Summary of Study ST002482

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001604. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8CB0R This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST002482
Study TitleNon-targeted screening of natural products from 288 fungal endophytes from Canadian fruit crops
Study SummaryFungal endophytes often live in symbiotic relationships with various plant hosts, conferring positive effects to their host organism. These endophytes frequently produce a wide variety of secondary metabolites with bioactivities that are often responsible for the beneficial effects seen in the host, such as antifungal or anti-insectan activity. A large group of fungal endophytes isolated from Canadian fruit crops including blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, grapes, and pears, was analyzed using molecular networking by GNPS in an effort to simplify the process of examining a large dataset. Molecular networking increased the speed and efficiency of examining this dataset, permitting the dereplication of 60 known compounds and the discovery of seven putative novel compounds, which will be purified, characterized, and tested for bioactivity in future studies.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Last NameRenaud
First NameJustin
Address1391 Sandford Street, London, Ontario, LN5V 4T3, Canada
Submit Date2022-01-06
Raw Data AvailableYes
Raw Data File Type(s)mzML
Analysis Type DetailLC-MS
Release Date2023-07-02
Release Version1
Justin Renaud Justin Renaud application/zip

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Project ID:PR001604
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M8CB0R
Project Title:Non-targeted screening of natural products from 288 fungal endophytes from Canadian fruit crops
Project Type:Endophyte metabolomics
Project Summary:A large group of fungal endophytes isolated from Canadian fruit crops was assessed for known and unknown secondary metabolites using molecular networking in an effort to simplify the process of examining a large dataset.
Institute:Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Last Name:Renaud
First Name:Justin
Address:1391 Sandford Street, London, Ontario, LN5V 4T3, Canada


Subject ID:SU002572
Subject Type:Fungi
Subject Species:Alternaria;Aspergillus;Botrytis;Anthostomella;Claussenomyces;Devriesia;Godronia;Leptodontidium;Mycosphaerella;Protoventuria;Rhizosphaera;Spondycladiopsis;Tumularia;Cladosporium;Colletotrichum;Coniochaeta;Coniothyrium;Creosphaeria;Cryptosporella;Cytospora;Diaporthe;Didymella;Discostroma;Epicoccum;Fusarium;Geastrumia;Gloeophyllum;Guignardia;Herpotrichia;Hypoxylon;Kretzschmaria;Lachnellula;Lachnum;Lophiostoma;Microdochium;Mollisia;Nemania;Nigrospora;Paramycosphaerella;Paraphaeosphaeria;Penicillium;Phaeoacremonium;Phialocephala;Phomopsis;Phyllosticta;Pilidium;Plagiostoma;Pleonectria;Proliferodiscus;Pseudoplectania;Pyrenochaeta;Pyrenopeziza;Ramularia;Rhytismataceae;Sarea;Seimatosporium;Setomelanomma;Sphaerulina;Stemphylium;Trichaptum;Varicosporium;Venturia;Wettsteinina;Xylaria
Taxonomy ID:-


