#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH Masatomo_Takahashi_20230525_050334 DATATRACK_ID:4042 STUDY_ID:ST002729 ANALYSIS_ID:AN004424 VERSION 1 CREATED_ON 11-09-2023 #PROJECT PR:PROJECT_TITLE Role of AICARP, an endogenous AMPK activator, in improved endurance capacity in PR:PROJECT_TITLE diabetic mice during SGLT2 inhibition. PR:PROJECT_TYPE Wide targeted metabolomics & lipidomics PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY Diabetes is often associated with increased risk of deleterious muscle mass and PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY function or sarcopenia, thus leading to physical inactivity and metabolic PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY disorders. Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors are an oral PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY antidiabetic drug that promotes urinary excretion of glucose in the renal PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY proximal tubules. However, how SGLT2 inhibition affects the skeletal muscle PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY function in patients with diabetes remains elusive. Here, we examined the PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY differential effect of CANA on the oxidative soleus and glycolytic EDL muscles PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY from genetically obese diabetic db/db mice. PR:INSTITUTE Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University PR:DEPARTMENT Metabolomics PR:LABORATORY Bamba lab. PR:LAST_NAME Takahashi PR:FIRST_NAME Masatomo PR:ADDRESS Maidashi 3-1-1, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, 8128582, Japan PR:EMAIL m-takahashi@bioreg.kyushu-u.ac.jp PR:PHONE 0926426171 PR:PUBLICATIONS https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jcsm.13350 PR:DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21228/M8VT66 #STUDY ST:STUDY_TITLE Improved Endurance Capacity of Diabetic Mice during SGLT2 Inhibition: Potential ST:STUDY_TITLE Role of AICARP, an Endogenous AMPK Activator. ST:STUDY_SUMMARY Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of deleterious changes in muscle ST:STUDY_SUMMARY mass and function or sarcopenia, leading to physical inactivity and worsening ST:STUDY_SUMMARY glycemic control. Given the negative energy balance during sodium-glucose ST:STUDY_SUMMARY cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibition, whether SGLT2 inhibitors affect skeletal ST:STUDY_SUMMARY muscle mass and function is a matter of concern. However, how SGLT2 inhibition ST:STUDY_SUMMARY affects the skeletal muscle function in patients with diabetes remains ST:STUDY_SUMMARY insufficiently explored. We aimed to explore the effects of canagliflozin ST:STUDY_SUMMARY (CANA), an SGLT2 inhibitor, on skeletal muscles in genetically diabetic db/db ST:STUDY_SUMMARY mice. ST:INSTITUTE Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University ST:LAST_NAME Takahashi ST:FIRST_NAME Masatomo ST:ADDRESS Maidashi 3-1-1, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, 8128582, Japan ST:EMAIL m-takahashi@bioreg.kyushu-u.ac.jp ST:PHONE 0926426171 ST:SUBMIT_DATE 2023-05-25 #SUBJECT SU:SUBJECT_TYPE Mammal SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES Mus musculus SU:TAXONOMY_ID 10090 #SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS: SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 13 Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=13 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 14 Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=14 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 15 Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=15 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 16 Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=16 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 61 Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=61 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 62 Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=62 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 63 Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=63 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 64 Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=64 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 10 Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=10 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 11 Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=11 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 12 Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=12 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 