VERSION                          	1
CREATED_ON                       	11-12-2024
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Analysis of maize Anther Wax, Cutin, and total fatty acids (TFA) of WT and enr1
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	mutant
PR:PROJECT_TYPE                  	Detection of small molecular compounds in cutin and wax. Detection of free fatty
PR:PROJECT_TYPE                  	acids and dissociated long-chain fatty acids in TFA.
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Lipid metabolism is very important for plant male reproduction. Many lipid
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	metabolism genes, male sterility (GMS) genes play a role in the endoplasmic
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	reticulum of anther tapetum, but little is known about GMS genes involved in the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	de novo synthesis of fatty acids in anther tapetum. Using gene mapping, we
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	cloned a new GMS gene, enoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) reductase (ZmENR1). enr1
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	(mutation of enoyl-ACP reductase gene) has early tapetum degradation, anther
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	epidermis and pollen exine defects. In order to further study the function of
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	ZmENR1, we compared the changes of lipid content in anthers of wild-type (WT)
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	and enr1 mutants at maturity. The expression of ZmENR1 significantly affected
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	the contents of cutin, wax and total fatty acids (TFA) in anthers. In addition,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	enr1 mutant reduced the expression of cutin/wax and sporopollen related genes to
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	inhibit the formation of anther epidermis and pollen exine. Therefore, our
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	researches provide a new insight into the synthesis of fatty acids mediated by
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	ZmENR1, and provide an insight into the molecular mechanism of ZmENR1 regulating
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	maize male sterility.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	University of Science and Technology Beijing
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Zhang
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Shaowei
PR:EMAIL                         	b20200413@xs.ustb.edu.cn
PR:PHONE                         	0086-13271969211
PR:DOI                           	http://dx.doi.org/10.21228/M84517
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (ZmENR1) expression level is critical for
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	de novo fatty acid biosynthesis and anther cuticle and pollen exine formation in
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	maize.
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Lipid metabolism is very important for plant male reproduction. Many lipid
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	metabolism genes, male sterility (GMS) genes play a role in the endoplasmic
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	reticulum of anther tapetum, but little is known about GMS genes involved in the
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	de novo synthesis of fatty acids in anther tapetum. Using gene mapping, we
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	cloned a new GMS gene, enoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) reductase (ZmENR1). enr1
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	(mutation of enoyl-ACP reductase gene) has early tapetum degradation, anther
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	epidermis and pollen exine defects. In order to further study the function of
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	ZmENR1, we compared the changes of lipid content in anthers of wild-type (WT)
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	and enr1 mutants at maturity. The expression of ZmENR1 significantly affected
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	the contents of cutin, wax and total fatty acids (TFA) in anthers. In addition,
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	enr1 mutant reduced the expression of cutin/wax and sporopollen related genes to
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	inhibit the formation of anther epidermis and pollen exine. Therefore, our
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	researches provide a new insight into the synthesis of fatty acids mediated by
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	ZmENR1, and provide an insight into the molecular mechanism of ZmENR1 regulating
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	maize male sterility.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	University of Science and Technology Beijing
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Zhang
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Shaowei
ST:EMAIL                         	b20200413@xs.ustb.edu.cn
ST:PHONE                         	0086-13271969211
ST:SUBMIT_DATE                   	2024-11-05
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Plant
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Zea mays
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	4577
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	cutin A223-1	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	RAW_FILE_NAME=cutin A223-1.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	cutin A223-2	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	RAW_FILE_NAME=cutin A223-2.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	cutin A223-3	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	RAW_FILE_NAME=cutin A223-3.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	TFA A223-1	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	RAW_FILE_NAME=TFA A223-1.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	TFA A223-2	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	RAW_FILE_NAME=TFA A223-2.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	TFA A223-3	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	RAW_FILE_NAME=TFA A223-3.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	Wax A223-1	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	RAW_FILE_NAME=Wax A223-1.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	Wax A223-2	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	RAW_FILE_NAME=Wax A223-2.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	Wax A223-3	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	RAW_FILE_NAME=Wax A223-3.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	cutin WT-1	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=cutin WT-1.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	cutin WT-2	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=cutin WT-2.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	cutin WT-3	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=cutin WT-3.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	cutin WT-4	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=cutin WT-4.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	TFA WT-1	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=TFA WT-1.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	TFA WT-2	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=TFA WT-2.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	TFA WT-3	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=TFA WT-3.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	TFA WT-4	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=TFA WT-4.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	Wax WT-1	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=Wax WT-1.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	Wax WT-2	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=Wax WT-2.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	Wax WT-3	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=Wax WT-3.CDF
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	Wax WT-4	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	RAW_FILE_NAME=Wax WT-4.CDF
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Maize mutants of enoyl- ACP reductase gene (enr1) was obtained by ethyl methane
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	sulfonate (EMS) of the maize inbred line Zheng58 in our laboratory. All
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	wild-type (Zheng58) and mutant (enr1) materials are planted in the experimental
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	field of University of Science and Technology Beijing (Beijing, China). Maize
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	WT and enr1 mutant materials were planted under natural conditions. The anthers
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	of WT and enr1 mutants in pollen mature stage were continuously sampled and
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	freeze-dried for later use.