Subject type: Fungi; Subject species: Alternaria;Aspergillus;Botrytis;Anthostomella;Claussenomyces;Devriesia;Godronia;Leptodontidium;Mycosphaerella;Protoventuria;Rhizosphaera;Spondycladiopsis;Tumularia;Cladosporium;Colletotrichum;Coniochaeta;Coniothyrium;Creosphaeria;Cryptosporella;Cytospora;Diaporthe;Didymella;Discostroma;Epicoccum;Fusarium;Geastrumia;Gloeophyllum;Guignardia;Herpotrichia;Hypoxylon;Kretzschmaria;Lachnellula;Lachnum;Lophiostoma;Microdochium;Mollisia;Nemania;Nigrospora;Paramycosphaerella;Paraphaeosphaeria;Penicillium;Phaeoacremonium;Phialocephala;Phomopsis;Phyllosticta;Pilidium;Plagiostoma;Pleonectria;Proliferodiscus;Pseudoplectania;Pyrenochaeta;Pyrenopeziza;Ramularia;Rhytismataceae;Sarea;Seimatosporium;Setomelanomma;Sphaerulina;Stemphylium;Trichaptum;Varicosporium;Venturia;Wettsteinina;Xylaria (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id Type Genus Full name Host
SA248268PDA.blank.05Media - - -
SA248269PDA.blank.03Media - - -
SA248270PDA.blank.04Media - - -
SA248271PDA.blank.02Media - - -
SA248272PDA.blank.01Media - - -
SA248273QC.endo.16Quality Control - - -
SA248274QC.endo.15Quality Control - - -
SA248275QC.endo.13Quality Control - - -
SA248276QC.endo.17Quality Control - - -
SA248277QC.endo.14Quality Control - - -
SA248278QC.endo.21Quality Control - - -
SA248279QC.endo.22Quality Control - - -
SA248280QC.endo.12Quality Control - - -
SA248281QC.endo.20Quality Control - - -
SA248282QC.endo.19Quality Control - - -
SA248283QC.endo.18Quality Control - - -
SA248284QC.endo.08Quality Control - - -
SA248285QC.endo.04Quality Control - - -
SA248286QC.endo.03Quality Control - - -
SA248287QC.endo.02Quality Control - - -
SA248288QC.endo.01Quality Control - - -
SA248289QC.endo.06Quality Control - - -
SA248290QC.endo.07Quality Control - - -
SA248291QC.endo.10Quality Control - - -
SA248292QC.endo.09Quality Control - - -
SA248293QC.endo.23Quality Control - - -
SA248294QC.endo.11Quality Control - - -
SA248295QC.endo.05Quality Control - - -
SA248296QC.endo.31Quality Control - - -
SA248297QC.endo.30Quality Control - - -
SA248298QC.endo.29Quality Control - - -
SA248299QC.endo.25Quality Control - - -
SA248300QC.endo.24Quality Control - - -
SA248301QC.endo.28Quality Control - - -
SA248302QC.endo.27Quality Control - - -
SA248303QC.endo.32Quality Control - - -
SA248304QC.endo.26Quality Control - - -
SA248305E.144Sample Alpinaria Alpinaria cf. rhododendri Highbush blueberry
SA248306E.019Sample Alpinaria Alpinaria cf. rhododendri Lowbush blueberry
SA248307E.017Sample Alpinaria Alpinaria cf. rhododendri Lowbush blueberry
SA248308E.122Sample Alternaria Alternaria alternata Lowbush blueberry
SA248309E.169Sample Alternaria Alternaria arborescens Raspberry
SA248310E.125Sample Alternaria Alternaria arborescens Raspberry
SA248311E.145Sample Alternaria Alternaria arborescens Raspberry
SA248312E.370Sample Alternaria Alternaria cf. alternata Blueberry
SA248313E.171Sample Alternaria Alternaria infectoria Highbush blueberry
SA248314E.172Sample Anthostomella Anthostomella sp. Grape
SA248315E.300Sample Aposphaeria Aposphaeria corallinolutea Blueberry
SA248316E.362Sample Aposphaeria Aposphaeria corallinolutea Blueberry
SA248317E.007Sample Articulospora Articulospora atra Cranberry
SA248318E.068Sample Articulospora Articulospora atra Cranberry
SA248319E.308Sample Aspergillus Aspergillus amstelodami Blueberry
SA248320E.163Sample Aureobasidium Aureobasidium cf. subglaciale Highbush blueberry
SA248321E.064Sample Barbatosphaeriaceae Barbatosphaeriaceae sp. Highbush blueberry
SA248322E.004Sample Botrytis Botrytis cinerea Cranberry
SA248323E.360Sample Botrytis Botrytis cinerea Lowbush blueberry
SA248324E.220Sample Camaropella Camaropella sp. Grape
SA248325E.041Sample Casaresia Casaresia cf. sphagnorum Lowbush blueberry
SA248326E.018Sample Chaetopsis Chaetopsis sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248327E.335Sample Cladosporium Cladosporium allicinum Lowbush blueberry
SA248328E.310Sample Cladosporium Cladosporium cf. cladosporioides Blueberry
SA248329E.237Sample Colletotrichum Colletotrichum cf. truncatum Blueberry
SA248330E.262Sample Colletotrichum Colletotrichum fioriniae Blueberry
SA248331E.087Sample Coniochaeta Coniochaeta cf. marina Lowbush blueberry
SA248332E.051Sample Coniochaeta Coniochaeta cf. marina Lowbush blueberry
SA248333E.026Sample Coniochaeta Coniochaeta cf. marina Lowbush blueberry
SA248334E.203Sample Coniothyrium Coniothyrium ferrarisianum Grape
SA248335E.101Sample Creosphaeria Creosphaeria sassafras Grape
SA248336E.236Sample Creosphaeria Creosphaeria sassafras Grape
SA248337E.197Sample Cryptosporella Cryptosporella sp. Blueberry
SA248338E.368Sample Cytospora Cytospora cf. cedri Blueberry
SA248339E.337Sample Cytospora Cytospora ribis Lowbush blueberry
SA248340E.062Sample Diaporthe Diaporthe phaseolorum Highbush blueberry
SA248341E.180Sample Diaporthe Diaporthe vaccinii Blueberry
SA248342E.229Sample Diaporthe Diaporthe vaccinii Blueberry
SA248343E.174Sample Diaporthe Diaporthe vaccinii Blueberry
SA248344E.198Sample Diaporthe Diaporthe vaccinii Blueberry
SA248345E.066Sample Didymella Didymella pomorum Highbush blueberry
SA248346E.016Sample Didymella Didymella sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248347E.048Sample Discosia Discosia rubi Highbush blueberry
SA248348E.188Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Blueberry
SA248349E.193Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Blueberry
SA248350E.191Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Blueberry
SA248351E.055Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Cranberry
SA248352E.056Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Cranberry
SA248353E.038Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Cranberry
SA248354E.022Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248355E.120Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248356E.070Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248357E.060Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248358E.069Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248359E.152Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248360E.027Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248361E.029Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248362E.025Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248363E.158Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248364E.021Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248365E.141Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248366E.023Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
SA248367E.012Sample Dothideaceae Dothideaceae sp. Lowbush blueberry
Showing page 1 of 4     Results:    1  2  3  4  Next     Showing results 1 to 100 of 325


