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MB Sample ID: SA099242

Local Sample ID:Sample_1140
Subject ID:SU001439
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Age Or Age Range:21-56
Gender:Male and female
Human Inclusion Criteria:Cystic Fibrosis, adults

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Collection ID:CO001434
Collection Summary:Sputum samples from 11 subjects with cystic fibrosis were selected from a larger airway microbiome study that was approved by the University of Michigan Medical School Institutional Review Board. Subjects were 6 males and 5 females, age 21 to 56 years (median 37). Sputum samples were collected by subjects at home and stored at 4˚C for up to 23 days and then transferred to -80˚C.
Sample Type:Sputum
Storage Conditions:Described in summary