#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH juliehaines_20241126_072642 DATATRACK_ID:5404 STUDY_ID:ST003609 ANALYSIS_ID:AN005932 PROJECT_ID:PR002231
VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	December 2, 2024, 3:03 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Macrophages recycle phagocytosed bacteria to fuel immunometabolic responses
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Macrophages specialize in phagocytosis, a cellular process that eliminates
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	extracellular matter, including microbes, through internalization and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	degradation. Despite the critical role of phagocytosis during bacterial
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	infection, the fate of phagocytosed microbial cargo and its impact on host cell
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	is poorly understood. Here, we reveal that ingested bacteria constitute an
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	alternative nutrient source that skews immunometabolic host responses. Tracing
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	stable isotope-labelled bacteria, we found that phagolysosomal degradation of
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	bacteria provides carbon atoms and amino acids that are recycled into various
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	metabolic pathways, including glutathione and itaconate biosynthesis, and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	satisfy macrophage bioenergetic needs. Metabolic recycling of
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	microbially-derived nutrients is regulated by the nutrient sensing mTORC1 and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	intricately tied to microbial viability. Dead bacteria, as opposed to live ones,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	are enriched in cyclic- adenosine monophosphate (AMP), sustain the cellular AMP
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	pool and subsequently activate AMP protein kinase (AMPK) to inhibit mTORC1.
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Consequently, killed bacteria strongly fuel metabolic recycling and support
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	macrophage survival, but elicit decreased reactive oxygen species (ROS)
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	production and a reduced IL-1β secretion compared to viable bacteria. These
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	results reveal a novel insight into the fate of engulfed microbes and highlights
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	a microbial viability-associated metabolite that triggers host metabolic and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	immune responses. Our findings hold promise for shaping immunometabolic
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	intervention in various immune-related pathologies.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
PR:LABORATORY                    	Lab of Angelo D'Alessandro in collaboration with lab of Johan Garaude (INSERM,
PR:LABORATORY                    	Fr)
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Haines
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Julie
PR:ADDRESS                       	12801 E 17th Ave, Room 1303, Aurora, Colorado, 80045, USA
PR:EMAIL                         	julie.haines@cuanschutz.edu
PR:PHONE                         	3037243339
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	13C-tracing of central energy metabolism in thymidine-auxotroph E. Coli
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	13C-tracing metabolomics of live thymidine-auxotroph Escherichia Coli K12
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	cultured (1h) or not (0h) in RPMI medium.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Haines
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Julie
ST:ADDRESS                       	12801 E 17th Ave, Room 1303, Aurora, Colorado, 80045, USA
ST:EMAIL                         	julie.haines@cuanschutz.edu
ST:PHONE                         	3037243339
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Cultured cells
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Escherichia coli
SU:GENDER                        	Not applicable
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Raw file names and additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	E. coli T0_1	time (h):0 | Sample source:cells	RAW_FILE_NAME(raw file name)=AA83eC-7_r3-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	E. coli T0_2	time (h):0 | Sample source:cells	RAW_FILE_NAME(raw file name)=AA83eC-8_r10-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	E. coli T0_3	time (h):0 | Sample source:cells	RAW_FILE_NAME(raw file name)=AA83eC-9_r9-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	E. coli T1_1	time (h):1 | Sample source:cells	RAW_FILE_NAME(raw file name)=AA83eC-10_r4-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	E. coli T1_2	time (h):1 | Sample source:cells	RAW_FILE_NAME(raw file name)=AA83eC-11_r7-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	E. coli T1_3	time (h):1 | Sample source:cells	RAW_FILE_NAME(raw file name)=AA83eC-12_r2-
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	1E9 Bacteria were washed with cold PBS, frozen as dry cell pellet, and stored at
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	-80˚C until processing.