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Anther
CO:COLLECTION_METHOD             	Use tweezers to peel off the anthers manually.
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	No treatment
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	To extract waxes, anthers of WT and enr1 mutant were submersed in 3 mL of
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	chloroform for 1 min. The resulting chloroform extracts were spiked with 30 mg
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	of docosanol and 10 mg of heptadecanoic acid as internal standards and
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	transferred to a new vial. The solvents were evaporated under a gentle stream of
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	nitrogen gas. The residue was derivatized with 100
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	mLofN-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide and incubated for 1 h at
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	50°C. These derivatized samples were then analyzed by GC-MS (Agilent gas
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	chromatograph coupled to an Agilent 5975C quadrupole mass selective detector).
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	To extract anther cutin, anthers of WT and enr1 mutant were submersed in 3 mL of
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	chloroform: methanol (1:1, v/v). They were first incubated at 50°C for 30 min
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	and then 72 h with constant shaking at room temperature. The anthers were freeze
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	dried and submersed in 1 mL of 1 N methanolic HCl for 2 h at 80°C with 10 mg of
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	heptadecanoic acid as an internal standard. The hydrophobic monomers were
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	subsequently extracted three times with 1 mL of hexane after the addition of 2
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	mL of saturated NaCl solution. The solvent evaporated, and the remaining samples
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	were derivatized as described above. These derivatized samples were then
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	analyzed by GC-MS (Agilent gas chromatograph coupled to an Agilent 5975C
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	quadrupole mass selective detector). To extract total fatty acids (TFA), anthers
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	WT and enr1 mutant were transesterified in 1mL of 1 N methanolic HCl (containing
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	50 mg of heptadecanoic acid as an internal standard) for 4 h at 50°C.After the
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	addition of 1.5 mLof 0.9% (w/v) NaCl, the hydrophobic monomers were subsequently
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	extracted with 1.5 mL of hexane. The organic phases were evaporated under a
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	gentle stream of nitrogen gas. The residue was dissolved in 100 mL of hexane and
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	then analyzed by GC-MS (Agilent gas chromatograph coupled to an Agilent 5975C
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	quadrupole mass selective detector).
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	These derivatized samples and dissolved fatty acids in hexane were analyzed by
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	GC-MS (Agilent gas chromatograph coupled to an Agilent 5975C quadrupole mass
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	selective detector), with the following parameters: chromatographic column
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	DB5-MS (Agilent, 30mx0.25mx0.25μm). The temperature of injection port was
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	270℃, the temperature of auxiliary heating device was 290℃, the initial
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	temperature of chromatographic column was 150℃, and it was kept for 5min, and
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	then it was increased by 5C to 325 C per minute for 7 min. The pressure is
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	constantly changing during the heating process. The carrier gas was helium. We
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	used stable flow mode (Agilent gas chromatograph) and the flow rate was 1mL/min.
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	The split ratio was 10:1 and the ion source temperature was 230℃.
