	overnight at -80, then they were centrifuged at max rpm, 20min, 4 degrees C and
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	supernatant transferred to an M/S vial.
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Fibroblasts
CO:STORAGE_CONDITIONS            	-80℃
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Cells were treated with vehicle or 10 microM epalrestat
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Metabolites were extracted with 80% Methanol and IS (d27 myristic acid)
SP:EXTRACT_STORAGE               	-80℃
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Waters Acquity
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	C-18: Acquity UPLC -HSS T3 1. 8 μm; 2.1 x 150 mm, Waters
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	The gradient started with 5% of solvent B and 95% solvent A and remained at 5% B
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	until 2 min post injection. A linear gradient to 37% B was carried out until 7
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	min and increased to 41% until 14 min. Between 14 and 26 minutes the gradient
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	increased to 95% of B and remained at 95% B for 4 minutes. At 30 min the
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	gradient returned to 5% B. The chromatography was stopped at 40 min
CH:FLOW_RATE                     	0.25 ml/min
CH:SOLVENT_A                     	100% water; 10mM tributylamine; 15mM acetic acid
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	100% methanol
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE           	Reversed phase
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Orbitrap
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	El-Maven polly, ThermoFisher Xcalibur, Metabolites were annotated based on the
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	in-house metabolite library- elution time and m/z values
MS:ION_MODE                      	NEGATIVE
Samples	SR01	SR02	SR03	SR04	SR17	SR18	SR19	SR20	SR33	SR34	SR35	SR36	SR49	SR50	SR51	SR52	SR65	SR66	SR67	SR68	SR81	SR82	SR83	SR84	SR05	SR06	SR07	SR08	SR21	SR22	SR23	SR24	SR37	SR38	SR39	SR40	SR53	SR54	SR55	SR56	SR69	SR70	SR71	SR72	SR85	SR86	SR87	SR88	SR09	SR10	SR11	SR12	SR25	SR26	SR27	SR28	SR41	SR42	SR43	SR44	SR57	SR58	SR59	SR60	SR73	SR74	SR75	SR76	SR13	SR14	SR15	SR16	SR29	SR30	SR31	SR32	SR45	SR46	SR47	SR48	SR61	SR62	SR63	SR64	SR77	SR78	SR79	SR80
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GDP-mannose			4670000.0000	4030000.0000			5030000.0000	5380000.0000			4260000.0000	4290000.0000			5510000.0000	4650000.0000	17500.0000		2610000.0000	2380000.0000			2950000.0000	1910000.0000			3860000.0000	3780000.0000	17600.0000		5480000.0000	4660000.0000			4970000.0000	4450000.0000			6360000.0000	5000000.0000			2360000.0000	2270000.0000			2760000.0000	2330000.0000			4340000.0000	4360000.0000			8920000.0000	8850000.0000			8920000.0000	7850000.0000			5280000.0000	4590000.0000			7640000.0000	4740000.0000			4400000.0000	4940000.0000			10600000.0000	10400000.0000			9360000.0000	8670000.0000			4770000.0000	4550000.0000	22400.0000		7600000.0000	4440000.0000
Sorbitol	6060000.0000	5510000.0000	5810000.0000	4970000.0000	9040000.0000	7790000.0000	9470000.0000	8210000.0000	11200000.0000	11100000.0000	9840000.0000	9780000.0000	9940000.0000	9860000.0000	10100000.0000	9820000.0000	12100000.0000	10600000.0000	10400000.0000	10500000.0000	9340000.0000	8990000.0000	8710000.0000	8200000.0000	9440000.0000	5980000.0000	4980000.0000	6030000.0000	13000000.0000	11800000.0000	14800000.0000	11200000.0000	15100000.0000	12400000.0000	13100000.0000	11500000.0000	13000000.0000	12200000.0000	13600000.0000	13600000.0000	11400000.0000	9660000.0000	11400000.0000	15400000.0000	10400000.0000	10800000.0000	11900000.0000	11000000.0000	4930000.0000	5160000.0000	6270000.0000	4630000.0000	6000000.0000	6650000.0000	6930000.0000	5810000.0000	6390000.0000	5810000.0000	6980000.0000	6850000.0000	4300000.0000	5290000.0000	4320000.0000	4400000.0000	9050000.0000	7860000.0000	9420000.0000	11600000.0000	5420000.0000	5550000.0000	6590000.0000	5680000.0000	7900000.0000	8420000.0000	9380000.0000	9480000.0000	7410000.0000	6600000.0000	8330000.0000	8680000.0000	4060000.0000	4310000.0000	5010000.0000	5360000.0000	11000000.0000	10800000.0000	13200000.0000	16800000.0000
metabolite_name	pubchem_id	inchi_key	kegg_id	other_id	other_id_type	ri	ri_type	moverz_quant	
GDP-mannose								604.06897	
Sorbitol								181.07164