57 Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=57 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 58 Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=58 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 59 Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=59 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 60 Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=60 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 9 Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=9 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 21 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=21 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 22 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=22 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 23 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=23 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 24 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=24 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 5 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=5 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 6 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=6 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 7 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=7 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 8 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana RAW_FILE_NAME=8 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 1 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=1 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 17 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=17 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 18 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=18 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 19 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=19 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 2 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=2 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 20 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=20 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 3 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=3 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 4 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=4 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 49 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=49 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 50 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=50 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 51 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=51 SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS - 52 Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle RAW_FILE_NAME=52 #COLLECTION CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY All mice were housed in a pathogen-free facility and maintained on a 12-h light CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY and 12-h dark cycle with free access to normal chow diet and water. CANA was CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY mixed at 0.03% (w/w) with CRF-1 and administered to 8-week-old db/+ and db/db CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY mice for 4 weeks. Food intake was calculated for 3 consecutive days each week CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY using the mouse feeder MF-4S. At the end of the experiments, 6 h-fasted mice CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY were anesthetized with isoflurane and blood samples were obtained from the CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY inferior vena cava. Skeletal muscles including soleus and extensor digitorum CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY longus were immediately frozen and stored at -80°C for metabolome and lipidome CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY analysis. CO:SAMPLE_TYPE Skeletal muscles #TREATMENT TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY All mice were free access to normal chow diet and water. CANA was mixed at 0.03% TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY (w/w) with CRF-1 and administered to 8-week-old db/+ and db/db mice for 4 weeks. #SAMPLEPREP SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Metabolites were extracted from frozen and crushed skeletal muscle (~10 mg) or SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY serum (20 uL) with 1 mL of solvent mixture (methanol:chloroform:water = 10:4:4, SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY v/v/v) containing piperazine-1,4-bis (2-ethanesulfonic