#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH spinelli_lab_20240520_111432 DATATRACK_ID:4850 STUDY_ID:ST003218 ANALYSIS_ID:AN005277 PROJECT_ID:PR001988
VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	May 22, 2024, 7:58 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Rhodoquinone is an Electron Carrier in the Mammalian Electron Transport Chain
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Ubiquinone (UQ), the only known electron carrier in the mammalian electron
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	transport chain (ETC), delivers electrons to both oxygen (O2) and fumarate as
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	terminal electron acceptors. As fumarate has a lower reduction potential than
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	UQ, fumarate reduction is only thermodynamically favorable when ubiquinol, the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	reduced form of UQ, accumulates. Paradoxically, some tissues reduce fumarate
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	without ubiquinol buildup, suggesting another mechanism enables fumarate
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	reduction in mammals. Here, we identify rhodoquinone (RQ), a novel component of
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	the mammalian ETC that carries electrons to fumarate, instead of O2, as the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	terminal electron acceptor. RQ, which is undetectable in cultured mammalian
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	cells, is enriched in mitochondria from mouse and human tissues that catalyze
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	high levels of fumarate reduction. UQ and RQ-directed ETC circuits support
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	unique programs of mitochondrial function. Through expression of a bacterial
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	enzyme that converts UQ into RQ and development of a novel RQ analog, we
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	demonstrate that reprogramming the mammalian ETC from the UQ to RQ circuit
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	renders cells highly resistant to hypoxia exposure in vitro and in vivo. Thus,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	we establish RQ as a fundamental component of the mammalian ETC and unveil that
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	reprogramming the ETC to the RQ-circuit is a tractable strategy to ameliorate
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	hypoxia-related conditions.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	UMass Chan Medical School
PR:LAST_NAME                     	UMass Chan
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Spinelli Lab
PR:ADDRESS                       	55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, Massachusetts, 01605, USA
PR:EMAIL                         	spinellilab@gmail.com
PR:PHONE                         	(508) 856-8989 ext. 68148
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Glutamine Tracing Assay in WT and SDHB KO 143B cells Treated with HKJS003
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	WT and succinate dehydrogenase iron sulfur subunit B(SDHB) KO 143B cells were
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	treated with a small molecule analog of Rhodoquinone, HKJS003. Glutamine tracing
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	was used to determine the fumarate reduction and succinate oxidation of the
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	treated cells. Other metabolites such as ATP,ADP,AMP,Glutathione, Oxidized
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	glutathione, UTP, lactic acid, and pyruvic acid were also measured.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	UMass Chan Medical School
ST:LAST_NAME                     	UMass Chan
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Spinelli Lab
ST:ADDRESS                       	55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, Massachusetts, 01605, USA
ST:EMAIL                         	spinellilab@gmail.com
ST:PHONE                         	(508) 856-8989 ext. 68148
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Cultured cells
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Homo sapiens
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9606
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Raw file names and additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT 1	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:DMSO	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_01_20240402125032.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT 2	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:DMSO	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_02.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT 3	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:DMSO	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_03.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT 25nM 003 1	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:25nM HKJS003	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_04.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT 25nM 003 2	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:25nM HKJS003	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_05.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT 25nM 003 3	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:25nM HKJS003	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_06.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT 100nM 003 1	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:100nM HKJS003	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_07.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT 100nM 003 2	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:100nM HKJS003	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_08.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT 100nM 003 3	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:100nM HKJS003	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_09.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	SDHB KO 1	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:DMSO	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_10.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	SDHB KO 2	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:DMSO	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_11.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	SDHB KO 3	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:DMSO	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_12.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	SDHB KO 25nM 003 1	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:25nM HKJS003	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_13.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	SDHB KO 25nM 003 2	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:25nM HKJS003	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_14.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	SDHB KO 25nM 003 3	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:25nM HKJS003	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_15.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	SDHB KO 100nM 003 1	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:100nM HKJS003	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_16.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	SDHB KO 100nM 003 2	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:100nM HKJS003	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_17.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	SDHB KO 100nM 003 3	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:100nM HKJS003	Cell line=143B; RAW_FILE_NAME(File Name )=JV121_WT_vs_SDHBKO_003_18.raw
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Media was aspirated from the plates and then the cells were washed with 1x PBS
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	twice. The plate was then transferred to dry ice and 500 µL of 80% HPLC-grade
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	methanol (Sigma) 20% HPLC-grade water (Sigma) was added to each well. The wells
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	were placed in a -80 freezer to incubate for 15 minutes. The plates are taken
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	out of the freezer one at a time and placed back on dry ice. The cells were then
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	scraped and transferred to a new tube.