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Agilent 7890A
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	Agilent DB5-MS (30m x 0.25mm, 0.25um)
CH:COLUMN_TEMPERATURE            	The initial temperature of chromatographic column was 150℃, and it was kept
CH:COLUMN_TEMPERATURE            	for 5min, and then it was increased by 5℃ to 325 ℃ per minute for 7 min.
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	NA
CH:FLOW_RATE                     	1.0mL/min
CH:SOLVENT_A                     	NA
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	NA
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Agilent 5975C
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Single quadrupole
MS:MS_TYPE                       	EI
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	The quadrupole temperature is 150℃, and the ion scanning range is m/z50-650.
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	All substances are determined in the NIST 08 and Fiehn databases. All data were
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	collected by ChemStation and analyzed by METIDEA (2.04).
MS:ION_MODE                      	POSITIVE
Samples	cutin A223-1	cutin A223-2	cutin A223-3	TFA A223-1	TFA A223-2	TFA A223-3	Wax A223-1	Wax A223-2	Wax A223-3	cutin WT-1	cutin WT-2	cutin WT-3	cutin WT-4	TFA WT-1	TFA WT-2	TFA WT-3	TFA WT-4	Wax WT-1	Wax WT-2	Wax WT-3	Wax WT-4
Factors	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:enr1 mutant	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	Sample source:Anther | Genotype:Wild-type	
1-Hexacosanol							17219342.0000	7787344.0000	18869787.0000									363386.0000	626105.0000	1084551.0000	1466925.0000
1-Pentacosanol							59447741.0000	1627162.0000	58002519.0000												
1-Tetracosanol							39329397.0000	38724396.0000	46999378.0000									2534534.0000	6800856.0000	5733599.0000	5926695.0000
1-Triacontanol							5774336.0000	21293695.0000	3894878.0000									3868783.0000	5102612.0000	4312936.0000	4823810.0000
9_12_15-Octadecatrienoic acid_ methyl ester_ (Z_Z_Z)	218392.0000	305874.0000	253018.0000							8710849.0000	5514865.0000	8688996.0000	7820988.0000								
9_12-Octadecadienoic acid_ 18-(trimethylsiloxy)_ methyl ester	31276.0000	151878.0000	18803.0000							105092.0000	146791.0000	167414.0000	199691.0000								
9_12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z_Z)_ methyl ester	4418804.0000	2155183.0000	4705991.0000							3874932.0000	2092320.0000	3717067.0000	6422797.0000								
9-Octadecenoic acid_ 18-(trimethylsiloxy)_ methyl ester	142125.0000	713110.0000	88235.0000							522484.0000	679199.0000	695239.0000	846025.0000								
9-Octadecenoic acid (Z)_ methyl ester	572006.0000	133274.0000	535238.0000							792786.0000	477950.0000	786875.0000	547290.0000								
cis-11-Eicosenoic acid				40009.0000	27522.0000	44426.0000									35137.0000	47637.0000	54740.0000				
Docosane							22780254.0000	14033470.0000	24261647.0000									3934142.0000	6624078.0000	9610783.0000	10591349.0000
Docosanedioic acid_ dimethyl ester	81266.0000	2660.0000	85146.0000																		
Docosanoic acid							10950716.0000	8298697.0000	11444022.0000									709533.0000	1090378.0000	2382898.0000	2700886.0000
Docosanoic acid_1				500038.0000	568985.0000	586142.0000									288062.0000	299222.0000	277370.0000				
Docosanoic acid_ 22-(trimethylsiloxy)_ methyl ester	1385551.0000	75241.0000	1428463.0000							13413.0000	36586.0000	5309.0000	8812.0000								
