VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	October 1, 2023, 7:11 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Folate depletion induces erythroid differentiation through perturbation of de
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	novo purine synthesis
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Folate, an essential vitamin, is a one-carbon acceptor and donor in key
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	metabolic reactions. Erythroid cells harbor a unique sensitivity to folate
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	deprivation, as revealed by the primary pathological manifestation of
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	nutritional folate deprivation: megaloblastic anemia. To study this metabolic
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	sensitivity, we applied mild folate depletion to human and mouse erythroid cell
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	lines, and primary murine erythroid progenitors. We show that folate depletion
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	induces early blockade of purine synthesis and accumulation of the purine
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	synthesis intermediate and signaling molecule, AICAR, followed by enhanced heme
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	metabolism, hemoglobin synthesis, and erythroid differentiation. This is
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	phenocopied by inhibition of folate metabolism using the SHMT1/2 inhibitor -
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	SHIN1, and by AICAR supplementation. Mechanistically, the metabolically-driven
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	differentiation is independent of nucleotide sensing through mTORC1 and AMPK,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	and is instead mediated by protein kinase C (PKC). Our findings suggest that
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	folate deprivation-induced premature differentiation of erythroid progenitor
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	cells is a molecular etiology to folate-deficiency induced anemia.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	pathology
PR:LABORATORY                    	Kanarek Lab
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Kanarek
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Naama
PR:ADDRESS                       	Enders 1116.2, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115
PR:EMAIL                         	naama.kanarek@childrens.harvard.edu
PR:PHONE                         	(617) 355-7433
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Polar metabolite levels in MEL cells following folate depletion and inosine
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	supplementation
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Culture of MEL cells in RPMI media containing 100 nM folic acid for 48hr in the
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	presence or absence of 100 uM inosine followed my metabolomics targeting polar
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	metabolites.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	pathology
ST:LABORATORY                    	Kanarek Lab
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Kanarek
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Naama
ST:ADDRESS                       	Enders 1116.2, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115
ST:EMAIL                         	naama.kanarek@childrens.harvard.edu
ST:PHONE                         	6173557433
ST:NUM_GROUPS                    	4
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Cultured cells
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Mus musculus
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	10090
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Raw file names and additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	MEL	MEL_2000nM_FA_Vehicle_HILIC_1	Treatment:2000nM_FA_Vehicle	RAW_FILE_NAME=Copy of 20220701_AM_KM_Inosine_Rescue_D2_AM805.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	MEL	MEL_2000nM_FA_Vehicle_HILIC_2	Treatment:2000nM_FA_Vehicle	RAW_FILE_NAME=Copy of 20220701_AM_KM_Inosine_Rescue_D2_AM806.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	MEL	MEL_2000nM_FA_Vehicle_HILIC_3	Treatment:2000nM_FA_Vehicle	RAW_FILE_NAME=Copy of 20220701_AM_KM_Inosine_Rescue_D2_AM807.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	MEL	MEL_100nM_FA_Vehicle_HILIC_1	Treatment:100nM_FA_Vehicle	RAW_FILE_NAME=Copy of 20220701_AM_KM_Inosine_Rescue_D2_AM808.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	MEL	MEL_100nM_FA_Vehicle_HILIC_2	Treatment:100nM_FA_Vehicle	RAW_FILE_NAME=Copy of 20220701_AM_KM_Inosine_Rescue_D2_AM809.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	MEL	MEL_100nM_FA_Vehicle_HILIC_3	Treatment:100nM_FA_Vehicle	RAW_FILE_NAME=Copy of 20220701_AM_KM_Inosine_Rescue_D2_AM810.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	MEL	MEL_2000nM_FA_Inosine_HILIC_1	Treatment:2000nM_FA_Inosine	RAW_FILE_NAME=Copy of 20220701_AM_KM_Inosine_Rescue_D2_AM811.