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MB Sample ID: SA298632

Local Sample ID:CDCDCD_wt_21
Subject ID:SU002889
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Genotype Strain:C57BL/6JRcc
Age Or Age Range:10-12 weeks
Animal Housing:specific pathogen-free conditions
Animal Light Cycle:12-h light/dark cycle

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Subject ID:SU002889
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Genotype Strain:C57BL/6JRcc
Age Or Age Range:10-12 weeks
Animal Housing:specific pathogen-free conditions
Animal Light Cycle:12-h light/dark cycle


Local Sample IDMB Sample IDFactor Level IDLevel ValueFactor Name


Collection ID:CO002882
Collection Summary:Livers were isolated from PBS-perfused mice, and 10 µg was homogenized in ddH2O using a Precellys homogenizer (Peqlab Biotechnology). The mice were subjected different diet schemes.
Sample Type:Liver


Treatment ID:TR002898
Treatment Summary:Samples were taken from the developed Maternal Obesity model. This model was generated as described in the Material and Methods section. No additional treatment was done.

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP002895
Sampleprep Summary:In this experiment, mouse livers were isolated and processed to extract lipids for analysis. The livers were homogenized and subjected to a series of centrifugation and phase separation steps to obtain the lipid samples. The extracted lipids were then prepared for further analysis by adding specific internal standards and a spray buffer, allowing for subsequent characterization and investigation.
Sampleprep Protocol Filename:Lipidomics_Notes.pdf

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN004529
Analysis type MS
Chromatography type None (Direct infusion)
Chromatography system none
Column none
MS instrument type Orbitrap
MS instrument name Thermo Exactive Plus Orbitrap
Units pmol/mg


Chromatography ID:CH003402
Instrument Name:none
Column Name:none
Column Temperature:none
Flow Gradient:-
Flow Rate:10 µl/min
Injection Temperature:260
Solvent A:8/5/1 isopropanol/methanol/water; 10 mM ammonium acetate
Solvent B:-
Chromatography Type:None (Direct infusion)


MS ID:MS004276
Analysis ID:AN004529
Instrument Name:Thermo Exactive Plus Orbitrap
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:MS1 spectra (resolution 280 000) were recorded in 100 m/z windows from 250 to 1200 m/z (pos.) and 200 - 1700 m/z (neg.) followed by recording MS/MS spectra (res. 70 000) by data-independent acquisition in 1 m/z windows from 200 to 1200 (pos.) and 200 to 1700 (neg.) m/z. Raw files were converted to .mzml files and imported into and analyzed by LipidXplorer software using custom mfql files to identify sample lipids and internal standards. For further data processing, absolute amounts were calculated using the internal standard intensities followed by the calculated mol% of the identified lipids.
Analysis Protocol File:Lipidomics_Notes.pdf