Collection ID:CO002565
Collection Summary:Endophyte samples were isolated from leaves and stems of Canadian fruit crops grown in Ontario, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick between 2011 and 2015, according to protocol described in Endophytic Fungi in Vaccinium Macrocarpon (cranberry) and Vaccinium Angustifolium (blueberry) (Master's thesis by Ginn, 1998). Fruit crops include blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, and pears.
Sample Type:Plant


Treatment ID:TR002584
Treatment Summary:Fungal strains were grown on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) by streaking with homegenated liquid culture and were incubated in the dark at 25 C for at least 10 days, or until cultures achieved confluence.

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP002578
Sampleprep Summary:Cultures were extracted by homogenizing the entire agar plate with 20 mL of methanol. Homogenates were filtered through Whatman #4 filter paper, and 100 uL aliquots were taken and diluted into 1 mL methanol. 10-1 dilutions of these prepared samples were analyzed by mass spectrometry (posmode ESI).

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN004052
Analysis type MS
Chromatography type Reversed phase
Chromatography system Agilent 1290 Infinity II
Column Agilent Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18 (100 x 2.1mm, 1.8 um)
MS instrument type Orbitrap
MS instrument name Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Units Integrated peak area


Chromatography ID:CH002999
Instrument Name:Agilent 1290 Infinity II
Column Name:Agilent Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18 (100 x 2.1mm, 1.8 um)
Column Temperature:35
Flow Gradient:0% B for 0.5 min, increase to 100% B over 3 min, held for 2.5 min, decrease to 0% B over 0.5 min, hold for 1 min
Flow Rate:0.3 mL/min
Solvent A:100% acetonitrile; 0.1% formic acid
Solvent B:100% water; 0.1% formic acid
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase


MS ID:MS003799
Analysis ID:AN004052
Instrument Name:Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:Data were acquired over a scan range of 100-1500 m/z at a resolution of 70,000, then the top 10 ions were selected and fragmented at a resolution of 17,500 Data were processed using xcms package in R free statistical software.
Capillary Temperature:400 C
Capillary Voltage:3.9 kV
Collision Energy:28/50