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	MEL	MEL_2000nM_FA_Inosine_HILIC_2	Treatment:2000nM_FA_Inosine	RAW_FILE_NAME=Copy of 20220701_AM_KM_Inosine_Rescue_D2_AM812.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	MEL	MEL_2000nM_FA_Inosine_HILIC_3	Treatment:2000nM_FA_Inosine	RAW_FILE_NAME=Copy of 20220701_AM_KM_Inosine_Rescue_D2_AM813.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	MEL	MEL_100nM_FA_Inosine_HILIC_1	Treatment:100nM_FA_Inosine	RAW_FILE_NAME=Copy of 20220701_AM_KM_Inosine_Rescue_D2_AM814.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	MEL	MEL_100nM_FA_Inosine_HILIC_2	Treatment:100nM_FA_Inosine	RAW_FILE_NAME=Copy of 20220701_AM_KM_Inosine_Rescue_D2_AM815.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	MEL	MEL_100nM_FA_Inosine_HILIC_3	Treatment:100nM_FA_Inosine	RAW_FILE_NAME=Copy of 20220701_AM_KM_Inosine_Rescue_D2_AM816.raw
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	One million cells from culture were collected via centrifugation for 20 seconds
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	at 18,000xG, washed with 0.9% NaCl, and collected via centrifugation for 20
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	seconds at 18,000xG
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Cultured cells
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	MEL cells were cultured for up to 8 days in 100 nM folic acid containing RPMI
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	media. The treatments were setup as a reverse time-course experiment and
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	harvested on the same day. Day 0 samples were cultured for 8 days in 2,000 nM
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	folic acid.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Pellet was resuspended in extraction buffer (80% Methanol, 25 mM Ammonium
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Acetate and 2.5 mM Na-Ascorbate prepared in LC-MS water, supplemented with
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	isotopically-labelled amino acid standards [Cambridge Isotope Laboratories,
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	MSK-A2-1.2], aminopterin, and reduced glutathione standard [Cambridge Isotope
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Laboratories, CNLM-6245-10]). Samples were vortexed for 10 sec, then centrifuged
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	for 10 minutes at 18,000 g to pellet cell debris. The supernatant was divided
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	into two tubes and dried on ice using a liquid nitrogen dryer. One tube of dried
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	sample was used for polar metabolite detection. Dried samples were resuspended
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	in 25 μL water
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	Sample was injected into a ZIC-pHILIC 150 x 2.1 mm (5 μm particle size) column
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	(EMD Millipore). operated on a Vanquish™ Flex UHPLC Systems (Thermo Fisher
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	Scientific, San Jose, CA, USA). Chromatographic separation was achieved using
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	the following conditions: buffer A was acetonitrile; buffer B was 20 mM ammonium
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	carbonate, 0.1% ammonium hydroxide in water; resulting pH is around 9 without pH
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	adjustment. Gradient conditions we used were: linear gradient from 20% to 80% B;
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	20–20.5 min: from 80% to 20% B; 20.5–28 min: hold at 20% B at 150 mL/min
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	flow rate. The column oven and autosampler tray were held at 25 °C and 4 °C,
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	respectively.
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Vanquish
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	EMD Millipore ZIC-HILIC (100 x 2.1 mm,3.5 um)
CH:SOLVENT_A                     	100% acetonitrile
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	100% water; 20 mM ammonium carbonate; 0.1% ammonium hydroxide
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	linear gradient from 20% to 80% B; 20–20.5 min: from 80% to 20% B; 20.5–28
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	min: hold at 20% B at 150 mL/min flow rate
CH:FLOW_RATE                     	150 mL/min
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Orbitrap
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	UNSPECIFIED
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Polar metabolites were relatively quantified while referencing an in-house
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	library of chemical standards and using TraceFinder 4.1 (Thermo Fisher
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), with a 5 ppm mass tolerance.