Docosanoic acid_ 2-[(trimethylsilyl)oxy]_ methyl ester	3196803.0000	815172.0000	3440992.0000							707517.0000	424311.0000	818817.0000	588596.0000								
Docosanoic acid_ methyl ester	1292430.0000	326831.0000	1292762.0000							460475.0000	273554.0000	520884.0000	336851.0000								
(docosyloxy)trimethyl-Silane	743126.0000	23595.0000	797302.0000							7869.0000	15880.0000	7201.0000	9799.0000								
Dodecanoic acid	8236.0000	22153.0000	9651.0000							20162.0000	5772.0000	15172.0000	15486.0000								
Dodecanoic acid_1				13684.0000	52532.0000	14612.0000									40848.0000	31392.0000	42659.0000				
Dotriacontane							8376140.0000	3918547.0000	7528999.0000									212636.0000	317364.0000	842641.0000	862405.0000
(E)-9-Octadecenoic acid							141322830.0000	142588773.0000	140056886.0000									98547673.0000	114436291.0000	112470060.0000	124398279.0000
(E)-9-Octadecenoic acid_ methyl ester	218112.0000	28318.0000	220537.0000							105489.0000	82606.0000	92141.0000	195830.0000								
Eicosanoic acid							28379490.0000	15928069.0000	33464819.0000									4287046.0000	5599636.0000	10590509.0000	12666040.0000
Eicosanoic acid_1				788582.0000	666626.0000	1037319.0000									913284.0000	915999.0000	1015923.0000				
Eicosanoic acid_ methyl ester	1914572.0000	369574.0000	1969676.0000							1028022.0000	594764.0000	1127647.0000	1066101.0000								
Hentriacontane							52458631.0000	4067131.0000	50963447.0000									233728.0000	1115493.0000	1125354.0000	1137325.0000
Heptacosane							353602101.0000	152055827.0000	355209866.0000									17197001.0000	28294572.0000	32356084.0000	37034444.0000
Hexacosane							13739579.0000	2210248.0000	16085797.0000									680715.0000	562342.0000	1087820.0000	1292625.0000
hexacosanoic acid							544612750.0000	307118392.0000	595918715.0000									155521987.0000	195132056.0000	193071033.0000	214531069.0000
Hexacosanoic acid				122826.0000	291347.0000	105912.0000									120885.0000	139664.0000	116037.0000				
Hexacosanoic acid_ methyl ester	230167.0000	196513.0000	237951.0000							100698.0000	32944.0000	97423.0000	88434.0000								
Hexadecanoic acid				1852030.0000	2484231.0000	1833065.0000								203.0000	10288632.0000	16119272.0000	14793139.0000				
Hexadecanoic acid_ 16-(trimethylsiloxy)_ methyl ester	6876398.0000	9549494.0000	7008956.0000							28146951.0000	13243967.0000	19050395.0000	16262295.0000								
Hexadecanoic acid_ trimethylsilyl ester	492759.0000	238288.0000	445836.0000							2057567.0000	1217354.0000	1844904.0000	1651942.0000								
Methyl 2-hydroxy-hexacosanoate_ trimethylsilyl ether	1318100.0000	659432.0000	1360882.0000							499405.0000	295252.0000	552737.0000	490594.0000								
Methyl palmitoleate	118867.0000	43068.0000	111500.0000							70638.0000	36080.0000	62324.0000	53850.0000								
Methyl tetradecanoate	28522.0000	70894.0000	29199.0000							72725.0000	28847.0000	66125.0000	81630.0000								
Nonacosane							67378019.0000	47188371.0000	75212155.0000									9622263.0000	14940296.0000	13274884.0000	17026452.0000
Nonadecanoic acid				913430.0000	950758.0000	965643.0000									734076.0000	716702.0000	1165506.0000				
n-tetratriacontane							6703460.0000	6768051.0000	7339969.0000									2297143.0000	3936885.0000	15332274.0000	18100998.0000
Octacosane							14553434.0000	12812232.0000	20456576.0000									228535.0000	929694.0000	750975.0000	1288060.0000