acid) (PIPES) (0.63 SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY umol/L), 2-bromohypoxanthine (0.13 umol/L), free fatty acid (FA) 16:0 (13C16) SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY (0.13 umol/L), diacylglycerol (DG) 15:0-18:1 (d7) (0.15 umol/L), and SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY triacylglycerol (TG) 15:0-18:1 (d7) -15:0 (0.35 umol/L) as internal standards. SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY The samples were vigorously mixed for 1 min and sonicated for 5 min. The SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY extracts were then centrifuged at 16,000 × g for 5 min at 4°C, and the SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY resultant supernatant was collected. Protein concentrations in the pellets were SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY determined using a Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY Massachusetts, USA). The collected supernatant (700 uL) was mixed with 235 uL of SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY chloroform, and 155 uL of water, and then centrifuged at 16,000 × g for 5 min SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY at 4°C. The aqueous (upper) layer (400 µL) was evaporated under vacuum, dried SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY extracts were stored at −80°C until targeted polar metablome analysis. Prior SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY to analysis, the dried aqueous layer was reconstituted in 50 uL of water. The SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY organic (lower) layer (200 µL) was dried under a nitrogen stream, dried SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY extracts were stored at −80°C until targeted lipidome analysis. Prior to SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY analysis, the organic aqueous layer was reconstituted in 80 µL of SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY methanol/chloroform (1/1, v/v) #CHROMATOGRAPHY CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY Cationic polar metabolites (i.e., amino acids, bases, nucleosides, etc) were CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY analyzed via PFPP-LC/HRMS/MS. CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME Shimadzu Nexera X2 CH:COLUMN_NAME Merck Discovery HS F5 (PFP) (150 x 2.1mm,3um) CH:COLUMN_TEMPERATURE 40℃ CH:FLOW_GRADIENT 0%B, 0-5.0 min, 0-40%B, 5.0-15.0 min, 40-100%B, 15.0-15.1 min, 100%B, 15.1-18.0 CH:FLOW_GRADIENT min, 100-0%B, 18.0-18.1 min, 0%B, 18.1-25.0 min CH:FLOW_RATE 0.25 mL/min CH:SOLVENT_A 0.1% formic acid in H2O CH:SOLVENT_B ACN CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE Reversed phase #ANALYSIS AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE MS #MS MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE Orbitrap MS:MS_TYPE ESI MS:MS_COMMENTS MS acquisition: FullMS (posi/nega) Data processing/software: Reifycs Cascade MS:MS_COMMENTS ver. 1.0 MS:ION_MODE UNSPECIFIED #MS_METABOLITE_DATA MS_METABOLITE_DATA:UNITS relative peak area MS_METABOLITE_DATA_START Samples 13 14 15 16 61 62 63 64 10 11 12 57 58 59 60 9 21 22 23 24 5 6 7 8 1 17 18 19 2 20 3 4 49 50 51 52 Factors Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/db | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/db | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/+ | Treatment:Cana Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle Animal:db/+ | Treatment:vehicle 1-Methylhistidine 0.4598 0.3124 0.6221 0.3531 1.1420 1.4707 1.7232 2.7632 0.2358 0.2151 0.2604 1.3198 2.0945 2.8547 2.0221 0.2475 0.2152 0.2221 0.1858 0.3035 0.2810 0.3616 0.3774 0.2217 0.6002 0.1921 0.3005 0.2543 0.5828 0.2451 1.1578 0.5523 3.1253 4.2600 2.0802 2.1136 3-Cyano-L-alanine 0.0119 0.0111 0.0085 0.0114 0.0232 0.0232 0.0182 0.0244 0.0093 0.0107 0.0099 0.0140 0.0192 0.0241 0.0173 0.0198 0.0258 0.0076 0.0086 0.0036 0.0184 0.0081 0.0234 0.0206 0.0052 0.0202 0.0097 0.0121 4-Guanidinobutanoate 0.0232 0.0130 0.0460 0.0124 0.0230 0.1170 0.0737 0.0738 0.1198 0.2027 0.0968 0.0453 0.0386 0.0340 0.0352 0.1114 0.1409 0.1332 0.0963 0.0662 0.0513 0.0643 0.0404 0.0325 0.0423 0.1320 0.0328 0.0413 0.0208 4-Hydroxy-L-proline 2.7947 2.3869 1.3291 2.6353 0.1962 0.2298 0.2406 0.2606 0.9474 0.6891 0.7513 0.4153 0.6633 1.0285 0.4380 0.7320 0.6518 0.7047 0.9234 0.7487 0.7290 1.4067 1.0314 0.8599 1.0917 1.2594 1.2427 1.3652 1.1603 1.3633 0.7855 0.9280 2.3635 2.8885 0.2691 0.6462 5^-Methylthioadenosine 0.1397 0.1178 0.1470 0.1358 0.0371 0.0372 0.0429 0.0667 0.1173 0.1220 0.1255 0.0237 0.0376 0.0378 0.0337 0.1297 0.0979 0.0890 0.1143 0.1275 0.1334 0.1390 0.1470 0.1058 0.1404 