Samples	MEL_2000nM_FA_Vehicle_HILIC_1	MEL_2000nM_FA_Vehicle_HILIC_2	MEL_2000nM_FA_Vehicle_HILIC_3	MEL_100nM_FA_Vehicle_HILIC_1	MEL_100nM_FA_Vehicle_HILIC_2	MEL_100nM_FA_Vehicle_HILIC_3	MEL_2000nM_FA_Inosine_HILIC_1	MEL_2000nM_FA_Inosine_HILIC_2	MEL_2000nM_FA_Inosine_HILIC_3	MEL_100nM_FA_Inosine_HILIC_1	MEL_100nM_FA_Inosine_HILIC_2	MEL_100nM_FA_Inosine_HILIC_3
Factors	Treatment:2000nM_FA_Vehicle	Treatment:2000nM_FA_Vehicle	Treatment:2000nM_FA_Vehicle	Treatment:100nM_FA_Vehicle	Treatment:100nM_FA_Vehicle	Treatment:100nM_FA_Vehicle	Treatment:2000nM_FA_Inosine	Treatment:2000nM_FA_Inosine	Treatment:2000nM_FA_Inosine	Treatment:100nM_FA_Inosine	Treatment:100nM_FA_Inosine	Treatment:100nM_FA_Inosine
2-hydroxybutyric acid	1688124.2	1920787.272	1753371.704	1891652.379	2237355.543	1887096.941	2033273.789	2086949.464	2233483.852	2469181.695	2975002.665	1984512.185
2-hydroxyglutarate	1374463967	1789634243	1579931147	1263715734	1849843600	2130426506	2110726415	1961406253	1841907237	2638896016	1901906834	2606944609
2-oxobutyric acid	58492926.21	55931666.29	52458175.33	50577133.74	57683781.8	52944612.15	57418181.37	59278620.29	60991616.43	58241094.86	74714153.79	66401694.93
2,3-BPG	3978946.201	3151312.4	3106265.267	2937209.335	3337495.086	4279468.835	2177140.788	412708.6467	1704766.398	1475408.807	2903766.27	1710973.149
3-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid	65832197.74	71492268.48	55773318.49	51386341.38	52707494.22	51783347.26	55706568.57	44822449.17	52512781.4	51490744.87	49082170.71	46291219.82
3-phosphoglycerate	23984311.61	25930548.59	23224866.94	23888944.39	25423310.36	25936948.13	20526545.85	20835860.15	19895136.65	23834723.14	23870739.4	22202306.64
6-phosphogluconate	7078894.062	6751841.393	7085747.263	5834111.457	6437227.92	6609875.739	5788626.419	4936461.179	5864905.891	4772867.684	5296643.21	5260698.538
Acetyl-CoA	31747661.66	28119701	29504566.94	29068762.13	26808604.39	26678407.92	30849813.49	29279016.97	33647177.79	28342022.96	37999014.32	32664408.4
acetylcarnitine	54442767.04	54050540.15	57606908.85	53282464.75	55004237.12	58019414.59	123167778.2	122326771.3	133958407.7	146360986.7	139644439.5	140475524.8
ADP	44470799.01	34989925.45	56028005.44	34877732.89	21971897.32	22520725.18	33475954.31	48907252.2	36344907.78	30371886.94	48236988.64	29618618.35
alanine	467700467.6	429179762.8	434344623.3	328574018.3	312331053.2	343525180.7	256919799.9	236959337.8	232294273.2	230466629.8	225547497.6	215459206.6
Alpha-Ketoglutarate	46927311.97	44028986.21	43244157.32	36955147.87	45980083.15	40209722.8	39978017.21	50853835.84	30925553.15	23737168.69	28942427.7	38044799.78
Alpha-Lipoic Acid	52562957.23	53134551.25	39139733.1	52556005.11	52214417.34	43520243.63	46023189.42	42352861.71	46593733.76	40877850.65	66364673.63	48111132.09
AMP	7250141.613	8670088.353	7217598.398	6567310.34	6829675.387	7476382.315	6179715.857	8582117.41	6657957.287	6287862.891	5500203.839	5631801.668
arginine	3671569867	3828566471	4382358283	3451684300	3465690516	3080067736	3421944652	4165738144	3264061115	3252725219	3382471298	2939203182
argininosuccinate	54392788.48	56017001.78	61406284.91	33695427.33	35887328.72	36681014.72	32203684.92	29317527.67	26186039.76	27195589.52	27982536.65	28536716.25
asparagine	1722785913	1680391768	1550158810	1435568881	1474468090	1577671727	1501270066	1547852463	1520165741	1461473386	1540523158	1436410467