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Bacterial cells
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	ThyA- E. coli were grown overnight with shaking in LB supplemented with
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	thymidine (500 ug/ml) and trimethoprim (50 ug/ml), diluted 1/40, and grown until
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	log-phase [optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of 0.8-1.2]. For labeling of
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	bacteria, 10 ul of an overnight cultured of thyA- E. coli was added to 20 ml of
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	a filtered M9 minimal medium salts (Life Technologies) supplemented with 1 mM
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	thiamine, 1 mM MgSO4, 0.1 M CaCl2, 500 ug/ml thymidine, 50 ug/ml trimethoprim,
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	and 0.5% U-13C glucose (Campro Scientific). Bacteria were harvested at time zero
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	or 1h.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Metabolites from frozen pellets were extracted at 2e9 cells per mL using ice
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	cold 5:3:2 methanol:acetonitrile:water (v/v/v) with vigorous vortexing at 4
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	degrees C followed by centrifugation as described for 10 min at 18,000 g. 50 uL
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	aliquots of supernatants were diluted 1:1 with cold 5:3:2
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	methanol:acetonitrile:water. Resulting samples were maintained at 4°C until
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	analysis that same day.
SP:EXTRACT_STORAGE               	-80℃
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE           	Reversed phase
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Vanquish
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	Phenomenex Kinetex C18 (150 x 2.1mm,1.7um)
CH:SOLVENT_A                     	100% water; 0.1% formic acid
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	100% acetonitrile; 0.1% formic acid
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	0-0.5 min 5% B, 0.5-1.1 min 5-95% B, 1.1-2.75 min hold at 95% B, 2.75-3 min
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	95-5% B, 3-5 min hold at 5% B
CH:FLOW_RATE                     	450 uL/min
CH:SAMPLE_INJECTION              	10 uL
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Orbitrap Exploris 120
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Orbitrap
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	POSITIVE
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	We use a Thermo Orbitrap Exploris 120. Resolution 120,000, scan range 65-975
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	m/z, maximum injection time 100 ms, microscans 1, automatic gain control (AGC)
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	detection duration 20 msec, source voltage 3.5 kV, capillary temperature 320 C,
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	vaporizer temp 200 C, and sheath gas 50, auxiliary gas 10, and sweep gas 1 (all
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	nitrogen). Data converted to mzXML using RawConverter. Metabolites were
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	annotated and integrated using Maven in conjunction with the KEGG database.
Samples	E. coli T0_1	E. coli T0_2	E. coli T0_3	E. coli T1_1	E. coli T1_2	E. coli T1_3
Factors	time (h):0 | Sample source:cells	time (h):0 | Sample source:cells	time (h):0 | Sample source:cells	time (h):1 | Sample source:cells	time (h):1 | Sample source:cells	time (h):1 | Sample source:cells
