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MB Sample ID: SA032813

Local Sample ID:2134972
Subject ID:SU000622
Subject Type:Animal
Subject Species:Macaca mulatta
Taxonomy ID:9544
Weight Or Weight Range:NA|6.94kg|9.04kg|8.03kg|8.83kg|8.68kg
Animal Animal Supplier:Yerkes Field Station|Yerkes Field Station|Yerkes Primate Research Center|Yerkes Primate Research Center||Yerkes Primate Research Center
Animal Housing:Metallic|Metallic|Metallic|Metallic|Metallic|Metallic
Animal Light Cycle:12/12|12/12|12/12|12/12|12/12|12/12
Animal Feed:Monkey Jumbo Diet 5037 and 5038|Monkey Jumbo Diet 5037 and 5038|Monkey Jumbo Diet 5037 and 5038|Monkey Jumbo Diet 5037 and 5038|Monkey Jumbo Diet 5037 and 5038|Monkey Jumbo Diet 5037 and 5038
Animal Water:tap in bottle|tap in bottle|tap in bottle|tap in bottle|tap in bottle|tap in bottle
Animal Inclusion Criteria:Weight|Weight|Weight|Weight|Weight|Weight
Species Group:Mammal

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Subject ID:SU000622
Subject Type:Animal
Subject Species:Macaca mulatta
Taxonomy ID:9544
Weight Or Weight Range:NA|6.94kg|9.04kg|8.03kg|8.83kg|8.68kg
Animal Animal Supplier:Yerkes Field Station|Yerkes Field Station|Yerkes Primate Research Center|Yerkes Primate Research Center||Yerkes Primate Research Center
Animal Housing:Metallic|Metallic|Metallic|Metallic|Metallic|Metallic
Animal Light Cycle:12/12|12/12|12/12|12/12|12/12|12/12
Animal Feed:Monkey Jumbo Diet 5037 and 5038|Monkey Jumbo Diet 5037 and 5038|Monkey Jumbo Diet 5037 and 5038|Monkey Jumbo Diet 5037 and 5038|Monkey Jumbo Diet 5037 and 5038|Monkey Jumbo Diet 5037 and 5038
Animal Water:tap in bottle|tap in bottle|tap in bottle|tap in bottle|tap in bottle|tap in bottle
Animal Inclusion Criteria:Weight|Weight|Weight|Weight|Weight|Weight
Species Group:Mammal


Local Sample IDMB Sample IDFactor Level IDLevel ValueFactor Name
2134972SA032813FL007297NonePrior Infection
2134972SA032813FL00729718Days since Inoculation
2134972SA032813FL007297Every Other DayCollection Type


Collection ID:CO000616
Collection Summary:Every Other Day Collection | Time Point 1 Baseline: Uninfected control for each Non-Human Primate (NHP). | Time Point 2 Peak of infection: Peak of infection determined by clinical and parasitological assessment for each NHP. The time point is intended to characterize the host immune response and capture multi-omics data during the peak of parasitemias when the NHP is experiencing clinical signs of disease that are commonly severe in P. coatneyi infections. NHPs were monitored based on clinical and hematological parameters, and clinical interventions with artemether were performed as necessary. | Time Point 3 Post-peak: Observations 7 days after peak infection and sub-curative treatment. | Time Point 4 Recrudescence Peak: This time point tested expectations of a drop in hemoglobin levels and increase in parasitemias due to recrudescence from a chronic infection. After sample collection, NHPs received sub-curative treatment with artemether based on clinical and hematological parameters. | Time Point 5 Post-peak: Chronic infection with low levels of persistent parasitemia that may be below detectable levels. | Time Point 6 Recrudescence Peak: Same goal as time point 4 for 2nd second recrudescence peak. | Time Point 7 Post-peak: Observations of NHP response after a second recrudescence in a chronic phase with low levels of persistent parasitemia.
Sample Type:Whole blood|Whole blood|Whole blood|Whole blood|Whole blood|Whole blood|Whole blood|Whole blood
Collection Method:Ear Prick|Intravenous|Intravenous|Intravenous|Intravenous|Intravenous|Intravenous|Intravenous
Collection Frequency:Every Other Day|Once|Once|Once|Once|Once|Once|Once
Blood Serum Or Plasma:Plasma|Plasma|Plasma|Plasma|Plasma|Plasma|Plasma|Plasma