aspartate	187228730.6	183199249	159306939.7	162557881.6	170702009.7	187336215.2	154402410.4	136312668.9	161686385.2	166334456.5	147281763.9	151207164.4
ATP	566255020.7	424795451.2	564787510.1	475513461.3	311726405.5	339054137.7	416680718.2	603943129.4	458744241.4	397113013.9	641550652	408046921.7
beta-alanine	122201274.8	107938720.4	125232928.5	99019070.87	107502689.8	115786814.4	126059632.3	129374740	136685595.6	115942302.4	136263924.7	114420084.5
Butyrylcarnitine	48020972.97	51518397.46	48412314.02	50322232.61	52066084.62	52820711.36	56506243.88	47937905.25	58708029.16	59447545.99	61519443.15	61038069.06
C5-Carnitines	3919106.57	3633672.703	4867464.135	1973656.901	2465686.127	2981738.253	1404556.869	2205463.209	1214396.033	1883945.272	1287903.474	1459417.229
carnitine	180511926.7	172598104.2	176483659.2	148044359.8	154161608.7	157451590.7	175632684.1	163117546.2	171617000.9	163554292.8	168308097.9	158595473.9
CDP-choline	2067542.45	1997857.668	2426583.082	6052978.971	6092034.692	5446421.556	2682804.851	2980966.489	2741305.034	3072247.739	3600970.585	3197178.306
cis-aconitate	48716281	44572884.47	49555530.73	52675010.87	51065543.03	47521106.24	43743577.27	43671121.25	47834967.41	37606114.54	42046782.72	40720552.22
citrate	1365483913	1276418425	1393090378	1432835947	1420288733	1344036310	1085132061	1174357728	1151343218	1039533692	1221449744	1098714141
Coenzyme-A	13100689.83	13261836.04	13734486.69	12401386.75	14585720.74	12876973.67	16188653.71	15686193.57	15906415.59	17199894.69	14795670.83	17106892.18
creatine	79279339.61	81847232.59	106715721.1	85754985.97	97562984.49	98606954.63	88552365.69	100194070.4	81828976.65	83645458.6	94686945.33	83062712.89
CTP	64463843.8	52262038.22	59207632.28	60418411.48	39728788.33	42423218.43	18352015.08	26004038.36	19524854.73	18879674.06	31513921.38	19721145.96
dATP	3210306.224	2516348.525	4335431.164	2402948.047	1511734.525	1517817.384	3231445.489	4511394.677	3763204.616	3550358.455	5621672.143	3632771.322
dCTP	10305546.36	8167910.833	8458840.463	31205911.52	19248178.75	19706203.21	2997083.776	4262316.875	3187225.629	3374567.347	5718316.575	3666574.738
dihydroxyacetonephosphate	10800153.72	13950927.38	12441167.19	9369118.727	12943581.26	15338727.11	26365352.36	24213337.96	25257613.57	34068784.33	18956979.87	34726572.89
erythrose-4-phosphate	1557200.68	1380367.257	1737245.048	1041463.233	938453.9608	1049370.057	1009464.754	841508.2304	1186277.427	799365.0477	650431.7317	700221.2524
F6P G1P	33205170.34	33515289.94	36159326.36	27161123.2	28364318.68	26728304.25	57595211.4	60933200.53	64001586.28	54107437.33	56563293.34	56152178.36
folic acid	773959.2536	782280.6467	681283.018		26745.47595		971583.774	870210.4078	901749.9109		17767.14513	
formyl methionine	25801262.2	26156054.22	18207574.82	20337015.23	20081682.15	19554403.85	24002798.53	16853681.09	25820815.7	22627494.34	23533752.06	23182029.47
Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate	36056645.31	36830420.46	39739533.04	35505457.07	33676898.75	36663325.26	55781353.4	64463105.11	66248714.92	65638673.03	69381884.95	75875030
fumarate	102920864.2	103252649.9	96456373.87	80841157.82	85261825.59	86478237.82	81033928.85	65452902.77	69277872.4	70483603.28	66919793.89	69325971.21
GAR	25539401.26	26492010.05	20973260.67	21451937.63	20288060.86	20204806.5						
GDP	3640130.01	3483753.66	3536664.414	3495224.917	3625731.092	3672990.344	4218907.959	4578265.199	4222739.861	4305843.679	3955477.599	4296163.363