0.0783 0.1393 0.1376 0.1666 0.1306 0.1285 0.1185 0.0652 0.0458 0.0430 0.0392 Acetylglycine 0.0933 0.0493 0.1789 0.1176 2.2796 3.1419 3.1405 3.7250 0.1457 0.0892 0.0718 1.0771 1.2843 1.4211 1.5782 0.0728 0.0527 0.0834 0.0523 0.0691 0.0590 0.0474 0.0770 0.0407 0.1123 0.0503 0.0387 0.0257 0.0664 0.0295 0.2318 0.1272 3.3144 2.8443 1.6076 1.5789 Adenine 0.1039 0.0965 0.1174 0.1252 0.0629 0.0634 0.0690 0.0584 0.0569 0.0703 0.0755 0.0961 0.0746 0.1026 0.0983 0.0487 0.0971 0.0921 0.0958 0.1000 0.0790 0.1152 0.0893 0.0570 0.1013 Adenosine 0.9537 2.0738 1.8614 1.4367 0.0677 0.0921 0.1288 0.2912 5.2064 3.3085 4.4708 0.0939 0.2089 0.1895 0.4928 4.3047 4.4588 1.3075 2.8322 3.5041 4.5615 4.3422 3.3068 3.9858 1.7992 1.5165 3.7030 1.6998 2.4836 2.0615 2.7642 2.3136 13.6396 0.9901 0.0900 0.1096 Adenylosuccinic acid 0.8931 0.3398 0.2373 0.8580 0.6335 0.4013 0.4620 0.5674 0.3817 0.3293 0.2375 0.2877 0.4352 0.4019 0.3382 0.4233 0.9818 0.3006 0.2848 0.1414 0.7869 0.1942 1.3865 1.6061 Allantoin 0.2230 0.1663 0.7001 0.1574 0.5699 0.6760 0.8562 0.8121 0.1891 0.1727 0.2047 0.3551 0.4547 0.5775 0.5986 0.1705 0.1090 0.0900 0.1152 0.1211 0.1722 0.1783 0.1611 0.1458 0.2413 0.1282 0.1103 0.1082 0.1601 0.1252 0.8405 0.1779 0.8165 0.7037 0.4986 0.4297 Amino adipic acid 0.1080 0.0730 0.0772 0.0736 0.2452 0.5151 0.4472 0.4697 0.1001 0.0492 0.0579 0.3631 0.3517 0.7174 0.3742 0.0610 0.0806 0.0826 0.0786 0.0867 0.1078 0.0911 0.1091 0.0731 0.0718 0.1167 0.0960 0.0770 0.0744 0.0733 0.0567 0.0597 0.7381 0.7707 0.1608 0.2314 Beta-Alanine 1.2505 1.1798 1.3100 1.2042 0.1594 0.2168 0.1764 0.2313 1.0605 0.8933 0.8830 0.1432 0.1466 0.2436 0.1508 0.8513 1.1050 1.0097 1.1443 1.4018 0.9131 1.0061 0.9104 0.8397 0.9637 1.1639 1.0860 1.0809 0.9417 1.2371 1.1472 0.9340 0.4014 0.4001 0.1159 0.1112 Beta-glutamic acid 3.0067 3.2494 3.7231 3.2758 0.6914 0.9550 1.1235 0.9221 15.7877 11.4757 15.9465 0.6663 0.6331 1.0510 1.0724 18.9540 4.9716 4.0435 4.4016 4.7488 14.1895 13.0892 9.8338 9.1723 12.7563 4.5168 3.8197 3.1357 10.9993 3.1171 14.2081 13.0338 0.6043 0.7617 0.1075 0.2192 Betaine 1.6988 1.5598 1.1619 1.6813 23.2184 30.9241 44.5687 31.1843 3.0439 3.4226 2.5004 21.9121 22.6705 29.6193 37.9487 3.3354 1.9640 1.4099 1.9289 1.8332 2.8612 3.2561 1.9922 2.3747 2.2556 1.8337 1.8735 1.6983 2.1013 1.8789 2.4115 2.5551 25.5093 34.5156 4.4825 7.8658 Carnitine 17.7096 15.7418 17.3432 17.7819 7.5163 11.6502 10.3406 13.4037 31.1995 21.1881 30.8840 15.9707 29.0524 29.9645 39.4333 30.7918 14.0832 13.6629 15.2980 12.8948 34.9636 40.2089 29.7118 28.7788 33.5414 12.8900 18.1657 17.9098 34.3764 18.8403 34.9084 33.1258 26.6410 40.8467 4.0419 8.3662 Carnosine 61.8592 49.1812 37.4903 64.4181 0.0475 0.0513 0.0484 0.1055 10.3800 6.7742 7.7841 0.0402 0.1068 0.0981 0.0541 5.0346 15.0704 15.9420 18.2345 15.0321 6.5948 6.3787 7.1588 9.1382 4.7805 17.4957 16.7733 19.5705 10.0728 18.5822 7.4382 4.5995 0.3864 0.3434 0.0773 0.1093 Choline 4.8911 2.9943 4.2896 4.2590 7.7026 9.7138 11.2048 15.9567 6.6301 5.6970 5.3152 10.1998 13.0593 15.2530 12.8988 6.6742 7.6480 6.0782 9.0535 8.7348 4.2260 4.7188 3.0291 5.1529 4.5711 3.2567 5.6471 2.4220 3.4528 4.2585 6.1037 5.0267 11.7326 13.9781 3.8864 5.1850 Creatine 383.6278 362.4891 396.1561 391.9673 22.1592 22.6028 22.8424 30.5498 334.3519 261.2532 264.3319 24.8820 29.5667 31.2922 30.7296 270.3498 360.5097 331.7307 358.4621 428.7979 298.1855 304.8583 292.8378 264.5953 288.0167 362.3679 357.8071 328.7388 299.9561 396.1811 366.9483 286.1779 57.7923 60.8258 17.1663 21.2680 Creatinine 1.5717 1.4180 1.8672 1.3624 1.4065 2.1154 2.2480 3.0993 1.1258 0.9194 0.8921 1.4125 2.1613 4.2774 2.1101 0.9371 1.7036 1.3256 1.4704 1.4866 1.1672 1.1608 1.3020 0.9615 1.2460 1.3537 1.4888 1.5312 1.0882 1.4290 2.2369 1.0389 6.1525 5.1507 4.3189 3.9532 Cytidine 0.1213 0.0758 0.0875 0.0954 0.4897 0.9869 0.9099 1.3130 0.1624 0.1836 0.1203 0.5214 0.5470 0.7221 0.7294 0.1755 0.1906 0.1147 0.1679 0.1559 0.1596 0.1139 0.1367 0.0972 0.1325 0.0403 0.1256 0.0646 0.0852 0.0692 0.0947 0.2435 1.0686 1.0008 0.2275 0.3196 Cytosine 0.1836 0.1403 0.1821 0.1637 0.0797 0.0661 0.0698 0.1174 0.1101 0.0791 0.1416 0.0668 0.4652 0.0847 0.0848 0.1309 0.1316 0.1274 0.1530 0.0763 0.0853 0.0882 0.0702 0.0774 0.1908 0.1371 0.1287 0.1131 0.1310 0.1292 0.0958 0.1230 0.0955 0.1131 0.1069 Dimethylglycine 0.0836 0.1215 0.1541 0.0977 0.4062 0.4675 0.5226 1.0251 0.1566 0.1324 0.0914 0.6402 0.4685 0.6492 0.4528 0.1769 0.1697 0.0978 0.0992 0.1442 0.1104 0.0966 0.1084 0.0636 0.1023 0.0997 0.1198 0.0842 0.0874 0.1385 0.2108 0.1262 0.7115 1.0973 0.3321 0.3183 DL-2-Hydroxybutyric acid 0.2458 0.2440 1.0142 0.6706 39.2062 57.3712 41.2710 94.7622 0.9903 0.4958 1.1898 17.8885 11.1155 8.4798 11.9070 0.5523 