Arginine	23726.05	56042.08	3774431.75	1848732.62	1658745.62	1693482
Arginine 13C3	5337.05	3450.83	5668.25	0	1210.94	0
Arginine 13C4	26723.67	21823.04	25993.33	2516.98	4135.46	4981.48
Arginine 13C5	56537.44	49299.48	56871.64	16922.73	14125.05	17994.48
Arginine 13C6	201133.38	200913.42	200885.05	46152.03	51099.66	62485.5
Cysteine	7808.6	9614.07	5991.72	133452.47	185523.83	99944.46
Glutamine	9751.47	7676.16	23375.4	723469.69	350817.59	281533.62
Glutamine 13C3	6115.69	8553.26	4562.34	0	0	0
Glutamine 13C4	38237.34	28129.72	26145.14	0	0	0
Glutamine 13C5	176634.05	167560.33	176874.48	21951.28	18084.55	19121.11
Methionine	0	0	87822.9	503454.16	449060.41	332445.66
Methionine 13C4	35122.91	31136.25	31231.97	1888.79	2014.83	2738.77
Methionine 13C5	70876.4	63823.52	46631.07	13766.49	25106.05	17420.12
Adenosine	58526.23	23960.96	89009.38	111352.13	37839.71	66155.06
Adenosine 13C1	3816.5747	5214.6044	1270.1482	4091.5357	0	2316.9634
Adenosine 13C5	0	0	0	31259.47	28100.57	17937.38
Adenosine 13C8	5104.23	2781.48	5115.85	20697.3	10543.25	9065.58
Adenosine 13C9	20139.72	24367.93	6328.42	7663.92	2540.68	13019.32
Adenosine 13C10	91116.59	99862.09	48504.23	25464.4	16583.23	22571.12
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine	0	0	0	56678.24	48605.47	37504.82
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine 13C15	22385.48	23370.69	19619.58	4778.83	4725.5	3590.53
Putrescine	6435.63	7446.06	4077.81	49839.81	70048.96	67363.71
Putrescine 13C2	13418.33062	15501.85443	18012.37536	25168.21013	26978.26521	26520.15386
Putrescine 13C3	7316.74	10122.29	9191.54	10761.08	16304.43	18983.27
Putrescine 13C4	111623.35	98901.81	91351.52	132982.02	141460.02	156625.81
Spermidine	1460.64	2594.42	8154.97	30789.71	26486.46	22119.33
Spermidine 13C1	0	0	0	7708.64233	4218.26258	1343.73159
Spermidine 13C2	2124.799865	1622.357684	1477.529183	25367.89781	18829.19178	13912.96449
Spermidine 13C3	8259.12	4322.56	3061.87	24841.63	18636.65	19226.75
Spermidine 13C4	12142.67	3580.57	7582.4	98307.5	92091.24	57851.83
Spermidine 13C5	24093.58	16644.21	12462.31	57830.17	56094.91	33903.07
Spermidine 13C6	17686.36	8237.23	11754.41	40382.08	40101.36	17826.43
Spermidine 13C7	64297.97	31319.3	37561.28	167287.67	139354.67	97835.3
Ornithine	6241.41	11253.94	52351.95	27024.23	24209.91	12645.82
metabolite_name	KEGG ID	m/z	r.t.
Arginine	C00062	175.118896	0.588
Arginine 13C3	C00062	178.129517	0.615
Arginine 13C4	C00062	179.132324	0.591
Arginine 13C5	C00062	180.136337	0.602
Arginine 13C6	C00062	181.139053	0.585
Cysteine	C00097	122.027222	0.686
Glutamine	C00064	147.076477	0.61
Glutamine 13C3	C00064	150.086533	0.605
Glutamine 13C4	C00064	151.089859	0.609
Glutamine 13C5	C00064	152.093201	0.605
Methionine	C00073	150.058365	0.659
Methionine 13C4	C00073	154.073059	0.641
Methionine 13C5	C00073	155.075104	0.659
Adenosine	C00212	268.103912	0.664
Adenosine 13C1	C00212	269.105682	0.662
Adenosine 13C5	C00212	273.121521	0.641
Adenosine 13C8	C00212	276.131531	0.658
Adenosine 13C9	C00212	277.136414	0.657
Adenosine 13C10	C00212	278.137848	0.659
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine	C00019	399.144379	0.577
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine 13C15	C00019	414.194824	0.589
Putrescine	C00134	89.107468	0.573
Putrescine 13C2	C00134	91.11422	0.56
Putrescine 13C3	C00134	92.117615	0.566
Putrescine 13C4	C00134	93.120934	0.561
Spermidine	C00750	146.165222	0.559
Spermidine 13C1	C00750	147.168579	0.55
Spermidine 13C2	C00750	148.171921	0.543
Spermidine 13C3	C00750	149.175293	0.542
Spermidine 13C4	C00750	150.178635	0.538
Spermidine 13C5	C00750	151.182007	0.541
Spermidine 13C6	C00750	152.185333	0.544
Spermidine 13C7	C00750	153.188675	0.536
Ornithine	C00062	133.097168	0.587