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MB Sample ID: SA016192

Local Sample ID:Blood428
Subject ID:SU000384
Subject Type:mouse
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Genotype Strain:C57Bl/6
Age Or Age Range:4.5 mo
Weight Or Weight Range:29.1 g-49.2 g
Animal Animal Supplier:JAX
Animal Housing:4/cage
Animal Feed:Purina chow
Species Group:Mammal

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Collection ID:CO000378
Collection Summary:For extraction, 500 µL of an ice-cold solution of 90:10 Methanol:Chloroform (v/v) ¬was added to the tubes containing the thawed cell pellets. MagNA lyser ceramic beads were added to the tubes, and a MagNA lyser was used to beat the samples for two 30 seconds pulses at 2,000 rpm placing samples on cold block for 5 min in between pulses. Sonication for 5 min was performed to the beaten cell samples followed by centrifugation at room temperature and at 16,000rcf for 4 min. A 350 µL aliquot of each experimental cell sample homogenized supernatant was transferred to a labeled 2.0 mL Lo-Bind Eppendorf tube.
Sample Type:Mononuclear cells