Glucose-6-phosphate	41380600.01	40018428.52	41228603.01	31260114.15	33730925.31	30452543.42	30611915.48	26424051.66	30998689.13	23852670.3	25214124.85	24367858.42
glutamate	3467290583	3654443946	3477024298	3825188756	4189460418	4346106679	3983037521	3425140264	4155144074	4016558556	3777299203	3905945590
glutamine	6250658363	6116287194	7276041718	5777065541	6334161978	6686880471	7147904664	7878145406	6834574681	7094465498	8001557830	7169243782
glycerate	246849000.9	261235282.9	284259954.2	227193229	274377085.1	263561457.5	276352851.8	305871633.4	280587965.3	297587353.8	341946828.9	332287719.5
Glycerol-3-Phosphate	2503168.09	1280801.527	1057931.534	2436826.88		720993.9884	4174323.386	3646210.39	4208950.266	2055977.141	2761152.217	3995341.877
Glycerophosphocholine	20590586889	20527815064	23138892674	14631261959	13998709257	15232842544	23094679183	25768068199	22738956955	22890124818	24204397322	21468290846
glycine	66271456.61	56483027.38	55492496.99	39979536.53	45034460.42	49505272.47	90545780.43	87710595.17	95580582.36	86983310.92	78911070.41	87816872.52
GSH	4731698656	4916107834	3310254678	5071378513	5441392326	5675961830	5254459885	3638180218	5016955307	5542764206	5864152552	5645329475
hydroxyproline gammaALA	277840541.8	274374093.2	240422560.6	198488561	201579025.5	233998842.2	253002868.5	202859561	264820886.1	234246437.2	216509037.1	227473353.9
hypotaurine	2157557.086	2203074.982	2851930.364	2590183.756	2690100.2	2826531.17	2244247.051	2502758.696	2148829.655	2626397	2747268.183	3351053.837
hypoxanthine	2979574.522	6310805.504	17355907.24	3457547.537	3638799.771	3170153.34	434585395.3	387906708.1	334406802.5	739864411.6	618546529.3	535087839.1
IMP	10549382.13	11642421.94	12548970.62	16623091.6	19590367.64	20933727.34	10099686.86	11584488.19	11506954.51	11351260.32	12833823.47	12204410.95
leucine	1055558119	1036499710	1162920114	861667892.2	952128606.9	953420942.7	1168638712	1088120991	1129901404	1187078441	1021682274	1013808327
lysine	26804077.46	28656386.39	35714999.87	27960779.13	35844516.08	30050913.19	13930574.21	18169707.55	13662451.53	18554216.56	17579011.8	13963992.75
malate	1141469780	1160958937	1080861039	887603306.1	930338909.7	958371014	799846954	664365979	741954619.7	717676602.3	745762867.8	703387647.9
malonyl-CoA	1867330.31	1362060.554	1780663.119	1665829.78	2086147.124	2049009.196	4440360.251	4452420.687	4640319.281	4455882.638	4926549.583	5169078.121
methionine	331216555.1	363236212.4	361329062.6	291334169.4	333965362.3	410991210.2	373380162.4	346460472.7	330086827	588692510.4	315873331	430258831.7
methylthioadenosine	50784937.55	57316211.49	82075467.51	63133544.18	74302411.31	74619079.25	71498594.68	88535021.17	67357463.29	81292559.32	73455592.45	80317354.58
N-acetylaspartate	967022.095		308938.2689		198704.7359					2551710.731	315591.9956	
N-acetylmethionine	1570733.707	2525904.075	1486068.783	1609453.92	1698707.271	2122461.197	2487615.06	2679133.277	3086965.32	3479657.062	2758146.417	3761307.911
N-acetylphenylalanine	947813.3193	1077135.32	674225.4667	711146.4638	878187.1765	919084.1106	1488896.614	818606.8366	1560655.993	1593912.981		1478416.458
NAD.	546222388.6	549755214.2	558171216.6	484766744.6	497490114.2	547222471.2	535330011.9	548162877.9	537866014.7	467309483.6	555385650.7	523831270.1
NADP	16034498.91	17718274.16	18536269.73	14202988.29	16405189.62	15452109.58	14348074.4	17391903.49	14373383.5	13643881.64	12703504.52	15157936.24
