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MB Sample ID: SA072556

Local Sample ID:MQ_36
Subject ID:SU001120
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Genotype Strain:Ndufs4, n/02705 8
Age Or Age Range:45-50 days
Animal Animal Supplier:Jackson Laboratory (ME, USA)
Animal Light Cycle:12:12 h
Animal Feed:Rodent Breeder, Cat. #RM1845, LabChef, Nutritionhub
Animal Water:ad libitum

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Collection ID:CO001114
Collection Summary:Mice were euthanized between postnatal day (P) 45-50 via cervical dislocation at the same time of day (8:00-9:00 AM) after overnight (12-h) fasting. From both hind limbs, white muscle portions of quadriceps femoris, as well as soleus muscles were collected. Tissues were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen (within 15 min post-mortem) and stored at -80°C until used.
Sample Type:Muscle