Links to Metabolomics Tools
mwTab Parsers
R Packages for Statistical Analysis
- MAI(Mechanism-aware imputation) R package which uses a two-step approach to imputing missing data in metabolomics.
A REST API option is also available. - MsPrep R package which provides a convenient set of functionalities used in the pre-analytic processing pipeline for MS-based metabolomics data.
- BATMAN R package for estimating metabolite concentrations from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectral data using a specialised MCMC algorithm
- CTSgetRR interface to CTS
- Hierarchical Clustering
- imDEV Microsoft Excel add-in for multivariate analyses in R which include: clustering, PCA, PLS, correlation network mapping
- Linear Discriminant Analysis
- Metabolomics Univariate and Multivariate Analysis
- Principal Components Analysis
- The R Project for Statistical Computing
Other Metabolomics Tools
- 3Omics web tool for visualizing and rapidly integrating multiple inter- or intra-transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic human data.
- ACD/ NMR Processor Academic Edition Free NMR processing software for academic and non-commercial use only.
- CHEMDATA.NIST.GOV Mass spectral libraries and data analysis tools include AMDIS (Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System for GC/MS) and MS Interpreter (for fragmentation analysis).
- Chemical Translation ServiceWeb-based service for metabolite identifier translation between > 200 common biological databases, including: Chemical Name, InChIKey, PubChem, ChemSpider, BioCyc, ChEBI, CAS, HMDB, KEGG and LIPID MAPS.
- Chenomix NMR Suite
- Cytoscape Cytoscape is an open source software platform for visualizing complex networks and integrating these with any type of attribute data.
- DeviumWebLocal or web-based data analysis and visualization tool including: dynamic data visualization, data summaries, statistical analysis, clustering, PCA, PLS, O-PLS
- KEGG KEGG is a database resource for understanding high-level functions and utilities of the biological system, such as the cell, the organism and the ecosystem, from molecular-level information, especially large-scale molecular datasets generated by genome sequencing and other high-throughput experimental technologies
- LIPID MAPS toolsMS analysis tools, structure drawing tools, and command line Perl scripts to generate SD files and structure and ontological data for various lipid categories.
- MBrolemetabolite enrichment analysis
- Metaboanalyst Tool suite for metabolomics analysis
- MetaMapRLocal or web-based tool for generating biochemical interaction (KEGG), structural similarity (PubChem Substructure Fingerprints), mass spectral similarity and correlation based networks.
- MetaP Serverautomates data analysis for the processing of metabolomics experiments
- MetPA A web-based metabolomics tool for pathway analysis & visualization
- MetExplore MetExplore is a free academic service allowing: Importing/storing/sharing genome scale metabolic networks; Mapping polyomics data; Pathway enrichment; Visualizing networks; Mining networks based on data and network structure; and Computing fluxes
- MetscapeThe MetScape Plugin for Cytoscape provides a bioinformatics framework for the visualization and interpretation of metabolomic and expression profiling data in the context of human metabolism.
- SAS and SAS JMP SAS on the server is for data cleansing, integration, security and access. Applications in JMP extends access to specific SAS software features, procedures and solutions.
- Simca Multivariate statistical analysis (PCA, PLSDA etc.)
- Statistica tools for statistical analysis of data
- TeachingDemosTutorials, case studies and demonstrations of metabolomic data analyses
- TIBCO Spotfire tools for statistical analysis of data
- TransOmics Informatics Platform for bioinformatics, statistical analysis, and reporting of key results.