niacinamide	414714797.2	463132747.1	553930603.3	432313644.3	535143624.3	462933918.2	1943923393	1790154494	1538937362	2618337343	1758362918	1896099279
O-phosphoethanolamine	439741.4517	572674.9368	558111.7814	780097.7464	685171.8477	541051.7215	677483.7984	488523.0916	562603.4297	414539.4925	388208.0851	508049.712
Pantothenate	631201212.8	650010335.8	676733826.3	612629268.8	621505384.8	621613501.2	582777257.6	594026706	597574484.5	568373401.7	657461335.4	587066384.2
phenylalanine	48669690.41	52186675.97	53857801.09	50366700.88	57828238.95	59206615.8	37375704.17	33662205.43	39412803.07	50786737.71	47750354.95	43690484.69
phosphocholine	16302085062	15686078698	18646649389	15001939787	15580625150	15087153761	16513624444	20328825586	16135868761	17803508137	20275245559	18455552516
phosphoenolpyruvate	9852157.695	10287952.41	8718484.42	10423767.11	10411977.53	9693201.332	6863573.208	6731656.751	6276498.286	7147967.663	6853091.007	5905871.895
proline	13515186603	12820397940	15933554832	11720607296	11587833845	11036666302	14753970725	15731491644	13789096826	13480350355	15321457835	12970194627
propionylcarnitine	30803920.47	27937232.19	21682893.2	14117452.72	15736224.11	17898144.47	10168076.5	6011635.192	9936292.602	9327054.098	8424979.907	9061744.112
PRPP	11752101.72	14192014.59	9211477.407	22967203.64	18376296.11	19117099.56	1332131.016		1263748.165	1553784	1273619.021	1304199.578
Pyridoxine	283623437.8	321764195.2	293187464.2	307790921.9	315120615.7	304154091.8	351662965.4	332420578.9	341988605.4	372020530.6	347410809.2	308504707.2
pyruvate	16215070.34	17614743.06	13222182	11664025.88	7710926.54	7694753.363	14639400.96	22347102.62	10438031.51	10735645.64	6896446.75	12115546.02
quinolinic acid	786737.6322	1136938.426	767023.905	985061.545	955517.5043	892492.6267	985322.0812	904125.3603	1038808.068	878454.9367	1438501.484	1260855.686
Ribose-1-phosphate	2091429.052	2415436.793	2079344.127	4900232.519	5319910.227	4643673.566	633560.3874	675386.0852	721803.8585	639578.5153	534285.7118	615526.2192
Ribose.Ribulose.5.phosphate.3Me.Lys	2795305.318	3389748.202	3276857.146	3400717.844	3605852.666	3948715.361	2682857.873	2181996.05	2465045.638	2907673.477	1826811.532	2710338.499
S-Adenosyl-L-Homocysteine	10849485.87	10975179.64	12508499.96	11563018.48	11993936.77	12450325.01	9370120.642	11137080.26	9561573.864	9522302.571	10123530.88	10824486.86
Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate	30533587.61	31411756.12	36190935.23	21899526.93	21989278.96	19989181.53	77113989.22	76188157.38	85082955.66	73921449.05	75617373.29	75668988.83
serine	9994660.1	12037616.83	10005492.51	27682208.57	41478632.44	49730616.81	14457292.64	17433386.16	16527296.29	65667776.17	59497649.73	59318337.03
succinate	62426692.82	66450937.78	74722582.59	48713852.39	62728810.05	67147609.59	75155894.14	69206721.66	70545157.38	82102975.4	59399507.71	79898713.56
taurine	8775889.35	8828150.712	10093057.19	8530603.794	11612172.29	11471157.08	8767489.841	9192779.011	8754312.031	9434326.732	8958426.543	10613618.88
threonine	263260303.6	229820982.2	214990857	323830676.5	259081146.2	213189094.6	185581033.2	165724182.2	220804383.7	182955490.3	292159616.5	162779111.8
tryptophan	74983291.22	80656485.04	79981547.69	68669144.09	84203238.01	103547821.2	61863770.31	55926737.3	57568452.47	94497199.85	67128741.59	78334513.5
tyrosine	408989386.5	419856618.6	434851895.7	323738696.8	362288994.4	361887430.6	394188751.5	409431549.1	368013185	384639885.3	375834730	371267391.6