Octacosanoic acid							153882647.0000	323815892.0000	142302732.0000									413166298.0000	403048960.0000	478641944.0000	515720984.0000
Octacosanoic acid_1				124486.0000	402026.0000	112221.0000									340317.0000	451071.0000	269749.0000				
Octacosanol							28789308.0000	55103389.0000	26021335.0000									13359694.0000	16991479.0000	18972063.0000	19616896.0000
Octadecanedioic acid_ 9_10-bis(trimethylsiloxy)_ dimethyl ester	1369379.0000	2592252.0000	1168048.0000							5968519.0000	6454294.0000	5326877.0000	9994631.0000								
Octadecanoic acid							10215552.0000	4353494.0000	13924761.0000									817323.0000	1156291.0000	1477841.0000	1977551.0000
Octadecanoic acid_1				29935.0000	26199.0000	28464.0000									122437.0000	141158.0000	207446.0000				
Octadecanoic acid_ 2-[(trimethylsilyl)oxy]_ methyl ester	1111820.0000	534702.0000	1154415.0000							638198.0000	360607.0000	691013.0000	713571.0000								
Octadecanoic acid_ 9_10_18-tris[(trimethylsilyl)oxy]_ methyl ester	229667.0000	1190071.0000	123538.0000							1314284.0000	1142783.0000	825828.0000	1384863.0000								
Octadecanoic acid_ methyl ester	1748888.0000	867102.0000	1658390.0000							982497.0000	445068.0000	880747.0000	1283083.0000								
Palmitic acid_ methyl ester	5167154.0000	2146971.0000	5116373.0000							28049907.0000	18784318.0000	28300153.0000	25119767.0000								
Pentacosane							31781664.0000	3888182.0000	25321882.0000									854608.0000	972706.0000	1636014.0000	1430073.0000
Pentatriacontane							17182835.0000	44521842.0000	15503464.0000									21350325.0000	37665872.0000	29690976.0000	32679250.0000
Silane_ (hexadecyloxy)trimethyl	330152.0000	15630.0000	319592.0000							13252.0000	15424.0000	13899.0000	12146.0000								
Tetracosane							12455798.0000	9477080.0000	12487161.0000									1711784.0000	4290294.0000	7499720.0000	9531046.0000
Tetracosanoic acid							769375106.0000	462259257.0000	824666594.0000									109077753.0000	217760625.0000	175585368.0000	188250095.0000
Tetracosanoic acid_1				471800.0000	534620.0000	495708.0000									244172.0000	185466.0000	238044.0000				
Tetracosanoic acid_ 2-[(trimethylsilyl)oxy]_ methyl ester	4629524.0000	1385814.0000	4850793.0000							1612769.0000	1131765.0000	1707569.0000	1610929.0000								
Tetracosanoic acid_ methyl ester	963633.0000	353997.0000	962520.0000							255688.0000	119259.0000	240845.0000	261948.0000								
Tetradecanoic acid				26393.0000	89409.0000	19399.0000									75813.0000	72177.0000	96169.0000				
Tetratriacontanol							5883741.0000		7366927.0000												
Triacontane							6944959.0000	1363698.0000	6845400.0000												
Tricosane							12885803.0000	10322798.0000	17089095.0000									862180.0000	1780476.0000	2774555.0000	4396139.0000
Tritriacontane							14591418.0000	7266406.0000	11231261.0000									2343226.0000	1018397.0000	2534234.0000	4228501.0000
(Z)-9-Hexadecenoic acid				29345.0000	37954.0000	22464.0000									28403.0000	46109.0000	45058.0000				
(Z)-9-octadecenoate				115884.0000	350430.0000	113721.0000									4641886.0000	7150038.0000	6926685.0000				
(Z_Z)-9_12-Octadecadienoic acid							7885864.0000	4294221.0000	11188708.0000									374043.0000	460426.0000	638632.0000	519649.0000
(Z_Z)-9_12-Octadecadienoic acid_1				929714.0000	1055082.0000	945530.0000									845866.0000	865665.0000	934453.0000				
(Z_Z_Z)-9_12_15-Octadecatrienoic acid				1160137.0000	2446572.0000	1135993.0000								5845.0000	2800383.0000	3937647.0000	6709601.0000