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Cultured cells
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	The 143B cell line were cultured in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM)
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	(ThermoFisher) supplemented with 10% Heat Inactivated Fetal Bovine Serum
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	(ThermoFisher) and 1% penicillin and streptomycin (ThermoFisher), and 100 µg/mL
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	uridine (Sigma). Cells were kept in a 37°C incubator (Baker Ruskinn) held at 5%
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	CO2 and 90% relative humidity.Cells were then supplemented with either DMSO or
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	HKJS003. For HKJS003, 20µL or 5µL of 100µM stock was added to 2mL of media
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	for a final concentration of 100nM or 25nM. For DMSO, 20µL of a diluted 1:1000
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	DMSO was added to 2mL of media. The cells were incubated for 5-7 of days to
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	proliferate and every 2 days the media was refreshed with the relevant
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	treatments.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Once cells were collected into Eppendorf tubes, each well was washed with an
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	additional 300 µL of 80% HPLC-grade methanol (Sigma) 20% HPLC-grade water
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	(Sigma) and collected into the same tube as the initial lysis. The samples were
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	then vortexed at 4° C for 10 minutes and centrifuged at 21,300 x g for 10
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	minutes at 4° C. Supernatants were transferred to a new tube and dried down in
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	a Refrigerated CentriVap Benchtop Vacuum Concentrator connected to a
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	CentriVap-105 Cold Trap (Labconco). After being dried down, pellets were stored
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	in a -20° C freezer until ready to run on the polar LC-MS method.
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	20 min, 80% to 20% B; 0.5 min, 20% to 80% B; 7.5min, 80% B
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Vanquish
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	Merck SeQuant ZIC-HILIC (150 x 2.1mm,5um)
CH:SOLVENT_A                     	100% water; 0.1% ammonium hydroxide; 20mM ammonium carbonate
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	100% acetonitrile
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	Gradient starts at 80% B. Subsequently, 80% to 20% B linearly in 20min; 20% to
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	80% B in 0.5min; 80% B for 7.5min
CH:FLOW_RATE                     	0.15ml/min
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Q Exactive Plus Orbitrap
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Orbitrap
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	NEGATIVE
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	The mass spectrometer had the spray voltage set to 4.0 kV, heated capillary to
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	350°C, and the HESI probe at 30 °C. The sheath gas flow was set at 10 units,
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	auxiliary gas at 1 units, and sweep gas flow at 1 unit. An additional scan
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	between 220-700 m/z was used to enhance nucleotide detection in the negative
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	mode as well with the maximum injection time set to 80 msec. Data acquired by
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Thermo Fisher's Xcalibur software and analyzed by their Tracefinder software.
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	The raw files provided contain data from both positive and negative ion mode.
Samples	WT 1	WT 2	WT 3	WT 25nM 003 1	WT 25nM 003 2	WT 25nM 003 3	WT 100nM 003 1	WT 100nM 003 2	WT 100nM 003 3	SDHB KO 1	SDHB KO 2	SDHB KO 3	SDHB KO 25nM 003 1	SDHB KO 25nM 003 2	SDHB KO 25nM 003 3	SDHB KO 100nM 003 1	SDHB KO 100nM 003 2	SDHB KO 100nM 003 3