UDP.GlcNAc	220884614.6	225797905.6	197445341.5	156234115.5	178465544.3	174272719.5	143680853	138243057.1	155988395.9	139835448	147987752	154679981.4
UDP	7399873.746	7149344.783	9405302.389	7251896.493	7610971.902	7192808.291	3018520.124	4653391.055	3075195.374	3137480.29	3776071.705	3445312.395
UMP	1070747.498	1200188.794	1209399.473	1166685.219	1370176.463	1300518.817	811048.1488	724694.6814	837609.0495	965707.6838	1053970.458	973030.0331
Ureidosuccinic acid	1069645.314	1436090.693	852600.5038	2013311.96	2079940.817	2050681.705	1429145.366	1700731.192	1619043.091	1723882.727	2071839.455	2253458.048
UTP	353945768.6	287548784.1	315461583	376822598.5	270517108.3	278451417.1	93860640.47	131136942.3	107561956.1	97023796.52	154346500.4	104147076.1
xanthine	448256.0679	427408.1478	420705.1598	386782.1044	439222.2285	450897.3364	3968611.281	3557700.565	3394638.129	3414518.965	3026990.258	3228371.869
xanthosine	130344.625	120824.0239	135706.0422	97010.5343	171756.9439	170005.5972	276145.8174	279136.8481	287073.9453	299378.9637	302627.7576	291295.6787
metabolite_name	Standardized name	Formula	Exact mass	Sub class
2-hydroxybutyric acid	2-Hydroxybutyric acid	C4H8O3	104.0473	Hydroxy FA
2-hydroxyglutarate	2-Hydroxyglutaric acid	C5H8O5	148.0372	Dicarboxylic acids
2-oxobutyric acid	3-Methyl pyruvic acid	C4H6O3	102.0317	Oxo FA
2,3-BPG	-	-	-	-
3-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid	3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric acid	C6H10O3	130.0630	Short-chain keto acids
3-phosphoglycerate	3-Phosphoglyceric acid	C3H7O7P	185.9929	Short-chain acids
6-phosphogluconate	6-Phosphogluconic acid	C6H13O10P	276.0246	Monosaccharide phosphates
Acetyl-CoA	Acetyl-CoA	C23H38N7O17P3S	809.1258	Acyl CoAs
acetylcarnitine	CAR 2:0	C9H17NO4	203.1158	Acyl carnitines
ADP	ADP	C10H15N5O10P2	427.0294	Purine rNDP
alanine	Alanine	C3H7NO2	89.0477	Amino acids
Alpha-Ketoglutarate	Oxoglutaric acid	C5H6O5	146.0215	TCA acids
Alpha-Lipoic Acid	Lipoic acid	C8H14O2S2	206.0435	Thia FA
AMP	AMP	C10H14N5O7P	347.0631	Purine rNMP
arginine	Arginine	C6H14N4O2	174.1117	Amino acids
argininosuccinate	Argininosuccinic acid	C10H18N4O6	290.1226	Amino acids
asparagine	Asparagine	C4H8N2O3	132.0535	Amino acids
aspartate	Aspartic acid	C4H7NO4	133.0375	Amino acids
ATP	ATP	C10H16N5O13P3	506.9958	Purine rNTP
beta-alanine	beta-Alanine	C3H7NO2	89.0477	Amino acids
Butyrylcarnitine	CAR 4:0	C11H21NO4	231.1471	Acyl carnitines
C5-Carnitines	-	-	-	-
carnitine	Carnitine	C7H15NO3	161.1052	Carnitines
CDP-choline	CDP-choline	C14H26N4O11P2	488.1073	Pyrimidine rNDP
cis-aconitate	cis-Aconitic acid	C6H6O6	174.0164	TCA acids
citrate	Citric acid	C6H8O7	192.0270	TCA acids
Coenzyme-A	Coenzyme A	C21H36N7O16P3S	767.1152	Other purines
creatine	Creatine	C4H9N3O2	131.0695	Amino acids
CTP	CTP	C9H16N3O14P3	482.9845	Pyrimidine rNTP
dATP	dATP	C10H16N5O12P3	491.0008	Purine dNTP
dCTP	dCTP	C9H16N3O13P3	466.9896	Pyrimidine dNTP
dihydroxyacetonephosphate	Dihydroxyacetone phosphate	C3H7O6P	169.9980	Short-chain acids
erythrose-4-phosphate	Erythrose 4-phosphate	C4H9O7P	200.0086	Monosaccharide phosphates
F6P G1P	-	-	-	-
folic acid	Folic acid	C19H19N7O6	441.1397	Folic acids
formyl methionine	N-Formylmethionine	C6H11NO3S	177.0460	Amino acids
Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate	Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate	C6H14O12P2	339.9961	Monosaccharide phosphates