metabolite_name	pubchem_id	inchi_key	kegg_id	other_id	other_id_type	ri	ri_type	moverz_quant	
1-Hexacosanol	68171		C08381						
1-Pentacosanol	92247		-						
1-Tetracosanol	10472		-						
1-Triacontanol	68972		C08392						
9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid, methyl ester, (Z,Z,Z)	5319706		-					292	
9,12-Octadecadienoic acid, 18-(trimethylsiloxy), methyl ester	5366405		-					382	
9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z), methyl ester	5284421		-					294	
9-Octadecenoic acid, 18-(trimethylsiloxy), methyl ester	5366421		-					384	
9-Octadecenoic acid (Z), methyl ester	5364509		-					264	
cis-11-Eicosenoic acid	5282768		C16526					292	
Docosane	12405		C13822						
Docosanedioic acid, dimethyl ester	566762		-					367	
Docosanoic acid	8215		C03049						
Docosanoic acid_1	8215		C08281					354	
Docosanoic acid, 22-(trimethylsiloxy), methyl ester	554384		-					427	
Docosanoic acid, 2-[(trimethylsilyl)oxy], methyl ester	524465		-					427	
Docosanoic acid, methyl ester	13584		-					354	
(docosyloxy)trimethyl-Silane			-					383	
Dodecanoic acid			-					214	
Dodecanoic acid_1	3893		C02679					214	
Dotriacontane	11008		-						
(E)-9-Octadecenoic acid	637517		-						
(E)-9-Octadecenoic acid, methyl ester	9546744		-					296	
Eicosanoic acid	10467		C06425						
Eicosanoic acid_1	10467		C06425 					326	
Eicosanoic acid, methyl ester	14259		-					326	
Hentriacontane	12410		C08376						
Heptacosane	11636		-						
Hexacosane	12407		-						
hexacosanoic acid	10469		C21931						
Hexacosanoic acid	10469		C21931					410	
Hexacosanoic acid, methyl ester	22048		-					410	
Hexadecanoic acid	985		C00249 					270	
Hexadecanoic acid, 16-(trimethylsiloxy), methyl ester	554929		-					311	
Hexadecanoic acid, trimethylsilyl ester	521638		-					313	
Methyl 2-hydroxy-hexacosanoate, trimethylsilyl ether	524467		-					483	
Methyl palmitoleate	643801		-					236	
Methyl tetradecanoate	31284		-					242	
Nonacosane	12409		C08384						
Nonadecanoic acid	12591		C16535					298	
n-tetratriacontane	26519		-						
Octacosane	12408		-						
Octacosanoic acid	10470		C21933						
Octacosanoic acid_1	10470		C21933					438	
Octacosanol	68406		C08387						
Octadecanedioic acid, 9,10-bis(trimethylsiloxy), dimethyl ester	621127		-					259	
Octadecanoic acid	5281		C00869						
Octadecanoic acid_1	5281		C01530 					296	
Octadecanoic acid, 2-[(trimethylsilyl)oxy], methyl ester	524479		-					327	
Octadecanoic acid, 9,10,18-tris[(trimethylsilyl)oxy], methyl ester	553634		-					303	
Octadecanoic acid, methyl ester	8201		-					298	
Palmitic acid, methyl ester	8181		-					270	
Pentacosane	12406		-						
Pentatriacontane	12413		-						
Silane, (hexadecyloxy)trimethyl	22588		-					299	
Tetracosane	12592		-						
Tetracosanoic acid	11197		C08320						
Tetracosanoic acid_1	11197		C08320					382	
Tetracosanoic acid, 2-[(trimethylsilyl)oxy], methyl ester	524471		-					455	
Tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester	75546		-					382	
Tetradecanoic acid	11005		C06424					242	
Tetratriacontanol	185639		-						
Triacontane	12535		C08376						
Tricosane	12534		C17433						
Tritriacontane	12411		C08393						
(Z)-9-Hexadecenoic acid	445638		C08362					236	
(Z)-9-octadecenoate	5460221		C14641 					292	
(Z,Z)-9,12-Octadecadienoic acid	5280450		-						
(Z,Z)-9,12-Octadecadienoic acid_1	5280450		C01595  					284	
(Z,Z,Z)-9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid	5280934		C06427  					294