#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH xit2001_20240114_065514 DATATRACK_ID:4569 STUDY_ID:ST003043 ANALYSIS_ID:AN004992 VERSION 1 CREATED_ON 01-19-2024 #PROJECT PR:PROJECT_TITLE Retinoid levels measurement in kidney and serum PR:PROJECT_TYPE MS analysis PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is characterized by a gradual loss of kidney PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY function and affects ca. 13.4% of the global population. Progressive PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY tubulointerstitial fibrosis, driven in part by proximal tubule (PT) damage, is a PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY hallmark of late stages of CKD and contributes to the development of kidney PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY failure, for which there are limited treatment options. Normal kidney PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY development requires signaling by vitamin A (retinol), which is metabolized to PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY retinoic acid (RA), an endogenous agonist for the retinoic acid receptors (RAR PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY alpha, beta, gamma). RARalpha levels are decreased in a mouse model of diabetic PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY nephropathy (DN) and restored with RA administration; additionally, RA treatment PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY reduces fibrosis. We developed a mouse model in which a spatiotemporal PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY (tamoxifen-inducible) deletion of RARalpha in kidney PT cells of adult mice PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY causes mitochondrial dysfunction, massive PT injury, and apoptosis without the PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY use of additional nephrotoxic substances. Long-term effects (3-4.5 months) of PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY RARalpha deletion include increased PT secretion of transforming growth factor PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY beta (TGF-beta1), inflammation, interstitial fibrosis, and decreased kidney PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY function, all of which are major features of human CKD. Therefore, RARalpha’s PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY actions in proximal tubules (PTs) are crucial for PT homeostasis, and loss of PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY RARalpha causes injury and a key CKD phenotype. PR:INSTITUTE Weill Cornell Medicine PR:LAST_NAME Tang PR:FIRST_NAME Xiao-Han PR:ADDRESS 1300 Yates Avenue, New York, NY 10065 PR:EMAIL xit2001@med.cornell.edu PR:PHONE 3478327329 PR:PUBLICATIONS DiKun KM et al, RETINOIC ACID RECEPTOR a ACTIVITY IN PROXIMAL TUBULES PREVENTS PR:PUBLICATIONS KIDNEY INJURY AND FIBROSIS. PNAS, 2024. PR:DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21228/M8WQ6G #STUDY ST:STUDY_TITLE Retinoic acid receptor alpha activity in proximal tubules prevents kidney injury ST:STUDY_TITLE and fibrosis ST:STUDY_SUMMARY Retinoid levels of all-trans-retinol, retinoic acid, and retinyl palmitate were ST:STUDY_SUMMARY measured in the kidney and serum of GCERRARaD (kidney proximal tubule RARalpha ST:STUDY_SUMMARY knockout mice) females 3 days or 3 months post-tamoxifen (n=5/group) and ST:STUDY_SUMMARY age-matched Wild Type females (n=4). ST:INSTITUTE Weill Cornell Medicine ST:LAST_NAME Tang ST:FIRST_NAME Xiao-Han ST:ADDRESS 1300 York Ave, New York, NY10065 ST:EMAIL xit2001@med.cornell.edu ST:PHONE 3478327329 ST:SUBMIT_DATE 2024-01-14 #SUBJECT SU:SUBJECT_TYPE Mammal SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES Mus musculus SU:TAXONOMY_ID 10090 SU:GENDER Female #SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS: SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T1 Kidney3DM1negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3DM1.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T2 Kidney3DM2negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3DM2.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T3 Kidney3DM3negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3DM3.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T4 Kidney3DM4negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3DM4.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T5 Kidney3DM5negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3DM5.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T1 Serum3DMN1negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DMN1.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T2 Serum3DMN2negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DMN2.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T3 Serum3DMN3neagtive Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DMN3.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T4 Serum3DMN4negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DMN4.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T5 Serum3DMN5negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DMN5.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T1 Serum3DMP1positive Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DMP1.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T2 Serum3DMP2positive Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DMP2.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T3 Serum3DMP3positive Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DMP3.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T4 Serum3DMP4positive Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DMP4.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C13 T5 Serum3DMP5positive Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DMP5.