fumarate	Fumaric acid	C4H4O4	116.0110	TCA acids
GAR	GAR	C7H15N2O8P	286.0566	Glycinamide ribonucleotides
GDP	GDP	C10H15N5O11P2	443.0243	Purine rNDP
Glucose-6-phosphate	Glucose 6-phosphate	C6H13O9P	260.0297	Monosaccharide phosphates
glutamate	Glutamic acid	C5H9NO4	147.0532	Amino acids
glutamine	Glutamine	C5H10N2O3	146.0691	Amino acids
glycerate	Glyceric acid	C3H6O4	106.0266	Sugar acids
Glycerol-3-Phosphate	sn-Glycero-3-phosphate	C3H9O6P	172.0137	Organic phosphoric acids
Glycerophosphocholine	sn-Glycero-3-phosphocholine	C8H20NO6P	257.1028	Organic phosphoric acids
glycine	Glycine	C2H5NO2	75.0320	Amino acids
GSH	Glutathione	C10H17N3O6S	307.0838	Tripeptides
hydroxyproline gammaALA	-	-	-	-
hypotaurine	Hypotaurine	C2H7NO2S	109.0198	Sulfinic acids
hypoxanthine	Hypoxanthine	C5H4N4O	136.0385	Hypoxanthines
IMP	IMP	C10H13N4O8P	348.0471	Purine rNMP
leucine	Leucine	C6H13NO2	131.0946	Amino acids
lysine	Lysine	C6H14N2O2	146.1055	Amino acids
malate	D-Malic acid	C4H6O5	134.0215	Beta hydroxy acids
malonyl-CoA	Malonyl-CoA	C24H38N7O19P3S	853.1156	Acyl CoAs
methionine	Methionine	C5H11NO2S	149.0511	Amino acids
methylthioadenosine	Methylthioadenosine	C11H15N5O3S	297.0896	Purine ribonucleosides
N-acetylaspartate	N-Acetylaspartic acid	C6H9NO5	175.0481	Amino acids
N-acetylmethionine	N-Acetylmethionine	C7H13NO3S	191.0616	Amino acids
N-acetylphenylalanine	N-Acetylphenylalanine	C11H13NO3	207.0895	Amino acids
NAD.	NAD+	C21H27N7O14P2	663.1091	Nicotinamide dinucleotides
NADP	NADP+	C21H28N7O17P3	743.0755	Nicotinamide dinucleotides
niacinamide	Niacinamide	C6H6N2O	122.0480	Pyridine alkaloids
O-phosphoethanolamine	Phosphoethanolamine	C2H8NO4P	141.0191	Phosphoethanolamines
Pantothenate	Pantothenic acid	C9H17NO5	219.1107	Amino acids
phenylalanine	Phenylalanine	C9H11NO2	165.0790	Amino acids
phosphocholine	Choline phosphate	C5H14NO4P	183.0660	Cholines
phosphocreatine	Phosphocreatine	C4H10N3O5P	211.0358	Amino acids
phosphoenolpyruvate	Phosphoenolpyruvic acid	C3H5O6P	167.9824	Short-chain acids
proline	Proline	C5H9NO2	115.0633	Amino acids
propionylcarnitine	CAR 3:0	C10H19NO4	217.1314	Acyl carnitines
PRPP	Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate	C5H13O14P3	389.9518	Monosaccharide phosphates
Pyridoxine	Pyridoxine	C8H11NO3	169.0739	Pyridine alkaloids
pyruvate	Pyruvic acid	C3H4O3	88.0160	Short-chain acids
quinolinic acid	Quinolinic acid	C7H5NO4	167.0219	Pyridine alkaloids
Ribose-1-phosphate	Ribose 1-phosphate	C5H11O8P	230.0192	Monosaccharide phosphates
Ribose.Ribulose.5.phosphate.3Me.Lys	-	-	-	-
S-Adenosyl-L-Homocysteine	S-Adenosylhomocysteine	C14H20N6O5S	384.1216	Other purines
Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate	Sedoheptulose 7-phosphate	C7H15O10P	290.0403	Monosaccharide phosphates
serine	Serine	C3H7NO3	105.0426	Amino acids
succinate	Succinic acid	C4H6O4	118.0266	TCA acids
taurine	Taurine	C2H7NO3S	125.0147	Sulfonic acids
threonine	Threonine	C4H9NO3	119.0582	Amino acids
tryptophan	Tryptophan	C11H12N2O2	204.0899	Amino acids
tyrosine	Tyrosine	C9H11NO3	181.0739	Amino acids
UDP.GlcNAc	UDP-N-acetylglucosamine	C17H27N3O17P2	607.0816	Pyrimidine ribonucleosides
UDP	UDP	C9H14N2O12P2	404.0022	Pyrimidine rNDP
UMP	UMP	C9H13N2O9P	324.0359	Pyrimidine rNMP
Ureidosuccinic acid	N-Carbamoylaspartic acid	C5H8N2O5	176.0433	Amino acids
UTP	UTP	C9H15N2O15P3	483.9685	Pyrimidine rNTP
xanthine	Xanthine	C5H4N4O2	152.0334	Xanthines
xanthosine	Xanthosine	C10H12N4O6	284.0757	Purine ribonucleosides