Factors	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:DMSO	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:DMSO	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:DMSO	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:25nM HKJS003	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:25nM HKJS003	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:25nM HKJS003	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:100nM HKJS003	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:100nM HKJS003	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:WT | Treatment:100nM HKJS003	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:DMSO	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:DMSO	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:DMSO	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:25nM HKJS003	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:25nM HKJS003	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:25nM HKJS003	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:100nM HKJS003	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:100nM HKJS003	Sample source:Bone sarcoma cells | Genotype:SDHB KO | Treatment:100nM HKJS003
Fumaric acid	28506723.02	32588514.68	32380756.52	35151508.77	35892243.27	28645875.37	20808601.95	26892502.9	24148779.43	31060426.77	31104001.7	33237898.69	33441144.26	34448381.59	41237284.97	20429099.55	31845333.13	30444344.37
Fumaric acid_13C1	3649573.465	4077450.956	4008654.557	3754703.601	3951219.286	3182456.633	1025133.619	1496108.198	1137069.185	3760143.177	3957764.756	4214336.818	3755564.249	3772378.261	4698464.56	932263.4396	1576589.08	1462482.649
Fumaric acid_13C2	7428137.855	7967973.405	8372138.322	7886440.667	8210696.999	6705069.009	2070073.749	2606087.415	2054281.589	7938783.503	8307697.67	8889547.597	8650125.828	8772026.049	10705450.93	1771175.958	2619658.945	2428414.241
Fumaric acid_13C3	8125881.37	8091406.287	8279617.838	10904585.49	10943270.77	9084147.95	14170343.61	17705021.74	16817582.79	7342897.854	7204089.703	8231143.221	9534777.822	9337250.563	11455172.87	13475641.44	20603036.55	19372224.28
Fumaric acid_13C4	28093676.98	28810615.69	30093849.58	30724350.75	31479625.14	25340498.94	11711257.8	14854140.59	12465117.68	33334446.79	34848668.06	38144564.83	34668827.88	36536579.15	44363956.1	10804058.27	15320116.53	14713273.97
Succinic acid	4784588.765	3446494.472	4796852.824	3781966.297	3283601.389	2459375.722	5753541.484	9414509.622	7927386.285	8141343.868	5764541.22	8795082.948	8386425.718	8844122.26	10656253.33	13871288.09	23568791.53	25512927.31
Succinic acid_13C1	635769.6608	575013.1944	597028.7253	684276.6795	529149.7108	433437.3801	461379.489	578933.7647	617739.8631	1159193.402	1012177.696	1271246.148	1250790.771	1303807.727	1831928.493	820671.8107	1436421.557	1697039.243
Succinic acid_13C2	426806.7799	565082.0641	536310.8916	338499.7152	513331.4359	337919.6586	517199.8373	783625.8469	240612.6716	1538885.146	1227151.867	2054960.335	2132330.248	2251606.981	3119600.399	1310343.893	3695986.162	3367546.748
Succinic acid_13C3	142776.7064	45588.67683	192174.1166	244289.0767	341050.475	208935.991	705817.5845	884311.7645	1058991.18	740242.6699	575792.9481	786306.7626	727574.9975	789641.1068	1053402.219	1826538.391	3428133.385	3772581.566
Succinic acid_13C4	4626503.85	4073921.413	5940112.438	7659099.867	5959272.531	5437855.37	17096278.04	25412649.09	24783371.18	16071039.15	15451783.72	18887161.8	18940232.7	20562312.43	27699202.98	46740962.52	87609447.44	90249984.63
UTP	29083136.22	33606136.54	31691640.31	26660552.27	21008994.69	14352760.47	26197831.71	44599582.6	45613862.71	48681242.52	47437423.59	52799628.67	32451183.17	30211692.5	43539044.31	36008773.84	60619474.6	66534792.75
ATP	56248428.08	66885455.53	62748967.99	49436107.05	44008855.8	28929788.08	45142541.57	79553925.18	73553858.65	77729211.29	75309399.99	85405378.71	59084521.54	54240852.47	78257948.94	62938603.2	95119636.05	109589752.2
AMP	4912132.048	5007798.019	4652157.822	5231344.798	4709067.41	3164420.733	4601706.176	7113253.756	7239005.794	4764396.325	4603569.818	4300497.084	4682551.655	4634371.615	5858806.183	4472695.81	6680887.406	6137765.624
ADP	8765303.192	10150914.2	8911014.028	8726956.354	8086551.75	5380049.926	7482025.129	10130335.68	9596911.941	9065397.635	7873364.513	6823904.223	6496916.17	6948526.468	8125020.676	8543298.739	12269469.08	11865971.53
Lactic acid	1522264718	1167188947	1442277568	1194019068	1077316487	709306346.1	1035515031	1413307717	1363584154	1173161149	819096113.5	1107970572	1121912981	924312057.7	1236821726	1427046411	1986029214	2035345635
Pyruvic acid	13910843.7	10400047.36	14197461.67	10835639.22	7547966.269	6892407.765	12215953.24	12608946.58	8811691.678	14494231.15	8390943.347	10346654.32	10702867.85	8205012.961	11170269.43	13475805	13076794.91	10331109.64
metabolite_name	Retention index	Quantified m/z	PubChem ID	KEGG ID
Fumaric acid	10.15	115.00368	444972	C00122
Fumaric acid_13C1	10.15	116.00704
Fumaric acid_13C2	10.15	117.01039
Fumaric acid_13C3	10.15	118.01375
Fumaric acid_13C4	10.15	119.0171
Succinic acid	9.62	117.01933	1110	C00042
Succinic acid_13C1	9.62	118.02269
Succinic acid_13C2	9.62	119.02604
Succinic acid_13C3	9.62	120.0294
Succinic acid_13C4	9.62	121.03275
UTP	12.02	482.96125	6133	C00075
ATP	10.77	505.98847	5957	C00002
AMP	8.51	346.05581	6083	C00020
ADP	9.59	426.02214	6022	C00008
Lactic acid	5.36	89.02442	107689	C00186
Pyruvic acid	4.34	87.00877	1060	C00022