1.1814 1.1331 0.7404 1.2921 0.1552 0.0591 0.0919 0.0448 0.0521 0.4300 0.1911 0.1563 0.0344 0.1520 0.8591 0.0524 7.3525 8.7198 12.6600 8.9715 Ethanolamine 0.2282 0.2032 0.1876 0.2124 0.5702 0.6410 0.7856 0.9983 0.2257 0.2276 0.2677 0.5172 0.8604 0.8274 0.8114 0.2575 0.2916 0.1928 0.2760 0.3421 0.1652 0.2505 0.1808 0.2056 0.2086 0.1790 0.2664 0.1287 0.2393 0.2276 0.3083 0.1906 1.0265 1.4509 0.2345 0.4404 Glycerol 0.0573 0.0574 0.0559 0.0471 0.0599 0.0903 0.0651 0.0397 0.0543 0.0567 0.0743 0.0779 0.0550 0.0478 0.0917 0.0408 0.0361 0.0926 0.0614 0.0701 0.0501 0.0744 0.0501 0.0546 Glycerophosphocholine 0.6367 0.6308 0.7715 0.6333 0.4899 0.6080 0.7009 0.7528 1.6734 1.9386 1.9266 0.3534 0.5168 0.5540 0.7122 2.0582 0.7708 0.6207 0.8549 0.7247 1.3156 2.6937 1.4934 1.3828 1.3626 0.6142 0.9525 0.5207 1.0488 0.6985 1.7890 1.5341 0.2135 0.3519 0.0334 0.0935 Glycine 6.8515 5.3871 5.3589 6.8651 4.6599 6.9525 9.4816 8.5561 4.6433 4.3656 4.0221 6.0352 8.3649 8.8466 11.8504 3.6697 4.5744 4.1385 5.4531 5.3674 2.8634 4.7453 2.7929 3.3084 3.3074 4.9169 4.7359 3.5576 3.7212 5.6184 3.4771 3.2710 14.6461 18.3609 3.0623 5.0448 Glycolic acid 1.0981 1.4919 1.2562 1.2100 3.5081 1.6558 9.1508 3.2296 1.7384 2.4729 0.7911 0.9460 Glycylglycine 0.0394 0.0280 0.0368 0.0316 0.0140 0.0195 0.0168 0.0385 0.0457 0.0476 0.0294 0.0194 0.0193 0.0163 0.0297 0.0448 0.0533 0.0407 0.0504 0.0468 0.0380 0.0459 0.0441 0.0366 0.0484 0.0364 0.0442 0.0336 0.0384 0.0402 0.0309 0.0313 0.0436 0.0304 0.0019 0.0079 Guanine 0.0031 0.0032 0.0076 0.0075 0.0078 0.0203 0.0072 0.0137 0.0141 0.0109 0.0159 0.0084 0.0452 0.0140 0.0111 0.0116 0.0156 0.0092 0.0066 0.0057 0.0053 0.0111 0.0079 0.0075 Guanosine 0.0368 0.0313 0.0450 0.0286 0.1007 0.1020 0.0906 0.0973 0.1605 0.0571 0.1269 0.0896 0.0963 0.0850 0.0831 0.0680 0.0506 0.0203 0.1291 0.0557 0.0491 0.0544 0.0663 0.0647 4.3438 0.4201 Histamine 0.7931 0.6936 1.0956 0.6973 0.0155 0.0661 1.3068 1.4197 0.7766 0.0795 0.0905 0.0674 0.9373 0.6450 0.6665 0.6818 0.7934 1.1054 0.9045 0.9872 1.1034 1.3179 0.8576 0.9786 0.5919 1.0858 0.7342 1.6054 1.4108 0.0770 0.0405 0.0070 0.0116 Hydroxybutyric acid (3-Hydroxybutyric acid_ 2-Hydroxyisobutyric acid) 0.1944 0.1665 0.4237 0.2721 7.9508 11.8773 10.8063 17.3789 0.3560 0.3431 0.3103 7.4836 8.0255 8.5794 10.3798 0.3239 0.2782 0.2528 0.1874 0.2769 0.2528 0.1818 0.2200 0.1809 0.1764 0.2200 0.1894 0.1942 0.1628 0.1656 0.4167 0.1772 6.0121 8.3054 4.1806 3.2470 Hypotaurine 0.5596 0.5395 0.2706 0.4793 0.0403 0.0675 0.0691 0.1466 0.8689 0.6470 0.8558 0.0151 0.2137 0.2141 0.1062 0.9477 0.3778 0.3323 0.2950 0.3691 1.0821 1.2091 1.0091 0.8811 1.1921 0.3640 0.4667 0.3355 1.4136 0.3988 0.6793 1.2068 0.3017 0.2860 0.0399 0.0624 Hypoxanthine 0.2777 0.1887 0.1721 0.2111 0.8345 0.4154 0.3252 0.5083 0.6589 0.4068 0.1924 0.2595 0.2605 0.2882 0.2638 0.4241 0.2896 0.1816 0.3547 0.0931 0.3176 0.1136 0.4166 0.9043 1.4923 Imidazole lactate 0.0285 0.0234 0.0268 0.0303 0.0512 0.0520 0.0321 0.0277 0.0269 0.0433 0.0439 0.1199 0.0670 0.0324 0.0171 0.0184 0.0196 0.0251 0.0273 0.0357 0.0381 0.0201 0.0430 0.0170 0.0204 0.0273 0.0420 0.0240 0.0356 0.0392 0.2337 0.1585 0.0402 0.0445 Indoxyl sulfate 0.0828 0.0357 0.3641 0.0338 20.4264 33.4580 25.6987 24.2885 0.1001 0.0640 0.0411 29.5175 25.9999 53.0309 51.1081 0.0504 0.0630 0.1081 0.0716 0.0556 0.1022 0.0396 0.0973 0.0702 0.0540 0.0952 0.0611 0.0978 0.0225 0.0831 0.2995 0.0190 24.3517 20.4853 35.4696 33.8334 Inosine 0.4979 0.3510 0.3485 0.3944 0.0589 1.1550 0.6471 0.4638 0.7328 1.1392 0.4772 0.3081 0.4404 0.6868 0.5211 0.5926 0.6412 0.3833 0.2625 0.6380 0.1805 0.4682 0.2339 0.5725 0.9455 4.5475 0.4040 L-Alanine 6.9278 7.8144 6.3376 7.2879 2.3868 3.3381 2.7629 2.5511 10.2480 8.4647 8.2450 7.5229 5.4218 7.1809 6.6079 7.3479 7.4876 6.1772 6.9982 7.8078 11.2453 13.3398 12.2218 9.0415 9.5198 9.8544 8.1188 7.4554 10.9595 10.7205 7.3610 7.1564 9.5001 11.8639 1.0523 2.2956 L-Arginine 2.6766 2.1588 1.3554 1.3339 15.5934 22.1990 12.6226 35.7430 5.5030 6.8097 3.6303 16.5538 25.9038 24.0949 42.0670 5.7921 4.6629 4.3897 3.8475 3.3404 5.7741 5.6869 6.6342 4.9458 5.6187 3.3323 3.9811 2.4226 5.0096 3.1195 2.3191 4.0177 27.7997 43.2817 4.1184 9.0059 L-Argininosuccinate 0.0480 0.0370 0.0301 0.0253 0.0499 0.0545 0.0687 0.0999 0.2403 0.4184 0.2062 0.0458 0.0567 0.1000 0.0502 0.2723 0.0560 0.0605 0.0476 0.0429 0.2535 0.1897 0.2165 0.1840 0.2974 0.0420 0.0468 0.0228 0.2430 0.0569 0.2042 0.2605 0.1188 0.0628 0.0801 0.0696 L-Asparagine 0.8351 0.6599 0.4154 0.6962 1.7559 2.9867 3.0479 3.3031 1.2931 1.2406 1.3845 3.1833 3.6841 3.6039 3.1960 1.3421 0.7709 0.6078 0.7167 0.6782 1.3118 1.7579 0.9643 1.2282 1.5063 0.5019 0.6462 0.3583 1.4817 0.6361 1.1312 1.4846 8.1551 10.6553 1.3188 