Treatment ID:TR000636
Treatment Summary:Plasmodium Coatneyi Hackeri Strain Sporozoites Inoculation
Treatment Route:Injection

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP000629
Sampleprep Summary:aliquots of 30ul sample were mixed with 100ul acetonitrile and 2.5ul internal standard. Keep on ice for 30 minutes and vortex every 15 minutes. Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 13.2rpm and 4C. Using a pipette, 100ul of supernatant was removed and placed into autosampler vials for the mass spectrometer.
Sampleprep Protocol Filename:E03_MB_Sample_Preparations_Plasma_serum_HFQE_V1_3282016.docx, E4_E3_E18_E23_E24_E25_MalariaCore_Metabolomics SOP_v1_6October2016.docx
Processing Method:Precipitation of protein, centrifuge, and remove supernatant
Processing Storage Conditions:On ice
Extraction Method:1:2 sample:acetonitrile
Extract Storage:Pipette supernatant into autosampler vials for mass spectrometer
Sample Spiking:C18 Standards: Caffeine, Diethyl-toluamide. Internal Standards/Stable Isotopes: [13C6]-D-glucose, [15N]-indole, [15N,13C5]-L-methionine, [2-15N]-L-lysine dihydrochloride, [13C5]-L-glutamic acid, [15N]-L-tyrosine, [15N2]-uracil, [3,3-13C2]-cystine, [trimethyl-13C3]-caffeine, [U-13C5, U-15N2]-L-glutamine

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN000917 AN000918
Analysis type MS MS
Chromatography type Reversed phase Reversed phase
Chromatography system Thermo Dionex Ultimate 3000 Thermo Dionex Ultimate 3000
Column Thermo Accucore C18 (100 x 2.1mm,2.6um) Thermo Accucore C18 (100 x 2.1mm,2.6um)
MS instrument type Orbitrap Orbitrap
MS instrument name Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Units Ion Intensity Ion Intensity


Chromatography ID:CH000654
Chromatography Summary:C18 120k resolution method with C18 positive and negative wash
Methods Filename:Metab_HFQE_Setup.docx
Instrument Name:Thermo Dionex Ultimate 3000
Column Name:Thermo Accucore C18 (100 x 2.1mm,2.6um)
Column Pressure:200 Bar (max)
Column Temperature:30
Flow Gradient:A: 0-2mins = 80%, 2-7mins = gradient to 0%, 7-10mins = 0%. B: 0-2mins = 15%, 2-7mins = gradient to 95%, 7-10mins = 95%. C: 0-10mins = 5%
Flow Rate:350μL/min
Internal Standard:Cystine; cysteine-glutathione disulfide; carboxymethyl-cysteine (very low); glutathione disulfide (+1 and +2); carboxymethyl-glutathione
Internal Standard Mt:1.5 min, 6-6.6 min
Sample Injection:10μL
Sampling Cone:HESI probe with S-lens combination for ESI
Solvent A:100% water
Solvent B:100% acetonitrile
Analytical Time:10 minutes
Capillary Voltage:4.6 kV
Oven Temperature:45C
Weak Wash Solvent Name:H20 with 10% methanol
Sample Syringe Size:20μL
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase


MS ID:MS000816
Analysis ID:AN000917
Instrument Name:Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:Technical triplicates for each sample
Capillary Temperature:300
Capillary Voltage:4.45
Collision Gas:N2
Gas Pressure:50 psi
Ionization:electrospray ionization
Mass Accuracy:5ppm
Source Temperature:48
Spray Voltage:3.5
Atom Gun Current:1000000
Dataformat:.raw, .cdf
Probe Tip:HESI
Resolution Setting:120000
Scan Range Moverz:85-1275
MS ID:MS000817
Analysis ID:AN000918
Instrument Name:Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
Capillary Temperature:300
Capillary Voltage:4.45
Collision Gas:N2
Gas Pressure:50 psi
Ionization:electrospray ionization
Mass Accuracy:5ppm
Source Temperature:48
Spray Voltage:3.5
Atom Gun Current:1000000
Dataformat:.raw, .cdf
Probe Tip:HESI
Resolution Setting:120000
Scan Range Moverz:85-1275