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MB Sample ID: SA022076

Local Sample ID:S_71
Subject ID:SU000459
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Human Race:African American
Human Ethnicity:African American
Species Group:Human

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Subject ID:SU000459
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Human Race:African American
Human Ethnicity:African American
Species Group:Human


Local Sample IDMB Sample IDFactor Level IDLevel ValueFactor Name


Collection ID:CO000453
Collection Summary:The collection was approved and executed in compliance with HU Institutional Review Board (IRB-06-CC-01-A) following HIPPA guidelines and all samples have been de-identified and coded to preserve patients’ confidentiality.
Sample Type:Breast


Treatment ID:TR000473
Treatment Summary:No treatments.

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP000466
Sampleprep Summary:Aliquots of each de-identified sample were shipped to the NIH RTI-RCMRC on dry ice and immediately stored at -80 °C after being logged in for metabolomics analysis. A total of 48 study samples were weighed on dry ice to confirm weights and approximately 50 mg of the tissue was transferred to labeled MagNa Lyser bead tubes on ice and ice cold 50:50 acetonitrile:water was added, and samples were homogenized with two 30sec pulses at 3000rpm. Tubes were centrifuged at 16,000 rcf for 10 minutes at room temperature and supernatants were transferred to 1.5mL pre-labeled LoBind Eppendorf tubes. Aliquots of 500uL were then transferred into labeled 2.0mL LoBind Eppendorf tubes. Analytical quality control (QC) whole study pool samples were generated by transferring an additional 125µL aliquot of each study sample into a 10mL cyrovial and vortexed. To generate Total Pooled QC samples 500uL was transferred to 5 labeled 2.0mL LoBind Eppendorf tubes. All samples were lyophilized to complete dryness overnight, then reconstituted with 700uL of NMR Master Mix solution containing Chenomx ISTD: DSS-d6 and Phosphate Buffer at 7.4 pH. The tubes were vortexed for 4 min on a multi-tube vortexer and centrifuged at 16,000 rcf for 5 min. A 600uL aliquot of supernatants were transferred into a pre-labeled 5mm 4 NMR tubes for data acquisition on a 700 MHz spectrometer.


MB Sample ID:SA022076
Analysis ID:AN000689
Analysis Type:NMR
Num Factors:2


NMR ID:NM000074
Analysis ID:AN000689
Instrument Name:Bruker
Instrument Type:FT-NMR
NMR Experiment Type:1D 1H
Field Frequency Lock:Deuterium
Standard Concentration:0.5mM
Spectrometer Frequency:700 MHz
NMR Probe:5mm ATMA Cryoprobe
NMR Solvent:D2O
NMR Tube Size:5mm
Shimming Method:Topshim
Water Suppression:yes
Receiver Gain:4.5
Offset Frequency:3299
Chemical Shift Ref Cpd:DSS
Number Of Scans:128
Dummy Scans:4
Acquisition Time:3.893s
Relaxation Delay:2s
Spectral Width:12.0277ppm
Num Data Points Acquired:65536
Real Data Points:65536
Line Broadening:0.5Hz
Zero Filling:yes
Baseline Correction Method:Polynomial
Chemical Shift Ref Std:DSS-d6
Binned Increment:0.04ppm