2.2772 L-Asparate 1.8240 1.7964 1.3946 3.1108 0.1990 0.2952 0.3951 0.2835 2.6092 5.5568 4.9508 0.3327 0.3729 0.3029 0.4577 5.2740 0.8007 0.8415 1.2225 1.1243 4.4425 10.1217 4.0606 3.9342 9.6631 0.9059 1.2019 0.9302 8.7435 1.4849 7.8376 8.5383 1.0157 1.2616 0.1205 0.2531 L-Citrulline 0.4862 0.3432 0.5980 0.2925 1.1981 1.8790 1.5268 3.4095 0.8770 0.6525 0.6555 1.4619 1.7080 2.7090 1.6117 0.8029 0.4786 0.3721 0.4483 0.5127 0.8718 0.8828 0.7985 0.6393 0.8246 0.4994 0.4239 0.4209 0.6182 0.4509 1.0264 0.5668 1.6012 1.9628 0.7648 0.9362 L-Cysteine L-Cystine 0.8072 0.7208 0.6434 1.0150 2.1198 1.3087 1.5508 1.3415 2.9080 4.2109 0.3145 0.7099 L-Glutamic acid 2.2959 2.3913 2.8000 2.3914 0.0736 0.1156 0.1387 0.0871 11.1556 8.7430 11.7165 0.1502 0.1103 0.1356 0.2112 13.6703 3.3896 2.8805 2.9482 3.3631 10.8733 9.1326 7.1666 6.6557 9.1251 3.2718 2.6164 2.0935 8.3835 2.2901 10.5410 8.8562 0.4763 0.5677 0.0407 0.1058 L-Glutamine 23.2166 22.5788 15.4848 19.8039 8.6185 12.1386 9.6495 17.5403 38.9270 30.8192 41.9389 12.0082 25.3437 24.9920 22.7637 32.5303 24.1383 19.6620 22.2042 24.1620 45.7202 48.7166 55.8304 32.9124 38.0414 23.7265 27.3011 22.2849 40.1854 26.6360 41.8718 31.0773 24.4832 55.5961 8.8922 15.0505 L-Histidine 2.4536 2.1031 1.8418 2.7321 3.9950 7.0835 5.1966 8.9045 4.0228 3.3566 3.2681 5.7548 6.6963 9.2557 8.2226 3.2421 2.4609 2.2087 2.2906 2.3898 4.0308 4.0742 4.8305 3.1714 3.2950 2.5899 2.6148 2.7519 3.7133 2.7199 3.0988 2.7805 6.2229 8.8692 1.9824 2.6900 L-Homoarginine 0.0170 0.0500 0.0988 0.0624 0.0888 0.0375 0.0281 0.0206 0.0596 0.0707 0.0851 0.0731 0.0252 0.0152 0.0193 0.0157 0.0139 0.0252 0.0225 0.0313 0.0206 0.0398 0.0136 0.0174 0.0106 0.0307 0.0113 0.0335 0.0308 0.1126 0.1467 0.0398 0.0494 L-Homocitrulline 0.0520 0.0290 0.1084 0.0375 0.1962 0.2532 0.3224 0.4833 0.0351 0.0353 0.0423 0.2542 0.2535 0.2980 0.2374 0.0367 0.0540 0.0457 0.0505 0.0732 0.0432 0.0402 0.0341 0.0277 0.0437 0.0433 0.0536 0.0336 0.0301 0.0448 0.1154 0.0317 0.2401 0.2147 0.1720 0.1631 L-Isoleucine 2.3200 2.5203 3.2901 2.3797 38.2932 56.4168 39.4454 70.8606 3.8335 2.6847 3.3288 65.5473 54.0258 65.4876 46.5125 3.4786 3.5280 3.3303 3.0307 3.9648 3.5971 3.6536 3.3403 2.3645 2.2489 3.3715 3.6588 3.1810 2.7674 2.5673 3.3911 2.1443 32.8171 54.5365 13.0088 17.3285 L-Kynurenine 0.0120 0.0071 0.0190 0.0098 0.1887 0.2507 0.2801 0.5312 0.0092 0.0087 0.0067 0.2350 0.3002 0.3884 0.3352 0.0082 0.0055 0.0068 0.0085 0.0093 0.0114 0.0086 0.0084 0.0067 0.0144 0.0093 0.0077 0.0071 0.0074 0.0064 0.0204 0.0110 0.3336 0.2810 0.1914 0.2026 L-Leucine 3.1492 3.0712 4.8818 3.4832 54.5997 83.2757 59.8872 110.4831 5.7422 4.2594 5.3173 126.6386 82.4040 105.2762 68.5843 5.3132 5.1682 4.9197 4.7021 5.7576 9.0062 5.7092 5.8796 3.6906 3.1077 7.9479 5.6051 5.3101 3.2547 3.7636 5.0389 3.2982 47.8921 71.0247 19.9444 25.3309 L-Lysine 3.2396 2.0888 1.6883 1.3375 8.1960 12.3855 8.9663 15.7494 6.6988 5.9354 4.1727 13.9585 15.1772 18.4011 17.7184 5.3169 4.2302 4.7574 4.1034 3.9185 9.1530 6.2630 10.0836 5.3236 7.4865 5.2358 4.2816 3.2734 6.1773 3.4105 3.0015 4.4180 17.1449 25.8589 2.9047 5.3961 L-Methionine 0.3345 0.3258 0.1543 0.2490 0.9583 1.2713 1.0662 1.4018 0.1452 0.1541 0.1067 1.3906 1.4746 2.0545 1.6267 0.1488 0.1847 0.1635 0.1822 0.1530 0.1440 0.1851 0.1777 0.1392 0.2264 0.1702 0.1891 0.1726 0.2738 0.1721 0.1114 0.1808 2.9001 4.5091 0.3633 0.8640 L-Norvaline 4.4625 4.5315 5.1054 4.5502 60.5002 81.0798 77.6001 109.4084 6.2428 6.5855 5.5239 136.4566 86.4531 121.2155 86.8069 6.5361 6.7716 5.2814 6.5554 6.7061 10.6471 6.5777 7.3729 4.9801 4.4488 10.4250 6.6000 7.0208 4.9929 5.7603 5.7268 4.5882 58.7703 93.5429 20.3795 28.1949 L-Phenylalanine 1.3626 1.0349 1.5292 1.2563 10.6266 15.9716 11.9733 22.8535 1.3992 1.1178 1.2033 16.3144 18.2528 23.7321 17.8005 1.1511 1.4227 1.4355 1.3983 1.5960 1.6106 1.3714 1.7108 1.0488 1.1285 1.5650 1.5958 1.7299 1.0226 1.2765 1.4362 1.0841 13.3942 17.4615 4.8122 6.2202 L-Proline 4.3874 3.1596 3.2766 3.8089 10.4775 15.1608 13.2382 17.3719 3.4052 4.7721 3.0720 22.6124 15.6563 29.4260 16.7587 3.6385 5.5725 3.6578 5.3726 5.6449 3.6177 4.1866 3.6601 3.3518 3.7426 4.1139 4.6212 2.8695 3.0940 5.0768 2.9441 2.5936 25.4098 27.4761 4.5809 7.6881 L-Pyroglutamic acid 0.1234 0.1868 0.1756 0.1515 0.4346 0.8575 0.5861 0.8836 0.2806 1.0358 0.1689 0.4160 0.6571 0.7626 0.8502 0.2190 0.3019 0.3602 0.3041 0.2972 0.3712 0.2362 0.2217 0.1821 0.2018 0.2291 0.2964 0.1432 0.1286 0.1609 0.2445 0.2495 1.3407 1.8939 0.5103 0.4367 L-Serine 1.6324 1.5878 2.2563 1.1796 4.0522 5.5115 3.4899 5.0090 3.8181 3.0708 1.3151 5.3385 6.2734 8.1092 9.5492 3.2799 1.5874 3.1916 3.9369 2.0500 4.2604 4.1466 4.4261 3.8363 1.6719 2.0746 1.9530 1.7744 2.2918 1.9531 3.0702 