Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:N(5)-Methyl-glutamine)

ST000449 AN000703 Molecular Imaging of Growth, Metabolism, and Antibiotic Inhibition in Bacterial Colonies by Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Bacterial cells Bacillus subtilis The George Washington University -
ST000509 AN000780 Metabolic changes to maternal rat liver tissue during and post-pregnancy Liver Rat University of Colorado, Denver Arbitrary units
ST000510 AN000782 Assessing metabolic changes to maternal rat liver tissue during and post-pregnancy (part II) Liver Mouse University of Colorado, Denver Arbitrary units
ST001998 AN003259 Polyamine import and accumulation causes immunomodulation in macrophages engulfing apoptotic cells (Part 3) Macrophages Mouse University of Colorado Denver peak area
ST002213 AN003619 Metabolic changes in Alzheimer patient-derived induced neurons versus non-demented controls Fibroblast cells Human Alzheimers disease University of Colorado Denver peak area
ST002213 AN003621 Metabolic changes in Alzheimer patient-derived induced neurons versus non-demented controls Fibroblast cells Human Alzheimers disease University of Colorado Denver peak area