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MB Sample ID: SA183463

Local Sample ID:25
Subject ID:SU002022
Subject Type:Other organism
Subject Species:Thalassiosira pseudonana
Taxonomy ID:296543
Genotype Strain:CCMP1335

Select appropriate tab below to view additional metadata details:


MB Sample ID:SA183463
Analysis ID:AN003166
Laboratory Name:Complex Carbohydrate Research Center
Analysis Type:NMR
Analysis Protocol File:5_Analysis protocol_UGA_phytoplankton_ Aug2021.docx
Acquisition Parameters File:6_Acquisition and processing parameters_UGA_phytoplankton_ Aug2021.xlsx
Processing Parameters File:6_Acquisition and processing parameters_UGA_phytoplankton_ Aug2021.xlsx
Data Format:Bruker
Results File:roiSummary200811_flipped.txt