3.0050 10.7781 16.6635 3.1960 4.0624 L-Threonine 2.5163 2.6393 1.2269 2.0625 1.1350 1.4596 1.0533 1.2061 2.3208 2.3476 2.2222 3.4265 3.4427 3.1910 2.3665 2.4281 1.9630 1.7072 1.9428 1.6970 3.1047 3.4567 2.8922 2.1515 2.6628 2.3017 2.4448 1.7765 2.9654 2.2961 1.9996 2.2902 5.2278 8.9458 0.7591 1.7324 L-Tryptophan 0.7974 0.5882 0.7043 0.6627 31.7232 30.0811 29.4817 48.3948 0.5326 0.5898 0.5552 34.9421 51.2829 54.3526 52.1171 0.6261 0.7143 0.5117 0.6579 0.6785 0.5947 0.5503 0.6783 0.4292 0.6198 0.5335 0.6372 0.6396 0.5968 0.4771 0.6413 0.5294 39.7636 63.0973 9.4736 21.7430 L-Tyrosine 1.9444 1.8146 0.7710 1.4039 8.0476 10.5123 9.1787 13.1602 1.0074 1.0470 0.8610 15.7438 13.2333 17.8863 11.9769 1.1685 1.3470 0.9971 1.2596 1.1058 1.5481 1.3749 1.5087 0.9362 1.3983 1.4432 1.4736 1.4845 1.5931 1.0735 0.6055 1.0570 16.4295 24.8146 1.9689 5.0616 L-Valine 4.1744 4.2156 4.7742 4.2202 59.0656 79.4700 74.2008 106.6106 5.6901 6.1083 5.0166 135.2501 83.8225 118.3297 84.4103 6.1045 6.5212 5.1710 6.3414 6.3413 10.0249 6.0423 6.6796 4.5844 3.9924 10.0951 6.2442 6.6878 4.4856 5.3162 5.1723 3.9499 57.0447 90.4617 19.7665 27.4601 N2-Acetyl- L-lysine 0.0457 0.0312 0.0459 0.0317 0.1338 0.1966 0.1943 0.2638 0.0552 0.0448 0.0360 0.1782 0.1765 0.3320 0.2300 0.0331 0.0318 0.0354 0.0306 0.0365 0.0467 0.0375 0.0582 0.0370 0.0561 0.0281 0.0304 0.0320 0.0479 0.0288 0.0488 0.0438 0.3512 0.3245 0.1995 0.1811 N2-Acetyl-L-ornithine 0.0518 0.0342 0.0926 0.0374 1.0970 1.2364 1.3631 2.0508 0.1880 0.2164 0.2346 0.5775 0.4662 0.5630 0.6682 0.2350 0.2135 0.1474 0.1848 0.2299 0.0715 0.0799 0.0539 0.0756 0.0626 0.0699 0.0690 0.0485 0.0470 0.0699 0.1266 0.0623 0.3908 0.3616 0.2251 0.2073 N6_N6_N6-Trimethyl-L-lysine 0.3783 0.3019 0.4365 0.3366 0.1925 0.2145 0.2645 0.3817 0.3348 0.3139 0.2876 0.1567 0.3289 0.4308 0.3087 0.3028 0.3145 0.3418 0.3527 0.3134 0.3900 0.3574 0.4193 0.3745 0.3830 0.2568 0.3558 0.2680 0.3994 0.3081 0.3914 0.2994 0.4663 0.3675 0.2841 0.2572 N-Acetyl-L-aspartic acid 0.1206 0.0864 0.0691 0.0594 0.0180 0.0334 0.0976 0.0632 0.0281 0.0291 0.0717 0.0472 0.0578 0.0609 0.0342 0.0282 0.0385 0.0391 0.0475 0.0601 0.1128 0.0647 0.0483 0.0516 0.1190 0.0475 0.0452 0.0303 0.0192 0.0205 N-Acetyl-L-glutamate 0.0357 0.0618 0.0816 0.0879 0.0569 0.0600 0.1107 0.0719 0.0734 0.0694 0.0234 0.0207 N-Acetyl-L-glutamine 0.0435 0.0639 0.0642 0.1091 0.0764 0.0735 0.1815 0.0810 0.2264 0.1264 0.0804 0.0764 Nicotinamide 6.1186 3.4551 3.0498 5.7473 0.6956 1.0632 0.6388 1.2513 5.8701 4.1903 3.7128 1.1779 1.0952 1.3633 0.9759 5.5996 5.4621 5.2861 2.6997 3.1663 3.9226 3.9274 3.5898 4.7752 6.4980 4.0975 3.1690 2.0705 6.1015 2.6967 7.4557 10.1314 1.2624 1.4285 0.3826 0.4182 Nicotinamide mononucleotide 0.0179 0.0086 0.0124 0.0196 0.0179 0.0479 0.0232 0.0352 0.0126 0.0125 0.0127 0.0107 0.0296 0.0249 0.0299 0.0235 0.0303 0.0116 0.0142 0.0124 0.0276 0.0110 0.0354 0.0502 N-methylethanolamine 0.0125 0.0144 0.0135 0.1785 0.2869 0.2542 1.2259 0.0141 0.0181 0.2099 0.2348 0.4886 0.8610 0.0194 0.0115 0.0153 0.0183 0.0287 0.0469 0.2688 0.5804 0.1043 0.1597 N_N-Dimethylarginine 0.1576 0.0826 0.1122 0.0859 0.3169 0.4243 0.4029 0.6044 0.1409 0.1272 0.1194 0.3039 0.4808 0.5402 0.4045 0.1480 0.0959 0.1035 0.1043 0.0937 0.1231 0.1375 0.1442 0.1130 0.1907 0.0740 0.1184 0.0812 0.1569 0.0947 0.1280 0.1158 0.6457 0.6364 0.1733 0.2224 O-Phosphoethanolamine 0.2183 0.2095 0.2451 0.2290 0.1120 0.1774 0.1873 0.2123 0.5206 0.3675 0.4838 0.1067 0.1019 0.1281 0.1661 0.4518 0.3094 0.2615 0.2207 0.2727 0.3692 0.4697 0.4413 0.3457 0.4842 0.1912 0.2544 0.2015 0.5193 0.2196 0.4559 0.4940 0.1612 0.1690 0.0415 0.0504 O-Phospho-L-serine 0.1074 0.1247 0.1230 0.1107 0.4764 0.2702 0.4723 0.5454 0.1529 0.1333 0.1656 0.1742 0.4014 0.4155 0.2786 0.2772 0.3820 0.1471 0.1400 0.1217 0.3536 0.1143 0.4158 0.3796 Oxidized glutathione 0.4767 0.4531 0.6569 0.4648 0.0142 0.1521 2.5736 2.3462 3.1258 0.0969 0.0549 3.8125 0.7235 0.4789 0.6560 0.4939 3.0180 3.7037 1.8753 1.7574 2.3440 0.4871 0.9246 0.8909 2.1195 0.6845 1.8831 1.8900 0.0486 0.0210 0.0358 0.0268 Pantothenate 0.3939 0.2762 0.6212 0.0008 0.0057 0.0027 0.0081 0.0015 1.2296 1.1386 0.9463 0.0030 0.0071 0.0088 0.0030 1.0880 0.5241 0.4128 0.0021 0.3913 1.4194 1.5364 1.6668 1.2699 0.6755 0.6259 0.6556 0.5756 0.4445 0.6674 3.0772 0.4025 0.5236 0.0024 0.0012 0.3111 Phosphocholine 0.6775 0.5295 0.2836 0.7662 0.0646 0.0571 0.0421 0.0862 0.6552 0.5326 0.5399 0.1443 0.0500 0.0730 0.0556 0.5825 0.3992 0.3854 0.3843 0.3116 0.5327 0.6594 0.5226 0.5463 0.4025 0.3996 0.5181 0.4170 0.4939 0.3897 0.5713 0.4308 0.1584 0.1501 0.0564 0.0477 Propionic acid 0.1941 0.2799 0.2021 0.1655 0.1785 0.1806 0.1791 0.4846 0.2956 0.1362 0.1236 0.1163 0.1902 0.4216 0.2940 