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C4 T1 Kidney3MM1negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3MM1.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C5 T1 Kidney3MM2negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3MM2.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C5 T2 Kidney3MM3negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3MM3.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C6 T1 Kidney3MM4negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3MM4.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C6 T2 Kidney3MM5negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3MM5.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C4 T1 Serum3MMN1negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MMN1.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C5 T1 Serum3MMN2negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MMN2.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C5 T2 Serum3MMN3negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MMN3.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C6 T1 Serum3MMN4negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MMN4.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C6 T2 Serum3MMN5negative Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MMN5.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C4 T1 Serum3MMP1positive Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MMP1.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C5 T1 Serum3MMP2positive Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MMP2.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C5 T2 Serum3MMP3positive Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MMP3.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C6 T1 Serum3MMP4positive Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MMP4.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS C6 T2 Serum3MMP5positive Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MMP5.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT22 Kidney3DW1negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3DW1.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT23 Kidney3DW2negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3DW2.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT24 Kidney3DW3negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3DW3.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT25 Kidney3DW4negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3DW4.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT22 Serum3DWN1negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DWN1.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT23 Serum3DWN2negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DWN2.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT24 Serum3DWN3negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DWN3.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT25 Serum3DWN4negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DWN4.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT22 Serum3DWP1positive Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DWP1.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT23 Serum3DWP2positive Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DWP2.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT24 Serum3DWP3positive Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DWP3.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT25 Serum3DWP4positive Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3DWP4.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT3 Kidney3MW1negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3MW1.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT33 Kidney3MW2negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3MW2.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT34 Kidney3MW3negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3MW3.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT4 Kidney3MW4negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=K3MW4.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT3 Serum3MWN1negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MWN1.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT31 Serum3MWN2negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MWN2.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT32 Serum3MWN3negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MWN3.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT4 Serum3MWN4negative Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=negative; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MWN4.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT3 Serum3MWP1positive Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MWP1.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT31 Serum3MWP2positive Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MWP2.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT32 Serum3MWP3positive Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MWP3.mzML SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS WT4 Serum3MWP4positive Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Batch=1a; Ion mode=positive; RAW_FILE_NAME=S3MWP4.mzML #COLLECTION CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY serum and kidney were obtained from GCERRARaD females 3 days or 3 months CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY post-tam (n=5/group) and age-matched wild-type females (n=4) CO:SAMPLE_TYPE Kidney; Serum #TREATMENT TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY Mutant and wild-type female mice were treated with tamoxifen for 3 days or 3 TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY months. #SAMPLEPREP SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY To extract metabolites, frozen kidney cortices were weighed, and ca 20 mg of SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY each cortex was added to a tube containing 650 μL of 80% methanol (diluted in SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY dH2O). Sample tubes were placed in a bead homogenizer for 1 minute at a SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY frequency of 30/s. Samples were then placed in a -20℃ freezer for 10 minutes, SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY centrifuged for 10 minutes at 15,000 RPM in 4℃, and the supernatant was moved SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY to a new tube. The remaining pellets were then re-extracted with 400 μL of 80% SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY methanol, following the above procedure of homogenization and centrifugation. SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY The supernatant was then added to the supernatant pool obtained from the first SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY extraction. The pellet was re-extracted for a third time using 350 μL of 80% SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY MeOH and supernatant was again added to the pool from the first two extractions. SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY The supernatant pool was placed at -20℃ for 15 minutes, centrifuged for 20 SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY minutes at 15,000 RPM, and transferred to a new tube. The methanolic extract SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY samples were speed-vacuumed and reconstituted in 70% acetonitrile (diluted in SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY dH2O) containing 0.025% acetic acid at a protein concentration of 3μg/μL. For SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY serum preparation, samples were diluted 10-fold with 70% acetonitrile (diluted SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY in dH2O) containing 0.025% acetic acid, and centrifuged for 20 minutes at 20,000 SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY g. #CHROMATOGRAPHY CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME Agilent 1290 Infinity II CH:COLUMN_NAME MicroSolv Cogent Diamond Hydride (150 × 2.1 mm, 4.0 um) CH:COLUMN_TEMPERATURE 25 CH:FLOW_GRADIENT 0-1 min, 99% B; 1-15 min, a linear gradient to 20% B; 15.1-29 min, 0% B; 29.1-37 CH:FLOW_GRADIENT min, 99% B CH:FLOW_RATE 0.4mL/min CH:SOLVENT_A 6 uM edta and 0.025% acetic acid in isopropanol:H2O (50:50) CH:SOLVENT_B 6 uM edta and 5mM ammonium acetate in CH3CN: H2O (90:10) CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE HILIC #ANALYSIS AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE MS #MS MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME Agilent 6550 QTOF MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE QTOF MS:MS_TYPE ESI MS:MS_COMMENTS The serum samples have negative and positive mode data. The kidney samples have MS:MS_COMMENTS negative mode data. MassHunter B10 MassHunter B10 MassHunter Profinder (B10) MS:ION_MODE UNSPECIFIED #MS_METABOLITE_DATA MS_METABOLITE_DATA:UNITS abundance MS_METABOLITE_DATA_START Samples Kidney3DM1negative Kidney3DM2negative Kidney3DM3negative Kidney3DM4negative Kidney3DM5negative Serum3DMN1negative Serum3DMN2negative Serum3DMN3neagtive Serum3DMN4negative Serum3DMN5negative Serum3DMP1positive Serum3DMP2positive Serum3DMP3positive Serum3DMP4positive Serum3DMP5positive Kidney3MM1negative Kidney3MM2negative Kidney3MM3negative Kidney3MM4negative Kidney3MM5negative Serum3MMN1negative Serum3MMN2negative Serum3MMN3negative Serum3MMN4negative Serum3MMN5negative Serum3MMP1positive Serum3MMP2positive Serum3MMP3positive Serum3MMP4positive Serum3MMP5positive Kidney3DW1negative Kidney3DW2negative Kidney3DW3negative Kidney3DW4negative Serum3DWN1negative Serum3DWN2negative Serum3DWN3negative Serum3DWN4negative Serum3DWP1positive Serum3DWP2positive Serum3DWP3positive Serum3DWP4positive Kidney3MW1negative Kidney3MW2negative Kidney3MW3negative Kidney3MW4negative Serum3MWN1negative Serum3MWN2negative Serum3MWN3negative Serum3MWN4negative Serum3MWP1positive Serum3MWP2positive Serum3MWP3positive Serum3MWP4positive Factors Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Mutant | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3day Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Genotype:Wild_Type | Treatment:tamoxifen, 3month Retinoic Acid 167719.0000 169717.0000 189697.0000 151352.0000 215836.0000 105469.0000 57288.0000 122905.0000 52019.0000 185656.0000 203690.0000 159555.0000 191601.0000 309184.0000 30711.0000 89584.0000 43849.0000 162461.0000 148942.0000 181518.0000 147808.0000 257546.0000 260268.0000 36277.0000 25494.0000 58777.0000 107115.0000 314561.0000 316313.0000 285236.0000 272484.0000 62833.0000 22907.0000 31541.0000 69512.0000 Retinol 118463.0000 128320.0000 151534.0000 119206.0000 153740.0000 67212.0000 82450.0000 92373.0000 136740.0000 90511.0000 129831.0000 116494.0000 105540.0000 124385.0000 170916.0000 32347.0000 62386.0000 34772.0000 57770.0000 57391.0000 101739.0000 108779.0000 158385.0000 166872.0000 46982.0000 46926.0000 50371.0000 59169.0000 179599.0000 209651.0000 205545.0000 161386.0000 38234.0000 37399.0000 42350.0000 41556.0000 Retinyl Palmitate 157202.0000 167393.0000 138626.0000 116590.0000 171758.0000 43995.0000 36349.0000 32602.0000 34686.0000 43312.0000 242738.0000 244216.0000 202289.0000 192597.0000 295775.0000 26362.0000 30715.0000 37872.0000 10311.0000 12886.0000 140242.0000 135908.0000 238237.0000 240367.0000 50263.0000 61440.0000 51095.0000 44838.0000 359463.0000 339716.0000 309246.0000 268460.0000 20393.0000 53921.0000 34486.0000 24098.0000 MS_METABOLITE_DATA_END #METABOLITES METABOLITES_START metabolite_name pubchem_id inchi_key kegg_id other_id other_id_type ri ri_type moverz_quant Retinoic Acid 11130378 C00777 Retinol 445354 C00473 Retinyl Palmitate 5280531 C02588 METABOLITES_END #END