0.0731 0.2452 0.1700 0.2570 0.2299 0.1100 0.0731 0.1459 0.0770 0.1355 0.1961 0.1637 0.2422 0.1716 0.1909 0.1939 0.1055 0.1114 0.1938 0.0366 0.0485 Pyridoxal 0.1214 0.1125 0.1505 0.1764 0.1195 0.1909 0.2226 0.2256 0.1164 0.1187 0.0730 0.1182 Pyruvic acid 2.4233 1.9345 0.9776 2.5199 9.5537 5.2058 7.4701 6.1312 0.2762 0.3612 0.3166 19.8106 12.9985 25.2544 13.9021 0.2887 0.2559 0.8580 1.0342 1.0772 0.3522 0.5508 0.3748 0.4740 0.3612 1.4128 0.8560 1.3238 0.6435 1.5623 0.4410 0.2884 16.4068 24.6666 2.0915 5.3551 rac 3-Hydroxyisobutyric acid 0.1463 0.1665 0.4179 0.1566 9.4899 11.5696 10.8063 16.8779 0.3392 0.2824 0.2610 7.2363 6.6398 6.6205 8.8064 0.2326 0.3430 0.2403 0.2284 0.3136 0.1948 0.1707 0.2200 0.1495 0.1459 0.1817 0.1713 0.1723 0.1470 0.1610 0.2959 0.1594 5.0309 7.3898 3.1738 2.6980 Reduced glutathione 23.7650 17.5013 17.7412 18.6530 0.0356 0.0350 0.0373 0.1489 19.0128 7.3854 17.2329 0.0248 0.0642 0.0507 0.0487 16.5589 14.3302 10.9701 10.1154 14.1857 17.2721 21.5159 13.9766 21.7660 12.4666 14.6811 12.8352 10.2153 21.7349 13.3584 28.2614 14.1455 0.1143 0.0568 0.0253 0.0199 S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine 0.0848 0.0652 0.0451 0.0823 0.0134 0.0166 0.0135 0.0445 0.0720 0.0379 0.0372 0.0150 0.0249 0.0211 0.0235 0.0480 0.0707 0.0501 0.0366 0.0362 0.0416 0.0451 0.0410 0.0482 0.0442 0.0381 0.0550 0.0330 0.0578 0.0325 0.0531 0.0592 0.0512 0.0188 0.0083 0.0099 S-Adenosylmethionine 0.8143 0.6821 0.8445 0.6671 0.0299 0.0335 0.0370 0.0659 0.6545 0.5122 0.5755 0.0333 0.0388 0.0529 0.0497 0.6763 0.6679 0.5325 0.5967 0.6369 0.6096 0.6526 0.6399 0.5165 0.7362 0.4186 0.6553 0.5320 0.8019 0.5745 0.7164 0.8092 0.0853 0.0490 0.0399 0.0412 Taurine 32.6283 33.8919 37.1871 35.1956 5.6488 9.4737 8.9550 13.0803 48.2675 42.7810 45.8603 7.1855 8.0164 10.8004 8.4895 45.7719 42.4648 34.6325 39.3240 45.9206 45.7316 48.1043 47.3249 38.5924 43.7652 40.2783 38.4532 37.4722 44.1388 39.4403 53.4602 47.4079 18.2422 18.8686 5.2231 5.6349 Thymidine Trigonelline 0.3214 0.8914 0.5797 0.3674 0.0502 0.0446 0.2732 0.1988 0.7145 0.2873 0.0141 0.0228 0.0761 0.4862 0.3843 0.3880 0.3004 Uracil 0.1387 0.2531 0.2038 0.2684 0.2564 0.1488 0.2319 0.2040 0.2115 0.2062 0.0459 0.0789 Uridine 0.0275 0.0229 0.0183 0.0214 0.1440 0.1874 0.1609 0.2485 0.0618 0.0444 0.0459 0.1264 0.1133 0.1621 0.2920 0.0464 0.0480 0.0333 0.0272 0.0353 0.0329 0.0319 0.0384 0.0324 0.0326 0.0128 0.0383 0.0170 0.0327 0.0165 0.0357 0.0781 0.4027 0.2845 0.0270 0.0624 Urocanic acid 0.0099 0.0075 0.0095 0.0081 0.0099 0.0214 0.0148 0.0099 0.0134 0.0075 0.0210 0.0171 0.0304 0.0047 0.0143 0.0058 0.0116 0.0166 0.0183 0.0100 0.0177 0.0064 0.0126 0.0073 0.0040 0.0027 0.0106 0.0071 0.0131 0.0075 0.0320 0.0062 0.0081 Xanthine 0.0435 0.0303 0.0280 0.0358 0.1213 0.0570 0.0508 0.0772 0.0820 0.0666 0.0307 0.0388 0.0428 0.0458 0.0384 0.0557 0.0507 0.0246 0.0523 0.0151 0.0517 0.0194 0.0673 0.1173 2.6866 0.1365 Xanthosine 0.0514 0.0709 0.0785 0.0657 0.0070 0.0059 0.0331 0.0444 0.0543 0.0561 0.0051 0.0037 0.0061 0.0039 0.0031 0.0061 0.1069 0.0752 0.0093 0.0178 MS_METABOLITE_DATA_END #METABOLITES METABOLITES_START metabolite_name pubchem_id inchi_key kegg_id other_id other_id_type ri ri_type moverz_quant 1-Methylhistidine 3-Cyano-L-alanine 4-Guanidinobutanoate 4-Hydroxy-L-proline 5'-Methylthioadenosine Acetylglycine Adenine Adenosine Adenylosuccinic acid Allantoin Amino adipic acid Beta-Alanine Beta-glutamic acid Betaine Carnitine Carnosine Choline Creatine Creatinine Cytidine Cytosine Dimethylglycine DL-2-Hydroxybutyric acid Ethanolamine Glycerol Glycerophosphocholine Glycine Glycolic acid Glycylglycine Guanine Guanosine Histamine Hydroxybutyric acid (3-Hydroxybutyric acid, 2-Hydroxyisobutyric acid) Hypotaurine Hypoxanthine Imidazole lactate Indoxyl sulfate Inosine L-Alanine L-Arginine L-Argininosuccinate L-Asparagine L-Asparate L-Citrulline L-Cysteine L-Cystine L-Glutamic acid L-Glutamine L-Histidine L-Homoarginine L-Homocitrulline L-Isoleucine L-Kynurenine L-Leucine L-Lysine L-Methionine L-Norvaline L-Phenylalanine L-Proline L-Pyroglutamic acid L-Serine L-Threonine L-Tryptophan L-Tyrosine L-Valine N2-Acetyl- L-lysine N2-Acetyl-L-ornithine N6,N6,N6-Trimethyl-L-lysine N-Acetyl-L-aspartic acid N-Acetyl-L-glutamate N-Acetyl-L-glutamine Nicotinamide Nicotinamide mononucleotide N-methylethanolamine N,N-Dimethylarginine O-Phosphoethanolamine O-Phospho-L-serine Oxidized glutathione Pantothenate Phosphocholine Propionic acid Pyridoxal Pyruvic acid rac 3-Hydroxyisobutyric acid Reduced glutathione S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine S-Adenosylmethionine Taurine Thymidine Trigonelline Uracil Uridine Urocanic acid Xanthine Xanthosine METABOLITES_END #END